Bones Club
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Dangerous Thai and pomme pie
    “The jury finds the defendant Mr. Andy Collins….. guilty of first degree murder.” I let out a huge sigh of relief. I smiled when I heard a mirrored breath beside me. I looked over at her. My bones. The satisfaction of putting a criminal away to the justice they deserved was always nice, like a hot truquer, fudge sundae. The fact that Bones and I had done it together, as a team, was just the yummy cerise on top.
Now that I was sure we had won, I could afford to be cocky. I slung my arm around my partner. “I always knew we would win. I knew it!” I was giddy just like a school boy. She smiled and underneath that calm exterior, I could see she was just as excited as I was. She let my arm stay then started talking. Make that speed talking.
    “It feels really great. I mean, he killed his father and his mother in cold blood! I was so worried he would get off with that charm smile of his –“at that she broke off and glared at me. I chuckled. “- but he didn’t! Justice was served. I am pumped!”
    I was in shock. This much emotion was way out of character for Bones. I decided to take advantage of it. “So, if you’re pumped, let’s celebrate.”
    Her brow puckered. “With what?”
    I paused for dramatic effect. “Thai. My place, nine o’clock.”
    She hesitated. “That does sound really nice. However,” I groaned, “I have tons of paperwork due. It will take me a while. Plus, it’s due tomorrow, and I never turn anything in late.”
    I was unfazed. She always a dit that. And I always ignored her. “Great! So do I. We can do it together; at least we’ll have something to talk about.” I could see her will caving as I spoke.
    “Fine.” She snapped,” only, not too late, otherwise toi will see a crabby Brennan. Mere mortals like toi should not incur the wrath of a grumpy Brennan!” she a dit the last bit in a scary Godzilla voice. As she did, I stared in shock. My Bones had just tried to make a joke! Miracles happen every day; example one. I recovered, and gave a small but genuine chuckle. Then I put my arm around her waist and we went to her office to gather the dreaded paperwork before embarking on a wonderful Thai extravaganza. This would be a wonderful night, I could feel it.
    There were so many emotions running a marathon through my head. I could decipher a few, like triumph for putting that scum of the earth Andy Collins in jail, and sadness and revulsion for his horrible crimes, but there was something else. Something completely foreign to me. After a while, I realized what it was. I was experiencing contentment. Right now the world was nice, and as it should be. The criminal was in jail, justice was served, and I was about to have Thai with Booth, whose amazingly warm hand lingered on my waist. As I thought of Booth, an involuntary blush crept into my cheeks. That was the most confusing emotion of all. With Booth, I feel like I am whole. When he leaves, he takes a part of me with him, which makes me feel Lost and incomplete. But, as long as we’re together, it feels right.
    “What’re toi thinking about Bones?” Booth asked, cutting into my reverie. par this time, we were seated in his SUV; me in the passenger seat, of course.
    “I was thinking how irritated I was that I can never drive.” I answered his question, only somewhat truthfully.
    Booth smirked. “Must be my alpha-male tendencies again, sorry.” He didn’t sound sorry one bit to me.
    Before I could reply he guided the car to a curb and parked. “Home, sweet, home.”
    I studied ‘home, sweet, home’. On the outside, it was a regular old brick apartment. I wondered what it would be like on the inside. Dirty take out boxes and smelly socks with mold under the sofa? ou immaculately clean and blindingly shiny? Booth beckoned to me with those huge hands of his. I guess I’d just have to find out, I thought, as I took a big breath and stepped into the foyer of his building.

    As I opened the door to my small two bedroom apartment, something occurred to me. “Hey Bones, toi ever been here before?”
    She hesitated before answering. “I just saw it a minute when toi were with…. Tess.” Bones was uncomfortable bringing up the memory.
    Well, heck, I didn’t blame her, so did I. That was the worst possible moment for me to see Bones, what with Tess practically naked, oozing smugness. That was the moment I had figured out she was not the one. Because, as Tess stood there, I couldn’t help but image how good it would be to have Bones in her place.
    I wanted to do anything to diffuse the awkwardness that had sprung and enveloped us. “Umm…. How ‘bout a tour?” I asked desperately. She smiled, seeming to appreciate the effort. I walked into the cuisine and presented it to her with a flourish, saying, “The le dîner, salle à manger of Booth.” I walked into another room. “The living room, bathroom,” I was about to go on, but Bones paused in the hall.
    I heard a short intake of breath. “It’s so ……cute!” Bone said, “I l’amour the FBI mural.” She chuckled. Then, to my surprise, she walked into the room. I followed her. Bones eyes roamed over my son’s bedroom. Her eyes came to rest on a painted picture that hung over his bed. “Is that…”
    “Me, you, and Parker.” I said, “He painted it in his art class at school.”
    Bones looked a lot stunned and a bit confused” Why am I in it? I mean toi make sense; you’re his father of course, but me……. I’m not anything!” There was an underlying emotion in that last comment. As I tried to decipher it, I put my arms around her.
    “Of course you’re not nothing! toi are my partner, Zach’s teacher, Angela’s best friend, Parker’s buddy, and most importantly I- we- all l’amour you.”
    Bones looked caught off guard par my words as well as my intensity. Then she softened. “You l’amour me?” Ok. We were suddenly in very hot water. What should I say? The truth? That I couldn’t live without her? That she was my sun, moon, food, and water? She would freak and all the walls around her cœur, coeur would come up, and our partnership would be ruined. No, definitely not the truth.
    But then, she looked at me, and I remembered. The kiss. That all consuming, beautiful moment when she reached for me, and our lips met. I made my decision. Pulling her even closer I whispered, “Yes I l’amour you. You’re my Bones.” Then, without a second, rational thought, I made the first move.

    Kissing Booth was absolutely wonderful. Being kissed par Booth was even better. At first I was shocked and scared par his embrace, and a million thoughts zoomed around in my head. No! I screamed. This can’t happen, I mean, for god’s sake Brennan, we’re in his sons room! I began to pull away. Then, our tongues met of their own accord and I was in heaven. My rational side finally shut up. My instincts were in control; I felt, not thought.
    Sure, I had kissed and been kissed plenty of times previous, but those were all about physical attraction, there was always something missing. It was not until this moment that I realized what it was. Booth. With Booth, s’embrasser was not just physical. Sure, part of it was (and that part was great) but it was deeper at the same time. He made me feel wanted and wantable. Booth healed pieces of me I wasn’t aware were broken. Even though I don’t believe in things like that, he felt like my true other half.
    So, as we were fulfilling the longing of the last months, I heard a weird noise, almost like a rumble, emanating from Booth. I pulled away and giggled as I realized what it was. I winked at Booth, whose lips were still puckered, and said, “Sounds like somebody is ready for dinner!”
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