Being Pro-Life Club
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posted by MineTurtle
Melissa tossed and turned on her bed. She glanced over at the clock and saw it was 2 in the morning. She groaned and went back to sleep.

Here's why she was tossing and turning. 10 weeks ago, she had slept with her long-term boyfriend. On the night she went over, she had an unsettling feeling that something was going to go wrong, ou that something wasn't right.It was no surprise, that when she became pregnant, her boyfriend promptly ditched her. She planned on having an abortion at 10 that day. But deep down, she had that same, unsettling feeling.

Back to her bed. After she had glanced at the clock, she somehow drifted off.

There she was, headed to the abortion clinic, trying to convince herself that this was the right decision. She came to the front, and it looked like a lion's mouth, waiting to gobble her up. She dismissed it as nothing but a figment of her imagination. She went in. The doctor looked like a beast from that series Narnia, one of the White Witch's beasts. Again, Melissa dismissed it. As she lay down on the bed, it felt as if needles were being stuck into her back. But when she looked, there was nothing there. The doctor reached in and started to take the baby out. The baby, surprisingly, came out in one piece. It looked at her with sad eyes, then at the doctor. As it looked at the doctor, it suddenly became zombie-like. It grabbed the doctor's tweezers-thing, and it turned into a dagger in the child's hand. The child lunged for Melissa. She screamed.

Then she opened her eyes. The early morning sun drizzled through the window, as honey does off a spoon. She patted her tummy gently, and felt a little movement from inside.

At 9:55, she reached that clinic, and she remembered the dream. From somewhere, she heard a small voice crying "Please don't hurt me! Please! Turn back! It's not too late! Oh, do please turn back!" She stood there for a minute, considering what to do, and turned and ran as fast as she could from that clinic. She burst in the door and told her mother everything.

When it was time to give birth, Melissa was in agony. But when at last her child did come, she said, "I shall call her Grace, for it is par the grace of God that I have this little miracle."

Today, Melissa is married to a wonderful man and they have the prettiest girl who ever lived. (In their eyes, at least).

It is par the grace of God that toi have life. Give others grace par giving them life.
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