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Ever since I began playing D&D 8 years il y a it has been one of my favori hobbies, but within the last two years it's become an even bigger part of my life. Since I've been having so much fun with it recently, I decided it was finally time to try something I'd always wanted to do: combine two of my favori interests and turn the Disney Princesses into D&D characters.

Over the last an I've been slowly creating D&D characters based off of the DPs, and I spent so much time on them that I really wanted to share them here. I'll be posting a series of articles, one for each DP, in which I explain why I chose the classes, subclasses, etc. for each princess, and share the backstory I wrote for each. I'll also be crossposting these articles to the Disney Princess club. All the characters will be level 3 to ensure that they all have a chosen subclass. Sourcebooks used to build these characters include the Player's Handbook, Volo's Guide to Monsters, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Anything written in italics is an author's note explaining my reasoning behind certain character choices.


Human Druid - cercle of the Shepherd / Background - Noble

It was clear from Pocahontas's stewardship of nature that druid would be the right choice for her class. The real trouble was which subclass to put her in, because I felt there were multiple that fit her well. I ultimately went with the cercle of the Shepherd, because they are known for communing with the spirits of nature and protecting wild creatures from encroaching civilization, which is exactly what she does in her film. I gave her the noble background because she is the daughter of the chief.

Character Stats

Level 3

STR -1 (9) DEX +1 (13) CON +2 (15) INT 0 (11) WIS +3 (16) CHA +2 (14)

I used the standard array to generate stats. I tried to assign them in a way that would allow for a strong D&D character while still remaining mostly true to the attributes of the character in the film.

HP 24
AC 14 (leather + shield)
Initiative +1
Speed 30 ft.

Saving throws: Int +2, Wis +5

Skills: History +2, Insight +5, Perception +5, Persuasion +4 (For her class skills I gave her Insight and Perception. I wanted to branch out a bit from the cliche animal handling and nature skills that druids always get. Poca is very insightful since she's the only one willing to find common ground between her tribe and the foreigners, and she demonstrates a level of perceptiveness nearly unrivaled par any of the other DPs. History and Persuasion were granted par her background.)

Languages: Common, Druidic, Elvish, Halfling, Sylvan (Growing up in the forest I would expect Poca's tribe to have some contact with elves, so she likely speaks Elvish. I can also see them maybe trading with Halflings as well, so she probably speaks some Halfling. Druidic and Sylvan were granted par her class and subclass respectively.)

Tools: Dragonchess Set, Herbalism Kit

Features and Traits

Speech of the Woods: toi learn to speak, read, and write Sylvan, and beasts can understand your speech, and toi gain the ability to decipher their noises and motions.


Modifier: +3
Spell attack: +5
Save DC: 13

Cantrips (at will): Guidance, Shillelagh
1st level (4 slots): Charm Person, Cure Wounds, Goodberry, Healing Word, Speak with Animals
2nd level (2 slots): Pass without Trace

I went with plus support, healing spells for her since that's the vibe I get from her.


Quarterstaff: +1 to hit, 1d6-1 bludgeoning damage

Wild Shape: As an action, toi can magically assume the shape of a beast that toi have seen before twice per short rest. Max CR 1/4 (no flying ou swimming speed). toi can stay in beast shape for 1 hours before reverting back to your normal form (or as a bonus action earlier ou if toi fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, ou die).

Bonus Actions

Spirit Totem: As a bonus action, toi can magically summon a spirit to a point toi can see within 60 ft. that lasts for 1 minute (or until you're incapacitated). The spirit creates an aura in a 30-ft. radius around that point and can be moved up to 60 ft. as a bonus action. The spirit's aura effect depends on its type:
-Bear: 8 temp hp and advantage on STR checks & saves.
-Hawk: use your reaction to grant an ally advantage on attack. Advantage on Perception.
-Unicorn: Advantage on checks to detect creatures. Heal spells also heal 3 hp to allies.


Backstories have been created with a combination of the stories from the films and rolling randomly on the aléatoire tables in the "This Is Your Life" section of Xanathar's Guide to Everything, which is why some of these backstories have some wild things that really come out of left field lol.

I am the only child of Chief Powhatan. My mother died when I was very young, mauled par an owlbear in the forest. I was raised par my father, living an aristocratic life. I had a few close Friends and lived an ordinary childhood.

One jour some foreigners arrived, and they began destroying our accueil and claiming the land as their own. One of them was plus willing to listen than the others, John Smith, and we became Friends and eventually lovers. I was able to make both sides see reason, though John was gravely injured in the process, and the foreigners left our shores. John tried to convince me to come with them, but I knew my place was with my tribe.

Since they left, I've done my best to help my tribe to recover from their destruction however I can. I have always had an affinity for animaux and nature, so I explored my talent to see how best I could use it. I knew that some others in my tribe had left to be mentored par an old druid who lived alone deep in the forest. I thought I might be able to gain useful knowledge from her as well, so I left to find her in the wilds. Kalpana was a lone human wanderer who'd begun to pick up students, feeling as though she must pass on her druidic knowledge. She was always friendly to me, and I enjoyed learning from her. I was one of several of her students, and learned much from her. One day, we awoke to find her dead, murdered par one of our fellow pupils who had betrayed our group.

Changchang was a human who'd always seemed friendly with Kalpana. I've left in chercher of her, to learn why she did what she did and to hopefully talk some sense into her.

There was a sacred river near my mentor's abode. Its endless flow reminds me of the great span of the world. I seek to act with the long-term interests of nature in mind. I've taken with me a vial of water from the river to carry this reminder with me always. My friend Nabila, a kind human girl and another student of Kalpana, gave me a fragment of a beautiful song, written as musical notes on two pieces of parchment, to take with me on my journey as well.

Not thrilled with this one, but oh well...