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posted by nickjonasfan001
When he got there, the Doctor was downstairs working on the TARDIS.
‘You found that missing piece yet?’ The Doctor looked up and saw Sherlock looking at him through the glass.
‘No, I know it’s in there.’ He got up from the siège and headed upstairs. ‘I thought toi a dit we needed time apart.’
‘I know but… I need you.’ They smiled at each other. ‘And John thought we should work this out.’
‘So what do we do?’
‘Lets go somewhere.’ Sherlock went over and took the Doctor’s hand. ‘Together.’
‘Ok, but let’s take John with us. As a thank you.’ Sherlock took out...
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posted by nickjonasfan001
When Sherlock got back to the flat he went straight to his room and locked the door. He looked up and found one of the Doctor’s jackets hanging on the back of the door. He picked it up and threw across the room. He then burst into tears and slid down to floor.
‘Sherlock? toi ok?’ It was John. ‘Why have toi locked yourself in?’ He couldn’t let John see him like this. He never told John about him and The Doctor. He got up, wiped his tears and unlocked the door.
‘I thought toi were at your sister’s?’
‘I was but we had a row. She’s back on the drink and..’
‘Well there’s...
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posted by nickjonasfan001
They ran up the stairs to Sherlock’s bedroom, both laughing.
‘I can’t believe toi did that.’ The Doctor took off his coat.
‘Well, I’m sure he won’t stay mad for that long.’
‘Sherlock, toi just insulted the prime minister.’ Sherlock chuckled and took off his coat. ‘He had it coming.’ The Doctor sat down on the bed. ‘Besides there is one good thing about us leaving.’
‘What?’ Sherlock hung up his coat, turned round and walked over to the Doctor.
‘I can do this.’ He leaned in and kissed him.
‘Your.. Nothing.. But.. Trouble.’ The Doctor a dit between kisses. Sherlock...
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posted by nickjonasfan001
Once John was gone he went back inside and found the Doctor asleep on the couch. He took off his manteau and covered the Doctor with it. He was glad that the Doctor was getting his memories back but would he faint every time? The Doctor rolled over and opened his eyes. ‘Hey.’
‘Hi, who was at the door?’
‘John, he’s gone to his sister’s.’ Sherlock went into his bedroom and grabbed his laptop. He sat at the desk, opened it and tried to find out what he could about memory loss. The Doctor defiantly had all the symptoms but none of them included fainting and head aches. The Doctor sat...
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posted by nickjonasfan001
‘Doctor?’ The Doctor moaned and slowly opened his eyes.
‘I remember.’
‘What?’ Sherlock took his hands and helped him up.
‘I remember. I invited toi in and we… How did I forget that? I remember everyone I meet, I always do.’
‘It’s alright. Come on.’ Sherlock lead him out of the alley and down the street. When they arrived at 221b, the Doctor was a little hesitant. ‘What’s wrong?’
‘Nothing I…’
‘It’s ok, it really is.’ Sherlock took his hand and lead him upstairs. When they went into living room, the Doctor went over and looked out of the window. He looked down...
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posted by nickjonasfan001
He grabbed his coat, ran out the door and down the rue to his flat. ‘John!’ He ran upstairs. ‘John…’ He looked in his room, he wasn’t there. He looked in the cuisine and found a note on the fridge.

‘Sherlock, no idea where toi have gone now. Harry’s called, I’ve gone down to see her. Please let there be an apartment for me to come accueil to.

‘Can’t promise that.’ He crumpled up the note and threw in the bin. He headed back to the TARDIS, wondering if this was going to work. When he got back he looked down threw the floor and saw the Doctor working on the TARDIS....
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posted by nickjonasfan001
‘DOCTOR!!!’ Sherlock couldn’t do anything but watch. When they finished he rushed over and found the Doctor unconscious. ‘Doctor, Doctor wake up.’ He un-strapped him and carried him back to the TARDIS. The Daleks didn’t try and stop him. They got what they wanted. He pushed open the TARDIS doors and placed the Doctor gently on the sofa. ‘Doctor..’ He began to stroke his hair with his hand. ‘… Wake up.’ The TARDIS suddenly jolted and threw them both on to the floor.
‘Ok!’ The Doctor got up off the floor. ‘What was that for? Oh, the Daleks transported me on to the earth....
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posted by nickjonasfan001
The Doctor had no idea of what to do ou how to even begin finding him. All he knew was that Sherlock’s out there somewhere and waiting for him. He pulled the screen round and started to scan everywhere possible. Earth, Other planets, Other universes and even parallel worlds. But nothing came up. The Doctor slammed his hands on the console. Suddenly something appeared on the screen, they looked like co-ordinates. He pulled levers and pushed buttons as fast as he could so he wouldn’t lose the trail. When the TARDIS landed, he ran out the doors and found himself on a spaceship. He went over to the window and saw the earth.
‘I’ll never get tired of saving you.’ He looked around and scanned with his screwdriver. He found him. He followed the trace down the corridor then he heard someone coming so he hid behind a pillar. He peeked round only to see the...
posted by nickjonasfan001
Sherlock got out and the Dream Lord drove away. He walked into the building and headed straight for Lestrade’s office. Lestrade was looking at a file when he looked up and Sherlock standing there.
‘You took your time.’
‘Traffic. toi wanted to see me?’ Lestarde got up from his bureau and handed Sherlock the file he had just been looking at.
‘Male, about late twenty’s, found in the alley a few minutes from your flat.’
‘No ID?’ Lestarde shook his head.
‘No, checked of course but all we found was this.’ he handed him what looked like a little note pad ou wallet. Sherlock opened...
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posted by nickjonasfan001
When Sherlock woke up, he lying on the floor of 221B. He was back in his ‘flat’. He got up off the floor and started to look around to see if the dream lord missed anything. But everything was in exactly the right place. His phone started to vibrate in his pocket, he took it out and found a message from Lestrade.
‘Sherlock, we need you.’
On that note, he grabbed his manteau off the back of the door, headed downstairs and out the door. He was tying his scarf when he found a taxi was already waiting for him. The Dream Lord was his driver.
‘You getting in?’
‘With toi driving?’
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posted by nickjonasfan001
When the Doctor woke up he was in the TARDIS but Sherlock wasn’t there. He was alone. The TARDIS was still dead., He wasn’t going anywhere. He got up off the floor and went over to the console. He tried pulling some levers but everything was so stiff that if he pulled them any harder they would snap like twigs.
‘Ok, Where are you?.’ Nothing happened. ‘Come on! I know this routine.’ The dream lord appeared at the haut, retour au début of the stairs so he was looking down at the Doctor. ‘What do toi want?.’
‘Me? Nothing. I just wanted to have a little fun.’
‘Where’s Sherlock? Why isn’t he...
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posted by nickjonasfan001
Suddenly the doors slammed shut on them.
‘Doctor, what’s happening?.’ The Doctor tried but the doors wouldn’t budge. Then the lights went out. ’What’s going on?.’ He ran back to the console and tried to fly them out but the TARDIS wouldn’t move. It was stuck floating in space. ’Doctor, answer me.’
‘It’s nothing to worry about.’ The TARDIS went silent. ‘It’s dead.’ The Doctor realised he’d seen this before. He knew who this was. ‘Alright, you’ve had your fun. Now come out and face me.’ Suddenly a little man appeared, wearing almost the exact same outfit...
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posted by nickjonasfan001
The Doctor landed right were he wanted to. In Sherlock’s front room. He was so glad to be back. He popped his head out of the TARDIS and saw Sherlock sitting on the sofa, like he was waiting for him.
‘Hello, I’m back.’ Sherlock sat in silence staring at him. ’Well… Someone doesn’t seem to happy.’
‘You left.’ Sherlock got up off the couch. ‘You left and toi didn’t come back.’
‘I’ve only been gone….’
‘A year.’ The Doctor froze. He couldn’t have. He wouldn’t have.
‘I…I’m..’ He didn’t know what to say.
‘Listen, I know your going to say that ‘Your...
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posted by nickjonasfan001
'Doctor?' Amy had searched all over the TARDIS but couldn't find him. 'Doctor? Your really starting to scare me.' She came back down the stairs into the control room and found him sitting on the chair. 'There toi are, never do that....' Amy stopped and looked at the Doctor, he didn't seem himself. 'Doctor? toi ok?'
'Hmmmmm.' He didn't even look at her, he just stared into space, Thinking about Sherlock and wondering if he was thinking about him.
'Doctor!' she smacked him.
'Oh! What was that for?.' he asked rubbing his arm.
'Sorry but toi wouldn't answer me and i've been looking everywhere for you.'
'Sorry... I..' the Doctor's eyes began filling with tears.
'Sorry, i didn't mean to hit toi that hard.' Amy sat down suivant to him and took his hand.
'No it's not that.' the Doctor a dit wiping his eyes ' It's something else.'
'What?.' The Doctor remained silent, all he could think about was that day.

A Few Years Earlier.....
posted by nickjonasfan001
Sherlock sat at his desk, going through every case note and autopsy he had. He found nothing. Not a single scrap of evidence, who ever this was, they were good. He shut his eyes and casted his mind back to the crime scene. It was down a dark alley way, quite conseled, inbetween two buildings. They found a women, about twenty four, just got engaged judging par the clarity of the ring, was one her way accueil when something came up behind her and knocked her to floor, she Lost a lot of blood. Sherlock opened his eyes and snapped back into reality, still not knowing where to start. The he heard a sound....
posted by nickjonasfan001
Sherlock sat in his study and gazed out the window at the stars. How he would l’amour to see those stars up close,The mysteries of the universe was the one case he hadn't solved yet.
'Not staring at the stars again are toi Sherlock?.' Sherlock laughed. John never understood is infasination with the stars, But thats probably because he never told him.
'Listen John, If toi have been through the things i have, toi too would turn to the stars.'
'What has ever happend to toi that made toi look at the stars?.' The memories came flooding back.

A Few Years Earlier........
posted by joejonasfan001
Doctor: Professor John Smith, université of London, here to check on the hospital’s research, don’t mind me, pretend I’m not even here.
Sherlock: Professor? Hmm. Tweed suit, suspenders, cheap loafers and a bow tie; I’d almost believe toi except for one thing; that paper is blank.
Doctor: Is it? Hmm, would toi look at that. Well it looks like you’re very clever, Mister Holmes, and that makes things much much harder.
Sherlock: And why is that?
Doctor: Well, un-clever people are very useful; they’re eager to help and don’t ask many questions, but clever people are very uncooperative and always think they’re right. It’s very annoying, and quite a hindrance when you’re in a hurry. I should know.
posted by nickjonasfan001
‘That’s was…’ The Doctor let go of Sherlock’s hand and moved over to the console.
‘Eventful.’ The Doctor nodded.
‘Well how about we put this all behind us and head off?’ He pulled the screen round and noticed something weird on the monitor. He ran the scan again and it come back the same. ’That’s not possible.’ He whispered. Sherlock noticed the Doctor just staring at the screen, he knew something was wrong.
‘Doctor…’ he went to put his hand on his arm but the Doctor moved away. ‘Doctor, what’s wrong?’
You tell me.’
‘What? Doctor…’ The Doctor swung the...
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posted by nickjonasfan001
'Amy..stay calm.' She gave a slight nod. 'Valerie, let her go.'
'Waste food? I don't think so. I'm surprised toi haven't fed of her, her blood is so tempting.'
'I took her blood.'
'But toi didn't bite her.' She pulled Amy's head to one side. 'Not even scratch, what kind of vampire are you?.'
'Something new.' She scoffed.
'How are toi gonna cope? You'll want blood eventually and when toi do, toi won't be able to stop.'
'I've manged so far.'
'Sure, but what happens when one of your Friends ends up hurt? toi can smell their blood and it's just to tempting to ignore. What then?.'
'That's the thing about...
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posted by nickjonasfan001
Amy had spent the last heure in the bibliothèque looking through livres on mythical creatures and vampire myths. She actually found it quite interesting but the one thing she was desperately looking for wasn't mentioned in any of the books. She placed it on the table, tableau and began to browse the shelves. After a while, River came and found her.
'There toi are, what toi doing in here?'
'Just getting to know the basics.'
River spotted the livres on the table, she picked one up.
'Vampire myths and legends', Amy, toi know plus than half the stuff in here isn't true.'
'But it could be, so isn't it important that...
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