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I'm going to try my very hardest to keep this short and sweet, as anyone who has read my other articles knows I have a tendency to ramble. :)

10. Snow White

I'm so sorry Snow! :( I'm not the biggest fan of Snow's wardrobe. Her rags are oddly flattering but horribly faded, and don't do much justice to Snow. The primary colour dress is sweet and iconic, and even though I do l’amour it, it can only work on the one and only fairest in the land. I do l’amour Snow White's bows though, I'm a big fan of bows in general.

 Classic and iconic, just like Snow herself.
Classic and iconic, just like Snow herself.

9. Pocahontas

Yeesh, two of my my favourite's gone already. Well, like Snow White I'm not biggest fan of Pocahontas's wardrobe, as she only has one dress, but that doesn't mean I don't like it. It's cute and chic and show's off Pocahontas's many assets. Even though it's a gorgeous cut it's a bland colour and I prefer a plus flowy attire. Her mother's collier is cute-ish. I wouldn't wear it, but it does hold a lot of symbolic value for Pocahontas.

 Chic and comfy looking.
Chic and comfy looking.

8. Rapunzel

My favourite thing about Rapunzel's wardrobe is how exquisitely detailed each dress is. toi can see the dentelle and the stripes, it's gorgeous. The main purple dress looks comfy, but a bit too small on a already very thin princess. The final rose dress is beautiful, but I don't like it as much as the purple number. It looks a little awkward and we only see it for about a minute. The only downsides about these gorgeous dresses is they're a bit small on Rapunzel, and they feel a bit plus costume-y than the other princesses dresses. The final big check mark in Rapunzel's closet is the tiara. Easily the prettiest out of all the line-up's in my opinion. But I think a lot of the upper hands Rapunzel's wardrobe has is the fact it's all CGI which allows for plus detail.

 Exquisitely detailed.
Exquisitely detailed.

7. Belle

Is it hot in here, ou is that just the menacing glares of a hundred Belle enthusiasts aimed at me? I'm sorry, I'm not a fan. I l’amour Belle's blue dress, it's easily the most wearable outfit she has in my opinion. For good reason, it is her peasant wear. Other things I like are the cape capuche, hotte thingy she wears in Something There, but who doesn't like that, and the sleeves on her rose dress. I prefer her simply blue manteau over the rose capuche, hotte though, because I'm a simple type of gal for the most part. I have a strong dislike for the green bibliothèque dress. About the or gown, I'm kind of neutral about it. It's gorgeous and flowy and full skirted and perfect for a ball, but the colour throws me off slightly. or seems a bit gaudy to me, I'm prefer something softer for such a enormousness dress. Belle also gets a plus because she ties her hair with bows, which I've already made clear, I really do like bows.

 Cute and proper.
Cute and proper.

6. Mulan

I really Mulan's wardrobe. It's looks comfy and flattering. Of course, the rose matchmaker dress is gorgeous, but I prefer her light green one and the blue one she wears at the end of the film. I like her training outfit, an her father's armour is full of win personally. I also really like her pyjama's, best ones out of all the princess. They're not frilly ou itchy looking, aka they don't look like something you'd buy for your grandma. What I like most about Mulan's outfits is how light an airy everything looks despite the fact it's a bunch of layers of fabric. I do think Mulan knows how to accessories, her jade collier and fleur comb are gorgeous.

 Simple but flattering.
Simple but flattering.

5. Tiana

Tiana is usually a heavy hitter in these types of countdowns. After all, she does have the biggest wardrobe of all of the princesses. I like Tiana's clothing because it's simplistic and flattering and gets the job done. The only dress she wears I don't like is her final dress and her lily pad dress. Ironic, I know, since it's her official dress. My personal favourite's are both of her waitress uniforms, predominately the Cal's one, her white dress and her church wedding dress. I also really like the blue dress charlotte gave to her, and I think it's amazing charlotte owned something not pink. All in all, Tiana's good at dressing herself. She seems to have a handle on what works and what doesn't work on her body and she's okay at the accessories thing. But what keeps her from the haut, retour au début four is the general casualness of her attire and that horrendous final dress and her lily pad dress.

 My favourite, ironic it belongs to Charlotte.
My favourite, ironic it belongs to Charlotte.

4. Cendrillon

Cinderella's outfits are usually very pristine and feminine, if that's even a good summary. The nightgown was hideous, it looks like Granny Couture. Her maid outfit wasn't that bad, it was flattering shape wise at least. The dress the mice made her was horrendous, I wanted to burn it the first time I saw it. i honestly prefer it ripped to shreds, it looked like something you'd see on a piste then. Yeah, I know I'm messed up. Moving on, of course I l’amour her silver dress. It's the epitome of elegance, grace and beauty. It's perfect, and swirly, and flowy, and shimmering, and glittery, and made of magicy, and I'm rambling again. Seriously, it's perfect. I want a dress like that. Not a fan of the headband and choker that came with it, oh well. But bows! She wears bows! :D

 It's made of magic, guys.
It's made of magic, guys.

3. jasmin

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've heard it all. Typical 90's slut wear, blah, blah, blah. I don't care, I like it. I wish I could pull of stuff like that. Come on, seriously. She looks like she's wearing pyjama's and she still looks sexy. Her aqua outfit is my favourite, comfy and chic. Those pants she's always wearing are fabulous, they look like they feel like a dream. The straps on the haut, retour au début might feel a little awkward, but it leaves room for the killer bling. Seriously jasmin is the Queen of accessorising in the Disney Princesses. Her peasant wear looks a bit hot hot as in sweaty. It's so heavy, ugh. Other outs like the slave outfit are sexy. The red one in particular I'd fee uncomfortable in, but jasmin can work it. The purple dress is of course beautiful. It's not flowy enough for my taste, and I don't think jasmin looks good in that lilac-y shade, plus the companion headband is awkward. Easily her worst outfit in my opinion. Her final out, the deep purple one, is fabulous and I wish we'd seen plus of it. Oh well, a girl can dream.

 Sexy pyjama's as jour wear? Sign me up!
Sexy pyjama's as jour wear? Sign me up!

2. Aurora

Feminine, elegant, flattering. She wears two outfits, well three-ish, and I l’amour them both, er, all. They all have flowy skirts, flattering tops and look reasonably comfy. It's not like Aurora's dying in a corset ou anything. Then again, she's thin enough to not die in a corset. What I l’amour most about Aurora's outfits are they're simple and comfy looking, but still really pretty. The peasant dress is lovely, I wish I could wear it to school I like it so much. It has the flowy, elegant jupe that's short enough to déplacer in. A comfy looking, long sleeved chemise paired with a breathable looking black corset. I know it's not the most colourful outfit, but it manages to be eye catching while still being anonymous. Success. The ball robe is gorgeous. Personally, I l’amour the collar. It's daring and very Aurora, and marks a stark difference to me between the high necked collier of Briar Rose and the shoulder bearing style of Aurora. Let my just say I prefer the robe in blue no matter who's wearing it. Sadly, no bows for Aurora. She's pretty low key for accessories, if par low key toi mean a gorgeous tiara.

 Elegant, casual, feminine. Where do I buy one?
Elegant, casual, feminine. Where do I buy one?

1. Ariel

Surprised? I'm not. I know a lot of people don't like Ariel's attire they think she's a "victim" of the 80's. I disagree. I l’amour everything she wears except the wedding dress, and I only disliked that really because the combination of red hair green accents and or crown makes her looks like a Christmas angel. Things I love? Well, let's start simple. The mermaid shells. Who doesn't l’amour it? Timeless combo of purple shells and that gorgeous blue-green tail of hers. But the shells always seem to be the only thing people like. The sails, yeah, I like it. It looks like something I saw in a fashion magazine oddly enough, and only Ariel could pull it off. I l’amour the rose dress, clashing colour, puffy sleeves and all. It screams princess to me. The nightgown is adorable, and is the only time I have ever made an exception to the granny jammie's rule. I l’amour her blue town dress, maybe because it's a blue version of Aurora's peasant dress, maybe because it has a flowy jupe and a chill vibe. Maybe because it comes with the bow in her hair. Yeah, did I mention I like her bow too? I'm full of surprises. The purple-blue-sea foam dress is my favourite, narrowly beating the blue town dress. It breaks the I-Heart-All-Skirts-Flowy rule with it's clingy silhouette, and it breaks the gaudy rule since it's practically created from sparkles. But I l’amour it, and it's my dream to own a dress just like it one day.

 It breaks all my rules, but I still l’amour it.
It breaks all my rules, but I still l’amour it.

So there toi have it, my best dressed princesses. I know it's a little unconventional, but that's me. Unconventional and always pissing someone off. Hope toi like it! :)

 Here's a photo of Gaston hitting on the Evil Queen as thank toi for reading. :)
Here's a photo of Gaston hitting on the Evil Queen as thank toi for reading. :)
posted by Swanpride
On the eighth jour of Princess Walt Disney gave to me

Eight mice a-sewing

seven dwarves dancing
six sisters singing
five cursed friend

four braiding girls
three fairy spells
two lucky pals
and the wisdom of an old tree.

I guess I have to apologize...I did my best to create pages featuring the princesses as the sole centre of attraction, but with jasmin that is a little bit difficult because she is usually featured with Aladdin, rarely alone. I could have either found ou created a picture of jasmin if I really wanted to, but I really liked this one and it just seemed to fit her the best. So I made...
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posted by Swanpride
On the Third jour of Princess Walt Disney gave to me,

Three fairy spells,
Two lucky pals,
and the wisdom of an old tree.

Another day, another page for the calendar. And unlike the last one, this one was kind of a headache for me. Remember a while back when I asked toi which princess fits which months? Most of toi felt that Merida belongs into autumn because of her red hair. Thing is: I already had three princesses for autumn. In addition, I don't think that Rebelle is actually set in fall, I think it is either spring ou summer during the movie. So I hope that toi are not too disappointed that I ended...
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On the seconde jour of Princess Walt Disney gave to me,
Two Lucky pals,
and the Wisdom of an old Tree

So as promised the seconde jour of goodies with a new page for the calendar. I will, btw, mettre en ligne all the calendar pages separately in the image section of the spot once my 12 days of princesses are done, and all of them have been revealed. I am pondering if I should also create a version which has all pages on one big sheet. If there is any interest in this, please comment. Also, if someone wants a different seize for the fonds d’écran then the three I am already offering, I am open for request. Speaking...
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Out of the entire princess lineup, only three of them were the biggest part of my childhood. Cendrillon was sorta part of my childhood but mainly the Brandi Norwood version because I preferred that one over the animated version. And I’m not counting Rapunzel because her movie came out when I was almost an adult.

3. Mulan

A lot of toi might know that Mulan is my favori princess and she’s been number 1 on my liste for years. I was 5 years old when I watched her movie on tape and I remember being so in l’amour with her and the movie immediately. Mulan was one of the biggest feminist icones in my...
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posted by BB2010
This is a movie I'm really not looking vers l'avant, vers l’avant to watching. I don't mind watching sequels because I used to l’amour them so much when I was a kid but Mulan is one of my all-time favori films ever and this sequel is like on a Maleficent level of ruining original characters.

Tonight's rewatch: Mulan 2
Last time watched: 2005-2006

How much did I like this movie as a kid?
I saw the commercial for this movie when I was 11 and I was excited because, again, Mulan is one of my all-time favori movies. I didn't actually watch the movie until I was 13 ou 14 because I was starting middle school when this...
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posted by BB2010
I'm really looking vers l'avant, vers l’avant to watching this one. Mulan was one of my favori films growing up!

Tonight's rewatch: Mulan
Last time watched: 2015

How much did I like this movie as a kid?
I loved this movie when I was a kid! Mulan, both the movie and the character, was actually one of the reasons I became a feminist and why I l’amour badass women (kinda why I don't 100% blame the revival era for people hating princesses who find l’amour ou aren't "kickass"). I used to sing the songs all the time when I was a kid and I loved any merch I could get (which wasn't a lot). I still have my stuffed Cri-Kee that...
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Hello everyone! This is the first of many articles soon to come and I hope toi enjoy lire this just as much as I did écriture it :)

For each article I will write about;

1. How much I enjoyed/disliked the movie as a child

2. How much I have forgotten

3. Princess (will she be higher on my liste ou lower?)

4. Movie (will the movie be higher on my liste ou lower?)

5. Rating

6. How much has my opinion changed?

7. Would I watch it again?

Tonight's rewatch: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Last time watched: 2001 (seriously, how can I consider myself a Disney Princess fan if I waited THIS LONG to watch this...
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added by Lanalamprouge
animated film
 Clay! Your eyes!
Clay! Your eyes!
Hi guys, I absolutely l’amour Clay Aiken's voice and here are my choices for the princesses themselves.

The Way

Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora and Pocahontas will fit the song, especially when the respective l’amour ones see them for the first time.

Without You

Taken from his 'A Thousand Different Ways' album, originally sung par Mariah Carey. Eric would sing this when he rescues Ariel and vice versa.

This is the Night

From the Beast's perspective, he reassures himself that this is the night to admit his l’amour for Belle. Including Rapunzel/ Flynn, Aladdin/ jasmin and Anna/ Kristoff.

Here toi Come Again

Mulan and Shang will sing in the finale of the film, they could not hide feelings to each other.

Clay Aiken Fan, Anyone?

Do toi like Clay Aiken and do toi all agree with the choices?
 Shaggy hairstyle??
Shaggy hairstyle??
 Anna, how's the Middle East?
Anna, how's the Middle East?
Hi guys, now let's go to the Middle East to see our Anna there.

Hebrew (Einat Azulay)

Okay, She sounds relatively fresh and young. However, she sounds a bit heavy and stiff at certain parts, especially the first part of the chorus. (Ratings: 8.5/10

Arabic (Shorouq Salah)

I absolutely l’amour Arabic musique and their voices, unlike her Hebrew counterpart. She sounds smooth and it makes the audience relax and get along with Anna easily, especially in For the First Time in Forever! (Ratings:10/10)

For the First Time in Forever!

So, only 2 were feature because I'm not really sure who is the Persian actress for Anna sadly to say. Our final destination is the Americas!
 I'm happy for it!
I'm happy for it!
added by mhs1025
Source: Disney screencaps
posted by deedragongirl
 Moana and Maui
Moana and Maui
Hi guys, I finally watched Moana with 2 of my classmates before one of them is going back to the UK to complete her houseman-ship. So, here is my review on the Polynesian movie.

The Story Plot

When I watched the film, I absolutely l’amour how the film opens. I felt that it was trying to be a bit like La Reine des Neiges where we hear Scandinavian musique at the beginning of the film, so to keep that same tradition. Disney used Polynesian musique at the beginning of the film, I l’amour how the prologue is very Polynesian-oriented and I adored the artwork!
The film reminds me of a few films, Treasure Planet, Ferngully...
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added by tiffany88
added by Bumbl_ee
Source: punziella on Tumblr
Hi everyone! This article will order the Disney princesses from lowest to highest in my opinion, and plus importantly, explain why each DP is ranked where it is. Hope toi like it!

13. Elsa

Pros: Let me first say: AWESOME SINGER!!
Ok. She's obedient, staying in her room with her gloves as ordered par her parents so as to prevent anybody from being harmed par her ice powers. She's also caring towards her sister Anna, and doesn't mean ou want for her to get hurt. She's also sensible regarding Anna and Hans - she knows that one has to know a person for much longer than just one jour to get a definite...
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 Hans decides to kill Cendrillon so that he could usurp the trône of France.
Hans decides to kill Cinderella so that he could usurp the throne of France.
"What? Cendrillon is being held hostage par Hans in Paris?" exclaimed Belle shockingly, "how did it happened?" asks Elsa puzzled on how Hans escape, surely he must have been manipulating his brothers for escaping his prison terms.
"I too wonder the same thing, so now have to go to the French capital to rescue her, care to rejoindre us?" asks Dee Dee. "Yes, Cendrillon is our friend and we can't let Hans harm her!" a dit Ella, Kit and the live-action Aurora from the back.
Then, the wind blew stronger and appear the 4 horse girls. "Hello there, we heard that Cendrillon is in trouble, and we're here...
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posted by reflection11
(idea par avatar_tla_fan...Thanks:D)
Hi!:) Since I have literally contributed nothing to fanpop to montrer people my opinions, I have decided to stop hiding in the shadows and montrer some of my opinions! I will not be explaining anything in this article, but if toi want to know why someone is so high ou low, toi can ask me in the comments! Further explanations will come at later time...
Favorite Princesses:
1). Mulan<3
2). Ariel
3). Elsa
4). Cinderella
5). Belle
6). Anna
7). Jasmine
8). Aurora
9). Merida
10). Rapunzel
11). Tiana
12). Snow White
13). Pocahontas

Favorite Prince:
1). Aladdin<3
2). Eric
3). Flynn...
continue reading...
added by justinfangrrl
par Sophia Sundström on youtube~