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 Which will win?
Which will win?
Before anything else, I want to say that princesslullaby ran the votes and the countdown, I’m just écriture the article. So all credit to her.
It seemed that this was a plus difficult countdown than the princess one. There were fewer landslide eliminations and plus instances of people saying they weren’t sure who to vote for, and people in general seemed less certain of their choices. But, here is how people decided to vote. So here are the princes in order of how feminist they are as voted par Fanpop.

10. Charming
Charming does very little in his film. However, everything he did do seemed to be criticized par someone. He has a line of women in front of him and rolls his eyes and yawns. Those who voted against him complained that he wouldn’t even give these women a chance before écriture them off. Then, he saw Cendrillon and was immediately in love. This was, of course, a huge downfall for him because it showed him being shallow and viewing her plus as a prize than anything else. Even after talking with her, he doesn’t ask her name, and even though he is in l’amour with her, he can’t be bothered to go find her himself. Those who commenté in support of him, however, pointed out that Charming aimed his eye roll and yawn at his father, saying this was plus an act of rebellion than montrer anything about his vues on women, basically doing the same thing jasmin did setting Rajah on Achmed. They also pointed out that it was his father’s scheme to find the girl the shoe fit, not Charming’s. However, in the end he was eliminated par a landslide.

He basically fell in l’amour with Cinderella's face. That's not really equality to me. -Jessikaroo
But what influenced my choice the most was his unwillingness to go and find her. It's almost like he felt he's too good to go out and do the dirty work, instead if the girl is still interested, she can find him.-BelleAnastasia
well, we dont know about what charming and Cendrillon talked all the time, so i guess it is not just her face he liked.. also, the yawning part - he is in the same situation as jasmin -Safira09

9. Naveen
Naveen Lost because of what a womanizer he is. Mainly, at least. People a dit that this showed he was treating women as objects and not taking their feelings into account. People also pointed to the way he wanted to marry charlotte for her money, and in the end when he has supposedly changed and thinks Tiana is great and respects her, his big sacrifice is the same thing he was planning to do originally. The only support he got from anyone was people saying that in the end his vues did change, so that was good, but he was still voted out seconde after Charming.

But if this based on the start then he is the least feminist but if toi go par assumptions on how his behaviour has changed since Tiana then he should be in the haut, retour au début 5 for being feminist -SweetPea2007
He wanted to marry charlotte for her money...he didn't even consider her feelings… He shows no regard for woman at all. -Swanpride
He's a sexist pig who was only interested marrying a girl for her money -JNTA1234

There was some confusion on seventh place. Phillip left the voting before Shang, but in the last vote and the information princesslullaby sent me he was seven and Shang was eight. So I decided to just put them both at seven.

7. Phillip
Most people who voted out Phillip voted him out because of the scene where he first meets Aurora. People felt he was way too pushy with her and the way he grabbed at her and wouldn’t let her leave. People a dit he objectified her and saw her as a prize, and that he never saw Aurora as an equal but someone he needed to save.

I don't think he ever appreciated her as somebody equally capable of doing things as he is. –BelleAnastasia
The way he grabs at Aurora for example. –Jessikaroo
I adore him and I l’amour Phillip/Aurora as a couple, but he is a bit too forceful when they first meet. –Mongoose09

7. Shang
It isn’t much of a surprise that Shang is so low. The whole point of Mulan is how she has to work against the sexist vues around her that she and everyone else had been raised to have. So it is natural that Shang would have these views, at least at the beginning. Even some of those who voted for him a dit it wasn’t his fault, that he was simply raised that way. However, he did hold those views, even saying “Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons?” in his song. Those who were in support of him a dit that his vues did change, and that says something, but in the end he was voted out because he did montrer a low opinion of women.

He comes to see the error of his ways, but for most of the movie he has a pretty low opinion of women. –FlightofFantasy
He really looks down at woman. He almost kills Mulan just because she's a woman? What's the matter if she's not a man but she can fight well? –LightningRed
I believe Shang deserved to be a lot higher. True, in the beginning he wasn't feminist. However, we can see the growth in him as the movie progresses, and I strongly believe post-movie he's one of the most feminist friendly princes. –BelleAnastasia

6. John Smith
Place six was tough competition, and in the end went to a tiebreak poll. John was voted out because of his meeting with Pocahontas, much like Phillip. In the beginning, John is about to kill Pocahontas. However, she makes him decide not to and to give her a chance. Now, this could be seen as a great feminist act- if he had done so because of the way she related with him and because he saw that she had something valuable to teach him, which, eventually, he does. However, the reason John didn’t kill Pocahontas is because she is beautiful. Another reason he was voted out is because of how possessive he was over just about everything, and that he in the end swoops into the savior role. Those who supported him admired that he was willing to learn from Pocahontas, but, much like Shang, it was too little too late for most in this poll.

John Smith (along with Naveen) is the definition of sexist. –maryksand
John...well, yes, he's ready to learn from Pocahontas, but the only reason he didn't shoot her is because she was hot. -princesslullaby
I think that even though John Smith may have appeared plus anti-feminist than Aladin in the beginning of the movie, par the end of the movie he was likely to have gone through a bigger change, and embrace the ideas of feminism plus than Aladdin. –BelleAnastasia

5. Aladdin
Aladin has several issues with his relationship with jasmin that got him voted out. It all seemed to do with how he assumed jasmin was materialistic and shallow. Also, Aladin did go along with everything jasmin a dit about how she was a “fine prize to be won,” though he was just sort of going with what jasmin was saying. However, the main problem was that Aladin assumes things about Jasmine- and some even brought up the point he had every reason not to think that about her if he had only listened to what she had a dit in the marketplace. jasmin was talking about how much she hated palace life and was obviously interested in him then, but he suddenly forgets all that when he turns up at the palace and tries to woo her par montrer off all his stuff.

To me it seems like he never stops to consider what jasmin may want. I definitely don't think he's anti-feminist at heart, but through his self-absorption he does tend to forget that she wants to make her own choices. –milky-way
I mean he actually talked to Jasmine, she told him how she felt about her life. But apparently he was too wrapped up in his own dreams, otherwise he wouldn't think that he has to be a prince to impress her. –Swanpride
But Aladin *DID* apologize for his actions even though he was still naturally drawn to jasmin and tried to impress her –maryksand

4. Beast
Beast doesn’t really do too much in the way of feminism, either in favor of ou against. His character development is mainly due to him trying to get out of his situation- however, without Belle and needing to fall in l’amour with a woman and get her to fall in l’amour with him, he could not get out of his situation and would have no character development. I am kind of surprised no one a dit he was using Belle for his personal gain, but apparently that was no one’s opinion. He believes she will not fall in l’amour with him because of his looks and she is beautiful, and he takes many opportunities to display his power.

Later on, all of Beast's development is based on the fact that she is beautiful and he's not therefore he wants and tries to desperately measure up to her level par learning plus about mannerism –maryksand
He is controlling, abusive, and downright scary. -princesslullaby
He might see Belle mostly as a way to break the spell at the beginning, but again, it's not really her beauty which leads to him developing feelings for her, but the way she acts after the loup attack. –Swanpride

3. The Prince
toi have no idea how he got this far, and neither do I. I guess people just sort of forgot about him, I’m really not sure why he’s in the haut, retour au début three. So instead of looking at what he did, let’s look at what the others did that he didn’t. He didn’t roll his eyes at women because of looks, he didn’t even see Snow White when he first was interested. He definitely isn’t a womanizer, he’s a one-woman man. toi can’t say he was too pushy, ou at least he didn’t grab at her. He never seemed disappointed with her being a woman. He didn’t almost kill her but not because of her looks. He didn’t try to change himself for what he thought she wanted despite hearing that it wasn’t what she wanted. He never tried to display his power over her. So he is here for not really doing anything. Usually it works against him, now it works for him.

I really wish I had voted out the Prince before John Smith, Aladdin, ou Beast. –princesslullaby
Ehh time for him to go. Eric and Flynn are much plus feminist. –Jessikaroo
Prince needs to go this time, not because he did something paticulary sexist ou anti-feminist, but plus because par the end he embraced the traditional male saviour role –maryksand

2. Eric
Eric loves Ariel for the way she acts and is so vibrant around him. He doesn’t want her to be some shrinking violet, he wants her to be expressive and comical and keep her zest for life that she has. It is what he falls for. He is happy to let her take control on the tour of the kingdom and doesn’t mind her being vers l'avant, vers l’avant on the bateau ride. Basically the only thing anyone a dit against him is that he just isn’t as feminist as our number one.

All we see them do is woo the princesses and eventually come to their rescue. But being nice to a girl doesn't mean toi are feminist friendly. What we at least see in the other princes is that they might have some doubt in the girls, but eventually they come to realize that women are just as capable and strong as the men. –BelleAnastasia
I think that Eric's "I have Lost her once" is a tad possessive. -Swanpride
We have Eric taking on the pursuee role, while Ariel pursues him. And Eric's ego isn't bruised when a girl rescues him. –princesslullaby

1. Flynn
There was no doubt that Flynn won this countdown. It was a landslide victory. What set him apart from the rest of the pack was how much he values Rapunzel’s freedom. He cares plus about Rapunzel’s independence than Rapunzel does. She was planning on going back to her tower, and Flynn makes her question it. She was about to give up his independence for him, and he gave up his life so she would be free. Rapunzel’s freedom means plus to him than it does to her, and it even means plus to him than his own life. He undoubtedly cares plus about Rapunzel’s independence than any other prince does his princess, putting him at the haut, retour au début of this countdown.

He is actually in l’amour with Rapunzel's character first, not with her voice. He doesn't even really care how Rapunzel looks –Swanpride
I find Flynn to be the most feminist because Rapunzel's freedom was very important to him. He didn't just sacrifice his own life to save hers, which I think most of the princes would do, but he sacrificed his life for her freedom. So he basically valued her freedom plus than his own life. I don't think any of the other princes can compare with that. –milky-way
Flynn is going to win because Eric is less Feminist then him..... –SweetPea2007

Sorry if some of the descriptions are too long and the captions aren't great, I just did them off the haut, retour au début of my head!
 Look at all these girls throwing themselves at me. How boring.
Look at all these girls throwing themselves at me. How boring.
 How many hearts was he planning on stepping on?
How many hearts was he planning on stepping on?
 Because grabbing her as she leaves is so respectful
Because grabbing her as she leaves is so respectful
 Yes, I did send toi daughters when toi asked for sons
Yes, I did send you daughters when you asked for sons
 She was just too hot to kill
She was just too hot to kill
 toi really couldn't remember one thing about this conversation?
You really couldn't remember one thing about this conversation?
 This totally looks like a respectful boyfriend
This totally looks like a respectful boyfriend
 It's finally payed off that everything I do is off screen
It's finally payed off that everything I do is off screen
 Hey, I never knew the Kiss would set her free, don't blame me for not doing anything for her freedom
Hey, I never knew the kiss would set her free, don't blame me for not doing anything for her freedom
 The winner!
The winner!
posted by BKG201
 My own princess lineup
My own princess lineup
Here is my opinion on the best and worst princesses.
I know some of the images look dumb but I edited some of them. Many fanpoppers know that I do not make images and I have just started.
I might change this order one day.
Remember that I don't hate any princess.
Please comment.

 Kind sassy original
Kind sassy original

No. 9 Cinderella
I know there are many Cendrillon amoureux out there but she is my least favourite (she doesn't have a rose dress par the way.) I admire her sassyness and I think out of the 3 originals she is the most sassy. I also l’amour her line "I have the other slipper" and the song "Sing sweet Nightingale"....
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Imaginative Princess Countdown Results!

Disney Princesses vary in multiple ways, and how much they imagine is no exception. Some of them are very down to earth, and quite realistic, while others are very much in their own world, constantly dreaming and creating new visions and ideas in their heads. This is a rank of the least to most imaginative Disney Princess.

9. Pocahontas

Pocahontas was determined to be the least imaginative princess. This is mostly because she doesn’t having the flaming ideals and dreams that most of the others have, because she was generally unsure for most of the...
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posted by princesslullaby
So back in my junior an of high school I was obsessed with Tigi Bedhead Products.
 Bedhead products.
Bedhead products.

These are bedhead products. Me and my friend used to be obsessed with hair and obsessed with Bedhead's stuff. We bought their products with ferver. I made a checklist of all the stuff I needed to get. I got close to having the whole collection. Sadly, but probably better for my mental health, I am no longer obsessed with their products like I once was, though I do use some of their stuff still. One jour I was bored in one of my classes and decided to write a tribute to Bedhead Products....
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The four princesses followed the evil Maleficent to her layer. "Have toi found them yet" asked Maleficent. "No it's as if they have vanished" a dit Gaston. "IT'S INCREDIBLE NOT A TRACE OF THEM THEY COULDN'T HAVE VANISHED INTO THIN AIR" a dit Maleficent. "Well I looked everywhere I will find the beautiful Princess Ariel and marry her" a dit Gaston. "Well we'll find them and just because I have to wait for that little mermaid princesses powers doesn't mean I can't enjoy the powers I have now" a dit Maleficent. "Yes since toi too all the magic of the nine world good and evil includeing the villians"...
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"When toi wish opon a star, makes no difference who toi are..."

Wow....when toi think about those lyrics you... well i dont know....i guess toi have a realization.

If toi havnt noticed before those lyrics send the message "No matter who toi are rich, poor, whatever....your dreams CAN come true!"

Disney was giving us life lessons before we could even tell that they were helping us in life...every single movie has a message to remember all great and important and just plain beautiful.

They hid this stuff well underneath the cute musique and the fun characters but watching when im older like now i catch...
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posted by AllegroGiocoso
    As the five princesses arrived at their new destination, Belle opened her eyes in shock. “I have never seen such a beautiful place.”
    Where they arrived at was a beautiful, heavily wooded area with no buildings at all. The area looked to be completely natural, and there were beautiful skies, swirling winds, and a gorgeous waterfall.
    “And what type of princess is supposed to be here?” jasmin asked. “Let’s go investigate, shall we?”
    The others nodded in agreement. Cendrillon soon though,...
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posted by AllegroGiocoso
    Ariel and Aurora turned around and found a man with bulging muscles, an evil grin, black hair, and a very arrogant and intense expression. He smiled at them, and he told them, “Hello, girls, what are your names?”
    “Oh…my name’s Aurora,” Aurora told him.
    “I am Ariel,” Ariel answered.
    “So, those are your names. Now let me introduce myself. My name is Gaston,” the man replied. “The only thing is, I can’t tell toi which one of toi is better…” Gaston took out a gun, and then abruptly...
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Princess pois, pea was not your ordinary princess. She was not sweet. She was not all that graceful. In fact, her own royal subjects really couldn't stand her. toi see, the thing toi have to understand about pois, pea was that she didn't know she was obnoxious. She considered it helpful on her part to ask her royal advisor if he's ever considered going on a diet. She thought she was being considerate to imply that the visiting duchess smelled like a sweaty armpit in July. Quite truthfully, Princess pois, pea had never known a world where people told her she couldn't do something. Everyone always seemed to sit...
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On August 21, 2008, Disney Character Warehouse - AMS will be opening it's door at 10am. They have a dit that they will have lot's of new and exciting merchandise. The location is 14078 E. Firestone Blvd., Sante Fe Springs, CA.

Merchandise up to 80% off the ticketed price. We are also looking for retail experience team members so if toi are interested for seasonal job, please contact me at
otherwise come see me at the location on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 from 11am to 4pm. Ask for Jim.

Why pay high prices, come to our Grand Opening August 20, 2009 at 10am.
posted by MadameLee
I was on Youtube recently link][/url][/url] (If toi go down to the 60 replies). Someone thought Belle didn't have a job (and the triplets did) because she had enough 'free time to read and became delusional about life in 'poor provincial town' (not my words). The exactly wording of what the user a dit was "I'm wondering that Belle are doing then even those triplets have their own jobs and responsibilities. Maybe idleness made her delusional? That life can be found outside of her town? " I pointed out that in historical speaking in those times women were...
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posted by purplerose17
A lot of people on fanpop say that Merida is selfish and not not a good role model. Personally, I think that is far from the truth.

Merida wasn't being totally selfish when she went to the witch. Impulsive, yes. Her mind was clouded par all the emotion she felt and acted before she thought things through. When she asked for a potion that would change her mother, I think she wanted something to change her mothers MIND. Not her personality.
I think Merida is actually quite selfless. When her plan to change her mother went awry, she didn't even hesitate to help her mom. She went totally out of...
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 one of Disney's most realistic leading ladies
one of Disney's most realistic leading ladies
So yeah, there's gonna be spoilers, so if toi haven't watched it I recommend leaving now. BYE! Anyway, in this review I'll go over the characters, soundtrack, animation, and story line. This review is probably gonna be really positive since I absolutely loved the movie, but I'll try and keep a level head and give some of the bad points in this review as well. So lets get started!

The Characters

Let's start off with the most important thing to me, the characters. A movie's plot can be terrible, but if I'm with a great character during that time, I can endure it, and Frozen's characters definitely...
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I just had this crazy idea - In the suivant months, I'll write a series of 8 articles (well, I'll continue only if toi like them, of course). The first 7 articles will be about separate aspects of the DP films (Score, princess, couple, screenplay, villain, sidekicks and animation/art), and in the final article I'll make the average of the grades I gave the films in each aspect and make my favori DP films liste = )

The first article is about the scores! Enjoy =D BTW, all the pictures I used feature my favori song from each movie.

10. Cinderella - 7,0

It sure has a lot of nice songs –...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by mhs1025
Source: Disney screencaps
added by jessowey
posted by breebree446
Decided that when I write my fan-fiction about Arista, that there would be a few new characters in it. I'm calling the story; Mermaid Tales. I want to use Ariel's sisters, as well as a few from the télévision series such as Urchin, Gabriella and Ollie, and Pearl. These are a few of the characters I came up with for the story.

 Just pretend it's pink, okay? -_-U
Just pretend it's pink, okay? -_-U

Taken from "coral." Cory is one of Arista's friends. She's unbelievably bubbly and crazy but a very loyal friend. She loves the color rose and has a rose tail-fin and top. She often wears a pair of red starfish earrings. She...
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toi know, after a couple of years of loving Disney princesses and learning to l’amour for them and even wish tht was my life, i have figured out a couple of things.
To my knowing ther is only 10 official princesses yet I beg to differ.
Snow White
See, wht i think an offical princess is well.... well this is the definition of one
daughter of a king, ou marries a son of a king
except they use monarch instead but still. So therefore 2 of those people on the liste are actual not real princesses. The two would be Mulan and Pochantos
The rest make...
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I've already written an article about why I think the classic princesses are great role models, but now I wanted to write about their intelligence. The vote about who the most intelligent classic princess was inspired me to write this, and I've just been in a écriture mood in general. I won't be ranking them, just giving the reasons as to why I believe they're intelligent. So I hope toi all enjoy this article!! Let's get started!

Snow White

Snow White is often painted as the dumbest of the three, namely because of her eating of the apple. First off, being naive doesn't necessarily mean not...
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added by Ydeia