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posted by lucius_malloy
I was doing these on link and I like sharing so here I am xD

‎About a mois after Lily had finally agreed to go out with James, they were patrolling the corridors hand in hand. Suddenly, James pulled Lily into an empty classroom and kissed her without warning. 
"Guess what?" Lily asked James, smiling up at him. "You were my first kiss."
"Guess what?" James replied. "I'm going to be your second, too."

Minerva McGonagall could see a lot of herself in Hermione Granger. The difference between the two young witches, however, was Hermione's seemingly unbreakable friendship with Harry and Ron. Minerva, never having had anything of the sort in her school years, wished fervently for Hermione to guard her friendships closely so as to not end up all alone, like Minerva herself. 

Once, when Minerva McGonagall was in her N.E.W.T. year, Albus Dumbledore showed her how to make the statues and Suits – Avocats sur Mesure of armour move. Ever since then, she had always wanted to use that spell, until the jour came when she had to. She kept a Rebelle face and told everyone she'd always wanted to do it, but really she wished plus than anything else that it hadn't come to that. 

Scorpius Malfoy had always watched Rose Weasley. The stunning ginger girl had seemed to have it all -- looks, brains, talent on the Quidditch pitch. Thanks to her father, she even had a bit of a reputation. 
But what Scorpius didn't know is that Rose had always watched him, too, wishing that one jour he'd find the courage to come up to her instead of just watching. 
Until one jour he did. 

In her sixth year, Hermione kept a diary. Because she didn't really have any girl friends, she had no one to talk to about Ron and his relationship with Lavender, and so she wrote it all down. She never showed it to anyone, until her niece Lily Luna came to her in her sixth an for boy advice.

Even though Harry didn't like to talk about the war, every an on the seconde of May he would hold a huge dîner party and invite everyone who'd survived it, regardless of which side they had fought on. 
It took a while, but on the five-year anniversary of the end of the war Draco Malfoy and his wife finally accepted the invitation. 

Harry and Ginny's wedding took place in the open, with all the guests on brooms. The bride and the groom hovered in front of the ceremony official just long enough to say their vows, and then they were off, starting their honeymoon right away. 
Molly, of course, was devastated, but Arthur figured James would have been proud. 

The an that Lily Luna turned four, Harry gave all his children a stuffed animal for their birthdays. 
James got a big black dog, Albus a phoenix and Lily a Crumple-Horned Snorkack that Harry had asked Luna to custom-make for her.
The children never asked why they got those animaux specifically, but deep down they all knew. 

Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione all did their best to raise their children without taboos. There were no questions that couldn't be asked, no names that weren't allowed to be said. Fear of a name only increases fear of a thing itself, and ignorance can get toi killed, which is why fear and ignorance were stamped out whenever possible.

Narcissa Malfoy hated what Lucius was doing to her son, but she loved Lucius too much to stop him. She enclosed herself at Malfoy Manor, rarely leaving her rooms, in the hope that if she didn't go out to Diagon Alley and see all the happy, bouncy little boys with their smiling mothers the jealousy wouldn't be so hard to bear. plus than anything, she wanted to raise a son, to see him grown and know that she had done a good job; but what they were doing was grooming a Death Eater. 

The summer after their N.E.W.T.s, Scorpius was staying with Rose for a while. Hermione walked past as they were talking about a particularly tricky question -- Scorpius claimed Rose had to be a genius for getting it right, while Rose insisted that she was merely highly logical, which allowed her to look past extraneous detail and perceive clearly that which others overlook. 
A lone tear of pride slid down Hermione's cheek. 

‎1. Whenever Rose saw her other friends, she would hug them -- but never Scorpius. When he asked her about it, she replied, "I just like hugging people, but I thought toi wouldn't react to it too well."
He laughed, called her silly and hugged her tight. 

‎2. Ever since James was born, Harry took his family to the graveyard in Godric's Hollow every Halloween to visit Lily and James's grave. No matter how loud the children had been that day, they always understood enough to stay silent. 

‎3. Neville never told anyone about the time he kissed Luna in the midst of the Battle of Hogwarts. Partly because he didn't think anyone would believe him, partly because of the pitying look she gave him afterwards. He went on to marry Hannah, but he never forgot Luna. She was his one true love. 

‎4. Arthur played in a wizarding rock band in his school years, along with his Friends Reg Cattermole and Albert Runcorn. The band divisé, split during their seventh year, and the three boys went their separate ways, slowly drifting apart. Arthur never told anyone but Molly. 

‎5. Molly suffered a miscarriage in the an after Bill was born -- she Lost a little baby girl. When the Healers told her the sex of the Lost baby, Arthur promised her they wouldn't stop trying. Finally, after five plus boys, Ginny was born.

6. Along with her various un radis, radis earrings, Butterbeer cork necklaces and other jewellery, Luna wore a simple silver bracelet with a crescent-moon charm on her left wrist. It was the only thing they'd found intact after the explosion that killed her mother. 

‎7. Dolores Umbridge never really cared about what happened at Hogwarts. The only thing she cared about was Cornelius truquer, fudge -- she was hopelessly in l’amour with him, and would do whatever he asked, whatever it took to get him to notice her. Anything, everything, except tell him straight-out. 

‎8. The reason Zacharias Smith acted so... cruelly towards Harry is that he was jealous of Harry -- his looks, his brains, his talent on the Quidditch pitch, and over everything his fame. 

‎9. Lee Jordan had always had a thing for Angelina Johnson, but who was he compared to the legendary Fred and George Weasley? All he could do was watch and crack jokes as first Fred and then George dated (and, in George's case, married) the woman he loved. 

‎10. Whenever Celestina Warbeck came on the radio and Ron was in the vicinity, the offending radio got turned off before toi could say "cauldron full of hot, strong love."

‎11. Professor Sprout wished that Neville had been sorted into her house -- he would have made a brilliant Hufflepuff. He had all the needed qualities and more, and yet Pomona knew that it was the 'more' that made him the Gryffindor he was. 

‎12. Salazar Slytherin carried a secret torch for Helga Hufflepuff. She was a beautiful woman, blonde and confident. Her views, however, differed so radically from his that in his vanity he never showed the slightest affection towards her, so as to not lose his 'credibility'.

‎13. Bellatrix married Rodolphus for duty. She never loved anyone, never thought she could l’amour anyone until one jour when her Master needed a woman and she was the only one close. She gave herself to him willingly, and never wanted for anyone else. She wanted him only, but he never wanted anyone. 

14. Ron tried to write a l’amour poem to Hermione once, but gave up when the only thing he could even think of rhyming with 'Hermione' was 'ermine' (and he wasn't quite sure what the word meant).

‎15. Teddy Lupin was sorted into Ravenclaw, in honour of which he kept his hair blue-and-bronze-striped for at least a mois following the sorting. He was the most restless Ravenclaw the château had ever seen, according to his professors, until his sixth an when he began dating Victoire Weasley. Victoire had always been like a sister to him, so it had been disconcerting to wake up one morning and realise his feelings for her had ventured into a previously unexplored zone, but the two of them worked well together -- she calmed him down, he loosened her up. 

‎16. Dennis Creevey went on to teach Charms at Hogwarts, first as Flitwick's apprentice and then taking on the position completely when the little man finally deigned to retire at the ripe old age of 153.

‎17. Unlike her sisters, Andromeda Tonks (née Black) hadn't been a Slytherin. The Hat had been going to write her off as just another Black, bound for the green of Slytherin, but as tiny little Dromeda sat on the stool, dwarfed par the huge hat, the only thing she could think was "not Slytherin." The Hat obliged and placed her in Ravenclaw, where she was finally able to escape the toxic influence of her family and let herself be the person she wanted to be. 

‎18. Walburga Black had thought her seconde cousin Orion plus handsome and charming than most, and when she was told she was to marry him she was overjoyed. Orion, however, never cared about her, and slowly the neglected Walburga became a amer old lady, shouting filth to anyone who crossed her, starting in life and continuing even in death through her portrait.

‎19. When Lily found out she was pregnant with Harry, she went out and bought a tiny broom-shaped ornament. When James came accueil that day, the balai, genêt à balais was sitting on the cuisine table. 
"What's this?" he asked Lily, picking it up. 
"A balai, genêt à balais for our son," she replied, setting it back on the table, tableau and s’embrasser him. "I'm pregnant."

‎20. Every child to go to Hogwarts after the seconde Wizarding War thanked Harry, Ron, and Hermione, because magical historians decreed the War so important that children should study its causes and events extensively, leaving less time for the goblin rebellions and whatnot of centuries long passed.

‎21. Charlie Weasley never married anyone. Not for want of people to marry, but because he was afraid of how his parents would react when he brought accueil a boyfriend. 

‎22. Professor Trelawney was convinced that Cho Chang would have made a great Seer. Cho, however, opened a small café in Hogsmeade where she would sit and watch young Hogwarts couples and fantasise about the life she could have had. Her Muggle husband thought she worked in the village they lived in and never had reason to believe otherwise. 

‎23. Firenze returned to the château for a few days every an to teach students about the centaur ways of Divination. 

‎24. Scorpius once tried to slip Rose a l’amour potion he'd brewed himself, but Rose noticed it straight away. She'd looked at him in a confused manner and merely said, "Silly boy, what do toi need potions for? Come here already."

25. Harry wanted his children to see Thestrals, but he was at a complete loss of how to accomplish this without straight-out murdering someone. Until one jour Hermione reminded him about Muggle nursing homes... One at a time, Harry took his children to a nearby nursing accueil under the Invisibility manteau to watch an old person die. It served two purposes -- seeing Thestrals and teaching his children about death, reminding them that it happens to everyone, one way ou the other. 

‎26. Hermione was the only one of the trio who kept up with Muggle events after the War. She bought a computer and even tried to get the others to rejoindre Facebook, but was met with fervent refusals. Harry a dit people already knew enough about his life, while Ron didn't trust the odd-looking Muggle machinery. 

‎27. Harry and Ron taught their respective children to fly from a very early age -- Harry because it was always good to have a means of getting away, Ron because flying impressed girls (or boys) and was a good fall-back plan in case school didn't work out so well. 

‎28. Albus Potter was desperate to make his older brother proud of him. James was always the better one -- the plus populaire one, the smarter one, the better-looking one. James waa good at everything, while Albus always had to settle for seconde best. 
Until one jour Albus enlisted the help of his cousin Hugo, and while James was at Quidditch practice they Charmed all of his clothes bright rose with a spell they'd found in a book buried so deep in the library, James was never going to find the counter-spell. 
When James got back and saw what they had done, he told his brother he was proud of him for the first time Albus could remember.

‎29. Nymphadora Tonks very nearly became the fifth unregistered Animagus of the century. She wanted to become one in order to be able to be with Remus during the full moon, but he forbade it. Rationally, he knew that Animagi weren't affected par werewolf bites, but he wasn't risking anything happening to Tonks. He couldn't have lived with himself it it had. 

‎30. Madam Maxime had instructed Fleur on how one was to behave in the Champion's Tent. Hating herself every minute, she changed her clothes slowly, making sure all three boys saw plus than enough of her. It may have been below the belt, but it definitely distracted them in the task ahead. 

‎31. Every an up until he died, Severus tried to take fleurs to Lily's grave on her birthday. He would turn up at the gates of the graveyard with a bouquet of lilies in his hand, and take a step ou two before remembering that she lay suivant to James. Every year, he would force himself to go a little bit closer, telling himself to ignore James and focus on Lily. The an after he died he would finally have reached her grave. 

‎32. Remus came to Teddy in a dream once. In the short time they had, Remus told his son how proud he was of him, how sorry he was that he wasn't there to witness him growing in person. 
Teddy woke with tears on his cheeks. 

‎33. There was a time when Severus found himself having lustful thoughts about the young Gryffindor boy with his mother's eyes. 
He let himself indulge for a few moments before realising what he was doing and being ashamed for besmirching Lily's memory so. 

‎34. Molly Weasley never stopped knitting her famous sweaters, not even when the Potter-Weasley clan grew so large she had to start knitting Christmas sweaters in August. 
Every year, she made one for Fred too, hiding them in a corner of her wardrobe. Only Arthur knew, and he never tried to stop her, knowing it was her way to deal. 

‎35. Draco never understood why he had to be so mean to Dobby, but it was what his father had told him to do. plus than anything else, Draco wanted to make his father proud.

‎36. Sirius always wondered what would have happened to him had he been sorted into Slytherin. He liked to think he could have made the right choices alone, even with all the influence from fellow Slytnerins, but deep down he knew he couldn't have become the person he was without James ou Remus, ou even Peter. 

‎37. Everyone noticed the sexual tension bewteen Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. Everyone noticed it, yet no one dared to commentaire on it, for fear of getting punched par Hermione ou being told on to Draco's father. 
Yet in the dead of the night both often wondered what would happen if they were to suddenly proclaim their l’amour for the other. 

‎38. The Marauders were possibly the most legendary pranksters Hogwarts would ever see. They always had something new and flashy for each feast, and though everyone knew it was them, none of the professors ever a dit anything. They were too much in awe of the complicated and advanced spell-work that had gone into the pranks. 

‎39. Harry never told anyone about the time Fred had kissed him in the Weasley back yard a few days after the Quidditch World Cup. The older boy had grabbed his arm, pressed his lips to his quickly and whispered, "I just had to try that." Harry was left standing in the yard, wondering what had just happened. 

‎40. Katie cloche, bell liked to think that she was the first girl to crush on Fred Weasley. She'd started way back in their seconde year, before he'd gotten all hot and awesome at Quidditch. Back in their seconde year, the only thing he'd had going for him was his kindness, which Katie couldn't resist. 
She may have been the first girl to crush on him, but she was par no means the last. 

‎41. Dean's battered West Ham poster traveled with him wherever he went after the war. Its stationary players reminded him of his Muggle heritage, something he grew plus proud of every day. 

‎42. When Dean went to visit his Muggle mother after the war, she barely recognised him. "Oh, Dean," she sighed. "What have they done to you?"
"Nothing I didn't let them," Dean told her. "I only did what I had to. What I had to to make the world a better place for you."

‎43. Hermione pretended that she found Fred and George's pranks immature, but really she was fascniated par the amount of effort and planning the boys put into them. And, well, pranks weren't exactly the only thing that fascinated her about Fred. plus than once she caught herself wondering what lay beneath the huge knitted sweater bearing the letter F...

‎44. There was something about Luna that captured Draco's interest and wouldn't let go. He couldn't decide whether it was her silvery-blonde hair, so like his own, ou the way in which nothing toi a dit ou did would make her angry, ou maybe the way she'd randomly bring up Nargles ou Crumple-Horned Snorkacks in conversation. He didn't know what it was, but there was something about her that made him almost hungry for her. 

‎45. The first time Remus realised he might have feelings for Sirius was during a full moon in their sixth year, when dog-Sirius was restraining wolf-Remus par practically lying on haut, retour au début of him and even through the layers of loup clouding his mind, he felt something stir. 
It appeared that Sirius felt it too, because when Remus returned from the 'Hospital Wing' the following day, Sirius grabbed him, dragged him into a dark corner and kissed him. 
Remus found he really didn't mind. 

‎46. Rose taught Scorpius how to fly.
She'd practically grown up on a broomstick, whereas Draco hadn't wanted Scorpius to fly before Hogwarts lessons so as to not learn it all wrong like he had.
Rose and Scorpius hit it off from the moment they got on the Hogwarts Express, and when Scorpius mentioned he couldn't fly, Rose offered to teach him. It was that simple. And since their friendship began with the two of them squashed on a broom, they were neber awkward around each other. 
Six years later, Rose kissed Scorpius and showed him another way to fly. 

‎47. Minerva McGonagall had never been plus proud of a student than when Neville hacked off Nagini's head. In that moment, he was the embodiment of a true Gryffindor. 

‎48. Seamus Finnigan had never felt adequate for anything. When he got his Hogwarts letter, he was sure that it had to be a mistkake. When, however, he was Sorted and no one came to tell him there'd been any mistake of any kind, he became determined to be a memorable student. He may not be the best at any subject, but he was definitely the best at making things explode. 

‎49. Hogwarts was never the same after the great Battle. Every hall bore memories of deaths, every portrait and suit of armour had seen horrible things. The ghosts told stories of the fallen heroes, almost forgetting their own origins. Human memory may fade, but the château would always remember the Battle of Hogwarts.

50. James never got the chance to propose to Lily, because she did it first. On the jour of their graduation, she got down on her knees in the Heads' Common Room and asked him to marry her. 
That was the first time James could remember crying tears of joy -- the girl that he'd chased after his entire Hogwarts career asking him to marry her, instead of him having to coax her into it gently. 
He couldn't remember much of the rest of the day. 
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
added by GemonkDruid
Source: Memebase :P
added by GemonkDruid
Source: Memebase :P
added by GemonkDruid
Source: Memebase :P
added by GemonkDruid
Source: Memebase :P
added by simpleplan
posted by athena305
Hai. I know I haven't been that active lately, but I swear I'm back. I must discuss a pressing question with my lovely Biggerstaffs.

The Hunger Games movie.

I just don't know. I'm obviously ridiculously excited for it but I can't tell if it'll ruin an incredible book series ou be amazing.

On one hand, Jennifer Lawrence is a fantastic actress. She was nominated for an Academy Award and she's really young. She's played the tough, hardened girl before in Winter's Bone and Suzanne Collins herself a dit that she was perfect in the audition as she a dit in a letter to her fans about finding Katniss.

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added by xDark_Angelx
added by xDark_Angelx
Dude, I l’amour this song for some reason. It's so awesome-and I don't really say that about Christmas songs, which are usually cheerful and sweet (ha! Who needs those? MDR XD). So I'd like to share it with toi all.
posted by Waterwhip
 Maybe I went A Little Far With The Makeup ;)
Maybe I went A Little Far With The Makeup ;)
What do toi do on a normal Saturday night? I'll bet toi lay down and watch hours of Doctor Who and Harry Potter ou sit in your room watching the Potter Puppet Pals on your laptop. Do toi know what I do? Just wait..!

So last night I almost burnt the house down, roasted marshmellows, ran a mile, ran into a door, drew a sentence in 20ft block letters par the highway, snuck through the woods at night, did amazing makeup on my bff, did my own insane makeup, had a Les Experts marathon, played with fire, murdered the cookie jar, ect. All that from 7-11pm last night

So, what do toi on a regular Saturday night?
 Kylie And Me montrer Off Our Scars :D
Kylie And Me Showing Off Our Scars :D
 Me Drawing With Chalk At Midnight
Me Drawing With Chalk At Midnight
 She Didnt Think I Would Go All The Way With Her Makeup ;) I did it myself. Amazing right?
She Didnt Think I Would Go All The Way With Her Makeup ;) I did it myself. Amazing right?
posted by lucius_malloy
Yeah, I'm back :p

1. May 2, 1999, George sat up in the middle of the night. He thought he'd heard someone whisper "I l’amour you, Georgie," but there was no one but him in the room he had used to share with Fred. Unable to sleep, George went down into the living room, where Molly was sitting on the sofa. She looked up as he entered. "You, too?" she asked. George nodded, and Molly raised her arm. For the first time in many, many years, George let himself be cuddled par his mother. "I'm sorry, George," Molly whispered. "I am so, so sorry."

‎2. Louis Weasley, youngest child and only son of...
continue reading...
added by pumpkinqueen
I can't stop listening to this song. O_O