Avril Lavigne Club
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added by wangjianhai98
Source: Avril Lavigne
added by wangjianhai98
Source: Avril Lavigne
added by wangjianhai98
Source: Avril Lavigne
added by wangjianhai98
Source: Avril Lavigne
added by wangjianhai98
Source: Avril Lavigne
added by wangjianhai98
Source: Avril Lavigne
added by gymnastlover
added by Puchacz93
Source: Hot Celebs
added by viju
added by modrockz
added by avril-best
added by goodwithpencils
added by emmett
added by kathiria82
Source: Avril Lavigne
added by evamitrai
In my last articles, I talked about why Avril Lavigne needs to make an album without any bratty songs for suivant an and why Avril Lavigne needs to resign Sony musique Entertainment and moved to Universal musique Records.

As toi may know that Avril Lavigne has dominated the musique department in 2002 with Let Go and its 3 number 1 singles, Complicated, Sk8er Boi and I’m With You. Plus, Losing Grip with is her most serious song of all her Let Go era songs even though Losing Grip doesn’t do great in the charts and the musique video released on the awful 2003 rendez-vous amoureux, date instead of a very good fall 2002 date....
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added by Squal
Source: Avril Lavigne
added by karlyluvsam
Source: tumblr