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posted by delenasalvatore
I didn't think it was possible to l’amour Damon ou Delena plus than I already did after watching 'The Return'.
I was wrong.

I didn't know what to call this article. I decided to name it after a movie because the DE scene in 'Rose' reminded me a little of one of my favourite scenes in the film 'Love Actually'. In the movie, one of the characters, Mark (Andrew Lincoln) is in l’amour with a girl he can't be with, Juliet (Keira Knightley). Juliet has always thought Mark didn't like her, and is shocked when she discovers the truth about how he really feels. On Christmas Eve, Mark shows up on her doorstep. He doesn't say anything, he just shows her a series of placards which tells her he'll always l’amour her and wishing her a merry Christmas. He knows she doesn't l’amour him, and he knows that par telling her, it changes nothing, because there's no way they can be together. But he tells her anyway, not because he has anything to gain par doing so, but just because.

In much the same way, Damon tells Elena he loves her, knowing that telling her won't change anything. It can't undo all the bad things he's done. It won't conquer all. It won't defeat all the obstacles that lie in their path so they can magically be together. He has nothing to gain par telling her, but he tells her because he can't keep his feelings to himself any longer. He has to say it just once, and that's all he wants. He doesn't want anything from her in return.

I think it's clear after watching their scene in 2x08 that Delena have officially become epic. I would be stunned if anyone - critics, haters, people who want Elena to be with Stefan, and Damon to be with Bonnie ou whoever - have any ammunition to use against DE now. In one relatively short, simple scene, DE have silenced them. We've heard so many arguments about why DE shouldn't be together, we probably know them off par heart. Someone could write a song about all the reasons people have used against them. But finally, we have one reason why DE should be together, and that reason is love.

Loving Elena has made Damon a better person. He's put aside his own feelings for her sake. He's sacrificed his own happiness because he wants to see her happy more. Put simply, he's put someone else first. That's love, actually.

All the arguments about why Elena didn't belong with Damon because he didn't deserve her bothered me so much I wrote an article about it. It bothered me because the mind-set behind this way of thinking was that l’amour was all about what toi did, not who toi were ou what toi needed. In order to receive love, toi had to somehow prove toi were worthy of it first, and if toi weren't then it meant toi should be alone. People who think this way have arguably never known how it feels to l’amour anyone at all. Damon doesn't l’amour Elena because he's 'good'; he loves her knowing he's not. And in a strange way, the very fact that he admits he doesn't deserve her goes some way in redeeming him, because in my eyes, it actually means he DOES deserve her. Why? Because he loves her so much he's willing to give her up for the 'better' man - Stefan.

In Nicholas Sparks novel 'Dear John', it opens with the question "What does it mean to truly l’amour another?" par the end of the book, we find out:

"...I finally understood what true l’amour really meant. Tim had told me - and shown me - that l’amour meant that toi care for another person's happiness plus than your own, no matter how painful the choices toi face might be."

When toi l’amour someone so much toi put them first -and put their happiness before your own...then that's love, actually.
I don't think Damon has ever loved anyone as much as he's loved Elena. No, not even Katherine, who he obsessed over for 145 years. I'm not going to launch into a débats about SE versus DE because I know that SE shippers will argue that when toi l’amour someone, then toi will do anything to be with them. Even if it means risking your life and the lives of the people toi l’amour to stay together. And I know that they l’amour each other. But there is such a profound difference in the way they have fought to keep their l’amour and the way Damon gave his up. When toi sacrifice your own happiness for someone else, no matter how painful it is...that's love, actually.

He told her he loved her and then compelled her to forget, not because he didn't want her to remember, but because it was best for her. He knew that if she remembered, then it would inevitably crop up between her and Stefan and make things weird, and he didn't want that. He wanted her to be happy and he knew that because she didn't l’amour him, it was in her best interest to forget what had happened. I know so many of toi were sad about it, but he did the right thing. And the scene wouldn't have been quite so heartbreaking if it had been otherwise. Because in that moment, we see how much Damon loves her. He loves her knowing she doesn't feel the same way and not expecting anything in return, not even a memory. When toi l’amour someone like that, then that is true love.
Is Damon worthy of Elena? Without a doubt.
Veronica parked her car in front of her Supernatural prison. She stepped out and walked to the back of her car.
Two of her minions, guarding the entrance, came towards her to give her a hand. Veronica unlocked the tronc and the two men grabbed Jeremy’s arm.
“Lock him up” she ordered furious. They both held him tightly, though he was in no condition to fight them. “Is Rachel inside?”
One of them confirmed that and she headed to the entrance. Rachel was pacing through the room where Caroline, Stefan and Katherine were captivated.
“Can I talk to toi for a moment?” she asked dead serious....
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Jeremy ran to the backdoor, which was the closest from the basement. He opened it and limped outside.
Veronica was furious. She hysterically banged the door and screamed for Jeremy to let her out. She conjured her phone and dialed a number.
“Jack, I’m in trouble. Jeremy locked me up in Rachel’s basement. toi have to come here”
Jack a dit something back.
“Oh, right, of course. You’re busy” Veronica nodded. “The window…No, I didn’t think about that. Okay, I have to hang. Thanks for the tip, Jack” She hung up and walked to the window. She caught a glimpse of Jeremy’s legs...
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“Veronica, wait up!” Jeremy yelled as Veronica opened the door of her car. She took a deep breath and tried to keep a straight face.
Jeremy scratched the back of his head, searching for words. “Did toi hear me talking inside? Because I was just talking to myself” he lied. He tried to read Veronica’s face to see if she was buying it.
“Of course toi were” Veronica replied in a serious tone. She stepped in and after she inserted the key in the ignition she looked back at Jeremy. “You need a ride?” she offered.
“Actually, I was going…” Jeremy started, but Veronica...
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Elena had pulled up the sheets. She was getting cold. After Damon had left she’d started crying again and her face was wet from tears. Was this one of the many side effects chemo had? ou was this part of the cancer?
“Hi, there” a small voice a dit from the end of the bed.
“Go away” Elena a dit with heavy voice. “I don’t want anyone to see me like this” She added as she tried to dry her eyes.
“I know, which is why I brought this” Caroline a dit secretive and she lifted a bag. She walked towards the bed. “I’m going to make toi all pretty again. Now, make some room”
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Bonnie was waiting in the woods. Caroline had called her to meet her there. Bonnie looked around nervous. This reminded her a lot of when Katherine had lured her to the ruins of Fell’s Church, pretending to be Elena. But since Caroline didn’t have a doppelganger Bonnie figured she didn’t have much to worry.
“Hey” Caroline called as she came her way.
“Hi” Bonnie replied sober. “What’s the urgency? Why did toi want to meet me here?”
Caroline noticed a little hostility in Bonnie’s voice.
“What, I need a reason to meet my best friend?” she avoided the question. Bonnie maintained...
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“We should go” Caroline a dit a little nervous, staring at Bonnie.
“Yeah, you’re right” Bonnie nodded. “It’s plain obvious that the spirits are not going to help me” She stood and walked towards Caroline, who backed away. “What’s your problem?” Caroline moved her phone from her right hand to her left hand as she figured out how to express herself.
“That was Damon” she eventually started. “Apparently Elena is not feeling very well and he thinks it might have something to do with that thé recipe I gave them”
“People don’t get sick from drinking tea, Caroline”...
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The evening fell and Rebekah and Katherine were sneaking down the woods. Rebekah had called Katherine to tell her she had a plan and she needed her help.
“Where are we going?” Katherine wanted to know.
“To Klaus’s hiding place” Rebekah vaguely explained. She walked through the cemetery and stopped at a grave. The stone said: “Here lies Esther Mikaelson, beloved wife and mother”
“What are we doing at your mother’s grave?” Katherine asked confused and a little disrespectful.
Rebekah didn’t respond, but bowed vers l'avant, vers l’avant and removed the stone. Katherine came closer and noticed...
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Elena was lying on the couch, much to Damon’s discontent, while Meredith did some basic tests.
“How long have toi been feeling like this?” she asked while she checked Elena’s eyes.
“Started this morning, when I woke up” Elena answered softly.
“And you’re having pain?” Meredith continued, checking Elena’s ears. “Where exactly?”
“My shoulders. My knees. My ankles. My hips” Elena summed up frowning, pausing after every joint she mentioned.
“Open your mouth” Meredith ordered and Elena obeyed. “Looks just fine” she mumbled and Elena closed her mouth again. “I’m...
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It was early morning, Saturday and Liz was gone to the office. Caroline rose from her lit and put on her dressing robe and slippers.
She walked to the window and opened to let the fresh air ventilate her room.
Bonnie, who was still asleep, felt the cold wind and shivered. She opened her eyes and frowned.
“Sorry” Caroline said. “Sometimes I forget people get cold”
“Don’t worry about it” Bonnie replied, getting up as well. “I used to be a lot colder, when all those spirits where inside me”
“How are things with toi and Elena?” Caroline asked careful. “She didn’t seem to...
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Gabe’s body was lying on a table, tableau in the basement of the Salvatore Boarding House. Stefan was leaning vers l'avant, vers l’avant to get a closer look, when he heard a door open and close.
“I’m down here!” he yelled, before the visitor could call him. Rushing down the stairs and an instant later Tyler appeared. “Glad toi could come so fast”
“You a dit it was important” Tyler replied scrupulously.
“It is” Stefan confirmed. He nodded at the body. “I need toi to…sniff this one. I want to know who killed him”
“You want me to sniff him?” Tyler asked with raised eyebrows.
“Pretty much” Stefan...
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“I know there’s a connection!” Liz exclaimed. “I know how to do my job. I don’t need some vampire to tell me that”
Caroline looked away, avoiding her mother’s stare.
“Caroline, I’m sorry” Liz a dit soft. “I didn’t mean…”
“Yes, toi did!” Caroline a dit firm. She turned her back on her mother. “You know, I just wanted to help you. I just wanted some distraction”
“I know, honey” Liz said. She lay her hand on Caroline’s shoulder, but she pushed it away.
“I guess I should go back to Elena” she a dit bitter. “At least she appreciates my help” And that being...
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“I’m okay” Stefan groaned as he pulled out the arrow.
“I’m so sorry, Stefan” Elena a dit upset as she ran his way. Damon was already with his brother, helping him getting up. “I didn’t mean to shoot you”
“Really, I’m fine” Stefan tried to reassure her. Elena still looked rather guilty and so Damon jumped to another subject.
“So…did toi find Rachel?” he asked.
“Yeah, I did” Stefan answered.
“Where is she? I thought toi were going to take her here” Damon a dit confused.
“Yeah” Stefan replied slow. “About that”
Rachel walked up to the door of the building....
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“Isn’t it kind of weird and ironic that Alaric who is a vampire hunter is now teaching us to kill a vampire hunting army?” Caroline pointed out.
“Ironic, maybe, but not weird” Elena commented. “Ric can teach us their weaknesses. Besides we’re not going to kill anyone”
“Except Veronica” Damon added dark and bitter. Elena slapped his chest. “We’re not killing anyone” Damon raised his eyebrows. “I’m serious, Damon. I don’t want anyone to get hurt” Elena a dit sharp.
“Not even her? toi know she wouldn’t hesitate to kill you, so why are toi so determined to keep...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Rachel looked around her before she pressed the cloche, bell of Ric’s loft.
“Rachel” Stefan a dit a little surprised, when he opened the door. “Come in”
“Are toi alone?” Rachel checked. Stefan nodded and she followed him inside. “I need to know something” she cut to the chase. “How do toi know I’m a werewolf?”
“It’s a full moon tonight and toi were jouer la comédie strange earlier” Stefan explained. “Plus I’m a vampire, I have learned to recognize them, even if they’re in human shape”
“Veronica will kill me if she finds out I’ve been talking to you” Rachel a dit scared...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Jeremy was walking outside. After his meeting with Veronica he didn’t want to go straight home. He told Alaric he’d go see Bonnie and since Ric would definitely check his alibi he was now on his way to Caroline’s.
When he was almost there he saw there was light burning upstairs. A window swung open and a guy, who Jeremy didn’t recognize, climbed over the edge and climbed downstairs using the pipes. He landed on his feet, but then Lost his balance.
For a moment Jeremy considered helping the guy, but then decided to stay put. The guy scribbled up and walked away.
Jeremy pulled out his...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Jeremy entered the Grill. He still had some time before school and this just couldn’t wait. He looked at the bar and to his relief Veronica was on duty. He walked to the bar and sank down on a stool.
“What can I get you, kid?” Veronica asked with a demeaning look.
“Do toi have a bière mat? And a pen?” Jeremy asked secretive. Veronica gave him a bière mat and a pen and Jeremy scribbled something down. He shove the mat to Veronica.
“I want in” it said.
“You can’t just sign up, toi know” Veronica said. “I need to know I can trust you. Isn’t your sister involved with vampires,...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Bonnie was sitting in Indian style on the floor of Caroline’s room. A book was lying open and three candles were surrounding it. She vowed her hands and whispered the words on the pages.
The front door slowly opened and someone slowly walked upstairs. The latch of the door in Caroline’s room went down and the door slowly opened.
“I thought toi couldn’t do magic anymore”
“Oh my God!” Bonnie shrieked. She quickly got up and turned on the light. She bent and blew out the candles. “What the hell are toi doing here?” she whispered loud and reproaching.
“I missed toi at the Homecoming...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Katherine was standing par the coup de poing bowl. She looked around to make sure no one was watching, before she conjured a small bottle and poured some of its content in the bowl. She stirred with the ladle to mingle the alcohol with the punch.
“I saw that”
Katherine smirked and turned around. Stefan was standing behind her, his hands in his pockets.
“And what is that, Mr. Salvatore?” she asked. She took a cup and poured some coup de poing in it.”Can I seduce toi to a sip?” she whispered while she held the cup against his lips.
Stefan accepted the cup and drank. He raised his eyebrows. “Are you...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Caroline opened the door of her bedroom and almost stumbled over a big, flat box. She bent her knees and picked it up. She walked to her bed, put the box down and opened it. There was a red strapless dress in it and matching gloves and tiara. Caroline took it in her hand and held it up. She walked to the mirror and looked at it. It looked plus like a wedding dress. She wanted to check the size and noticed a note.
‘I hope you’ll wear this dress tonight. I’ll meet toi at Homecoming’
Caroline put the dress back in the box and carried it downstairs. She walked to the cuisine and threw the...
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