Emily the Strange Club
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posted by OnikJohn

Again its yours truthfully OnikJohn actual name Onik John Torosian.... AKA SharkWideMouth AKA Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

Here are the questions:
1st Ever wondered what is Black Rock?
2nd Ever wondered how is Black Rock?
3rd Ever wondered just what is Black Rock all about?
4th I mean is it rock and roll?

Here are the Answers:
1nd Black Rock a genre of musique completely original in any sense of its style.
2nd It goes as, sophisticated lyrics and adds anti-noise totally self-inspired. Sounds nothing of the sorts, anything toi can catch as musique other then whats in Emily's favoris is false examples.
3rd Black Rock is about self-empowerment, not just talk talk, sense its summoned, it summons the deeper sense of your character. One with little limitations and boundaries.
4th Its not Rock and Roll sense rock and roll isn't related to magical properties. Black rock is in fact summoned so this means a great deal of magical knowledge.

Well that's a very basic review on Black Rock so far, too-da-looss.