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posted by Pyjamarama
Frollo: [as Quasimodo towers over him] Now, now... L-Listen to me, Quasimodo...
Quasimodo: [heaving in gasping breaths] No, *you* listen! All my life, toi have told me that the world is a dark, cruel place. But now I see that the only thing dark and cruel about it is people like you...

Frollo: Look at that disgusting display.
Phoebus: [raising his visor] Yes, sir!

Quasimodo: toi are good to me master. I'm sorry.
Frollo: You're forgiven. But remember Quasimodo, this is your sanctuary.
[Frollo leaves]
Quasimodo: My sanctuary.

Brutish Guard: Minister Frollo, the gypsy has escaped.
Frollo: What?
Brutish Guard: She's nowhere in the cathedral. She's gone.
Frollo: But how? I...
Frollo: Never mind. Get out toi idiot. I'll find her. I'll find her if I burn down all of Paris!

Frollo: [singing] God have mercy on her / God have mercy on me / But she will be mine ou she... will... BURN!

Phoebus: [as Quasimodo is cruelly humiliated par the crowd] Sir, request permission to stop this cruelty.
Frollo: In a moment, captain. A lesson needs to be learned here.

Frollo: You, Gypsy girl! Get down at once!
Esmeralda: Yes, Your Honor. Just as soon as I free this poor creature.
Frollo: I for-bid it!
[Esmeralda cuts the ropes tying Quasimodo to the wheel]
Frollo: How dare toi defy me?
Esmeralda: toi mistreat this poor boy the same way toi mistreat my people. toi speak of justice, yet toi are cruel to those most in need of your help!
Frollo: Silence!
Esmeralda: Justice!
[the crowd gasps in amazement]
Frollo: Mark my words, Gypsy, toi will pay for this insolence.
Esmeralda: Then it appears we've crowned the wrong fool. The only fool I see is you!
[tosses King of Fool's crown at Frollo's feet]

Frollo: [supervising someone being whipped, just as Phoebus arrives] Stop.
Torturer: Sir?
Frollo: Ease up. Wait between lashes. Otherwise, the old sting will dull him to the new.
Torturer: Yes, sir.
Frollo: [turns to Phoebus] Ah, so this is the gallant Captain Phoebus, accueil from the wars.
Phoebus: Reporting for duty as ordered, sir.
Frollo: Your service record precedes you, Phoebus. I expect nothing but the best from a war hero of your caliber.
Phoebus: And toi shall have it, sir. I guarantee it.
Frollo: Yes. toi know, my last captain of the guards was, um, a bit of a disappointment to me.
[whip crack, followed par screaming]
Frollo: Well, no matter, I'm sure you'll... *whip* my men into shape.
Phoebus: Well, that's a great... tremendous honor, sir.

[after the night with the visions]
Phoebus: Good morning, sir. Are toi feeling all right?
Frollo: I had a little trouble with the fireplace.

Frollo: Shall we review your alphabet today?
Quasimodo: Oh, yes, Master. I would like that very much.
Frollo: Very well. A?
Quasimodo: Abomination.
Frollo: B?
Quasimodo: Blasphemy?
Frollo: C?
Quasimodo: C-C-Contrition.
Frollo: D?
Quasimodo: Damnation?
Frollo: E?
Quasimodo: Eternal damnation.
Frollo: Good. F?
Quasimodo: Festival.
Frollo: [nearly chokes] Excuse me?
Quasimodo: F-F-Forgiveness.

Frollo: And look what else I've caught in my net. Captain Phoebus, back from the dead. Another "miracle", no doubt. I shall remedy that.

Frollo: [singing] Protect me, Maria / Don't let the siren cast her spell / Don't let her feu sear my flesh and bone / Destroy Esmeralda / And let her taste the fires of hell / ou else let her be mine and mine alone.

Frollo: The sentence for insubordination is death. Such a pity. toi threw away a promising career.
Phoebus: Consider it my highest honor, sir.

Frollo: [to Quasimodo] Quasimodo, can't toi understand? When your heartless mother abandoned toi as a child, anyone else would have drowned you. And this my thanks for taking toi in and raising toi as my son?

Frollo: [picks up one of Quasimodo's wooden figures] Isn't this one new? It's awfully good. Looks very much like the Gypsy girl. I know... toi helped her ES-CAPE!
Quasimodo: But I...
Frollo: And now all Paris is burning because of YOU!
Quasimodo: She was kind to me, Master.
Frollo: [destroying all of Quasi's wooden figures] toi idiot! That wasn't kindness, it was cunning! She's a Gypsy!
[pulling Quasi par the collar]
Frollo: Gypsies are not capable of real love!
[shaking Quasi]
Frollo: Think, boy! Think of your MOTHER!

Frollo: The Gypsies live outside the normal order. Their heathen ways inflame the people's lowest instincts. And they must be stopped.
Phoebus: I was summoned from the wars to capture fortune-tellers and palm readers?
Frollo: Ah, the real war, Captain, is what toi see before you. For twenty years I have been "taking care" of the Gypsies...
[squashes ants on the sill]
Frollo: ...one par one. And yet, for all my success, they have thrived.
[lifts block to expose a swarm of bugs]
Frollo: I believe they have a sûr, sans danger haven within the walls of this very city. A nest, if toi will. They call it the Court of Miracles.
Phoebus: What are we going to do about it, sir?
[Frollo smashes the block over the bugs]
Phoebus: toi make your point quite vividly, sir.

Frollo: Dear boy, whomever are toi talking to?
Quasimodo: My... friends.
Frollo: I see.
Frollo: [taps the head of one of the gargoyles] And what are your Friends made of, Quasimodo?
Quasimodo: Stone.
Frollo: Can stone talk?
Quasimodo: No, it can't.
Frollo: That's right. You're a smart lad.

Frollo: This is an unholy demon. I'm sending it back to hell, where it belongs.
The Archdeacon: [singing] See, there, the innocent blood toi have spilt on the steps of Notre Dame.
Frollo: I am guiltless. She ran, I pursued.
The Archdeacon: [singing] Now toi would add this child's blood to your guilt on the steps of Notre Dame!
Frollo: My conscience is clear.
The Archdeacon: [singing] toi can lie to yourself and your minions, toi can claim that toi haven't a qualm, but toi never can run from nor hide what you've done from the eyes!
[pointing to statues of saints]
The Archdeacon: The very eyes of Notre Dame!

[Quasimodo is chained down, the gargoyles are trying to free him]
Hugo: Come on, Quasi, snap out of it!
Victor: Your Friends are down there!
Quasimodo: [despondently] It's all my fault.
Laverne: [as she, Hugo, and Victor try tugging the chains] toi gotta break these chains!
Quasimodo: [sulkingly] I can't. I tried. What difference would it make?
Victor: But toi can't let Frollo *win*!
Quasimodo: [despondently again] He already has.
Hugo: [dropping the chains] Say, you're giving up? That's it?
Laverne: These chains aren't what's holding toi back, Quasimodo.
Quasimodo: [snapping] Leave me alone.
Hugo: [meekly] Okay. Okay, Quasi. We'll leave toi alone.
Victor: After all, we're only made out of stone.
[he and Hugo turn to stone]
Laverne: We just thought maybe toi were made of somethin' stronger.
[turns to stone]
Laverne: [pause; Frollo's voice drifts up from below]
Frollo: For justice, for Paris, and for her own salvation, it is my sacred duty to send this unholy demon... back where she belongs!
[he fires the kindling while the crowd indistinctly shouts in protest]
Quasimodo: *Nooooooooooooooo!*
[the chains snap taut, the bells resonate as the pillars Quasimodo is chained to break and fall]

Frollo: [singing] It's not my fault...
Chorus: Mea culpa
[My fault]
Frollo: I'm not to blame...
Chorus: Mea culpa
[My fault]
Frollo: It is the Gypsy girl / The witch who sent this flame.
Chorus: Mea maxima culpa
[My most grievous fault]
Frollo: It's not my fault...
Chorus: Mea culpa
[My fault]
Frollo: If in God's plan...
Chorus: Mea culpa
[My fault]
Frollo: He made the Devil so much stronger than a man.
Chorus: Mea maxima culpa
[My most grievous fault]

Frollo: I should have known toi would risk your life to save that Gypsy witch, just as your own mother died trying to save you.
Quasimodo: What?
Frollo: Now I'm going to do what I should have done... twenty years ago!

Frollo: And he shall smite the wicked and *plunge* them into the fiery *pit!*

Esmeralda: What are toi doing?
Frollo: [caressing her neck] I was just imagining a rope around that beautiful neck.
[she elbows him in the gut so he loses his grip]
Esmeralda: [snarls] I know what toi were "imagining."

Frollo: [after locking in the miller and his family] Burn it.
Phoebus: What?
Frollo: Until it smolders, these people are traitors, and must be made examples of.
Phoebus: With all due respect, sir, I was not trained to murder the innocent.
Frollo: But toi were trained to follow orders.
[Phoebus douses his torch]
Frollo: Insolent coward!

Frollo: The time has come, Gypsy. toi stand upon the brink of the abyss. Yet even now it is not too late. I can save toi from the flames of this world, and the next. Choose me, ou the fire.
[Esmeralda spits in Frollo's face]
Frollo: The Gypsy Esmeralda has refused to recant. This evil witch has put the soul of every person in Paris in awful jeopardy...

Frollo: [to Esmeralda] You've chosen a magnificent prison, but it is a prison nonetheless. Set one foot outside, and you're mine.

Quasimodo: [whispering to Frollo; bitterly but firmly] toi killed her.
Frollo: It was my duty. Horrible as it was, I hope you'll forgive me.
[Quasimodo continues to weep bitterly]
Frollo: There, there, Quasimodo. I know it hurts. But now the time has come to end your suffering...
[raises a dagger above Quasimodo]
Frollo: Forever.

Frollo: Captain Phoebus, arrest her!

Frollo: [to Quasimodo] Oh, my dear Quasimodo. toi don't know what it's like out there. I do. I do.
Frollo: The world is cruel, the world is wicked / It's I alone that toi can trust in this whole city. / I am your only friend. / I who keep you, teach you, feed you, dress toi / I who look upon toi without fear. / How can I protect toi boy, unless toi always stay in here. / Away in here.

Frollo: Remember what I've taught you, Quasimodo.
Frollo: toi are deformed...
Quasimodo: [singing] I am deformed.
Frollo: [singing] And toi are ugly...
Quasimodo: [singing] And I am ugly.
Frollo: [singing] And these are crimes for which the world shows little pity / toi do not comprehend...
Quasimodo: [singing] toi are my one defender.
Frollo: [singing] Out there they'll revile toi as a monster...
Quasimodo: [singing] I am a monster.
Frollo: [singing] Out there they will hate and scorn and jeer...
Quasimodo: [singing] Only a monster.
Frollo: [singing] Why invite their calumny and consternation? / Stay in here / Be faithful to me...
Quasimodo: [singing] I'm faithful.
Frollo: [singing] Be grateful to me...
Quasimodo: [singing] I'm grateful.
Frollo: [singing] Do as I say, obey, and stay.
Frollo, Quasimodo: [singing] In here.

Frollo: [to his soldiers after Pheobus escapes on Frollo's steed] Get him! And *don't* hit my horse!

Phoebus: I'm sorry sir, she claims sanctuary. There's nothing I can do.
Frollo: Then drag her outside and...
The Archdeacon: Frollo! toi will not touch her!
[addressing Esmeralda]
The Archdeacon: Don't worry. Minister Frollo learned years il y a to respect the sanctity of the church.

The Archdeacon: [coming downstairs] Frollo, have toi gone mad? I will not tolerate this assault on the house of God!
Frollo: [flinging the Archdeacon down the stairwell] Silence, toi old fool! The hunchback and I have unfinished business to attend to. And this time, toi will not interfere.

Oafish Guard: Sir, we have looked everywhere and there's still no sign of the gypsy girl.
Frollo: I had the entire cathedral surrounded. Guards in every door. There was no way she could've escaped. Unless...

Frollo: [as Quasi hesitantly reaches down to pick up a loose grain de raisin, raisin so as not to wake the unconscious Pheobus, who is hidden under the table] I think... you're hiding something.
Quasimodo: [sitting back up] Oh no, Master, I... There's no...
Frollo: [interrupting] You're not eating, boy.
Quasimodo: [gobbling his grapes] 'Tis very good. Thank you.
[we hear Pheobus groan]
Quasimodo: Mmmm.
[Pheobus groans again, then Quasi kicks him in the chin to silence him, then coughs loudly to cover up the noise]
Quasimodo: Seeds.

Frollo: Ah, duty calls. Have toi ever attended a peasant festival, captain?
Phoebus: Not recently, sir.
Frollo: Then this should be quite an education for you. Come along.

Frollo: [announcing to the gypsies at the Court of Miracles] There'll be a little bonfire in the square tomorrow, and you're all invited to attend.
[to his guards]
Frollo: Lock them up.
Quasimodo: [rushing forward] No! Please, Master!
[Frollo turns and glares at him, as if to say, "You've disobeyed me". He walks away as Quasi grovels sorrowfully]
Quasimodo: No, no...
Frollo: [to his remaining guards] Take him back to the cloche, bell tower, and make sure he says there.
added by cherl12345
added by cherl12345
added by mmeBauer
Source: Disney+/National Geographic
added by rakshasa
Source: Disney Plus
added by DarkSarcasm
Source: Disney
Hello, I am disney_prince.
Today I got bored and decided to do a haut, retour au début 40 of my current favori Disney songs.
They are mainly songs from The Disney Classics canon, but I have also included some songs from Disney sequel films.

40. As Long As Theres Chrstmas
Beauty and the Beast: The Il était une fois Christmas

39. Heigh Ho
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

38. He Lives in You
The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride

37. Zero to Hero

36. Everybody Wants To Be A Cat
The Aristocats

35. So This Is Love

34. He's A Tramp
Lady and the Tramp

33. Friend Like Me

32. Sing Sweet Nightingale

31. toi Can Fly...
continue reading...
added by Persephone713
added by IsisRain
Source: 2008 Promoters
added by Lovetreehill
Source: http://www.starpulse.com/Movies/Dumbo/gallery/DUMBOMOVIE004/
added by Luc84
added by hornean
added by IsisRain
Source: www.glittergraphicsnow.com
added by dave
Source: http://www.behance.net/Jirka
added by disneyworld007
added by Lovetreehill
Source: www.philosyphia.com
[from trailer]
Mother Gothel: Great. Now *I'm* the bad guy.

[looking in the mirror with Rapunzel]
Mother Gothel: Look in that mirror. I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady.
[Rapunzel smiles]
Mother Gothel: Oh look, you're here too.

Mother Gothel: Skip the drama, stay with Mama!

[repeated line]
Mother Gothel: I'm just teasing!

[Rapunzel pulls Mother Gothel up the tower]
Rapunzel: Hi. Welcome home, Mother.
Mother Gothel: Oh! Rapunzel, how toi manage to do that every single jour without fail, it looks absolutely exhausting, darling!
Rapunzel: Oh, it's nothing.
Mother Gothel: Then I don't...
continue reading...
added by Persephone713
Source: jpg
added by PrueFever
Source: Google images
added by hornean