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posted by Renegade1765
 I know Anna isn't real - but I still want to wish her a Happy Birthday.
I know Anna isn't real - but I still want to wish her a Happy Birthday.
On December 21st 2016 (Technically 23 because I accidentally hit "Unpublish and Save" and had to éditer it.), I wrote an article wherein I listed of 40 of my favori fan-arts of Elsa. It was her birthday, and wanted to write an article where I listed the contributions of other Elsa fans, as a tribute/gift.
Today is June 21st, Anna's birthday, and because I l’amour her almost as much, I want to liste off 40 of my favori fan-arts of Anna, to montrer that she's a wonderful character that deserves just as much credit as her sister.

When I became a fan of Frozen, it was because of Elsa. Heck, I used to think that she was the main character because of how heavily advertised and populaire she was. It's only after lire Frozen's Disney Wikia page that I realized that Anna was the main character, and that she had a lot plus screen-time than Elsa. I didn't notice it back when I first watched La Reine des Neiges in March of 2014, because I was skipping parts of it.
My very first article, was meant as a way to express why I loved Elsa so much. I loved Anna, but not as much as Elsa. Over these two and a half years, I've grown to l’amour and admire Anna more, and that she means a lot to me, almost as much as Elsa. A lot of people say that Anna's inferior, when in reality she deserves just as much credit and admiration. So, I decided to dedicate this article to this bubbly, warm, energetic, brave, and kind-hearted woman.

Just a disclaimer, I will only include a few fan-arts from the Elsa article, because they feature Anna almost as prominetly as Elsa, and showcase Anna's characteristics.
Also, just like the Elsa one, I will not include any screen-shots ou official art par the creators, as emotionally powerful and beautiful as they are; since this is an article dedicated to fans of Anna only.

With all that out if the way, let's begin the list:

1."Anna" par valar1a

This fan-art is a recreation of Anna's holding hands with Hans when he offers to lift her up. In my opinion, it's recreated in the most gorgeous way. Both in the screenshot and this image, Anna's warm nature really shines. Mostly because of her little smile. Back in my 4th article that I wrote back in January of 2015, where I listed off the things I liked and disliked about Frozen, I mentioned that every time Anna smiled, I smiled too. She has such an adorable face that I can't help but squish it. The freckles, the rosy cheeks, the big eyes, makes her look so adorable.

That's enough about Anna's smile and cheeks.
Like I said, one of the reasons why I like this fan-art so much is because just par looking at it, toi know what kind of a person Anna is; especially that she has a romantic interest in the person she's holding hands with, and that she has a warm and loving personality. Because she's in the center and is surrounded par brightness, draws our attention to her, which is ironic because Anna was desperate for attention.

The purple filter that surrounds the image makes it look like a dream, which is fitting because Anna just bumped into the man of her dreams. However, that purple filter is surrounding the image, while the center is bright and shows Anna. Purple is sometimes used in fiction as a color that represents evil. Anna bumped into the man of her dreams, who turns out to be a bastard who wants to use her in order to gain power.

2."For the First Time in Forever" par imDRUNKonTEA

I chose this one because it's a very stylized but also cartoony image of Anna swinging on a rope.
Once again, I like the smile that she has. It shows her eagerness and curiosity for the brand new world that she'll discover. Heck, like the précédant one, it shows off a little bot of Anna's personality, par montrer a little bot of an awkward smile.
I also like how she's looking back. She's smiling a little awkwardly, but that's because she looking back at her old life, which she grew tired of, but will still miss.

3."Anna" par imDRUNKonTEA

Done par the same artist, this one shows her stuffing her face with chocolate.
I really like this one, as it shows that he loves chocolat so much, that she would take a brake from her song sequence to eat some. I find it very amusing, since this is a Disney princess who sings, but prefers to eat some chocolat instead.
I also like that scared look on her face; that someone might see her eating sweets before the coronation and party actually begin. It shows that she still is a little girl at heart, and would steal some sweets without other's permission.

I also like what she's doing with the fan. One of the things I l’amour about Anna is that she's not the conventional Disney princess, and doesn't know how to be as graceful as her sister, who is "The picture of sophisticated grace."
Because of how much Elsa ignored Anna, Anna started to believe that she was inferior to Elsa, and that she will never match up to her and felt overshadowed (How ironic that it implies to both the movie and real life.). She tries to imitate her elegant style with the fan, but fails to do so, which is why she's holding it that way.
Also, the fan is suivant to the bust, which can be taken as foreshadowing for what happens in the end.
During her song sequence, she's looking at the bust as a representation of the man who will l’amour her. However, that man turned out to be lying jerk, and her waving the fan at the bust could foreshadow how she moved on from Hans.

4."Frozen Fever - Anna" par imDRUNKonTEA

Once again done par the same artist, this one shows her in her birthday dress (Not that kind of birthday dress.), holding a Snowgie in her hand. You'd think that makes it boring, but the way it's drawn and stylized is what makes it so good.

The smile on Anna's face is kind of like a faint smile, while holding up and looking at the Snowgie, that could be considered her nephew. I bring this up because the smile that she gives it looks like she's also going to cry.
Throughout most of her life, she's been shunned par Elsa and felt lonely. Without her, no birthday of hers ever felt complete. But now, not only did Elsa make an amazing birthday party for Anna, but Anna received the best gift she could ever have: Elsa letting Anna to take care of her.
Now, I bring this up because it shows that Anna is plus than just a bubbly and energetic princess, but also a caring woman who'd walk a 1000 miles for someone she loves. The Snowgie she holds up could be interpreted that she's holding up another gift from Elsa: a new family member. It even has a cute scarf around it, which kind of makes it look like a rapping sash they use for presents.
I also like the bright smile she has, which could be seen this way: now that she has another family member(s), she sees it as a sign that the future will hold many surprises, and she's looking vers l'avant, vers l’avant to experience them.

Also, because all 3 of these are from the same artist, I placed them in the exact order these events happened in the movie.

5."Nothing's in my way!" par tokunaga3046

Nobody is plus excited than Anna, as they are finally opening the gates to the kingdom. She is happy to see other people, and hopes for the possibility of meeting that special someone.

I l’amour how joyful she looks here. She's running down like she's meeting the person she loves after a long time. It's very fitting, because she's about to meet people she's never met before, and ready to meet the man of her dreams. She's running the opposite way the people are going, as a way to symbolize that she's leaving behind her rotten past and is ready to embark on a journey to a whole new world (Pun not intended.), as she lets in the people into her better world.

The only thing that could've made this better is if the artist included Rapunzel and Eugine in the background, as a small nod that they appeared in the movie.

6.Assassin's Creed Anna.

While I never played any Assassin's Creed game, I do really l’amour the aesthetics, designs and world building of the games.
The main character, Desmond Miles has a really awesome design, and seeing Anna's winter clothes being fused with Desmond's make her look incredibly bad-ass. Heck, it actually has a warrior look to it, which fits with Anna's feisty personality.
I also really like that she's in the middle of what looks like a La Reine des Neiges river ou fiord. It can either be reference to the climax of the movie, ou to imply that she just broke out of the ice, and is ready to kick ass.

Fun fact! Kristen cloche, bell is a big fan of the series, and even voices the character Lucy Stillman in the games, and even gave her opinion on the themes and meaning of the story.

How ironic that Anna is the world of Assassin's Creed, along with another character that her actress played.

7."Anna" par RikaMello

This is a gorgeous piece that shows Anna in her own ice dress with magic ice powers like Elsa.
A lot of people a dit that because Elsa was cold and level-headed and had ice powers, Anna should have feu powers, due to her warm and feisty personality. However, I disagree, since it robs the whole chemistry of the two; one is a normal girl with a great heart, while the other one is an emotionally unstable woman with immense power. Like what I a dit in one of my older articles: par making them both playful, toi lose something, and it makes them the same character. It's almost the same here: If toi make both of them powerful ou normal, they lose the chemistry that made them so engaging and interested in the first place.

On the's gorgeous. While I'm not a fan of the idea, I do l’amour some the fan-arts made about it, and this is one of the best. Her version of the ice dress makes her look plus distinct from her sister, and if toi look closely, it looks like there are papillons on it, which could symbolize her sense of new-found freedom, if she had the same backstory as Elsa.
I also like how she "extracts" her arm, in a way that says: "Come with me." Even montrer off her snowflake, implying that she wants to play and have fun with her powers with a companion. That companion being us, the audience.

On the topic of Anna having powers... I actually think it could work, but only if they switched the roles around, which leads me too...

8."Anna the Snow Princess and Queen Elsa of Arendelle" par SandButterbeer

While I relate plus to Elsa than Anna, and I think the ice fits her more. However, this is role reversal; a "What if..." kind of story: "What if Elsa and Anna had different roles. Elsa was normal, and Anna was the one with the magic ice powers.

As I've a dit many times before, I compared Elsa to Marry Poppins, in that they're both kind and loving women, but are also strict, intelligent, and can say no. Because Elsa has no powers, I'd imagine she's plus close to Marry Poppins in terms of character. Giving out orders to Kristoff in a stern manner, while also being formal and gentle.
Also, I l’amour the fact that the artist made switched the hair couleurs around par having Anna's hair be platinum-blonde, and Elsa's hair brunette. Not only does Elsa look great, but according to the creators, the reason why Elsa has platinum-blonde hair, despite her parents and Anna having brown hair, is because of her powers. Here, however, Elsa was never born with her powers, and instead Anna was born with them, which is why she has platinum-blonde hair.

As for Anna, because she was born with powers, I'd imagine that she's doesn't want to hide it, probably even plus so than Elsa. She has to learn how to control them, but due to the pressure she's being put through, especially par her sister and her people, she can't take it anymore and runs away. It's similar to Elsa's, while also keeping true to Anna's character.

As usual, the artstyle matches that of Britney Lee's, and not only does it look beautiful, but it's also very fitting. Here, the roles are reversed, and using Britney Lee's artsyle, who's the concept artist for Frozen, makes it look like it's going back ou paying homage to its roots.

I also like how the two lovingly embrace. Even when they're roles are reversed, they still l’amour each other to the very end. The look on their eyes is alone to give toi what they're both feeling, without even uttering a word.

9."Anna" par SAkURA-JOkER.

This fan-art is nothing really special, but I think its simplicity is what makes it good.
Her smile is as adorable as ever, and the artstyle is cute, colorful and fits Anna perfectly.
Heck, the artsyle makes it look like she's the 3D model brought to 2D.

10."White Anna" par kiiro789

This is a rather depressing and disturbing one, as it shows Anna being terrified as Elsa's curse is getting worse and worse.
One of the things that made me like Anna's transformation into the ice statue is that it looks like some kind of disease. A disease that sourced from the fear and anxiety of the person she loved; a result of her reckless behavior for not listening to her warning of others, especially her sister.

This could be a metaphor on how many young people tend to get sick for being reckless, even if he/she had good intentions. But, at the end, the l’amour they shared together helped her cure her disease, which allowed the both to grow and become better people.

11."Frozen" par godohelp

Like the précédant one, this fan-art shows Anna in her cursed state, but unlike the précédant one, this one shows her accepting her fate. She's folding her arms in a way that looks like the way the arms are folded on corpses. In fact, her vacant expression and the image of her just standing their, with a blank expression makes her look like ghost in the icy fog of the Snow Queen. A Lost soul, who Lost her life, her way, and Lost the person she loved.

12.I'd see toi again

This fan-art shows a sequence of events from the Anna's past, where she spends her life, but is actually feeling lonely without Elsa. Hoping that one jour they'll meet again, only for it to come true.

I like how it showcases some of the events in this fan-art. I like the one where she wears a rain manteau and is starring in curiosity and confusion to a bird. It's very adorable. I also like the one where she's running barefooted with a dog. My favori one would have to be the one where different versions of Anna are knocking on Elsa's door, only to get the same result.

But the wait ultimately pays off, as they're reunited at the end, and it's really adorable and heartwarming.

13."Family" par PONZU

I'm actually surprised that I didn't include any work from PONZU, but I guess it's better late than never.
If toi don't know, PONZU is a Japanese teenage artist, who's a big fan of Disney, and does absolutely phenomenal Disney art. I always l’amour the combination of Disney and Japan, because they look beautiful, but PONZU is par far the best. Her art is not only fantastic, but is filled with a lot of emotion. I'm actually a big follower of her Twitter page.

About this actually hold nostalgic value to me, because I posté this fan-art on Fanpop's Disney Princess site, the jour after I wrote my analysis of "Let It Go". One commenter called "324anna" a dit "Awww". It's nothing special, but it described this fan-art perfectly.

If toi look closely, toi could see a tear is coming out of Elsa's eye, while she embraces her sister, whom she missed the most. It's a tear of joy, because they're finally reunited after 13 years, and no longer have to deal with the hardships that may come from it.

14."Young Elsa and Older Anna" par jungie14295

In the Elsa version, I placed an image of Elsa taking care of a much younger Anna, having a relationship similar to that of Nani and Lilo. Here, once again, the roles are reversed. Anna is the older sibling, and Elsa is the younger one.

In the Elsa article, I a dit that it reflected Elsa's viewpoint on Anna: a little sister that she needs to protect. In my opinion, this represents Anna's viewpoint. Unlike Elsa, Anna doesn't see her little sister as someone to protect, but rather as the most important person that she could have fun with, and is the most important person in her life. I especially like the part where Anna helps Elsa how to ride a horse. I actually think this makes sense, because Elsa never got to go outside, and couldn't learn how to ride a horse. Anna, however, spent a lot of time in the royal garden, which could explain as to why she was able to ride a horse. I cans see Anna teaching Elsa how to ride a horse properly, especially because Elsa's the Queen and needs to look good for the people.

The one part I don't like is the last part, where older Elsa is angry that Anna and younger Elsa a volé, étole her chocolate. Does that mean that both versions of the characters exist in the same universe?

Still, one of the most adorable fan-arts I've seen of the two.

15.Anna comforts Elsa.

It's a pretty sad image. Elsa is begging for apology and tries to explain why she did it, which results in her breaking down, and Anna hugging and comforting her, which results in her crying, too.

I like how Anna is also crying, because it's a very subtle yet very meaningful metaphor on their contrast. Elsa is crying because she still feels guilty over what she did, and Anna is crying because she' happy to finally be with her sister, again.

The artsyle is nothing special, but it works good enough, and the emotions of the two is enough to put it on the list.

16."Still Beating" par asameshii

This is actually one of the few fan-arts was also featured in the Elsa article. I put it here too, because I think this is plus of a fan-art of Anna than it is of Elsa. Sure, Elsa is checking to see if Anna's cœur, coeur is still beating, but Anna, once again, is the emotional support for Elsa. I know some of toi might think that this fan-art portrays Anna as the animated version of Mary Jane Watson from the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies; a lifeless doll that exists just to comfort the main character. And Elsa is an emotional wreck. But it actually makes sense.
Both Anna and Elsa have spent 13 years in isolation, and both of them were scared for life. Elsa became depressed and anxious, and is always afraid whether ou not someone will get hurt because of her. And Anna, finally happy that they're together, will do anything to make her sister happy and protect, even if it means comforting her.

Plus, it's clear that both l’amour each other (Not romantically, of course.), and they just want to make sure that the other is safe.

17."Best Sisters" par Nyamo

While I mentioned PONZU, I forgot to talk about another great artist who made some spectacular La Reine des Neiges art: Nyamo. Like PONZU, Nyamo is a Japanese Disney artist who does simple but really great La Reine des Neiges art. The reason why it's great is because of how much personality it has.
She does multiple multiple La Reine des Neiges art that shows the characters in a possible and plausible situation that makes sense in Frozen's universe. This one is a good example. Elsa and Anna are being hugged par Bulda, who's practically Kristoff's surrogate mother. I find this a very adorable fan-arts, and it shows off Nyamo's talent when it comes to Frozen.

18"Elsa's Eyeglasses Comic" par mizzizabellaSMS

This is another one from the Elsa article. I put that there not just because it's very heartwarming, but also because it's very relatable to me, because in October of 2016, I started to wear eyeglasses because I become nearsighted. I've gotten used to it, but I still miss having 20/20 vision. I blame myself, because I tired my eyes out.

In the Elsa article, I explained why it's relatable to me, but I didn't mention Anna's part. She not only accepts that Elsa wears eyeglasses, but she's fully open to it. She doesn't shun Elsa, nor look down upon her. If anything, the glasses makes her look plus adorable and wiser. She doesn't look at Elsa's glasses as a crutch, but as something to help her sister, which she sees as a gift, and it helps Elsa look plus intelligent. Heck, I wouldn't mind if in the sequel, Elsa's going to wear glasses.

And that last Kiss on Elsa's forehead is truly heartwarming.

19."Wavy-haired/pig-tailed Anna"

While I much prefer weeing her int he coronation hair and the pigtails, this is a very fitting haircut. It's shows off her bubbly, childlike nature, and it makes her look plus adorable. To be honest, I think this haircut fits plus to 9 an old Anna, but still, a very "adorkable" haircut for a very "adorkable" character.

20."Baking with Anna" par Tuttava

I l’amour this one. Once again, it shows off their contrast in personality, while also being hilarious. Elsa and Anna are cooking, but Anna decided to also play with the cuisine equipment, bugging Elsa in the process.
I'm pretty sure many people can relate to this one. As expected, I relate plus to Elsa and how she's trying to focus on her work, but Anna is the one who shines here. Here expression is absolutely priceless, and her fighting pots with her fists is hilarious.

21."Anna comforts young Elsa"

Young Elsa is scared to death, but Anna is helping her calm down; placing her hand on Elsa's face, and saying that it's all going to be alright.
Once again, I like this one because like the one with Anna being the older sister, here she tries to reach out and help Elsa, who's just a young girl, something that their parents couldn't do. The fact that it's in the dark could symbolize a sense of light and hope in a place of darkness and despair. Elsa is despair, but Anna is giving her hope.

22."Anna and Gerda"

If toi didn't know, my favori book par Hans Christian Andersen is The Snow Queen. I grew up watching the 1957 Russian adaptation. Over time, I began to consider it as H.C. Andersen's magnum Opus. It's one of the reason why I liked La Reine des Neiges is because it's based on the book. Now, you'd think I'd be furious that they changed almost everything about the book, but the fact that it gave me an relatable story that has the two most selfless and relatable Disney characters I've ever seen. Other adaptations like the 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist, while not following the story it's based on, it managed to be it's own thing and became something unique. It' the same thing here.

Now, aside from that, this fan-art is really funny! Seeing Anna meet her book counterpart is hilarious, especially because Gerda is asking about her friend Kai, but Anna thinks that she's talking about Kai the servant.
I actually think that something like this can happen if they ever met/crossed-over. In fact, I'd l’amour to see that. Two stories that I hold dearly to my cœur, coeur meeting to become something else.

23."Krstanna" par NightLiight

I'm not a shipper type of person, but I do ship Anna and Kristoff. I think they look adorable and they make a very fitting couple.
This fan-art is actually a compilation of multiple fan-arts of them forming a family over time.
The first one shows them after having sex, covered in blankets, while Kristoff's big arm folds over Anna. Considering what happens after, it's very plausible that this is where Anna got pregnant.
In the seconde one, Anna's expecting and tired, so she spends a lot of time resting in her room. To keep her spirits up, Kristoff keeps her company and entertains her par playing with the little baby booties they'd gotten as a gift. They're so small, the father-to-be can barely put a finger in them.
In the third one, The morning after the baby is born, the new parents, both exhausted, have a quiet moment together for the first time as a family.
Anna hands their son over to Kristoff for the first time to hold him. Incredibly nervous, he keeps the tiny baby nestled in both his arms protectively. But in an instant, Kristoff forgot his worries and gazed at his little boy with such l’amour and wonder.
Anna watching them both lovingly as she lies comfortably suivant to her husband, eyes heavy and tired from the labor, her hand never losing contact with him.
In the fourth one, Anna and Kristoff have a seconde child, while the first one crawls on haut, retour au début of her father's head.
In the fifth one, Kristoff and Anna’s 4 an old daughter, wanted to make special christmas wreath crowns for her family as a gift. She pleaded for her 8 an old brother to help her with them. He did so, somewhat reluctantly. As her big brother, he can never bring himself to say ‘no’ to her. And he happily helps her place them on the tops of their heads the suivant morning.

It's a very emotional compilation of the most adorable Kristanna fan-arts ever.

24."Pregnant Anna" par Nyamo

In my Elsa article, I put some fan-arts in that shows Elsa as a mother. However, while I think she's make a wonderful mother, I believe Anna is plus fitting to be mother. I already consider Olaf, guimauve and the Snowgies to be Elsa's sons, so she already is a mother. Anna being pregnant is plus fitting for her character. She'd be the type if mother who pushes toi to the very end and supports you, until toi reach the top.

I always found pregnancy to be very attractive. Maybe the idea of a fertile woman bearing new life in her body is what makes it such a beautiful experience.

If toi look at Anna's finger, toi can see her wearing a silver ring, which means that she's married to Kristoff.

I also have nostalgic feeling towards this fan-art, because literally last year, for Anna's birthday, I recreated this fan-art on paper. On a Thursday afternoon, after school was out, me and my mother went to the psychiatrist and I showed her my drawings, and when she saw the one with pregnant Anna, she asked if there's a part two where she's pregnant. I a dit no, I just made that because it's adorable.

25"Do toi Want to Build a Snowman" par cherryboniu

Last year, I wrote an article where I analyzed "Do toi Want to Build a Snowman", but it got taken down. Which is a shame because it's my seconde favori song in the movie.

"Do toi Want to Build a Snowman" has to cram all this exposition and character development into 3 and a half minutes, but it doesn’t do too badly.
At the end of the song, when Elsa was crying in the room, I felt so sorry for her that I started crying. I just wanted to hug her tightly saying that everything will be alright. During her isolation, her parents we're the only ones she could interact with, but now that they're dead, Anna was the only one left and she could never see her again because she wanted to protect her from herself, so she basically had no one else left in her life, only her grief and loneliness. I also felt really sorry for Anna because Elsa was the only one left and yet she is shutting her out of her life, thinking that Elsa hates her, and making her feel less self conscious about herself. Both of them want to be family again they can't because their parents forbid them.

26."The Hike" par samanthadoodles

Ever wondered what happened to Elsa's belongings after she fled up the North Mountain from Arendelle?
In this fan-art, Anna is Lost and is trying to find Kristoff, but instead finds something else: Elsa's glove. When he sees it, she starts to have flashbacks to what happened at the coronation, and feels guilty. Blaming herself for what happened, she breaks down, begging for Elsa to forgive her.

Up until this point, I've talked about Anna's warmness and playfulness, but I didn't mention one of her stronger and most defining traits: her low self esteem. Because she was locked out of Elsa's life, and having no one beside hers, aside from her parents, she started to think that that Elsa hated her for something she did, even though it was the other way around. Because of that, her self esteem has started to dwindle, and became desperate for affection. Her solitude got so bad that she started to talk to the paintings on the wall.
While I relate a lot plus to Elsa, I also relate to Anna when it comes to her low self esteem. Every time I make a big mistake, ou forget about something important, not only do I feel like an idiot, but as a burden who has no use for the people around him. I contemplated suicide many times before, but I never went through with it. Whenever something goes wrong here, I always blame myself the most. For example, back when I was in elementary school, I was having lunch in the cuisine and used a condiment to give it some taste. My grandmother was also in the kitchen, and I told her that there's another way the condiment is called, but suddenly she slipped on the floor, and her leg broke. After informing my mother about what happened, I quickly ran outside, blaming myself for distracting her. I felt guilty for my grandmother's leg injury, because instead of letting her observe her environment and be plus careful, I distracted her with my commentaire about condiments. My mother a dit that it wasn't my fault; the floor was just slippery because it was washed up.
Thank God, she's still in good health and her leg is fine. However, that still doesn't make me feel better over what I've done.

Plus, I can relate to Anna when she talks to the walls, because I also have no companions to talk to, so instead I talk to myself and practice my language.

27."Princess Anna" par Tokio92

In my Elsa article, I mentioned that there's an Anna version of one of the fan-arts that showed her development over the years, while also copying Britney Lee's artwork.
As I a dit before, I l’amour Britney Lee's artwork because of how simplistic yet elegant it is.

I l’amour all the expressions Anna has in this image. She goes from a sad little girl, to a young woman who tries to déplacer on from her past life. She goes from sad and tired, to free-spirited and playful, to young woman who seeks l’amour and is ready to take on the world.

28."The dressing room" par godohelp.

This fan-art shows a how the dressing room scene would've looked like if it was animated.
In my "Getting to know Renegade1765 (Updated Version)" article, I a dit that if the dressing room scene was kept in the movie, then it would've been my seconde favori scene in the movie. I have two reasons why:
1) It's the scene where I saw myself the most in Elsa. Almost as if she was meant to be the character I always wanted. I related to everything about her: her intelligent,rational and stern personality, her snarky and jokey personality, the tendency to inform others about what they should do, and the tendency to lash out at the ones I l’amour out of fear of getting stressed up and hurt them, but still apologize.
2) While I understand the creators' intentions par not having them interact that much in the movie because of their broken relationship, But the problem is that par not having them interact that much, it's hard for people to connect with them ou even care about their relationship because they don't montrer us any scenes with them interacting before the incident, except for when they play in the snow. While the movie would've been drastically different if they had kept this scene, it's still a great scene that shows how much their relationship has rotten.

29."Selfie Elsa and Anna"

I have a confession to make: I don't like selfies. Personally, I see selfies as a sign of narcissism and vanity; something that only arrogant and self-absorbed people would use to take photos of themselves probably to masturbate to it.
I always viewed photos as a way to commemorate a special moment; a moment that left such an impact on toi that toi want to memorize it, look back, and remember how that moment effect you, and how times have changed.

But enough about my vues on selfies; what about the fan-art? Once again, it shows off their contrast and chemistry, and it's adorable. Anna is making faces, goofing around, and looking funny; while Elsa is calm, reserved, and tries to read a book. The serious/angry face they make in the 3rd panel is truly hilarious. In fact, each of the photos are placed in a way to montrer the progression of the moment: First, Anna is making faces at the cellphone while Elsa is reading; Second, they bot look at the cellphone, with both of them having a different smile; Third, they're making grumpy faces at the cellphone as a joke; And lastly, they're both laughing at how much they had.

I don't know why, but the artwork reminds me of a lot of someone who also does La Reine des Neiges fan-arts, but I can't recall who. Anyway, let's just say that the artwork is beautiful, and this is an adorable piece.

30."Anna tries to harvest ice"

Anna tries to lift up a huge block of ice, not listening to Kristoff's warning's, which resutls in both of them getting wet.

I really like this one. Both Anna and Kristoff are in character, the idea of Anna trying to harvest ice and failing is really funny to me.

31."Where is my mind - Betrayal and heartbreak"
par Astranya

In the description of this fan-art, the artist a dit that she wanted to depict a darker version of Frozen, and in my opinion, she succeeded.

One of the things that I liked about Hans' reveal is that Anna basically chose a scumbag over Elsa. Anna grew up believing that Elsa didn't l’amour her and did a lot of things that only villains would do; when in reality she did everything out of fear, since she loved Anna so much that if shutting her out would be the best way to protect her, she goes through with it. Hans, on the other hand is a scumbag who did many things that others would consider heroic and romantic; when in reality he did it to win Anna's trust and love, only to crush both of them at the end.

The reason why I bring this up is because it's a tragic part of Anna. That she chose a man who only pretended to l’amour her, over the sister who did things out of love.
At the end, she admits that she doesn't know what true l’amour is, because she lived in a lie from both sides - not knowing what the true l’amour means anymore. Not only is her cœur, coeur frozen, but it's also broken.

The fan-art depicts them in a "Yin-Yang" sort of way, which for Elsa and Anna work perfectly, since they are two sides of the same coin.
Elsa is upside-down and is hollowed out with her eyes glowing, and the background looks like trails of blood. It could imply that after hearing that Anna died because of her, she could no longer ours the pain and wanted her life to end. When she broke down and Hans was about to strike her down, Elsa could've heard Hans unsieth his sword, but instead of fighting back, she accepts her fate. After all, her kingdom is in ruins and would go back to normal if she died, thus assuring a better life for the citizens; and her sister, whom she tried to protect at any cost, is dead par Elsa's hands.
Throughout the movie, Elsa sees herself as only a monster, but now that she literally Lost everything and did everything a monster would do, she accepted her fate - for what use do the people have for a monster?
Also, that trail of blood is coming from Anna, as if to imply that she's responsible for her sister's death.

Both palaces are shown in the picture in the "Yin-Yang" manner, to montrer their homes and kingdoms, and what they have control over. Only to find out that they have control over nothing.

The harsh and jagged edges of the ice and the artstyle really match the tone, since it is a harsh situation that both of them have to get through.

32."Spring Beauty" par Aozee

Well, I had one sexy image of Elsa in that article, I might as well have one with Anna, here.

I'm par no means a pervert, ou that I masturbate to sexy images of Disney characters. It's just that I fin this to be a very cute fan-art of Anna, even if she's in a bathing suit (I originally thought it was some type of lingerie.). I bet she wears the bathing suit and does that pose to arouse Kristoff and have some fun in the bed.

33."Do toi Want to Build a Snowman?" par TomperWomper.

For 13 years, Anna begs Elsa to open the door and build a snowman with her. However, when Elsa is at the North Mountain, she builds a snowman all par herself.

I know this may seem selfish on Elsa's side, but I can't help but laugh at it. XD

As funny as it may seem, Elsa didn't build Olaf alone just to screw with Anna. She did it because Olaf represents her relationship with Anna - but now that she's going to live the rest of her life in isolation, she says goodbye to it, par building one last snowman in Anna's name.

34."Princess Anna - DO toi WANNA BUILD A SNOWMAN ???" par didouchafik

This is also one of the funniest. Anna got to sick of being asked if she wants to build a snowman, that she literally starts nagging about it.

I l’amour Anna's expression! toi can tell that she's annoyed and grumpy she feels, especially because of how many times she was asked to build a snowman. The song, ou rather the phrase, has become so populaire that it became a meme. And like most memes, I'm also getting sick of it. But still, that won't stop me from loving the song.

The artwork is beautiful and it captures Anna's annoyance perfectly.

35."Lonely Anna" par DrZime

This fan-art depict a young and lonely Anna who knocks on Elsa's door as usual, but this time, she has an expression that represents not only her loneliness, sadness, but also probably even boredom.
The editing of the page to only montrer Anna's half and expanding the room really build a sense of loneliness and separation, which is certainly appropriate for her.

36."Elsa and Anna - Snowball Fight"

During their snowball fight, Elsa hits Anna with a snowball and boasts about how Anna can never defeat her when it comes to snowball fights. But as she's boasting, Anna starts to cry. Elsa sees this and apologizes to Anna, only it was a trick par Anna to get Elsa in front of her, just so she can hit her face with a snowball.

There are many things I like about this fan-art: the cartoony and fun artstyle; the clever twist; but what I like the most is, of course, is that both are in character. Elsa is a gentle person who wouldn't even harm a fly, and Anna knows this. Anna isn't an idiot, so she takes advantage of Elsa's worrying nature to splat a snowball on her face.

It's a clever and funny little comic that I always look vers l'avant, vers l’avant to seeing again.

37."Shimmering Crystal - Anna [Frozen]" par MitsouParker

This one actually have nostalgic value to me because it was the profil picture of the very first Fanpoper who ever commenté on my first article: PeacefulCritic. She had this fan-art as her profil picture, and since then I never forgot about it.

The couleurs here are absolutely phenomenal. The crystals on Anna's Troll ceremony dress are absolutely gorgeous. The different variations of blue, green, purple and magenta are really striking, and it also helps Anna to stand out more. Her fraise hair and light-blue eyes are not only beautiful, but help her stand out.

38."I'll be right here" par Nyamo

I was planning on putting this as the 40th, but there is a fan-art(s) of Anna that I like plus and stay true to her character a little stronger.

Back in March of 2015, I wrote the first article about Anna, wherein I talked about how Anna's naivete breaks the fallacy of l’amour at first sight. Because I didn't have that many fan-arts of Anna at the time, I used what I had. One of them was this one.
In fact, before I haricot, fève to write this article, I recreated this fan-art on paper for her birthday.

The reason I l’amour this fan-art so much is not just because it's adorable, but it also shows how much a strong, Rebelle and selfless person Anna is. Her 5 an old self, 9 an old self, and 18 an old self are protecting Elsa, saying that they're there for Elsa, and they will protect her, just like how she protected Anna.

The difference between Elsa and Anna's selflessness is how they're selfless and how they made the sacrifice for one-another. Anna sacrificed her life and possibly her dream of being with her true l’amour to protect Elsa, whom she abandoned, and realizes that she needs her plus than Anna needs Kristoff. Elsa sacrificed her own identity and emotions, after a traumatic incident which resulted in traumatizing her. Never using her powers again, out of fear of hurting her only sister.
One of the writer's a dit that both represent a certain emotion. Anna represents Love, while Elsa represents Fear.

Also, this image makes it look like that the Annas from the past and present are forgiving Elsa, and returning the favor for trying to protect them.

39."Anna and the little girl - Part 1/2" par Nyamo

Here we come close to the end where I'll talk about probably not only my favori fan-art of Anna, but also the main problem I have with Anna.
Now, my problem with Anna isn't character based, ou having insufficient screen-time, but her popularity. ou rather, her unpopularity.

The problem I have with Anna is that people, myself included, keep praising and analyzing the ever-living crap out of Elsa, while barely any real attention is donné to Anna and her struggles. Even though she suffered just as much as Elsa, and had just as much character development. And yet people keep praising Elsa while Anna is shoved to the side. Back in 2014 when I became obsessed with Frozen, it was Elsa the one who got me invested because of how much I related to her. However, while I didn't ignore Anna, she felt like an inferior character par comparison, and that the movie should've been about Elsa and not Anna. However, over time I became plus knowledgeable and began to appreciate and l’amour Anna almost as much. I relate a lot to her, too, and her bravery and selflessness are only portions that make her such a wonderful person.
And yet, people still praise Elsa a lot more, while Anna doesn't. I actually started to compare them to two very talented actors who had a similar problem: Bela Lugosi and Boris Karlof. Bela Lugosi, while talented, wasn't as revered and praised as much as Boris Karloff, who not only starred in plus populaire roles than Lugosi, but people kept praising him, while Lugosi who's equally talented, wasn't as well praised as Karloff. It's the same thing with Anna and Elsa. That's why I chose this as my favori - because not only are they heartwarming and adorable fan-arts, but also represent the way people view her.

But that's enough about long-winded part. Let's talk about something else!
I l’amour that hug at the end - it's really wonderful. I also l’amour how, even though Elsa is still plus popular, there are still people and even children out there who l’amour and look up to Anna. I actually have Friends online who like Anna more, but they acknowledge that both are equally wonderful characters.

Anna's unpopularity doesn't stop there. In a deleted scene that takes place before the dressing room scene, Anna finds a boy crying because he has Lost his pig and can't find him. Anna offers her help, but the boy says: "No! I want princess Elsa to help me find him!" That alone is enough for us to understand how both characters are viewed. Elsa is seen as perfect and is loved par all, even though she's become cold-hearted; and Anna is seen as just a spare sister that screws up everything, even though she's an incredibly loving and nice person.
While this part was deleted, this proves how unpopular Anna is compared to Elsa, when in reality she deserves just as much credit.

While I still l’amour Elsa more, that doesn't mean I don't respect and l’amour Anna, because I really do. They're both two of my favori characters of all time, and they both hold a special place in my heart.

As always, Smell ya' Later.
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Source: chesire
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added by Elemental-Aura
Source: me, alafastanzio
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Source: Not Mine
added by chameron4eva
Source: Not Mine
added by chameron4eva
Source: Not Mine
added by chameron4eva
Source: Not Mine
 The receiver
The receiver
I know this is kinda a weird countdown, but here ya go.

10. The Prince
I don't see him giving any wedgies at all. If anything, I think he'd be the one receiving them from everyone else.

9. Prince Charming
Just like with the Prince, I don't see Charming giving any wedgies. He might give the occasional wedgie, but only to the Prince.

8. Prince Phillip
This guy would give so many wedgies to the other two classic princes that it's not funny.

7. Shang
He doesn't always give wedgies, but when he does, toi better believe that it'll being excruciatingly painful.

6. Adam/Beast
Beginning-of-the-movie Beast...
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I wrote this article based in Disney Wiki's trivia.

Snow White: Snow Whites's name means white as snow and she lives in the bavarian Germany, as Rapunzel.
Cinderella: Cendrillon is derived from the French word Cendrillon, which translates in English as "little ash girl".She lives in French.
Aurora: Aurora means "sunrise" ou "dawn" in Latin. Probably she lives in Germany .
Ariel: Ariel means "lion of God" in Roman and she lives in Denkmark.
Belle: Belle means beauty in french and she lives in France.
Jasmine: "Jasmine" is a Persian name for a beautiful fleur and she lives in middle east (a town called...
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I decided to start a series of analyzing the DP Couples in depth (and later, the other Disney Couples) after I got bored one day, and wanted to write a series of articles. toi can recommend me which couple to do suivant in the couples section. So here is how it is going to go. I will first explain my global, ensemble statement about the couples in a paragraph, and then I will analyze each scene to look at the inner and outer feelings of the characters individually an the couple itself.

Here is the first DP Couple Analysis: link
Here is the seconde DP Couple Analysis: link

First thoughts right after watching...
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posted by bluethunder25
Most of toi who have just read the titre of this article are probably thinking in your heads, "Yes," ou "oh hell yeah!" ou something like that. Well before toi jump to that answer, hear me out. Last night, I had a dream that was related to the scene in Raiponce where Rapunzel confronts Gothel and while I was sleeping in, it got me thinking. Yes, what Gothel did to Rapunzel was wrong, but I'm not sure if she completely qualifies as a villain.....per say. Let me explain.
First of all, unlike the other Disney Villains (with the exception of Frollo) Gothel isn't really interested in world domination...
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posted by rhythmicmagic
 What, someone's actually going to defend me?
What, someone's actually going to defend me?
People have been doing these kinds of articles for their favori princesses lately, so I thought I’d do this for one of my favori characters from a DP movie. She is a character I feel is really underappreciated and gets a lot of unfair hate. toi can read some of the negative things people have to say about her on milky-way’s link. I really l’amour Nakoma and feel a desire to defend her.

First of all, I want to defend her against something I’ve seen a dit about her (it wasn’t in that article, I’m not sure where it was, but I know I’ve seen it) that is just blatantly unfair and untrue....
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posted by Jayden-G
Everybody knows that Ariel and jasmin are probably the most similar pair out of the princesses. They both stand up against their fathers, both are outspoken a bit rebellious, and attractive teenagers , not adults. These two are the few teenage princesses, so their behaviours are plus emotionally based than the others. Let's look at their situations

Ariel has a slim, kind of curvy figure with long, thick red hair hat falls down to her waist. She is also a bit short, and has big blue eyes. In th beginning of her film, she goes above the sea to collect plus human artifacts, unknowingly...
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My DP choices keeps changing every time. I'm diplomatic for my DP liste :P So I decided to mettre en ligne my latest rank liste ou countdown toi can say.And yeah,I'm not uploading many images due to some arrangement problem in fanpop articles lately.I'm very annoyed of this X(

10.Pocahontas(earlier Rank-7 :P)
I know that Pocahontas fans will hate me for this but she's my LEAST favorite.I think that she's too old fashion.Well I am not trying to be racist.Means she's not my LEAST favori due to her tribe,living ou anything like that.But still I don't find anything so SPECIAL in her.Also she's every time...
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I had inspiration to write this article because of a dream I had a couple years ago. I dreamed there was a map of the world, and points on the map. At the points, is where a Disney story took place. For example, in India, was The Jungle Book.

So I wonder, where does each story take place? Well, not everyone knows for sure, but here are some I guess where each takes place. (I'm only doing Disney Princesses)

1. Snow White
Snow White is really a dark story and takes place in dark times. I believe it takes place in early, middle age time, England. Around the 1400's. I think this because in the...
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So I thought I'd take a break from the official princesses and find actrices for the non official ones, the four main ones. Giving each of them a haut, retour au début five liste is too much work so I just chose the best actress for each forgotten princess.

Esmeralda-Mila Kunis
One of the most respected actrices in the industry right now. Mila can definitely pull off playing a headstrong but beautiful leading lady. Plus she's got the same exotic features as Esme. Adriana Lima would also be a good choice, but there's abit of a language barrier.

Megara-Olivia Wilde
She plays a somewhat similar role in...
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