Arthur et Gwen Club
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    Arthur adjusts his tunic and ceinture and looks at himself for the fifth time. Smiling in satisfaction, he blows into his hand and sniffs. His breath smells fine, so there’s no worry about the girl fainting the moment he starts speaking to her. He sighs and looks at the bunch of lavender in his hand. His mother recommended he bring along something nice like fleurs and this is all he could think of. He didn’t know why he chose lavender when there were so many other types of fleurs in the market, but the moment he caught the sight of the lavender, he was hooked and bought them without question. He hopes she will like it. And she had better, the fleurs didn’t come cheap. And he doesn’t like taking his gifts back home, either.

        Arthur stares ahead. He is in the village and he notes the small house from the distance. Smoke is seen billowing from the chimney, raising to mingle with the clouds. Someone is cooking, he thinks. Coughing softly, he walks calmly towards the house. His cœur, coeur is racing, anticipating what she might say after meeting him. Will she still be angry with him? Will she demand that he apologise to her father ou will she bow in respect to him now that she has known him to be the prince of Camelot. Arthur smirks. Whatever the outcome is, he knows he is in for some fun. Arthur reaches the house and before entering, he checks himself first. There is mud on his boots. Arching his brow and mumbling in frustration, he looks around. There was nothing around the hut he could use to wipe his boots. Arthur grits his teeth. He keeps looking and then he spots a vêtement hanging on a broken chair, just slightly outside the door. It looks like a shirt, white in colour.

    “Aha …” he says, and quickly reaches out and grabs the garment, yanking it off from the chair. The chemise is clean and seems like it belongs to the owner of the house. “Perfect,” Arthur says and uses it to wipe his boots. He cleans the mud off and satisfied, he carelessly tosses it away. The chemise falls on the ground but he hardly pays any attention to it. Instead, he straightens himself and nears the door. He knocks it and waits, patiently.

        The door opens forcefully. Guinevere stands on the other side of the door looking frustrated. There are stains on her tablier and she holds a spoon in her hand. Arthur smiles sheepishly.


        “Yes, Sire … can I help you?” she is blunt and she knows it. The broth in her spoon slides downwards, staining the handle and her fingers. But she hardly moves.

        “Urm ...” Arthur clears his throat. All of a sudden his throat feels itchy. “I came … urm, to see …”

        “Father is around, Sire. Would toi like to see him?” Gwen’s directness takes him par surprise.

        Arthur pauses. He realizes she might still be holding a grudge, but he didn’t expect her to be this sharp. And she is bold. “Your father?”

        “Yes, Sire … isn’t that why toi are here? To apologise to him?”

        ‘Ahhh … she’s smart. She knows what she’s doing and she’s playing it well. Smart déplacer sweetheart,’ he thinks to himself. “Yes, as a matter of fact, yes. I came to apologise and to see if he is all right,” Arthur tells her. “I had been a fool yesterday and I’d like to see him in person and apologise for my mistake.”

        Guinevere relaxes and stands back from the door. “Would toi like to come in, Sire? My father will l’amour to hear those words from you, my lord. After all, it’s not always we get visitors from the high ranks of Camelot. Especially a prince,” she says and steps back; smiling. “But toi will have to pardon our small shabby home. This is the accueil of a peasant and unfortunately we can’t make it any plus comfortable for you,” she adds.

        Arthur smiles back. He knows she’s making fun of his attempt and teasing him silently but he doesn’t care about it. He has his own reasons to be here and to make sure his visit is fruitful, he is wiling to accept any tease ou mockery that comes his way. “It’s all right, I understand. I am happy to be here.” he says and steps in as she opens the door wide and stands aside.

        “Thank you, Sire … please, come in.”

        Arthur nods and enters. It’s a small home, just enough for two people to live in but no more. If the girl decides to get married, either she ou her father will have to déplacer out. Arthur suspects it will be the latter. He spots a table, tableau and a bench the moment he enters. On his right, there is a bed, enough for a person and that’s it. If the old man sleeps on it, where does the girl sleep? Well, that’s not his problem. Then on the left, there’s a small counter where a large basin and a cupboard sit. Then on the left, beside the cupboard, there’s a fireplace and a cauldron hangs underneath it, over a fire. Something is boiling inside. Then straight ahead, there’s a small room at the end of the house, probably where they keep storage of their nourriture supplies. But Arthur also spots some armour, chain mail and unused steel. Why would they need armour and chain mail? Is the man a blacksmith? Doesn’t he have his own workshop? Maybe he works from home, Arthur concludes. A strong smell pierces his nose and unable to stand it, Arthur clips his nose.

“Sorry sire, that’ll be the medicine … it has the power to kill a person with its smell,” Gwen smiles apologetically and moves to cover the cauldron that brews the broth. She turns back to meet him.

“It’s all right, I …” Arthur coughs. “Urm … wow, the smell is strong indeed,” he says, clearing the air in front of him. “What is it made of?”

“Herbs and roots, Sire.” Gwen réponses shortly.

“My lord, Sire!!” a startled voice interrupts them. Tom rushes in from the back and immediately bows to Arthur. “What a pleasant surprise!”

“It’s all right, urm ... what’s your name?” Arthur asks, looking at Tom.

“Tom, Sire … the blacksmith.”

“Ahh … Tom. Yes …”

Tom smiles and turns to his daughter. But the moment he does, his smile vanishes. “Guinevere, bow!” he hisses.

‘So, it’s Guinevere …’ Arthur smirks, watching her. Guinevere sighs and with hesitation, she curtsies.

“It’s alright, Tom. I am here on an informal visit. How are you?”

“I am fine, Sire.” Tom answers.

“You a dit your legs were like stone this morning father, that the fall taken the strength out of them,” Guinevere chips in.

“Silence!” Tom scolds without looking at Gwen. “Pay her no mind, Sire. She’s just a young girl.”

‘Just the type I crave,’ Arthur thinks. “She has every right to speak, Tom. She is just looking out for you,” he says. “Anyway, I came par to say I am sorry for what happened. It was one of those moments where I completely Lost sight of myself. I become a different person and never realize what I do. I am sorry for all the trouble and injuries I caused toi yesterday.”

“Sire … please. Don’t apologise to me. We are just simple people and it was partially my fault, too.”

“No, Father …” Gwen starts but her father cuts her short.

“Guinevere!!” Tom’s voice rises. Gwen shakes her head. Arthur doesn’t tear his eyes from her. He watches how Gwen sulks and waits patiently as her father continues to apologise to Arthur.

“Sire, don’t … it’s all right and there is no need for all this. I am happy with your visit and it’s an honour itself. Please do not apologise to me, my lord. If it is because of my daughter, I apologise on her behalf.”

“No Tom. Your daughter was right to argue yesterday. Anyone in her shoes would do the same. I was blinded par the race and unaware of your presence. I should have asked about your injuries before jumping to conclusions. I was a fool. My father was upset par what happened. I am ashamed of what happened, Tom.”

“It’s all right, Sire. I am humbled par this. Thank you, Sire, but please stop apologizing.”

“Thank you, Tom … I wish I had brought something for toi but these fleurs are all I could get.” Arthur turns towards Gwen and hands them to her. “Please accept them as a token of my apology.”

Gwen hesitates. “Take it, Guinevere,” Tom instructs and Gwen moves vers l'avant, vers l’avant and accepts them from Arthur. “Thank you, Sire” Tom says while Gwen steps back. “Sire, please sit down. Gwen … get the prince something to drink.”

“It’s all right, Tom. I will come par another jour … take care of yourself. I’ll see myself out,” Arthur says and turns to leave but he stops and looks back at Tom. “Did toi say you’re a blacksmith, Tom?”

“Yes, Sire. Sometimes I take orders from the king himself. I make armour and chain mail for the king’s knights.”

“So it’s toi then …” Arthur slaps his hands together and smiles. “You have a skilled hand, Tom. I appreciate your work and Father speaks highly of toi in court. The pieces you’ve created so far are magnificent, flawless … I think in a year, Father will hire toi as our official blacksmith. We are looking for one, and I think toi fit the category well,” Arthur adds.

Tom smiles. This is good news indeed. If he is working for the king, then all their sufferings will end. Gwen can work in the château while he will be working for the king and the knights. They will be well paid, there’ll be no plus poverty in their life and Gwen can get a better life than the one she’s enduring here. The anges are smiling upon them now. “Thank you, Sire.”

“No, thank you. toi earned it … goodbye Tom,” Arthur says and looks at Gwen. “Goodbye, …”

“Guinevere, Sire,” Tom informs.

“Goodbye, Guinevere,” Arthur smiles and without waiting for her to reply, turns back towards the door. He grabs the knob and pulls it back. But before leaving he looks back again. “If toi need anything, Tom … let me know,”

“Thank you, Sire,” Tom says shortly.

Arthur nods and lets himself out from the house, closing the door behind. He walks out and with a triumphant smile on his face, he strides towards where he has tied his horse. His first step ended well and he captured her father with his well-timed trap. Once the father is in his clutches, he will sneak upon the daughter slowly.

‘You will never escape from me, Guinevere!’ he thinks and whistles to himself, feeling happy and contend.

“What was that all about, Guinevere?” Tom asks, his voice ringing in frustration as he turns to face Guinevere. Arthur has long left and he wants to know why his daughter was behaving rudely towards the prince. He knows Guinevere well and she has never behaved like this in the presence of the others before but today, in front of the crowned prince, their future king of Camelot; she didn’t just behave rudely, she hardly acknowledged him par his title. If anyone from the château ou the court had seen her, she would be in trouble. And thank goodness the prince was in an unusually jovial mood. But still, Tom is angry and extremely disappointed par her behaviour. And she had better have an explanation for her behaviour.

“What was what, Father?”

“You know what I mean, Guinevere. Why didn’t toi respect the prince?”

“I did.”

“Do not try to be funny here. I am not in the mood.”

Guinevere sighs and places the lavender in a vase and washes her hand. She wipes them on her tablier and pours her father a cup of water. “Drink this, Father.” she hands it to him.

“I don’t want the water …”

“Yes, Father … I wasn’t being rude, I just didn’t feel like acknowledging him, that’s all. I understand he’s the prince, but …” Gwen halts and Tom waits patiently. Gwen looks at her father and sighs. She rests the cup on the table, tableau and folds her hand across her chest. “I went to the market this morning and when I was getting some bread, I actually overheard a girl explaining to another friend of hers. She is engaged and is suppose to get married suivant week. But somehow her wedding was cancelled but she seems happy because she is in l’amour with someone else. And that’s none other than our prince Arthur himself.”

“What that has to do with …”

“Patience, Father … it seems that she has slept with the prince while being engaged with her fiancé and that man found out and called off the wedding. But she is happy because the prince promised her a better life than the man she is about to marry. And then the other girl explains, that our beloved prince has mentioned the same to her as well and to all the girls he has slept with. Hearing this, the girl broke into tears. But what’s done is done. She Lost a man who probably loved her and the man she claims to be in l’amour with could only afford to share his lit and not his heart. Hearing this, I finally learned what a pig our prince happens to be.”

Tom opens his mouth but Gwen raises her hand to stop him. “I didn’t know anything about him in the beginning because I had never met him ou spent my time listening to the tales in the market. But when I met him yesterday, I knew there is something wrong with him because of the way he looked at me. And that’s why I decided to eavesdrop into their conversation. And my doubts were right. So, Father… do toi expect me to respect a despicable man like him just because he is the prince? I am sorry, but I have my own vues on certain issues and honesty is a trait I prize highly. I hate people who lie and I value the truth. He came here on a different motive, Father, not to visit toi … trust me. I could sense it and that’s why I was rude. If toi think it’s still wrong for me to have done that, then let’s get to the château and I will apologise … for you, Father.”

Tom sighs. Guinevere is right. He felt it in his cœur, coeur as well, but … “People change, Guinevere,” he says, tying to believe that Arthur might have been here on a genuine visit and not as his daughter claims.

“Yes, Father but not overnight.”

“Guinevere, I know about the prince because I have heard things about him as well. And that’s why I was afraid for toi yesterday and I didn’t anticipate his visit. It took me par surprise but, he seems genuine in his approach.”

“In your eyes, Father … in your eyes. Perhaps toi are blinded par your loyalty to the king and now the prince?”

“Guinevere,” Tom sighs.

“Father ...” Gwen nears her father and reaches out to hold his hand. “I don’t like him. And that’s all. There is nothing else, just plain dislike. I have respect for the king. I just hate the prince.”

“But have toi forgotten that Arthur will become the king one day? And he may use this as a mean to get back to you, Guinevere. He is not likely one who forgets his insults. And that scares the hell out of me!”
“Do not worry, Father … I will take care of myself.” Gwen laughs and looks at her father but Tom isn’t smiling. “What is it, Father?”

“Nothing, just …” he sighs and looks away. “Never mind.” He shakes his head.

“No, something is wrong, Father. Did I say something … have I hurt you?”

“No, Guinevere, toi didn’t … never mind. Why not get back to your work and I’ll walk to Joseph’s stall for a while.” Tom pats Gwen’s hand and smiles, forcefully. Gwen looks at him suspiciously. He smiles, kisses her forehead and turns around, preparing to leave but Gwen grabs his hand and halts him.

“Father …”

“Guinevere, I am all right,” Tom assures his daughter.

“No, there’s something toi are not telling me. What is it?” she insists.

Tom is split. He doesn’t want to tell what he’s been thinking but Guinevere will not let him leave until she learns the truth. Should he tell ou should he just leave?


“I was thinking …” he pauses and looks at her. “Guinevere, darling, don’t think of this in a different way but …” he pauses again.

“What is it, Father?”

“Remember when he a dit the king likes my work and might want to consider appointing me to work for the king?”

Gwen nods.

“I really want the work. I want it because I will be able to provide better shelter and life for you. I want to make sure toi are well taken care of, Guinevere, and I can never do this with our current situation. But if what the prince says is true the there is a chance our life can improve. And toi can work in the château rather than what toi do now. It will be a better prospect than what we have now. But …”

Gwen understands and feels extremely foolish. How could she forget? She heard the information from Arthur and noted how happy her father been after being informed of the prospect of becoming the court’s official blacksmith. But she may have tarnished the chances par being rude to the prince and if Arthur’s one who avenges his humiliation, he might as well take it out on her father. Is that why her father looked unhappy? And is that why he seems sad?

“But it’s not your fault,”

“I am stupid, Father. How could I have not seen it? I should have known …”

“No child, it’s not!” Tom reaches up and cups Gwen’s cheek, looking warmly at her. “This is not your fault at all.”

“No… I forgot everything about the work and your chances. I was selfish and behaved completely like a fool. I am sorry, Father.”

“Guinevere, darling,” Tom says. “Look at me,” he instructs, and when Gwen faces her father, he continues. “I am honoured that the king thought of me and appreciates my skills. But if toi are not happy to work in the château ou the prospect of having to deal with the king ou the prince on everyday basis, I am willing to give it up should I get the work. I consider your happiness above everything else, as that is plus important to me than anything,” Tom adds.

Gwen knows her father well enough to understand this isn’t coming fully from his heart. He loves his work and will be excited if he gets the chance to become the Pendragon’s official blacksmith. And he is right. They can never get anywhere if they stay in their current situation. But a brighter future awaits them behind the walls of the castle, and only a fool will turn the chance down. She loves her father and wants him to be happy. And if she has to tolerate the despicable prince, so be it. It’s her father’s happiness she craves for and everyone else is secondary. She smiles at him. Cupping his hand, she sighs. “Father,” she says.

“I am fine with whatever decision toi take, Guinevere.”

“I am sorry. I want toi to accept the work should toi get the offer. I want toi to be happy and I will work in the castle, like toi decided. I don’t care about Arthur ou anyone else. It’s toi that I care about, so accept it when toi are offered.”

“Are toi sure?”

“Yes Father, I am. toi are right. We will get nowhere like this but our fortunes might change if we déplacer into the castle. I am with toi on this,” she tells him.

Tom smiles and hugs her. “I was afraid to tell toi because I thought toi didn’t like the idea. I understand why toi might despise working in the castle, but I assure toi the king is a kind man and I am sure as long as toi have the king’s protection, Arthur will not harm you.”

“Of course, Father …”

Tom kisses her cheek and releases her. “I am so proud of you, dear. Thank you.”

“No father … thank you.” She tells him. Tom smiles and nods. “Well … now that we have that sorted, let’s get back to the broth. Father, are toi ready? toi need to drink this while it’s hot.” Gwen moves back to the cauldron and the broth brewing inside.

“Can we not have it now? What about later?” her father makes a face.

“Nice try, but the answer is no. It has to be now so, please take your seat,” Gwen orders and lifts the cauldron from the feu and sets it down. She pours a cup full of the broth and nears her father.

“Sit down, please. Here toi go … drink.” She hands him the cup after Tom sits down.

“Eww!!” Tom makes a face the moment he sniffs it. Pushing it away, he shakes his head. “Guinevere, I can’t do this. It smells.”

“It must, Father, ou the medicine will not work. Please, just drain it down quickly and you’ll not feel the bitterness of the taste. toi have to drink this to cure your internal injuries … please,” Gwen pleads. Tom makes a face again, so she reaches out, grabs his hand and thrusts the cup into his hand, forcing him to hold it. “Now, Father,” she tells him strictly.

“Ohh …” Tom sighs and brings the cup closer but the smell is far too strong for him to endure and he shakes his head.

“Now, Father, ou I’ll open your mouth and pour inside myself.”

“Fine, fine …” he sighs again and brings it closer. The smell pierces his nostrils but he clamps his nose shut and drinks the broth. The liquid is thick and it flows inside his throat slowly, causing him to almost vomit, but with Gwen standing beside him looking sharply he swallows the broth and hands her back the cup.

“Ewww …” he shakes his head as the tastes lingers in his tongue. “Can I drink water?”

“Nope … not just yet. The medicine will not work if toi wish it down with water. Be patient. In another ten minutes, toi can have your water,” Gwen explains and gets back to her cooking.

“Yuck … ewww …” her father sticks his tongue out, unable to get the taste off of it. “God, I wonder how others can drink this … it’s horrible.”

“But it’s effective, Father … now, why don’t toi get back to your work and I’ll get lunch ready.”

Tom gets up and picks his coat. “I’ll walk to Joseph’s for a while dear. I have to meet him regarding his son’s armour and will be back in a short while. Take care and keep the door locked after I have left.” He nears the door.

“No drinking, Father, remember.”

“Right …”

“And no gambling, either,” she adds.

“Sure … now, come and lock the door,” he instructs.

        “Are toi sure toi know the place, Merlin, ou are trying to win your way out knowing you’ve messed the day?” Morgana asks as she rides with Merlin to the village where Gwen and her father lives.

        Merlin stares at his sister and continues riding. He is sure this is the village but they’ve already spent the whole morning and now afternoon riding around the village in chercher of Gwen. They don’t know the name of the person they are searching but from Bors description it seems they have reached the village. Only the house and the person they are looking for is eluding them. And Merlin brought Morgana around the village plus than once, causing her a minor headache.

        “Why don’t toi ask someone?” Morgana suggests, shaking her head as the throbbing gets worse.

        “And whom do I exactly ask for?” Merlin snaps. “Or what shall I tell them? Excuse me, sir, but do toi know the house of a man who’d been knocked par the prince of Camelot yesterday? Is this what I’m to ask them?”

        “Go ahead, sounds pretty fine to me,” Morgana réponses calmly.

        Merlin hisses and continues riding while Morgana snickers behind him. Merlin can be funny when he is angry and she loves taking the mickey out of him from time to time. She kicks the horse and quickens her pace to ride alongside him. “Did Bors tell toi exactly where the house is?”

        “Morgana!!” Merlin trails, getting irritated par her constant questioning. “Why can’t toi keep quiet for a while and let me concentrate? Do toi have any idea how irritating it sounds especially when toi keep repeating the question every second! Let me get toi there and stop asking me how ou when we have reached the girl’s house.”

        “Don’t be angry, Merlin. I’m just curious, that’s all,” she tells him and laughs. Merlin pouts and returns his attention to the road. “I still think toi better ask someone, because we are going to waste our jour par going in circles,” Morgana advices.

        Merlin spots an old man and halts in front of him. “Sir, please help me for I think my sister and I are lost.”

        The old man, walking out of a stall looks up at Merlin and shields his eyes from the heavy sun light. “How can I help?”

        “I just need to know the house of a …” Merlin turns back to his for support. Morgana nods, asking him to continue. “Yesterday, the prince knocked a man down and I want to pay him a visit. But unfortunately I don’t know where he stays. Can toi help me, sir?”

        The old man smiles. “Ahhh … yes, yes. It’s Tom, the blacksmith. I heard what happened to poor Tom. He depends on his arm to make a living and now he has to rest until his arm is healed completely. How can the prince be such a reckless person?”

        Merlin ignores the man’s blabbering and presses more. “Where does he live?”

        “He stays with his daughter and toi have to head down straight this way.” The old man explains, pointing to his right. “You’ll reach a junction and take the path on the left. toi can see a large arbre and a forest behind it. Take the path and ride till toi near a well. Tom’s house is after the well, behind it.”

        Merlin smiles. “Thank toi sir,”

        “You’re welcome,” the old man nods and leaves. Merlin straightens up and kicks his horse and rides straight as Morgana follows him from behind.

        Gwen is washing the clothes when she spots two strangers heading towards her home, mounting two identical horses. She doesn’t recognise either one of them but her cœur, coeur starts beating crazily. Should she drop her work and head back inside? ou should she just stay on and meet them instead? Her father did tell her to stay inside and keep the door locked but these two don’t look like they can bring her any harm. But still. Gwen decides to stay on and continues with her washing. The horse comes to a stop in front of her house and the man dismounts the horse, takes the rein and ties it to a arbre and goes to help the lady behind him. After helping her, he takes her rein and ties it to the same arbre and both of them walks towards her.

        “Hello?” Merlin greets with a smile.

        Gwen looks up and nods. “Yes?”

        “I am sorry to disturb toi at this hour, but … my sister and I are looking for a man who’d been injured par the prince, yesterday. I think his name is Tom.”

        ‘Why are they looking for Father?’ Gwen thinks and juggles if she should tell them about her father ou lie and send them away. She doesn’t know why they are here ou why are they looking for her father but she is also curious. Perhaps she should find out what their motive is first before revealing anything about her father. “Can I know why?”

        “We would like to meet his daughter,” Merlin adds.

        ‘WHAT!!’ Gwen is stunned. Why on earth they are looking for me, she thinks. Clearing her throat, she says, “And may I again ask why?”

        Merlin looks at his sister for help. Morgana nods, touches Merlin’s hand and steps closer. Smiling at Gwen she says, “Hello. I am Morgana and this is my brother Merlin. Our father, Sir Balinor is one of the council members in the court of Uther Pendragon. We are here to meet the daughter of the man the prince of Camelot has accidentally injured yesterday. We don’t wish her any harm but we are here to talk, that’s all. If toi can tell us about her whereabouts, we will be grateful for your help.”

        ‘Oh my god, these are members of the court! Members of the highly ranked social ladder! What are they doing here? And why do they want to talk to me for?’ Gwen’s cœur, coeur beats crazily. Should she reveal herself ou should she send them away?

        “Excuse me?” Morgana steps closer towards Gwen and touches her par the shoulder, alerting Gwen. “Are toi all right?”

        “Yes, I am sorry … I am Guinevere, the daughter of the man toi are seeking. My father, Tom, is a blacksmith and he isn’t at accueil at the moment. So, why is it that toi wish to talk to me?”

        “Ahh … so we found toi finally,” Merlin laughs and shakes his head. “You have no idea how long it took to locate toi and your father.”

        “Are toi busy, Guinevere? Because this is quite private and not to be discussed openly so … may we head inside your home?” Morgana asks.

        “Sure … please come in,” Gwen says but she stops quickly and turns back to meet the siblings. “But … I have to warn toi that my accueil … we are simple peasants and we don’t have the luxuries that toi are used to, and …”

        “Guinevere, we are quite fine with your accueil and we don’t expect anything special from you,” Morgana explains with a smile.

        “A place to sit and a cup of water will do for me,” Merlin adds with a wink.

        Gwen smiles at him. She likes them both already. She has come across many people from the higher ranks who they are known to be snobby and proud of their status. But these two seems different. They are humble and polite. Looks like they had a very good upbringing. Their parents must be very proud of them. “Please, this way.” She leads the way inside.

        Merlin and Morgana follow Gwen and step inside her home. Gwen closes the door behind her and asks them to sit while she walks to the table, tableau and pours them each a cup of water. She hands it to them and waits as Morgana and Merlin drink. Merlin drains the cup and requests for another while Morgana smiles and just takes in sip ou two. But she holds it while looking around.

        “I like your accueil … it’s very cozy. If toi don’t mind me asking, is it just your father and toi in here? Where’s your mother?” Morgana asks cautiously.

        “My mother died when I was a an old. She was down with fever and unable to find a cure, she gave up her life. And it’s been just the two of us since then. My father and myself,” Gwen explains, handing the seconde cup of water to Merlin.

        “Oh, I’m sorry,” Morgana says sadly.

“It must awful, growing up without a mother. But your father has done tremendously well, bringing toi up,” Merlin says. Gwen smiles at him. “Where is he anyway?”
Merlin asks, looking around. He finishes his drink and hands the cup back to her.

        “Father has gone to meet a friend of his regarding some mending on his son’s armour so I think he might be late. If toi are waiting for him …”

        “No, Guinevere. We are here to see you. To talk to you,” Morgana tells her.

        “And why, if I may ask?”

        Morgana looks at her brother. Merlin swallows and sits up straight. He has been practicing all night on his speech and what he should tell Guinevere but now that he is here, he is tongue tied. He doesn’t know how ou where to start the conversation. But he has to start somehow and somewhere. He clears his throat, glances quickly at Morgana and then looks at Gwen. “Don’t think of this in a wrong way, Guinevere. Your name is lovely but is there a short version of it? Can I call toi something shorter?”
        “Gwen. toi can call me Gwen.”

        “Gwen … nice.” Merlin smiles nervously. “Right, again… please don’t misunderstand us. We meant this in a good way. Yesterday, when the prince knocked your father down, what happened? Meaning … between toi and him?”

        “I don’t get you.”

        “He came back angry, Gwen, storming into the château and refusing to speak to anyone … something must have happened because he kept mentioning that he was humiliated, par you. So … I just want to find out what happened?”

        “Ohh … that.” Gwen sighs. “He refused to apologise to my father so I kept reminding him. That’s all, I suppose. I didn’t know he was the prince until after my father pointed it out, but a mistake is a mistake regardless of who toi are. He should be setting leadership par example and apologise to my father because he knocked him down. Instead, he was arrogant and was demanding that my father apologize to him instead. I think he felt the humiliation because his Friends were around.”

        “Exactly. It did leave a huge mark on his ego and …” Merlin pauses. “It doesn’t sound too good for you, Gwen.”

        “What do toi mean?”

        “Gwen,” Morgana chips in. “How well do toi know Arthur?”

        “Not much except he is a womanizer. Why?”

        “I’m not going to beat around the buisson, bush here. Arthur felt humiliated par your bluntness but he is also attracted to you. Very. He has his eyes fixed upon toi and to be honest, it doesn’t sound very good, dear. He will go to any extent to get his hands on whatever he wishes, including you. And he is planning to do just that. He spoke to my brother about toi and plans to visit toi perhaps later to try and persuade toi into his bed. And should toi refuse, he will find a way to get toi succumb to him. And that’s why we are here. We want toi and your father to leave Camelot as soon toi can. Get out of here and go somewhere safe, away from his vautour eyes. It’s for the best, Gwen, and don’t think we are chasing toi away; we are not. We are looking out for your safety, that’s all,” Morgana explains.

        Gwen looks at Morgana and the shifts her glance at Merlin. The latter nods. She then sighs and turns back towards Morgana.

        “I understand this must be very hard for toi but I really can’t think of any other way to help you, Gwen. I wish I could do something else, but … this is all we can think of,” Merlin adds.

        “You are one heure late. The prince came to visit my father this morning.”

        “What!!” Merlin almost shouts while Morgana simply stares at Gwen. “What … what … do … toi … what ….” Merlin stumbles with his words. Surely Arthur can’t be this quick? Arthur a dit he was going hunting; is this where he actually went?

        “I thought toi a dit he went hunting!!” Morgana asks her brother, shaking his hand.

        “That’s what he told me!!” Merlin argues. “How am I supposed to know he’d be here instead? Not that he tells me exactly where he goes ou does? I am as surprised as toi are about this news!”

        Morgana shakes her head in disappointment and turns back towards Gwen, looking apologetically at her. “I’m sorry, Gwen … we both are. We didn’t know he was here …”

        “It’s no one’s fault. toi both came here with good intentions and how were toi to know you’d been lied to. No one should be sorry about this except me. I wish I wasn’t so blunt ou rude to him. I really didn’t know anything of his reputation until my father explained it. And now, I regret saying all those things to him. In fact, I’d be stupid not to admit that I am afraid of what he may do to get me succumb to his wishes. I just don’t know what to do ou say,” Gwen tells them. And this is the truth. After what she heard at the market this morning, finding Arthur at her doorstep and watching him play his cards well to trick her and her father, she is afraid. She knows she will have to obey him if he starts to use his authority but so far, he is still being a gentleman and is playing it suavely. But if her refusal starts to pierce him the wrong way then she has no idea what he may do next. And she may find herself in a tight spot. But at least she finds some comfort from the arrival of these two unexpected visitors from heaven. She doesn’t know them, but they are caring for her as if she is one theirs. It warms her cœur, coeur knowing someone cares for her and it makes her feel safer knowing the members of the court are caring and looking out for her. Now, the only thing remains is how will she handle Arthur if he comes par again. She knows he will because from the look he gave her when he handed the flowers, she sensed some sort mischievousness in him. And despite not moving his face muscles, she knows he’s smiling at her. And it frightens her. She didn’t tell her father her feelings because she didn’t want him to be worried. She managed to put on a Rebelle face but deep in her cœur, coeur she is afraid. Afraid of what might come to pass.

        “Gwen, are toi all right? toi look pale,” Morgana gets up and nears Gwen and clasps her hand. “Your hand is cold.”

        “Can I be honest to toi both? I am scared. Scared of the prince!” Gwen tells them. Morgana closes in and drapes her arm around Gwen’s shoulder.

        “Well, toi ought to be, Gwen. Arthur … well, he has the tendency to strike the life out of anyone,” Merlin says.

        “Merlin!!! toi are not helping at all!” Morgana snaps.

        “That’s the truth, Morgana, and Gwen should know it. Well …” Merlin sighs and scratches his chin. “We need to help toi leave Camelot as soon as possible.”

        “I’m not leaving.”

        “WHAT?” both Merlin and Morgana say in unison.

        “I don’t want to run. Yes, I might have made the situation worse, but that doesn’t mean I have to run and hide. No … if toi want to help me, then please help me with another solution. Running away is not the answer,” Gwen says determinedly. She did mention the same to her father last night and again to them. She is afraid of Arthur and there is no doubt on that, but that doesn’t mean she has to hide. No, she belongs in Camelot and will be here no matter what happens. If she has to face the prince’s wrath then so be it. She would rather face him than hide like a coward. If they can’t help her then she will help herself. She will meet the king and tell him what happened and perhaps apologise to the prince in the king’s presence. That way she will receive protection from the king. But running away like a coward isn’t in any of her plans.
        “But Gwen … Arthur will pursue toi par any and all means. He will … take toi … par force if he needs to,” Merlin says.

        “Not if I can do anything about it. I am not a coward, Merlin, ou his slave to be taken par force, like an animal. I am human and I have pride and dignity. If he touches me, I promise I will make him regret doing it to me! I will torment his life in such a way that he will never look at another woman like he does now. I am not joking, Merlin, I will do it. I will!!” Gwen says, shaking in anger. Morgana holds her close and comforts her.

        “It’s all right, Gwen … it’s all right,” she comforts Gwen. Tears start to roll down Gwen’s cheek.

        “I am sorry, Gwen, I didn’t mean … I am sorry,” Merlin apologises.

        “No …” Gwen sobs. “It’s not your fault, just … I am angry with myself. How can I be …” she sobs again. “So stupid? I … wasn’t thinking when I a dit all those things …” she sobs again and Morgana helps her towards the bench and sits her down. “I … sometimes I speak without thinking and … and…” she sobs and buries her face in her hands.

        Morgana looks sadly at her brother and urges him to comfort Gwen. Merlin coughs and clears his throat. To be honest he didn’t know how to comfort Gwen. He has to agree Gwen is now in a bigger mess than they have anticipated. And knowing Arthur well, that man would have probably thought of a plan to trap Gwen in his web. “Gwen … “ Merlin pauses.

        Gwen looks up and sniffs. She wipes her eyes. “It’s all right, Merlin … toi can tell me.”

        “I understand this is hard, but I promise you, we both do, that nothing will happen to you. I want to assure toi that as long as I live, Arthur will not harm toi ou touch toi without your permission. I can’t tell toi how will I do that, but I can assure toi that I stand par my promise. toi don’t have to worry, that’s all I can say for now,” Merlin says.

        “He’s right, Gwen. My brother is Arthur’s best friend and he listens to him … sometimes. And he also has great respect for our family, so we will try to protect toi using that as a reason. Don’t lose cœur, coeur ou sleep over this, dear … be brave,” Morgana adds.

        “Thank toi … both of you,” Gwen says with a smile. And then her smile fades and she clasps her mouth. Immediately she gets up. “Oh my … toi are from the château and I have been addressing toi par your names and not of your titles … please forgive me,” she bows quickly.

        Merlin and Morgana laughs and Morgana walks towards Gwen and lifts her chin. “We are your Friends and toi may call us par our names. There’s no need to address us par titles … the titre belongs to our father and we haven’t earned the right to be addressed a such yet. So, Merlin and Morgana will do for now.”

        Gwen smiles. “Thank you. toi are both kind. I have never met anyone like you, nor have I ever had Friends from the upper ranks. toi will be the first. Thanks. I don’t know how will I be able to repay all your kindness.”

        “You don’t have to, Gwen. We want to help toi and it’s exactly what we will do. That’s our promise,” Merlin promises with a smile.

        Gwen sighs and smiles at Merlin. She feels lighter than she did before, thanks to all the assuring words from Morgana and Merlin. It’s as if some burden in her cœur, coeur is lifted par Merlin. She didn’t know how he will handle Arthur ou what he will tell him but as long as the prince is kept at arm’s length from her, she’s fine with it.
        “Is he always like that … the prince?” Gwen asks, curiously.

        “Merlin?” Morgana calls as Merlin opts to keep quiet.

        Merlin looks at his sister and smiles teasingly.

        “Gwen asked toi a question, Brother.”

        “Well Gwen … well, he isn’t like that actually …”

        “Really?” Morgana interrupts.

        “Morgana!” Merlin snaps. “Please …” he adds and looks back at Guinevere. “Arthur isn’t really nasty, like toi and everyone think. And yes, he has a weakness for women but that’s all. He isn’t involved in anything else … he just has his problems with this particular weakness,” Merlin explains. “I have known Arthur since childhood and he has great respect for me and my family. He is a good person, Gwen. He doesn’t do anything else except have fun all the time … with women.”

        “That’s such despicable behaviour! He is the future king of Camelot and is this how he wishes to represent himself to his allies?” Gwen asks.

        “That’s a good question,” Morgana tells her brother and is followed par another stare from Merlin.

        “Like I said, that is his weakness, Gwen.”

        “Hmmph!” Gwen sighs and wipes her eyes. “As long as he is kept away from me, I don’t care about his weakness at all.”

        Merlin smiles. “Don’t worry, we are here and we will take care of you.”

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Source: farfarawaysite
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Source: aconsortbattleship
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Source: CastDiaries
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Source: lois-lanes
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Source: Brightporclain
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Source: myotherlifeasafangirl

    Arthur yawns and motions for the servant to fill his goblet. The nourriture on his plate is still untouched. He isn’t hungry; in fact he is bored and beside him, his father is enjoying himself with his council members. He looks beyond his father and notices his step mother is engaged with her own group of friends. Sighing, Arthur rues why he agreed to rejoindre the feast in the first place. He didn’t want to disappoint his mother even though he knows how boring feasts like this are. And now he wishes he hadn’t promised her. He could be elsewhere right now, enjoying the...
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So: There are going to be some difficult and dark parts in here. There will be things toi may not enjoy reading. There may be some things toi will HATE reading. All I ask is that toi trust me and stick with me. Don’t kill me. See it through. I promise it will all be okay. Okay? Okay.


    “You have suffered much for one so young,” Helios says, seemingly sympathetic to Gwen’s fabricated tale of a murdered family and her flight. “Now those days are truly behind you,” he adds decisively, lifting his goblet to his lips. He drinks, eyeing her appreciatively...
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posted by BradAngeleyes
Arthur slipped quietly out of the castle, wearing his familiar ‘incognito cloak’ over his white shirt. He had first worn it when hiding out at Guinevere’s house during the Tourney, the first time he realised how much he felt for her and the first time he had kissed her sweet lips. Since then there had been many a visit to her house in the dead of night. He had been stopped and challenged many times par the guards, until they grew to recognise his cloak.

As he made his way the short distance the moon was full.

He tapped on her door gently, a familiar combination of taps which she knew. As...
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“It is always darkest just before the jour dawneth.”

This phrase often ascribed to the English Theologian Fuller is so apropos for this episode thematically. We partook of a dit dark heure tonight and it was glorious. Not because of magical beasts ie hormonally imbalanced rodents of the dentally challenged variety, with strong affections for Sir Gwaine, but because it spoke to the cœur, coeur of compassion, those who actually have it and those who don’t; those who are selfless and those who are selfless; those who have courage and those who snip and bite at wounds in a roundabout way like what...
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Our hearts and condolences go out to the people of Norway at this tragic time with the killing of 90 people, mostly young teenagers enjoying a camping trip as well as those killed in the bombing in the capital, Oslo.

I hope we can all pray for them and hope that we can avoid such tragedies in the future.

Also, the sad death of Amy Winehouse, a promising young singer of only 27 years old. A sad but inevitable death due to her unfortunate addictions. She was a great singer and had so much to live for at her tender age but alas took the wrong path.

All in all, it has been a sad weekend in two Continents....
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Bradley James
Angel coulby
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