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Christopher Eccleston Revealed Why He Left ‘Doctor Who’

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in 2005. Despite fan support, he left for reasons that weren’t clearly explained; he’s only said vague things about how he “didn’t agree with the way things were being run” or that he didn’t like “the culture that grew up around the series.” Now he’s given a more specific reason for his leaving the show in an interview with
As with most things in England, it all comes down to class:
“I wanted to move him away from RP (received pronunciation) for the first time because we shouldn’t make a correlation between intellect and accent, although that still needs addressing.
[…] I hope I’ll be remembered as one of the Doctors. I have no ill feeling towards the character or the series.” (Via)
Eccleston grew up working class in Manchester, and he (understandably) didn’t think using his natural accent would be a problem. He reportedly butted heads with then-showrunner Russell T. Davies about his Northern accent and eventually left the show.
He also spoke in the interview about the dearth of actors in England from working-class backgrounds, due in part to the high cost of education. He gave examples of two actors who went to posh schools: Eddie Redmayne (educated at Eton) and Benedict Cumberbatch (educated at Harrow).
“I had a sense acting wasn’t for me because I’m not educated. […] British society has always been based on inequality, particularly culturally. I’ve lived with it, but it’s much more pronounced now, and it would be difficult for someone like me to come through. You can’t blame Eddie Redmayne, Benedict Cumberbatch and others taking their opportunities but it will lead to a milky, anodyne culture. To an extent, that’s already happened.” (Via)
Hey, isn’t that Benedict Cumberbatch’s full name? Benedict Milky-Anodyne Cumberbatch? Of the Kensington Milky-Anodyne Cumberbatches?
, it has a different showrunner, and perhaps the BBC came around to Eccleston’s argument; they later hired two Scotsmen (David Tennant and Peter Capaldi) as The Doctor.
Such an awesome series. Im surprised it doesnt get mentioned more.
Still my favorite. He had the herculean task of bringing it back, and doing it with some pretty rough scripts. But he managed it… and ducking out early did set the precedent for new viewers that the Doctor will change.
I just wish the exit wasn’t on such bad terms. Would have loved to see him in the 50th.
Tennant came in under RTD, Matt Smith came in under the Moffat BUT his companion was Scottish…
That doesn’t make sense. He used his real accent. They even mentioned that in the first episode. So how was that an issue going into another season?
Yes they hired two Scotts but did they use their Scottish accent? I know DT didn’t (sorry I stopped watching around Matt Smith’s era so I don’t know if Capaldi uses his natural accent).
Capaldi uses his accent. They’ve joked on it a couple of times too.
Capadli does use his natural accent. When he started talking he even said, “Am I Scottish?”
But his accent provided the the pilot with its best joke!
What a bunch of twaddle. No actor should expect to be able to use his native accent no matter what it is or where it’s from. We’re talking about ACTING, but Mr Eccleston doesn’t seem to grok that. Dr Who isn’t bloody likely to have come from Manchester, now is he? And if Mr Cumberbatch were playing a bloke from Manchester you better believe he wouldn’t sound like a Harrow grad, now would he? The late Tony Curtis (Bernie Shwartz from Brooklyn) was the last actor to get away with using his native accent no matter what, and thank heaven there’ll be no more of it. Learn to ACT or get a regular job.
yay,, you used twaddle in a sentence.. dont forget Harvey Keitel,,, and Bobby DeNiro for that matter..and when he does try to do an accent it sounds a little ,,,mmm not good.
The Doctor* isn’t from Earth at all, so who cares if his accent shifts by a measly 200 miles?
Also, have you seriously never heard of Arnold Schwarzenegger?
There are plenty of actors that use their own accents in a majority of roles. Sean Connery, for example. But that’s not the point. The Doctor is from another planet AND regenerates into a new person, from time to time. The various Doctors have had many different accents, so what’s wrong with a Northern one? I agree with Eccleston: It’s about Class.
John Doman, aka Rawls from the Wire, uses his natural Philly accent in EVERYTHING. You ever try watching Borgia? Everyone else speaks in different types of posh accents then he shows up and sounds like he’s about to verbally abuse McNulty.
Chris, you will not only always be remembered as The Doctor, you’ll be remembered as one of the best.
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