Princesses Disney Club
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 Just picture Kristoff on the far right suivant to Flynn, I suppose. There ~is~ room for him.
Just picture Kristoff on the far right next to Flynn, I suppose. There ~is~ room for him.
Hello! I’ve seen a lot of articles ranking various things, and I decided to do a countdown that I haven’t seen yet (then again, I’ve only been on here for about two weeks). So without further ado, here’s my Comprehensive Ranking of the Disney Princes. Feel free to disagree with me! I’m used to having unpopular opinions.

11. Snow White’s Prince (“One Song”)
 "ONE SONG! I have but ONE SOOONG!"
"ONE SONG! I have but ONE SOOONG!"

Now, I know his name isn’t actually One Song, but it’s the backbone of his defining scene. And really? It's not that impressive. No offense, One Song amoureux (are there any?), but I just don't like this guy. How does he know Snow White? Why does he feel so entitled to jump merrily over her fence and, later, Kiss her assumed-to-be corpse? Where does he even come from? So many sans réponse questions.

On haut, retour au début of that, he wears too much lipstick and clearly learned all of his romantic moves from watching a particularly bad production of Romeo and Juliet.

10. Kristoff
 "Reindeers are better than people. Sven, don't toi think that's true?"
"Reindeers are better than people. Sven, don't toi think that's true?"

He may not be an actual Disney Prince in the lineup right now, but since the Princes are defined par being in l’amour with the Princesses, he's sure to be added eventually. That being said...

I don't like this guy. Maybe it's his gruff and judgmental attitude, the seemingly inappropriate relationship with his pet reindeer, ou how his l’amour for Anna comes out of nowhere (or how I generally dislike Frozen), but there's something about him that rubs me the wrong way. I even like Hans plus than Kristoff.

I don't think he's attractive, either, with that bulbous nose and constantly goofy expression. Sorry-not-sorry.

9. Prince Charming
 "So this is the miracle that I've been dreaming of... Sooo thiiiis iiiiis loooooooove."
"So this is the miracle that I've been dreaming of... Sooo thiiiis iiiiis loooooooove."

We have another unnamed prince! And like One Song, Prince Charming suffers from acute blandness. Even so, I think Charming has slightly plus personality.

He may be lazy (having his father's assistant track down Cendrillon for him, and all), but I really like the montage that accompanies "So This Is Love". We see Charming and Cendrillon staring into each other's eyes and dancing, and he gives her a private tour of the grounds filled with laughter and chitchat. Somehow, they didn't exchange names within that chitchat, but I digress. He is #9 on my list.

I don't think he's particularly good-looking, but he has a nice-guy aura about him, which is nice.

Basically, I like Charming a lot plus than One Song, and I can excuse his laziness when I think about Kristoff.

8. Aladdin
 "If only they'd look closer... Would they see a poor boy? No siree. They'd find out there's so much plus to me."
"If only they'd look closer... Would they see a poor boy? No siree. They'd find out there's so much plus to me."

Aladdin's cute. I think that's generally accepted as fact in the Disney world, right? Well, if toi look past those aww-inducing expressions and mannerisms, you're left with a liar.

A nonsensical liar, at that. "Gee. I really like this girl who seems to like the real me. What do I do? I'VE GOT IT. I'll disguise myself as everything she hates and win her over that way! Yeah, that'll work!" Granted, I think that thought process may be too complicated for Al.

I admire his quick thinking and Robin Hood-esque charm, but I can't get past the constant lying and bad decision-making. Moreover, he looks too much like Tom Cruise for my liking, which was intentional on the part of the animators. Blech. (I don't buy into that boyish charm, anyway.)

7. The Beast ("Adam")
 "But when we touched, she didn't shudder at my paw! No, it can't be... I'll just ignore... But then she's never looked at me that way before."
"But when we touched, she didn't shudder at my paw! No, it can't be... I'll just ignore... But then she's never looked at me that way before."

While I don't fault him for not allowing a strange old woman into his house (look what happened to Snow White!) at the tender age of eleven, I don't really like the Beast.

He's kind of cute and his portrait reminds me of Dorian Grey, so there's a point in his favor, but his outbursts are inexcusable and I don't really buy into his shyness. "A girl! EEK! I'm frightened and I don't know how to act! Boo-hoo. Maybe I should just get angry. Women like that sort of thing, right?"

I suppose he is better at the end, but meh. I don't hate "Adam", but I certainly don't l’amour him, either.

6. Prince Eric
 "Believe me, Grim, when I find the right girl, I'll know. Without a doubt, it'll just--BAM--hit me. Like lightning!"
"Believe me, Grim, when I find the right girl, I'll know. Without a doubt, it'll just--BAM--hit me. Like lightning!"

Prince Eric is also pretty cute, but not exactly my taste. It's nice that he's young and vibrant and a dog lover (I'm plus of a cat person, myself), but... I don't know.

I think he and Ariel are absolutely adorable together, and if I was ranking "Cutest" Disney Couples, they'd be #1. But at the same time, he's almost too cute. He's like a little kid to me. And I'm not really fond of the animation style, so that kills "attractive" points. Sorry, legions of Eric fans.

5. Flynn Rider/Eugene
 "I have dreams like you--no, really--just much less touchy-feely. They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny, on an island that I own, tanned and rested and alone, surrounded par enormous piles of money!"
"I have dreams like you--no, really--just much less touchy-feely. They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny, on an island that I own, tanned and rested and alone, surrounded par enormous piles of money!"

Eugene is like a better, grown-up Aladin who shows actual signs of improvement. Seriously.

I actually like his goofy humor and the "smolder" and how the animators designed him to be the typical Perfect Guy. It's also great how we as an audience can see him falling for Rapunzel over the course of the movie--his expression is particularly hilarious when Maximus catches him watching Rapunzel dancing in the village. That clip gets me every time.

The main reason why Flynn/Eugene is so high on my liste is the transformation he goes through as a character, from an obnoxious thief to a genuinely caring (but still kind of obnoxious) guy.

4. Prince Naveen
 "When I'm human--and I'm gonna be--I'm gonna tear it up like I did before, and that's the royal guarantee!"
"When I'm human--and I'm gonna be--I'm gonna tear it up like I did before, and that's the royal guarantee!"

I'll get it out of the way now par saying that Naveen is one of the best-looking Princes of the bunch, in my opinion. So obviously that has a part in his placement here. #unapologetic

Now that we've established that, I appreciate how he goes from a smooth-talking ladies man to a prince in l’amour (aww). And he's a big musique fan, which is neat to see. His relationship with Tiana is also really cute.

3. John Smith
 "Hundreds of dangers await, and I don't plan to miss one in a land I can claim, a land I can tame! The greatest adventure is MINE!"
"Hundreds of dangers await, and I don't plan to miss one in a land I can claim, a land I can tame! The greatest adventure is MINE!"

I really like John Smith's adventurous spirit and how he can open his mind to communicate and fall in l’amour with Pocahontas so easily. It's also refreshing how "grown up" their relationship is, and I don't mind that the whole thing is metaphorical (obviously they don't actually bypass the language barrier that quickly).

It's very romantic to me how Pocahontas and John Smith represent a true meeting of the hearts, and how they transcend their cultural boundaries to be together. I practically cry at the ending every time I watch the movie.

The things that bar him from placing higher on my liste are (a) historical accuracy issues, and (b) I don't find the closeups of him attractive. He looks pretty good in motion, but I don't like his features and curiously stiff hair.

2. Shang
 "You must be rapide, rapide, swift as a coursing river, with all the force of a great typhoon, with all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the MOOON!"
"You must be rapide, swift as a coursing river, with all the force of a great typhoon, with all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the MOOON!"

What a man!

Mulan was, bar none, my favori Disney movie when I was little. It got me through a week-long hospital stay when I was four and afflicted with a near-fatal case of double pneumonia. I watched it around the clock, and I know the movie in and out even to this day.

And, as is deserving of such a great movie, Mulan has an equally great "Prince". Shang may be very serious, but he kind of has to be, what with being a captain in the army. (And I giggle at my head-canon of him starting to fall in l’amour with Ping!Mulan and second-guessing his sexuality. But that's a different article entirely!)

Basically, Shang's placement on this liste can be summed up in the link. Rewatch it, no matter how many times you've seen it. toi can thank me later.

1. Prince Phillip
 "I know you, I walked with toi once upon a dream. I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam..."
"I know you, I walked with toi once upon a dream. I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam..."

Our winner, ladies and gentlemen, is the charming, brave, handsome, funny, and romantic PRINCE PHILLIP!

He's basically my ideal man. Phillip is just an all-around great character. Not only does he possess all of the attributes in the précédant paragraph, but look what he went through for Aurora! He went up against the Mistress of All Evil and All Her Powers of Hell with nary a complaint, and only because the woman he loved was in danger.

With Phillip, we have a prince that was willing to risk everything--his title, his relationship with his father, and even his life--for the peasant girl that he loved. That's seriously impressive!

I l’amour how he just pulses with personality, from the moment he comes onscreen as a child (what a far cry from his predecessors, One Song and Charming!!). Even more, he's classically handsome and looks athletic, and he obviously knows his way around a sword. Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather couldn't have defeated Maleficent without him, and that's a definite accomplishment.

So hooray for Phillip! Here are some plus pictures of our winner:

Thanks for reading! What's your ranking?
added by peteandco
I am kinda pissed. Well because a lot of people are saying how Elsa is getting a lot of attention and Anna should too and othersdisagree and say Anna is a Rapunzel rip-off and that she is dumb and annoying and how they like Elsa because she is different. I hate all of this because I feel they are naturally equal. Even though Elsa is my favorite, I l’amour Anna to pieces.

Ana is the protagonist and Elsa is the deuterogamist. So actually think it is good that people just don't like the protagonist. I like Anna and Elsa together but lately I'm so freakin annoyed that people keep comparing them. Uggh!...
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(author's note: Snow White will forever be my favourite princess... I also have thoughts about her apology afterwards but I'll post that later when I actually put it into words and write it)


Firstly, Snow White goes from picking wildflowers, humming “One Song” to herself, helping a baby bird… to nearly being killed and realizing that everything that had just happened (=break from being virtually slave) was for that purpose.

Out of self-preservation - and not weakness - she runs into the forest. As of now, she...
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posted by arianaec
Okay, so honestly, I loved this movie. But here is my review.

1 = How did Elsa get her ice powers? It's never told throughout the entire movie. Surely it wasn't something passed down from her parents, because they didn't have them, and they couldn't even keep Elsa in control.

2 = Admit it. We all knew Hans wasn't going to stay right when Kristoff and Anna started their journey. We all knew he was going to end up being her boyfriend/love interest, and Hans was going to e pushed aside.

3 = Elsa wasn't donné a lot of screen time. I mean, wasn't the whole movie circled around trying to get her back...
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posted by FunkyDonkey
salut guys! Yep, I'm new here and my nom d’utilisateur is obviously based on Kristoff of La Reine des Neiges whoch is my favori character seconde is Anna. I hope there are many nice people here.

My real name is Althea Smith, 14 years old from NY and I'm a big fan of Disney especially La Reine des Neiges and Disney Princess! I just saw this site while surfing the net for some Kristoff icons. I find it interesting and fun so, I joined!

I'm cheerful, awkward, and quirky and I l’amour people like that! I hate people who always pouts and who's always angry and hot headed. I have lots of favorites, especially foods like crème glacée (cookies...
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posted by sweetie-94
Chapter 2: The Cook That Always Makes Delicious Food
Anika woke up one lovely morning and went down to eat breakfast and read today's newspaper, she saw that she was mentioned in one of the articles, this is what it stood on that article:
The Cook That Always Makes Delicious Food
There's no one in her hometown that doesn't know who she is, Anika is easily the best and most well known cook at the moment, everyone loves her nourriture and she even makes professional meals look flawless and tasteful. She always tries new meals, there's very few meals that she doesn't like. She doesn't want to tell what...
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posted by princecatcher93
So here’s how this article will work. I rank each one par song and score and then I’ll add up the placements that each soundtrack got and that will be there global, ensemble placement. Since the countdown was done it two different ways (Song and Score) I believe there are no ties. The favori and Least favoris Songs were almost all picked par ten amazing people!!! Give yourself a cookie!

11th Score
The Princess and the Frog
Score done par Randy Newman

This is my favori score out of all the DP scores and so I was really sad to see it go out. But I kind of can agree with the reasons.

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La Reine des Neiges Movie Review!
Hi everyone! I stumbled upon the Disney Princess page while I was lire movie reviews for Frozen. I absolutely l’amour Disney and enjoyed lire the articles posté par other members, and I wanted to write my opinion on how La Reine des Neiges compares to the other Disney Princess films, its faults, and where it succeeds.

I broke the review up into 3 sections: Music, Story & Characters.

Unfortunately, like Princess and the Frog, I believe La Reine des Neiges only really had one stand out song (“Let it Go”), the rest weren’t particularly enjoyable ou memorable. “In Summer” and...
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posted by Queenofpink
 Boring and Too Short
Boring and Too Short
The Disney Princesses have the most amazing hair, like ever in my opinion anyways, though some plus so than others. So here's my liste starting at the bottom.
13. Snow White
Sorry Snow White but your hair is just boring. It's super short and I've just never been a fan of short hair. I like that it's curly but that's pretty much it.

12. Tiana
Her hair is really only slightly plus interesting than Snow White's.I hate that she only wears it in a bun through out the entire movie, I wish she would wear it down. I like her curls though, they are cute.

11. Cinderella
I find her hair pretty bland as...
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posted by winx_bloomtecna
Snow White and the seven dwarfs-link


Cinderella II dreams come true-link

Cinderella III a twist in time-link

Sleeping Beauty-link

The Little Mermaid-link

The Little Mermaid 2 return to the sea-link

Beauty And The Beast-link


Aladin Return To Jafar-link



Mulan 2-link

The Princess And The Frog-link

Tangled Ever After-link

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I did an article on this a while ago, but my opinions have changed a lot since then and Merida wasn't a member of the group back then so I think it's time for an update. Also, I believe all the princesses are BEAUTIFUL so even my last place is great :)

11. Merida

It's too cliche, I won't say I'm in hate! It pains me, pains me, that I have to put Merida in last, especially since she gets oh so much undeserved hate, although I feel she deserves last. Her hair is amazing! I l’amour the color, the texture, the OOMPH! It's all just so awesome to look at. I also like her body, it's very realistic...
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I've written this type of article so many times now, but I felt like écriture an updated liste anyway, as soon as I've watched all the DP films I might update the liste again

11. Merida

She's the only Disney Princess I don't like at all. First of all she's way too rebellious and now I feel that Disney should take a break from those types of princesses. Also she's very whiny and her personality isn't very interesting to me and she annoys me so much

10. Tiana

Despite only being 10th I like Tiana, I l’amour how determinded she is over opening her own resturant. But what I l’amour the most about...
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One of the reasons to why I l’amour most of the Disney Princesses is because I can relate to them so I decided to make a liste of that, hope you'll like this article

11. Merida

She's the only Disney Princess that I can't relate to AT ALL, the closest would be that we both enjoy being outside and long for freedom and the relationships between our mothers is sort of similar in the beginning, but after Elinor became a ours she and Merida's relationship became so different from me and my mother's. But other than that we're each other's total opposites, Merida wants to break traditions, I sometimes...
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Every Disney Princess needs and Villain and every Villain needs to get defeats so we can have our happy ending! So which villain had the best defeat/death? (Because not all of them died). Here we go!
(If toi haven't seen all the films, I will be spoiling the deaths par saying what happened, careful)

11: Governor Ratcliffe
If this was a best Villain's chant voice I think he would win...but sadly this was a best defeat and Ratcliffe that is in one way that toi failed really badly in. Here's what happened. He shot at Pocahontas's dad, but Smith took the bullet, and everyone got mad and...
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posted by mhs1025
I don't mean to start off par sounding so corny but...I JUST DON'T GET IT! One minute, we hear about a new DP, the suivant we hear about 2! Now we're hearing about spoiler after spoiler after spoiler! I know there's a thread for spoilers on here, but that's not what I'm talking about right now. I'm talking about how CONFUSING it's all sounding! We don't even see a real trailer, we hear about livres being released before the movie comes out, what's next? *Takes a deep breath* First off, let me talk alittle about Elsa.

I'd be fine if Elsa was an unofficial DP, but because she's a Queen and Anna's sister,...
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posted by Jayden-G
I decided to start a series of analyzing the DP Couples in depth (and later, the other Disney Couples) after I got bored one day, and wanted to write a series of articles. toi can recommend me which couple to do suivant in the couples section. So here is how it is going to go. I will first explain my global, ensemble statement about the couples in a paragraph, and then I will analyze each scene to look at the inner and outer feelings of the characters individually an the couple itself. I also have a request, just for a little while; please do not recommend a Disney Renaissance couple? I say this because...
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A lot of people say that children take bad lessons from some Disney movies, I don't agree, I will say some of the films that I enjoyed most and took very nice lessons from them and from their characters. I also have liens so toi can see them too. I choose films that talk about different things, friendship, family and freedom, enjoy!

1. Piglet's Big Movie:
This movie is my favourite, after Tagled, and made Piglet and my role model, he was always my favourite male character. This movie shows us that the biggest bond of all is friendship, that even the smallest animaux can di the biggest things,...
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"An adventure? How?" jasmin asked.
"It's easy, we just pack up, and go out there to find those villains!" Belle said.
"Yeah, but they could be anywhere." Rapunzel has buried herself in her hair par now.
"That's why we gotta go find'em! Listen t' that lass, she's right!" Merida said.
"Yeah, but how? They could be in any of our 11 movies." Snow White said.
"Exactly," Rapunzel a dit from under her hair.
"All th' plus reason to go find'em." Merida a dit "C'mon, girls! Let's pack up for an adventure!"
"I'll pack the food!" Tiana offered.
"I'll pack our clothes." Cendrillon said.
"Oh, I'll pack the cutlery!"...
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posted by hatelarxene
 I am Merida, and I'll be shooting for my own hand!
I am Merida, and I'll be shooting for my own hand!
10. Aurora
Merida just wouldn't understand why Aurora obeys authority and is respectful, instead of opposing everyone around her. She would find Aurora boring and too girly, always rêverie about men in her dreams. Aurora is exactly the type of person Merida doesn't want to be. Aurora put her duty first before her own pleasures, and Merida wants to gain her freedom. She wouldn't see Aurora's actions in a positive light and will find her too inactive and passive.

9. Cinderella
Merida would misjudge Cendrillon immediately as a doormat who has no backbone. She wouldn't get why she never stands...
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Okay first of all can we all agree before I start this article that none of them would make Great Parents they all be okay parents? Good now here we go.

10: Pocahontas and John Smith

Like a lot of people a dit about this couple, they aren't ready to settle down and if they did they may fight over who's turn it is to take care of the baby. Don't worry those they had baby backpacks back then so they can go cliff diving.

"I don't see either of them as ready to settle down." AudreyFreak

"Since this is about the couple, thy have to CO-Parent, and on that aspect, these two lack. They have completely...
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