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Conservatism 101: Health Care



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Kegel said:
"You're going to have to go somewhere. A government building, a federal government building, a federal government health care center, and you are going to have to go in and get your health insurance."

What's so bad about that? With private insurance (if you can afford it!) you have to go somewhere too, and instead to a government agencies that is run under democratic made laws, you have to face a private company that is run for profit and not for providing health care in the first place.

"There will be the administrative fees that you'll have to pay for taking up the bureaucrat's time when you're in line registering for health care."

And private insurance? There will be all the profit the insurer is making and that is paid by the people who are insured there.

I can understand that one is afraid of governement inefficieny, but I'd be more worried about something so relevant for everybody's lives like health care being run by a for-profit-company than by the government.
posted il y a plus d’un an.
last edited il y a plus d’un an
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Most people, like, myself, cannot afford insurance! That's the main problem! And if we're 'forced' to get it, probably in less than a year, someone's gonna be homeless. So, that is why I say that the Democrats are trading one mistake for another.
posted il y a plus d’un an.
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"I know people think there's something special about health care, but I want to know where did this get started, where did this entitlement mentality commence? What are the roots that we all are entitled to medical care, that we are all entitled to be healthy at all times, and that the government will make it so?"

are you freaking kidding me?? OF COURSE you're entitled to health care!! what sort of government tells you, "oh, you're fatally ill. well that's not really our problem, you'll have to pay for treatment out of your own pocket. what's that? you can't afford it? well i guess you should enjoy the time you have left before you die because of our negligence."

the United States is the only wealthy, industrialized nation in the world wihtout a universal health care system. even Iraq and Afghanistan have universal health care - and YOU provide them with it!

and you're not "forced" to get it, it's provided to you. you don't pay for it out of your own pocket the way you do with private health care. it's payed for through tax revenues and equally provided to all citizens. and before you go moaning about higher taxes, ask someone living in France or Italy (the top 2 health care systems in the world - both publicly-funded systems) if they feel their taxes are too high because of health care. the answer is a resounding "no".

do the research people - even Saudi Arabia has a better health care system than you! furthermore, the US currently spends a higher percentage of GDP on their system than any country in the world and yet it consistently falls way short on performance.

if you switched to a national system, the country would actually save money AND everyone would have access to adequate health care - which happens to be a fundamental human right, which Rush would know if he'd ever bothered to read a little document called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
posted il y a plus d’un an.
last edited il y a plus d’un an