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EW spoilers about Bonnie...



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I don't like this at all!!!!! Sounds like they're making her a coldhearted, prejudice person!!!!! This will give fans a reason to hate her ever more, I want funloving sweet Bonnie back!!!!!
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mishy91 said:
i think they just mean that bonnie is going to be taking on katherine and any other dangerous supernatural forces that come to town. I think its great that bonnie is considered to be a real threat to all the baddies out there lol i have a feeling that bonnie and damon are going to have to team up since they are the most powerful people on the show, which means more bamon!!
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I'm actually not disappointed or angry about this news. If you take what's said, it doesn't say that Bonnie is going to be gunning for everyone. It just said what we already know, which is that Bonnie hates vampires. Nothing new. But we also know from the interview with Kat at the TCAs that was posted here is that what she does isn't about revenge. So we know that she's not going to go vamp hunting without a good reason. What I'm curious about are the "baddies" that will be gunning for her. We already know that Katherine is going to pay Bonnie a visit, but "baddies" is plural. That means there's another baddie in season 2 that notices her.

I'm glad that Bonnie is going to become powerful. If she was fun-loving and carefree, she wouldn't be Bonnie. She'd be Elena. Sitting back and letting things happen to her. And that's not Bonnie. Forsaken where did you get coldhearted and prejudice from her fighting villains and bad boyfriends? lol
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I don't like the "even less tolerant" part at all. I mean, I want Bonnie to be able to make the difference between "bad" vampires and "good" vampires, I don't want her to treat them all the same.
Now I know she has the time to change throughout the season, so we'll see...
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So what's the game changer?I thought that the game changer will make Bonnie to work with the Salvatores?Didn't KW say that there will be a game changer?
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I totally loved the news! If she wants to be the vampire salyer of the show, I'm kind of glad that is her. Since the begging I was asking myself who is gonna be the one who will really do someting about them. And she is fair enough to know when they need a lesson and when they don't. And plus, I just love girls being badasses.
And I don't care about the haters, really. Your hate is not legit when you've been waiting for a reason to hate character.
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Frenchgiirl but there isn't a difference between bad vampires and good vampires. They all have the potential to turn deadly at any moment, as Stefan showed us last season. As I see it, there's only the vampires that are docile for the time being to the vampires that are likely to go ape shit at any moment.

And Lorastefens, I doubt they're going to tell us the gamechanger, KW said he sworn everyone to secrecy.

Thedarkeststar, I totally agree. I mean we have to think about the people that can't defend themselves against vampires. Who will stand up for the town and innocents? Certainly not Elena who would rather the town be ravaged by vampires to save her boyfriend. And I happen to like girls who are badasses too. The weak damsel in distress business is over played and a little frightening to tell you the truth.
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i agree with you Crazed =D
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I guess the thing we have to keep in mind is KG has already said that whatever Bonnie does ISN'T about revenge. So the vampires are obviously doing something that sets off her radar. And to be honest with Katherine in town making a mess, Bonnie is probably going to be looking at Stefan and Damon as the lesser of two evils.
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@CrazedBamonFan : You're right but all I'm saying is she can't treat Stefan the same way she treats Katherine, you know what I mean ? Even though I like the badass Bonnie who wants to save the town and protect the people she loves from vampires, I don't want her to make generalities and to be the "Mystic Falls vamp-hating witch" as they called her in another article :/

@lorastefens : KW did talk about several game changers, not sure if he was reffering to Bonnie's promise though. But I guess she will slowly change her mind during the season or at least start to tolerate some vampires (at least I hope so). And didn't JP say something that could mean that although Bonnie will still not like Damon, he will try to change her mind on him without her even realising it ? I don't know xD...
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@FrenchGiirl I get what you're saying, I kind of said it before you posted. I'm pretty sure Bonnie is going to view the Salvatores the lesser evil and side with them. After all when it comes down to it, Katherine has access to everyone in Mystic Falls by way of looking like Elena. That's dangerous. Not to mention the Salvatores want her dead too, so "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" comes into play.

But back to the nitty gritty, who do you guys think is the other baddie? Because I definitely think there's someone besides Katherine who is up to no good lol.
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With what I heard from the books, I'm guessing Klaus may show up this season.
And we don't know about werewolves...
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Maybe Klaus come. That would be nice. But will they kill Katherine this season?
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Okay someone explain Klaus to me? <---show watcher remember lol.
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in the books he is the guy who turned Katherine, everything she knows she learned from him... he is the evil mastermind there :)

I`m actually seeing Bonnie wathichig the Salvatore bros, to observe if Katherine`s back will make them do somenthing stupid. At least is what I expect from Damon...

I agree with you CrazedBamonfan, I don't like damsel in distress girls *cough*Elena*cough*

And being fair with Bonnie, she is already changing her mind about the vampires... at least about Damon. Altough she doesn't addimit it. If she wasn't changing her mind, she wouldn't give Damon another chance to change. And even her telling Stefan she saved them for Elena, in deep she knows is because she felt guilty.
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Between guys , you can call me Lora.

I really wanted to see the carnival .KW can show us KG's dance moves in that.I mean she can dance and sing why not they show something like that.Bonnie is dancing and singing and Damon is watching.LOl..
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Yeah Lora, I've even asked Katerina if she wanted Bonnie to sing in the show. But she didn't answer...

I agree with Stela. Bonnie has already given Damon another chance. He touched her that other day... <333

D, Klaus is the one who taught Katherine everything she knows... ;D
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big smile
@Thedarkeststar : You're right, Damon has already slooooowly started to grow on Bonnie when he thanked her. Now let's hope he's going to continue in this way ;)

And HELL YES to Bonnie singing on the show ;D
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uluai said:
i love the fact that her power is going to increase, she is a character so interesting, and complete, so magic, bothers me that they don´t give her more time in screen, the time she deserve.
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CBF I don't mean funloving like Elena!!! Why would u believe I'd want that!!!! I just mean I don't like characters that go around with a personal vendetta, taking justice into their own hands like they're invincible!!! I have nothing wrong with Bonnie being a tough character as long as she has heart and doesn't lose that sweetness we saw in the beginning!!! I hate cold mean ppl!!! They suck and make everything irritating!!! Bonnie could at least show a little understanding or at least learn to understand ppl that r different fom her!!!!
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Im agree with you guys... Bonnie is like the only one that care about the people of mistic falls that cant defense herself. Baddies?? Obviously is Katherine because maybe she is after elena but i think it is also after Bonnie i mean she is a witch and very powerful. Katherine will need her and like bonnie is not going to help her, i guess it is going to be a big mess!!!
Mmmmm Klaus sounds great and if i remember correctly, in the books tyler help him sooooo.... maybe tyler or maybe uncle's tyler is a "baddies" too... Mmmmm remember you guys that a spoiler say that it will be someone really hard to catch and it doesn't sound like katherine...
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uluai said:

she talks about bad boyfriends. what does it mean? it si possible that Bonnie has a bad relationship this season?
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Ow... If she starts to hang out with Tyler, and Tyler really helps Klaus, as I imagine he will... Well, maybe this is the far Tonnie will get.
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uluai said:
ohhh Patty! is true ...
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IxluvxCB said:
I so argee with you Patty!!
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Ooooo exciting! I can't wait to see more KICK-ASS Bonnie!! I hope she challenges Damon and they have more chemistry-filled scenes. :)
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IxluvxCB said:
I am so with you on this!! dora!! I cant want to see more KICK-ASS witch Bonnie!! ooh I cant wait to see that too
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