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This is a remake of my haut, retour au début 20 favori Disney movies, which will still be including sequels. However this time I will also be including Pixar and computer animated movies. I hope toi enjoy it but keep in mind this is just my opinion. Please commentaire and enjoy.

20.The Rescuers Down Under
 The incroyable adventure about three Rebelle mice and a daring little boy who save an eagle!
The incroyable adventure about three Rebelle mice and a daring little boy who save an eagle!

I have to say this is one really underrated movie. It's hardly ever mentioned par anyone and toi hardly ever see anyone say what huge fans they are of this movie but I don't see why. It's absolutely amazing! Just the first five minutes of the movie is absolutely thrilling and just has my jaw dropping. The animation is absolutely gorgeous and the characters are really entertaining. The musical score is really amazing and gets stuck in my head. I'd have to say my favori character is Cody, he's cute, smart, brave, strong, doesn't give in, and stands up for both himself and what he believes in. He refuses to tell Mcleach where the golden eagle is and doesn't care what he threatens to do to him. I l’amour how he's aware that he needs him so he's taking advantage on how he can just make him mad for fun. I l’amour how Bernard is trying to purpose to Bianca and it takes to the very end of the movie to finally be able to. The climax is really amazing and I'm always on the edge of my siège because even though I know what happens I'm afraid that that little boy will get eaten par crocodiles. In my opinion the original can't even compare to this movie. I like it and I l’amour Penny and the songs but this is par far better. It's always exciting and the reason it's not high is just that the idea of a story about mice just seems silly, though this seems to pull it off but not enough to put it higher.

19.The Princess and The Frog
 The classic fairy-tale Kiss but with a twist!
The classic fairy-tale Kiss but with a twist!

This movie has moved down my liste alot, it use to be in my haut, retour au début 10 but I think I was just having the new movie fever. I really do l’amour this movie, it just lacks the classic quality that the other films higher than it does. Well isn't that a twist, this time I telling why it didn't get higher before I tell why I l’amour it. I l’amour the music, actually this movie is the only time that I ever like Jazz music. My favori character is Tiana, she maybe a kill-joy but she can be fun and is really sassy. I really l’amour that this movie is starting a seconde renaissance and disney's returning to it's classic roots. I l’amour Disney channel especially Hannah Montana but I think they promote them too much sometimes. It's nice to see them going back classic films like this. I couldn't believe that they actually killed Ray, I didn't think he would really did I just expected him to jump out and say something. I l’amour Tiana's singign voice it's gorgeous! The worst part of the movie was obviously Naveen, he's so annoying that a nun would try to murder him! One thing that bugged me about the movie is they basically copied Odette's(The cygne Princess) transformation but green and less impressive. Mama Odie and Lottie are really funny! I just hope Disney continues making films like this. It's not higher because it's kind of rushed and has some plot holes. Also because I can't stand Naveen!

18.The Emperor's New Groove

This is probably, actually this is the funniest Disney movie ever in creation. If I had to name all the moments that made me laugh in this movie than I'd be here all year, so I'll try to narrow it down. My favori character is Yzma she's so hilarious and is the funniest Disney villian ever. I l’amour the lever scene most of all "WRONG LEVER!" I laugh all over the place! I sometimes threaten people with that flea plan Yzma came up with. I loved the dîner scene where Kuzco turns into a Lama and Yzma's using brocoli to tell Kronk to "Hit him on the head" and he's too stupid to figure it out. The jungle scene was really funny "GET AWAY FROM ME" and the squirl is epic! I almost choked myself to death from laughing during that birthday song and the look on Yzma's face is PRICELESS! Yzma in the tent funny and scary! I loved when her and Kronk were in the closet "TEll US WHERE THE TALKING LAMA IS AND WE'LL BURN YOUR HOUSE TO THE GROUND" LOL! I loved every moment of this movie, whenever I need a laugh I just go to this movie! However it's a bit too silly to take the plot seriously, I wish I could have it higher but I just l’amour the others more.

17.Tinkerbell and The Lost Treasue
 The grand adventure about a special fairy who's off to fix a mistake she made while realizing the true gift of a friend!
The grand adventure about a special fairy who's off to fix a mistake she made while realizing the true gift of a friend!

I know a lot of people don't like the La Fée Clochette films but I absolutely l’amour them and think they're underrated. Unfortunately this is the only La Fée Clochette movie here, but I still l’amour the other La Fée Clochette films too. However what sets this apart from the rest is that the others are kind of plus cutesy my comparison because this is an actual adventure. La Fée Clochette goes on this great life changing journey that helps her grow and realize her mistakes and what's really important. I also really l’amour the romance between La Fée Clochette and Terence. They're one of the best animated couples in existence, they're best Friends but toi can tell that there's so much plus to their relationship than just that. I l’amour the songs and the characters. My favori character is La Fée Clochette she's clever, creative, adventurous, curious, funny, and really grows as a character throughout the movie while still keeping her flaws such has being hot-headed. It's a movie that teaches toi that sometimes toi don't need to be par yourself and toi do sometimes need help from your friends. This movie isn't higher because while I l’amour this movie because it has Terence in it plus it lacks Tinkerbell's other friend's. While the others focus on Tinkerbell's Friends except for Terence. I wish they would create come middle ground to were to focus on Tinkerbell, Terence, and Tinkerbell's friend's, plus her sister.

16.The Little Mermaid 2: Return To The Sea
 Once upon a time, a mermaid dreamed of life on the land! Now her daughter..... dreams of the sea!
Once upon a time, a mermaid dreamed of life on the land! Now her daughter..... dreams of the sea!

Call me crazy but I actually really l’amour this movie. I grew up with this movie as a kid and kept wanting to watch it over and over again, for a few weeks at a little kid I loved it plus than the original. I actually use to watch this movie with my older sister. The songs are really entertaining, the animation was nice but not amazing, and I just l’amour Melody. Melody is my favori character in the movie obviously she's(along with Ariel) my favori animated female. I loved that part where Melody was saying everything Sebastian a dit because she heard the rules many time, it was so cool and cute. I was never not in the mood to watch this as a kid. I loved to see Ariel having a kid especially one as amazing as Melody. This movie always makes me smile every time I watch it because it's that good. I don't care what anybody says I l’amour this movie and I will always l’amour it. It will always hold a special place in my heart! However it is kinda just The Little Mermaid just remixed. Even though I l’amour it to death it's just not as original as the rest.

 The legend about two people from completely different worlds montrer each other beauty and wonder beyond their dreams!
The legend about two people from completely different worlds montrer each other beauty and wonder beyond their dreams!

Come on, how can toi not absolutely l’amour this movie? What's not to love? Everything about this movie is absolutely amazing. The animation is gorgeous, the songs are amazing, and the characters are awesome. My favori character would have to be Tarzan. I l’amour how he's an outcast and how he shows everyone that he's plus than they think he is. I also really l’amour Jane. She's what a damsel in distress should be. She gets in trouble a lot of the time but still is useful and entertaining. She's one of the most hilarious Disney characters. I kept laughing so hard during the scene with the baboons and Tarzan was saving her. Actually a lot of the characters are really funny. This movie really tugs at the cœur, coeur string. The scene where Kala found Tarzan and he touched her hand just makes me melt. This is one of the most emotional Disney films in existence. The reason it's not higher is for one the villain is really weak. Another reason is that the story seems a little bit rushed.

14.Toy Story 2
 The amazing story about toys that really tugs at the cœur, coeur strings!
The amazing story about toys that really tugs at the cœur, coeur strings!

Ever since I was a kid I absolutely loved the Toy Story movies. This movie is so amazing it's even better than the original, which is a great movie too. First of all it introduces my favori character in the franchise, Jessie. She's smart, funny, complex, and has a back story but at the same time isn't a boring mopey character. She's been my favori Pixar heroine for years, until Merida came along. I l’amour how much emotion this movie shows, the Toy Story films are known for that. Eventually something will happen to each of us that we can't avoid, Woddy can't avoid that eventually Andy is going to grow up. I l’amour all the characters in the movie, except Mr. Potato-Head and Al. It features one of the few Pixar villains that I actually like, Pixar makes amazing films but their villains are something less than to be desired. The Prospector is someone toi think of as a nice guy but during all of this he's just manipulating everyone. Plus I l’amour how they gave him a slight back story about how every other toy but him was sold. Plus this movie features one of the best and emotional songs, When She Loved Me. It makes me regret giving away my toys. It made me feel so bad I went a bought a Woody and Jessie doll, I would've bought Buzz too but they didn't have it. Also I have to say Jessie has such a beautiful chant voice, I think that's the only time a Pixar character actually sings a song. It's not higher because sometimes it can be a bit dull. Also it's a bit misleading with the whole Woody and Jessie thing. As a kid I thought that Woody and Jessie were a couple and then at the end Woody is with the unnecessary and boring Boo Peep and out of no where Jessie ends up with Buzz. That makes no sense. It felt like Woody and Jessie had so much chemistry and development.

13.Monsters Inc.
 Monsters are real and they scare children but it's nothing personal, it's just their job!
Monsters are real and they scare children but it's nothing personal, it's just their job!

When I was a kid I was absolutely obsessed with this movie and couldn't stop watching it. I can see why people l’amour this movie so much, it's obviously one of the best Pixar movies. I l’amour the characters, other than the villains. I think my favori character would have to be Boo, she's just so adorable. I also l’amour how she finally over comes her fear of monsters and attacks Randall. She's pretty bada** for a a three an old. I also l’amour the relationship between Sully and Boo, it's really sweet. I l’amour the jokes, especially the ones involving Roz. I think this movie is really original, although it's been done before. However what makes it original is the style they do it in. However I have to say the villains in this movie are really weak. They're uninteresting and not very intimidating. They could have done a much better job at picking the villains.

12.The Black Cauldron
 The story with the most unlikely of heros an old man, a funny little creature, a beautiful princess, and a little pig boy!
The story with the most unlikely of heros an old man, a funny little creature, a beautiful princess, and a little pig boy!

I actually didn't see this movie until I was eight years old and I adored the movie. After that I didn't see it again until I was fourteen, I finally got it on DVD when I was fifteen. My favori character is Taran I l’amour that he's a dreamer who makes mistakes and easily goes of rêverie like me. I can't believe I went most of my life without this movie. I also can't believe how underrated and tragically unknown this movie is. I mean yeah it's a little dark for a Disney movie but that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. I think this movie would make an awesome live-action movie, that would par epic. The animation and effects are just amazing! I just l’amour that it has such unlikely heros like an old man with a harp, some kinda dog blaireau like creature, a beautiful twelve an old princess dressed like a scullary maid, and a twelve an old little peasant boy. I also wanna say I l’amour the way Gurgi talks it's so funny! I enjoyed every moment of this movie. However the reason it's not higher is because it doesn't have any songs in it. What's Disney without musique and songs? NOTHING I TELL YOU!

11.Aladdin and The King of Thieves
 The perfect way to end both the amazing trilogy and the fabulous TV show, with the wedding of the century we've been waiting for!
The perfect way to end both the amazing trilogy and the fabulous TV show, with the wedding of the century we've been waiting for!

First of all I have to say I hate not having this movie in my haut, retour au début 10 but I just l’amour the others more. Anyway I think this is the perfect way to end the Aladin trilogy and the TV series. I honestly don't understand how it's considered a bad movie on Rotten Tomatoes, it's absolutely amazing. It's full of action and adventure. Plus I l’amour seeing how we're finding out about Aladdin's past and his father. It shows a new level of what they have to offer for the amazing trilogy. The characters from the original keep their personalities and are still entertaining. Plus I l’amour how Aladin doesn't lie in this movie and that jasmin doesn't act spoiled ou bratty. I l’amour Genie's pop culture references. The songs are all really good, except for Welcome To The Forty Thieves. Plus we finally get to see Aladin and jasmin getting married. Despite the horrible animation it's actually a really amazing film. I find this exciting every time I watch it. So why don't I like it better than the original? I'm honestly not entirely sure, it just has some things about it that bug me. The songs while good aren't memorable, I hate Aladdin's father, jasmin seems like plus of a minor character, the amazing romance is limited, I don't like the song Welcome To The Forty Thieves, the villain while good isn't as amazing as Jafar, while I l’amour Genie's pop culture references some of them make no sense and just come out of no where, the forty thieves are annoying and uninteresting, and I hate that Iago leaves the group, I think the group needs to stay together I grew to l’amour them together throughout the TV series. I actually for a while as a kid stopped watching it because of Iago leaving but none the less it's still an amazing movie.

10.Peter Pan 2: Return To Neverland
 All of Disney is made of faith, trust, and pixie dust!
All of Disney is made of faith, trust, and pixie dust!

As a kid I hardly ever got a chance to see it except for the first time I saw it in theaters, when it comes on Disney Channel, and when someone brought it to elemetary school to watch. I think this movie is WAY better than the original because the original is SO BORING! I l’amour Jane's chant voice(Jonatha Brooke) it's so beautiful. I also really like Peter in this movie because I thought he was REALLY ANNOYING in the original, he can be annoying at times in this movie but global, ensemble I like him in this movie. The animation is amazing, way better than the original. One way is because Peter is actually handsome in this movie, I think he's butt ugly in the original. His face was just so creepy looking! I also think Wendy is so beautiful in the third movie as an adult, but not as beautiful as her daughter. My favori character is Jane she's brave, heroic, caring, sassy, and intelligent. I l’amour the version of The seconde étoile, star To The Right in this movie I also l’amour I'll Try. The reason this movie is higher than Aladin and The King of Thieves is because it fixes all the problems I have with the original and make them better, mainly with Peter Pan. I think this movie is underrated and deserves plus credit than it gets. I mean we get better songs, animation, heroine, our hero has a better personality, and a better plot. I can't believe I went most of my childhood not watching this movie except for special occasions. However I guess the only reason it's not higher is simple because I l’amour the others more.

9.The Lion King and The Lion King 2: SImba's Pride
 Two amazing stories based off the tragic stories par Shakespeare!
Two amazing stories based off the tragic stories par Shakespeare!

It's hard to decide which one of these absolutely amazing films is better so I just put them in the same spot. Both have awesome things about them but also have their problems but we'll get to that later. Both have amazing songs and characters, except for Nuka and Nala. I find Nuka annoying and Nala unnecessary and boring. Nala's only reason for being in the movie is just so Simba has a l’amour interest. I think both have great animation, though the original's animation is better. In my opinion the original has the best animation ever. In the original my favori characters are Timon and Pumba, they're so hilarious, fun, and awesome. However the sequel introduces my favori character in the franchise, Kiara. She's smart, fun, adventurous, curious, wise beyond her years, and is the reason that the conflict is solved. She's one of my favori animated heroines and her and Kovu are one of my favori animated couples. However the problem with them is that the original has a mixed message and the sequel a little bit rushed at times.

 The story about a young girl who defied the rules to save her father but also found the beauty, the courage, and the strength in herself!
The story about a young girl who defied the rules to save her father but also found the beauty, the courage, and the strength in herself!

This has been one of my favori Disney films since it first came out in the theaters. I remember when I was little and I first saw it, I enjoyed every single moment of it. What's not to l’amour about it? I absolutely l’amour the songs, even though I think I'll Make A Man Out of toi is overrated. Personally my favori song is Reflection, it deserves plus attention than I'll Make A Man Out of You. My favori character is obviously Mulan, she's definitely one of the best Disney characters in existence. I can really relate to her and I l’amour how she proves that she can do whatever a man can do. It's really funny and I l’amour all the funny moments in this movie, which is almost everything in the movie. Mushu is hilarious and I l’amour that scene where he's feeding Mulan, it's hilarious. However it's not too silly and has serious and dark moments. The reason it's not higher is because the villain in my opinion is really boring.

 A brilliant and exciting retailing twist on the classic fairy-tale!
A brilliant and exciting retailing twist on the classic fairy-tale!

Everything about this movie is absolutely brilliant. I l’amour how they actually give a reason to why Rapunzel's hair needs to be so long other than that the witch needs a ladder. The songs are absolutely amazing, I l’amour all of the songs, there's not a single one I don't like, I even l’amour I've Got A Dream. Rapunzel is definitely my favori character, she's basically Ariel, but a bit too sweet. However I l’amour how she goes from a naive little girl to a mature strong young woman. I l’amour all the action they put in the movie and really made Rapunzel a strong character and not some weakling like in the original tale. Mother Gothel is also really entertaining, she's such a great and fun villain. I wouldn't call her one of the best but still really cool. The reason it's not higher is because for one I strongly dislike Flynn, he's so annoying. Another reason is that compared to the others it's a bit too cutesy. But still nonetheless it's amazing.

6.Toy Story 3
 The perfect conclusion to the amazing trilogy!
The perfect conclusion to the amazing trilogy!

Absolutely the best of all the Toy Story movies, ever since I saw it I've been obsessed with it. This is the perfect way to end the trilogy, even though stupidly they're going to make a Toy Story 4 for some reason. The characters remain the same while still growing as characters. Jessie is still my favori and I l’amour her even plus because she doesn't act rude. She's learned that she needs to déplacer on and doesn't want to have that whole Emily situation happen to her again. Everything about this movie is brilliant and dynamic. It features who I consider to be the best Pixar villain, just like Jessie he has a back story. I l’amour how he appears as this sweetheart-ed guy but is really manipulative and cruel. This movie has a lot of action and I l’amour how they made the characters all involved in such an awesome escape. I l’amour how they make Barbie smart, useful, and a total bada**. I l’amour how she basically torments Ken. This movie is part of why I can't decide if I prefer Jessie with Woody ou Buzz. Her and Buzz are really great in this movie. I also l’amour the emotion where they're finally facing what they were fearing in the seconde movie. The ending was so sad and beautiful. The reason it's not higher is because I have plus nostalgia from the others that just can't be touched.

5.Finding Nemo
 A amazing adventure to find one small poisson in the great big blue world!
A amazing adventure to find one small poisson in the great big blue world!

Absolutely without a doubt the best Pixar movie in existence. It's an amazing and entertaining adventure in the most beautiful place on earth, the sea. I'm not kidding, every single scene under water is absolutely stunning and makes my jaw drop. My favori character would have to be Nemo. He's fun, smart, brave, adventurous, curious, and shows that he's stronger than he looks. I also really l’amour Dory, she's always making me laugh so hard. She's such an idiot but in a good way. I think she's especially funny when she's tying to speak whale, which surprisingly she actually can speak whale. I l’amour how the three main characters go through such a growth in the movie: marlin learns not to be so overprotective and uptight, Dory learns that even though she has short term memory loss that she can do anything and useful, Nemo learns that no matter what anyone says about him ou his "lucky fin" that he's stronger than they say he is and can do anything he puts his mind to. All the characters we fun into in this movie are memorable. I also have to say that I l’amour how they don't confirmer ou deny that marlin and Dory are a couple. toi can decide if their a couple ou just friends. In my opinion they're a couple because they help each other with their growth during the adventure and really care for each other. Dory helps marlin realize how he needs to take chances and not to be so over-protective and marlin helps Dory somewhat with her short term memory loss. She even says that when she's with him she's home. I think they're a couple and should be together but that's just my opinion. It's not higher because the others are in my haut, retour au début 10 favori films of ALL TIME.

4.Beauty and The Beast 2: Il était une fois Christmas
 As long as there's Christmas there will always be a time when the world is filled with peace and love!
As long as there's Christmas there will always be a time when the world is filled with peace and love!

I know toi think I'm probably crazy for having this movie in my haut, retour au début 5. However I've always liked this movie plus than the original, I always wanted to watch this over the original as a kid. This is my favori Christmas movie ever and it has my favori Christmas song, As Long As There's Christmas. I actually l’amour the two songs Stories and As Long As There's Christmas plus than all the songs in the original. I l’amour this movie so much that it's a tradition that every Christmas that I watch it. In fact I sing As Long As There's Christmas as I put up and decorate the Christmas Tree. I also sing the song Stories as I rap Christmas presents. The animation is okay. One thing I wanna point out is that even though the animation isn't as good as the original, unlike the original Belle stays consistantly drawn and I think she looks really pretty. This movie always warms my cœur, coeur and I actually do cry with tears of joy in some scenes. The scenes I cry in are As Long As There's Christmas Reprise, when Beast's reads the story book Belle gave him, and the ending along with the credits. I tried to fight back the tears but I could help it because it made me so happy. It made my lips quiver too and I know I'm an eighteen an old guy but I can't help it. After I watch the movie it took forever for me to stop smiling. You're probably wondering why I l’amour this movie plus than the original, the heartwarming scenes and the songs. I will always l’amour this movie and I'll watch it every Christmas until the jour that I die. The only reason the others are high are because I just l’amour the others more.

 The magical story of a peasant boy who unleashed a genie!
The magical story of a peasant boy who unleashed a genie!

I l’amour this movie with a burning passion and always have. I l’amour Genies impressions of people. My favori character in the movie is of course Aladin he's my favori animated male. I l’amour that the characters all of flaws which makes them realistic. I l’amour all the characters in the movie. I l’amour to act like Iago and quote things that he says because he's the funniest character in the movie. I l’amour all the songs I sing One Jump Ahead Reprise alot of the time especially when I'm sad, and it's not even my favori song in the movie. My favori is A Whole New World, I even got to sing it once in my choir. I would l’amour to be in Aladdin's shoes and live that amazing adventure. jasmin is a very lucky girl to have Aladin since he pretended to be a prince, almost drowned, almost frozed to death, and almost got eaten par a giant snake all for her. I also really enjoyed the sequels even though they're not here but I do really like them. I always wanted to jump into the Aladin films and the TV montrer and just be part of the story because of how fun it is. It's not higher because the other two just make me smile more.

2.Lady and The Tramp 2: Scamp's Adventure
 The story of a pup who goes on an epic adventure
The story of a pup who goes on an epic adventure

Yep that's right I actually have a sequel as my number two favori Disney movie and it's amazing. First if toi haven't seen this movie I say go watch it now because if toi don't your life will never be complete and you'll live the rest of your life empty with a hole in your heart. Anyway if toi saw another article of mine toi know exactly how I find this better than the original par miles.First of all I don't hate the original anymore, I actually really like it but I don't l’amour it. I l’amour this movie and I use to watch it with my older sister. My favori character is Scamp he's so realistic and relatable. I l’amour all the songs in this movie especially Always There. I think this movie has plus meaning to it than the original, like that toi shouldn't run away and family is what matters. Which they do because family are the people who have to put up with toi no matter what, just kidding. It has a better developed hero, heroine, and couple. The end credits even made a beautiful version of Bella Notte, which in my opinion was a perfectly wonderful song that was ruined in the original. Whenever I see anything related to this movie I geek out and almost faint from how happy I am. If toi wanna know plus about how much I l’amour this movie than check out my article on how the sequel is better than the original. I could go on and on about how much I l’amour this movie everything about it is amazing it's flawless and the best sequel ever created, it's definitely one of my favori films ever.

1.The Little Mermaid
 The Little Mermaid who dreamed of something more!
The Little Mermaid who dreamed of something more!

toi all know me so toi know that this isn't a surprise at all that this is my favorite. My favori character is of course Ariel she's(along with Melody) my favori animated character. I l’amour her to pieces and her personality is realistic and relatable. Everyone relates to her in some way, even if they won't admit it. I l’amour the songs especially Part of Your World that along with Somewhere Over The arc en ciel are my theme songs. I l’amour the romance with Ariel and Eric it always makes me smile and sometimes gives me hope that I'll meet a nice pretty girl like Ariel. I adore the musique score of the movie especially the entering Atlantica, Part of Your World, and the ending. I never get tired of hearing Ariel's voice it's the most gorgeous voice of all the Disney characters. I also l’amour that Disney was in big trouble and was in danger of shutting down but The Little Mermaid was the movie that saved them. It started the Renaissance, a new age of Disney films that we all fell in l’amour with. Just like Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs and Cendrillon without The Little Mermaid we wouldn't have a lot of the amazing films we have today. I just l’amour the whole longing to be in a world your not part of and willing to give up everything and do anything for love. I l’amour the ending especially considering in the original fairy-tale the mermaid dies which I hate, in my opinion the original story stinks on ice. Anyway I actually shed a tear when I saw the ending because of how touching and beautiful it is. Even though Triton hated humans he's will get to get over his hatred for humans(because for one a human, Eric saved him, his daughter, and his people) because his l’amour for his daughter is greater than is hate for humans. The long awaited Kiss between Ariel and Eric, Ariel's stunning sparkly dress, and the wedding. It even has my favori family moment when Ariel and Triton hug and she says "I l’amour toi daddy" I definitely shed a tear at that part. I know people think it doesn't montrer that Ariel has grown ou learned, they just think they's a selfish spoiled brat. But people who say that completely miss the point, they think she needed to die like in the original to prove she's unselfish which I think is completely stupid. She didn't need to die to prove she was unselfish! Besides there is some self sacrifice Triton has to give up his daughter and Ariel has to give up her Friends and family so there is a amer sweet ending. This is definitely my favori movie ever in creation!
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