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So I've been lire that the "Prettiest Princess" ranking is sort of like a right of passage article that all of the fans here on fanpop do so I figured it was time for my own. Instead of just doing a physical beauty ranking, I wanted to do an global, ensemble beauty ranking instead. I personally see ranking women based only on their physical beauty as objectifying them so I am kind of confused that it's not looked at that way here on fanpop? (Not saying this to judge ou condone others but just out of genuine curiosity and confusion considering the way some fans have reacted to perceived objectification before.) This is not to discount looks completely, as it is clear that they are a factor as women have been getting plus physically attractive in real life over time. Since I like to think plus in terms of "love" than "lust", I would like to make my "prettiest" liste based on the combination of looks, values and personality. Since I am a straight woman, I researched the haut, retour au début 10 traits that are most valued par straight men looking for long-term relationships and rated each princess against those standards. (So basically what most decent men look for in a wife.) Of the 10 traits: 3 are Physically-Related; 4 are Values-related and 3 are Personality/Behavior-Related. Here are my results:

13. Jasmine: Physical: She is physically perfect. She is in shape, has a petite, feminine and proportionate body, big eyes, proportionate face and long hair.
Values: She is definitely very curious and cultured as shown par her desire to explore the city she is to rule over. She is not very adaptable ou good at team-work and sacrifice as shown par her running away and refusing to really meet the princes before rejecting them. However, she can clearly adapt to life on the rue as she shows Aladin and Abu. She is not very respectful of those around her although she does clearly trust Aladin as well as her father. She does not respect any boundaries which makes her plus prone for problems in general. I know there are people out there who will débats me on this but she is not modest and does not fully recognize her value. The "prize to be won" line shows her confusion because it has nothing to do with objectifying but value. I believe every decent man and woman should see themselves as a "prize to be won" because then they are plus likely to have higher standards and not settle for someone who doesn't deserve them. "Prize" is just an analogy for a "great catch". I don't see it as objectification at all because she gets to determine who she allows to "win her hand", not someone else. Her father is just giving her a timeline, not forcing a specific man on her. The fact that she wont even give any of the princes a chance shows that she is excluding the men who are the most successful from her l’amour life which means she is decreasing her chances in getting the best quality man. I am in no way saying the princes were all great men, I am just saying she wouldn't even know if 1 was and she might have met her own "Prince Charming" but she denied herself that opportunity.
Personality/Behavior: She is definitely a nurturing person beneath the aggressive outer layer as shown par her feeding the homeless and hungry children with the apple. She also definitely has a sense of humor and is a very clever girl. Unfortunately her demeanor is very unpleasant as she is incredibly outspoken and impulsive. She doesn't understand the balance of picking one's battles and not lashing out at every little thing that makes her upset.

12. Tiana: Physical: She is in shape with a proportionate body as well as big eyes. It also seems her hair wasn't very long but it's also not too short.
Values: She is clearly a very modest woman as she wont even give the womanizing Naveen the time of jour until he proved himself. She seems to definitely be sophisticated and cultured as she had a great father who taught her to think big and beyond. She is very respectful and completely understands boundaries. While she definitely understands sacrifice, she's not so great at teamwork although she learns about it throughout her film par being stuck with Naveen.
Personality/Behavior: I'm sure that there are differing opinions on this but I find her demeanor to be very pleasant. She is confident but not arrogant, straight-forward but not rude, somewhat soft-spoken but not a doormat par any means. I don't think she completely lacks a sense of humor but it doesn't seem to be very strong either. She is definitely a nurturing person although hard-working as shown par the ways she tries to take care of her friend Charlotte.

11. Merida: Physical: She has a feminine and proportionate face as well as big eyes and long curly hair which is very beautiful.
Values: She really values herself and doesn't want to marry just any aléatoire guy. She doesn't seem overly cultured but her interest in the Mordu story shows that she is not ignorant to culture. It seems like she really respects others (including her parents) despite the fact that she doesn't seem to respect ou understand boundaries. She was not very adaptable in the beginning and not good with team-work ou sacrifice but she did start learning about it par the end of the film.
Personality/Behavior: She does not have a very pleasant demeanor as she is very impulsive, outspoken and not exactly well-mannered ou graceful. When her father is attacked par the hawk she laughs obnoxiously instead of montrer grace and offering to help him. She is definitely nurturing towards her brothers, though not as much towards her parents, at least in the beginning. par the end she gets plus compassionate and understanding of her parents and finds a balance. The entire film she did have a good sense of humor though.

10. Mulan: Physical: She is in shape, with a proportionate body and face. She also has beautiful long hair at the start of the film which was her natural state and she only cut her hair to pass off as a man.
Values: Mulan is definitely a modest person who values herself enough to try and strike a good match at the matchmaker's to bring honor to her family, despite her struggling along the way. She is somewhat cultured but not too much as shown par her "cheating". She doesn't exactly respect boundaries nor does she fully trust her father to be his own man but it does stem from a self-less place of l’amour and concern for him.
Personality/Behavior: Her demeanor is mostly pleasant although she can be a bit outspoken at times. She definitely has a sense of humor and she is also nurturing and caring.

9. Elsa: Physical: She is in shape, her body and face are proportionate, she has big eyes and long hair.
Values: She seems to be modest although her ice dress may suggest not as modest as portrayed in the beginning. She seems to be very cultured and respectful as shown par her coronation. Unfortunately, she is not very adaptable ou good with teamwork as shown par her running away instead of finding a better solution.
Personality/Behavior: She certainly has a pleasant demeanor as she is soft-spoken yet confident and rational and logical. She clearly has a sense of humor as shown par tricking Anna into dancing with an old man. Although she is caring, she is not very nurturing ou she would never have been able to leave Anna to herself after their parents died.

8. Ariel Physical: She is physically perfect. She is in shape, has a petite, feminine and proportionate body, big eyes, proportionate face and long hair.
Values: She is modest as shown par her outfit choices as a human, but she is also very flighty and not super trustworthy despite her loyalty. She is one of the most cultured princesses as shown par her treasure trove and urge for knowledge. She respects others but she has no respect for boundaries and doesn't always montrer her respect as shown when she tunes others out in the middle of talking when she gets distracted par something. She is adaptable in the sense that she can live on land ou water but she doesn't do well with sacrifice as shown par not listening to her father's demands to not go up to the surface.
Personality/Behavior: She mostly has a pleasant demeanor but can sometimes get outspoken, stubborn and arrogant. She has a great sense of humor and can be caring and nurturing when she wants to.

7. Pocahontas: Physical: She is in shape, has a proportionate face and her hair is very long and gorgeous.
Values: She is definitely modest and takes her value very seriously as shown in her deep consideration about whether ou not to marry Kocoum. She is one of the most highly cultured of the princesses as she not only appreciates nature and her culture but is also very curious and interested in learning about Smith's culture. She respects boundaries and trusts her father unless she knows for certain that he was wrong and the issue she is speaking to is beyond them. She is incredibly adaptable and excellent at teamwork and sacrifice.
Personality/Behavior: She has a very pleasant demeanor as she knows how to carry herself and speak for herself without coming off arrogant ou aggressive. She certainly has a sense of humor and is very caring and nurturing.

6. Snow: Physical: She is in shape with a feminine and proportionate body and face.
Values: She is certainly very modest and very adaptable as shown par her strength after the assault on her life. She seems to be a sophisticated and cultured individual but we don't really get proof of this, in my opinion. She seems to respect boundaries as far as her accueil life with the evil Queen and it seems that the only reason she crossed boundaries par going into the dwarves' cottage was because it looked like it belonged to children when she looked in the window.
Personality/Behavior: She absolutely has a pleasant demeanor, even when correcting and instructing others. She certainly has a sense of humor and she is very nurturing and caring.

5. Anna Physical: She is physically perfect. She is in shape, has a petite, feminine and proportionate body, big eyes, proportionate face and long hair.
Values: She is somewhat modest but her being isolated so long led her to jump into the arms of the wrong man which she could've seen coming if she were plus aware as shown par his commentaires about her being the "princess" when they met. She is definitely very cultured, curious and adaptable as shown par the way she chooses to spend her free time. She doesn't fully understand boundaries although I do think she tries to.
Personality/Behavior: She has a very pleasant demeanor, even when she is attempting to bossy. She is quirky but polite, positive and friendly. She certainly has a sense of humor and is even plus nurturing and caring than her older sister Elsa.

4. Rapunzel Physical: She is mostly in shape, has a feminine and proportionate body, a proportionate face, big eyes, and long hair when the film starts that she will probably let grow out again though admittedly not to the ridiculous length it was before.
Values: She is very modest, loyal and trustworthy. She is very cultured as shown par the way she spends her free time and her desire to understand the "floating lights". She completely respects boundaries and waits until she's nearly an adult before she breaks any kind of rules and only does so because she realizes the unique opportunity that has been presented to her. She is incredibly adaptable as shown par the many pseudo-villains that she is able to charm. She does everything she can to be a good partner to Eugene on the road despite having never left her tower before.
Personality/Behavior: She has a very pleasant demeanor as shown par the fact that she charms everyone she comes across. She certainly has a sense of humor and she is a very caring and nurturing individual.

TIE: 1. Ella Physical: She is nearly physically perfect. She is in shape, has a petite, feminine and proportionate body, big eyes, proportionate face and shorter to medium-length hair.
Values: She has perfect values. She is modest, loyal, trustworthy, self-confident, she respects boundaries, she is adaptable, she is a great team player and knows all about sacrifice. She isn't the most cultured but she doesn't seem to have time to be.
Personality/Behavior: She has a perfect personality and behaves perfectly. She has an absolutely pleasant demeanor, is very graceful and holds herself very well even in the face of abuse and humiliation. She certainly has a sense of humor and is very nurturing and caring.

TIE: 1. Belle Physical: She is physically perfect. She is in shape, has a petite, feminine and proportionate body, big eyes, proportionate face and has medium-length hair.
Values: She has near perfect values. She is modest, loyal, trustworthy, self-confident, she mostly respects boundaries (except the one time in the West Wing), she is adaptable, she is a great team player and knows all about sacrifice. She is one of the most cultured princesses as shown par her l’amour for livres and desire to travel and see the world beyond her small town.
Personality/Behavior: She has a perfect personality and behaves perfectly. She has an absolutely pleasant demeanor and rarely raises her voice. She is very graceful and holds herself very well even in the face of abuse and humiliation. She certainly has a sense of humor and is very nurturing and caring.

TIE: 1. Aurora Physical: She is physically perfect. She is in shape, has a petite, feminine and proportionate body, big eyes, proportionate face and long hair.
Values: She has near perfect values. She is modest, loyal, trustworthy, self-confident, she respects boundaries, she is adaptable, she is a great team player and knows all about sacrifice. She isn't the most cultured as all she seems to dream about is l’amour and nothing beyond that despite having tons of free time and isolation in the forest.
Personality/Behavior: She has a perfect personality and behaves perfectly. She has an absolutely pleasant demeanor, is very graceful and holds herself very well even in the face of abuse and humiliation. She certainly has a sense of humor and is very nurturing and caring.
Dungeons & dragons (or D&D for short) is a super fun dessus de la table, dessus de table roleplaying game that's been around since the 1970s but has recently gained a fair bit of popularity. I've been playing the game for around eight years at time of writing, and I strongly recommend toi give it a try if toi ever get the chance. It's really an absolute blast! D&D has always been one of my favori hobbies, but within the last two years it's become an even bigger part of my life. Since I've been having so much fun with it recently, I decided it was finally time to try something I'd always wanted to do: turning...
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Dungeons & dragons (or D&D for short) is a super fun dessus de la table, dessus de table roleplaying game that's been around since the 1970s but has recently gained a fair bit of popularity. I've been playing the game for around eight years at time of writing, and I strongly recommend toi give it a try if toi ever get the chance. It's really an absolute blast! D&D has always been one of my favori hobbies, but within the last two years it's become an even bigger part of my life. Since I've been having so much fun with it recently, I decided it was finally time to try something I'd always wanted to do: turning...
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Dungeons & dragons (or D&D for short) is a super fun dessus de la table, dessus de table roleplaying game that's been around since the 1970s but has recently gained a fair bit of popularity. I've been playing the game for around eight years at time of writing, and I strongly recommend toi give it a try if toi ever get the chance. It's really an absolute blast! D&D has always been one of my favori hobbies, but within the last two years it's become an even bigger part of my life. Since I've been having so much fun with it recently, I decided it was finally time to try something I'd always wanted to do: turning...
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Ok I'm giving this a seconde chance. So without furtherordo, here's my very own liste of the most beautiful Disney princesses.

17. Snow White
Snow being the last on this liste is not to say that I think she's ugly, infact I find her rather cute but she starts the liste of dps whom I l’amour not for their looks but for their personality. She's as sweet as a treat.

16. Aurora
Same thing with her as with snow white but I have to say, her figure is quite statuesque also her hair is awesome.

15. Cendrillon
I find Cinderella's smile to be her best physical feature but being one of the princesses with the...
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I know that once a mois my liste changes. Every mois there is a change in the liste of my favori princesses. Sometimes I write about princesses missing from my list, sometimes about something I'm not sure about. But today I'm really going to rank princesses from least favori to my favourite, and I'm going to try to be really honest. I count Megara, Esmeralda, Elsa and Anna too. I promise, this liste will never change again.

16- Ariel
You may find it absurd that Ariel would suddenly drop to the bottom of my liste when Ariel was in the middle of my list, but yes. I DO NOT hate Ariel. But I don't...
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added by PrueFever
Source: Aladin
 " Punz, have toi ever wondered why I don't cut your hair?"
" Punz, have you ever wondered why I don't cut your hair?"
Disney's "Tangled" was such a good movie that Raiponce had great characters. Of course, my favori was Rapunzel, but I also loved mother Gothel. It's weird that I don't like mother Gothel. Because I hated every bad guy except Audrey and Hades. Audrey and Hades had points that sounded similar and logical to me. For example, Audrey was stabbed in the back and Hades was wronged, and it was funny, so I loved them both.

I've watched Raiponce about seven times, and it's only the seventh time I've come to l’amour mother Gothel. After all, Gothel was separating Rapunzel from her family, using her, and raising...
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Disney is a truly incredible studio, with great movies, novels, and terrific drawings that surpass Picasso. I l’amour all of Disney's films and they're really amazing. I can sit and watch Disney films for hours. Today I'm going to share my haut, retour au début 10 favori Disney films with you, and also explain why I l’amour them.

10- Pocahontas
I don't like John Smith in the movie Pocahontas and I hate Poca and John's relationship. John Smith really embarrasses me and the scenes with him are disgusting. But frankly, I l’amour all the characters except John Smith. Percy, Nakoma and Pocahontas are great characters....
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For those of toi who don't know/remember Legend of Mor'Du was a short that was included on the Rebelle dvd. It started out like how Elinor explained it to Merida; the King leaves the kingdom to his 4 sons to rule together instead of leaving it all to the oldest, the oldest starts a war, and the entire kingdom falls to ruin. The short explains how Mor'Du met the witch and became a ours and what happened after.

Today's rewatch: Legend of Mor'Du
Last time watched: 2012

How much did I like this short when it came out?
When I watched this short I didn't know what to expect, especially with the witch telling...
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The most beautiful princesses are my favori princesses, Elsa and Anna. Third, there's Belle. This article is about ugly princesses. I'll rank them from least ugliest to ugliest.

4- Mulan
Mulan isn't that ugly, she just has thick eyebrows when she's a man. Mulan's eyes are so ugly without makeup. If Mulan had stayed with make-up and long hair throughout the movie, she wouldn't be on this list.

3- Merida
The only thing I l’amour about Merida is her long curly orange hair. His face and eyes are very round.

2- Kida
Kida's hair is white and her bangs are crooked. Also, her bangs are rectangular, which...
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posted by elsafan1010
İn my last article, I was talking about beauty of princesses. My haut, retour au début 3 was like this:
1- Elsa
2- Anna
3- Aurora

But today, my article is about a plus important thing. My value that I give to the Disney Princesses.

4- Princess Rapunzel

I l’amour her. First of all, she is a kind and a cute princess. She really knows what l’amour is, and she even loves DAME GOTHEL! When Dame Gothel fell out of the tower, she stretched out her hands towards her. Also she is a very clever and busy girl who has a lots of hobbies. I really liked her confident demeanor. Her hair is really long, and she knows how to use it....
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I liked Mulan very much because she was a Rebelle girl who thought of her family and homeland. However, I admit that Mulan is a little ugly and is at the bottom of my beauty list. Some things that make this girl ugly. That is the subject of this article. And if toi disagree with me, just state it in the comments. toi don't need to hate me.

1- Eyebrows
Mulan's ugliest limb is her eyebrows. Mulan's eyebrows are too thick. They also rise much higher than they should. Fortunately, Mulan's eyes are so beautiful that she can hide the ugliness of the eyebrows in some photos.

2- Eyes and hair (when male)
Mulan looks beautiful with slim eyes and makeup, but I can't understand how she looks so big and ugly when she puts her hair in a bun and turns into a man. The shape of the hair she turned into a man does not suit her at all.
added by belle_ami
added by belle_ami
added by belle_ami
posted by whatsupbugs
Raya and the Dragon is a Disney animated film that was released in 2021. Like with a lot of Disney animated films, it's been getting great reviews. Does it deserve that? Does it live up to the hype? That's what this review is about.


Raya and the Last Dragon's plot is about people of different nations, who used to get along with each power, becoming rivals who fight over pieces of power. Raya's father dreamed of bringing peace to the nations, but it's Raya herself who will have to make that happen. It's up to her to find the last dragon, Sisu, and get her to bring peace to the world. Raya...
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 l’amour is in the Air!
Love is in the Air!
Hi guys, since Valentine jour is today! Here are plus songs from films and comédies musicales for this lovely day, ready?

1) (Everything I Do) I Do It For You

This theme from the 1991 film, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves would serve as the song for Snow White, Cendrillon and Princess Aurora when their respective loved ones will sing to each other.

2) I Will Always l’amour You

Ariel and Eric will definitely sing this to each other at different location.

3) Book of Days

Since Belle l’amour to read, this Enya song from the Far & Away is when Belle got her wish when she meets her Prince Charming in a gruffy form!...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
Note: I don't have the technology to take pictures of my poupées and display them on here. In order to see what they look like, I suggest going to websites like amazone, amazon for the first couple of poupées that I'll be reviewing.

For Christmas, I wanted to expand my La Reine des Neiges doll collection. Thankfully, that did happen. The first La Reine des Neiges film had several dolls, but they only made poupées of four characters: Princess Anna, Queen Elsa, Kristoff and Prince Hans. I was able to collect one of each in addition to getting a seconde Elsa later on. The seconde La Reine des Neiges film has a plus impressive line of dolls. There's...
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21 Languages used: Filipino, Afrikaans, Scots Gaelic, Hindi, Hawaiian, Punjabi, Japanese, Pashto, Bengali, Latin, Maori, Tamil, Marathi, Urdu, Russian, Finnish, Malay, Hungarian, Gujarati, Telugu and English.

I copy and pasted the information from link par clicking on the princesses names and copying the plot text in parts which were related to the couples whether referenced ou physically in same scene.

Shang and Mulan's Translated l’amour Story

Snow flew over the hill. Facebook Facebook logo Sign up for Facebook to connect with Maurya Shanka Celebrating a win-win, Chinese football. Milla was like...
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