Arthur et Gwen Club
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posted by kbrand5333
Fic 2: link


Prompt: Prompt: 12 days of Christmas my true l’amour gave to me

It’s late, it’s cold, and all I want to do is stoke up my little feu and crawl into my lit with three ou four blankets.

I give the door an extra shove to make sure it’s securely closed against the draft. I light a candle and am just about to turn to the wood box when I see it.

What on earth? It’s soft, but heavy, wrapped in parchment and tied with a red ribbon.

My cœur, coeur pounds as I pull the ribbon, setting it aside. Waste not, want not. Inside is a large, thick wool blanket, red. I unfurl it and run my hand across its surface, finding it incredibly soft, like the blankets in the palace. A slip of parchment flutters to the floor.

Stay warm.

I stare at it. I turn the parchment over and find nothing but a number 12 written on the back.

What does this mean?

Someone obviously felt the need to gift me this blanket. I should appreciate it; it’s beautiful and warm and softer than any of my blankets.

I wear the ribbon in my hair the suivant day, hoping to catch my mysterious benefactor. It doesn’t work.

Back to my house that night, dark, cold. Snow lightly falling.

A large bundle of divisé, split logs, tied with a green ribbon this time. Another parchment.

I mean it. Stay warm.

Apparently whoever is sending me gifts thinks I have trouble staying warm. Well, toi do, silly.

I turn over the parchment again. Today there is an 11 on the back. He is counting down. But to what?

The new red blanket is very warm and cozy. I’ve slept better these last two nights than I have in weeks.

I wear the green ribbon, weaving it into the corsage of my dress this time. Still nothing.

Morgana sends me accueil immediately after dinner. I chide myself when I find myself wondering what gift will be waiting.

There is none. “Oh well,” I say aloud, throwing a log into the stove and wrapping my red blanket around me.

Just as I sit, there is a hurried knock at my door.

“Yes?” I call, pulling the door open to find nobody there. There is a package at my feet. I look up and down the rue and see nothing. Foolishly I look at the snow-covered road. Like footprints would tell toi anything, Gwen.

I pick up the package, tied with a white ribbon. Candles. Three long tapers.

Your candles are getting low.

So he’s observant. And has some coin. As expected, the back has a number 10. I put the candles in a drawer for safekeeping and lie down on my lit to think.

My eyes drift closed and I fall asleep fully dressed, in my shoes, wrapped in the red blanket.

It continues for the suivant several days, and I realize that the numbers are counting down to the Winter Solstice.

A warm loaf of pain on jour 9. To warm your insides.

A linen handkerchief on jour 8. In case toi get the sniffles. I hope toi don’t. This one makes me smile.

A smooth stone, imprinted with the impression of a fougère frond, as if it had been etched into the rock itself on jour 7. Beautiful and unique, like you. This one is my favorite.

A small bone hair comb on jour 6. For your lovely curls. I wear this the suivant day. I receive compliments, but no clues.

A fruitcake on jour 5. Sweets for the sweet. I break off a corner. It is tasty and moist, filled with dried fruits and nuts.

A length of lavender silk on jour 4. I know toi likely won’t wear it. I chuckle, torn between being touched and overwhelmed.

jour 3 brings a hard, flat package, tied with a or ribbon.

It’s a beautiful mirror. My one small mirror is covered in scratches and smears that will no longer clean. My admirer has money to spare. ou he’s a thief. I look at the parchment.

So toi can see how beautiful toi are.

Each jour the gifts get plus extravagant. I know who I hope they are from, but I stubbornly push those thoughts aside, telling myself that there’s no way. But these last two are quite extravagant, and the tiny hopeful part of me that lives in a hidden corner of my cœur, coeur has decided to make a racket.

I push her back into her hiding place and stubbornly close my eyes. She comes back out while I sleep and takes over my dreams.


“Gwen, tell me,” Morgana says the suivant night, angling her head.

“What, my lady?” I ask.

“You have a young man, don’t you? Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you’ve been plus eager to be off for accueil lately.”

“I’m sorry, my lady. Have I been slacking in my duties?” I wring my hands lightly, worried that I’ve grown careless.

Morgana laughs. “No, not at all. toi just seem like you’ve got something – ou someone – to go accueil to lately. Plus I’ve noticed the new ribbons…”

“Oh, um…”

“So who is it?” she asks, leaning forward.

“No one, my lady.”

“Come now, I won’t tell.”

“There is nothing to tell, honest. I’ve just been unusually tired.” It is a lame excuse.

She regards me through slightly narrowed eyes; knows I’m not telling her something.

“I seem to have a secret admirer,” I sigh.

“How exciting!”

“It’s unsettling, but flattering. There’s always something waiting for me in my house when I return. I guess I’ve gotten carried away.”

“Nonsense,” she waves her hand. “If I knew there were going to be gifties waiting for me when I got accueil each day, I’d scurry accueil as fast as my legs could carry me.”

“Yes, my lady,” I say, gathering her laundry and placing them in a basket.

“And you’ve no idea who this mysterious gift-giver is?”



“It’s either someone with money ou someone with light fingers. The gifts are becoming plus extravagant as Solstice draws closer.”

“It’s tomorrow!”

“I know.”

“How long has this been going on?”

“The past ten days.”

“Maybe he’ll reveal himself tomorrow!” she exclaims.

“I hope so,” I answer. “I cannot take this much longer.”

“Well, when toi find out, do let me know.”

I nod noncommittally and pick up my basket. “Will toi be needing anything else tonight, my lady?”

“No. Go accueil and get your gift.”

What could possibly be waiting for me tonight? I find myself wondering as I walk through the dimly-lit corridors to the laundry.

So Lost in thought am I that I run claque, smack into someone as I round a corner, sending the basket from my hands, clothes scattering.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” I stammer, looking up.

It’s the prince. I drop my eyes and hit the floor, scrambling for the clothing. “Forgive me, my lord, I wasn’t watching where I was walking,” I apologize as I stuff the clothes back into the basket.

“Guinevere, it was an accident,” he interrupts, looking down at me curiously. “No harm done, see?” he holds his arms out and turns around.

I almost laugh. Part of me thinks he could lend a hand, but most of me knows that he is the prince and he doesn’t have to pick up dirty laundry.

“Excuse me, Sire,” I mutter and scoot past him, walking quickly down the hall. I don’t notice the melting snow in his hair. I don’t notice his eyes following my shape as I retreat.

Once home, I lean against the door, still flustered from running into the firm form of Prince Arthur in the corridor.

jour 2 is a vase of flowers. How on earth did he find flowers? I look at the note.

I know toi like flowers. So I found flowers.

A tear slips from the corner of my eye. I lean vers l'avant, vers l’avant and smell them. They smell like life and spring and everything I love.

The suivant morning I débats with myself. Do I dare wear one in my hair? Will it attract too much attention?

Do I really care at this point? It’s jour one!
I reach and pluck a small flower, a white Gillyflower, and tuck it into my hair, in back, where I’ve gathered my hair into a loose chignon.

The jour crawls. The fleurs impress Morgana as well. She gets a strange, thoughtful look on her face at one point, but when I question her about it, she claims indigestion.

It has stopped snowing, but the weather has turned colder still, and I walk accueil as quickly as my legs will carry me, and I am accueil in a matter of minutes.

The wind howls and batters at my small house, and I slam the door against it, leaning on it again, this time to catch my breath.

I almost don’t want to turn around. I want the mystery solved, but part of me doesn’t. That part of me that keeps creeping out of her cage relishes the attention, loves the fact that someone out there feels the need to gift me lovely things even though I am only a servant.

I turn around. There is nothing on the table, but there is a note. I hang my manteau on the door and walk slowly over.

Look up.

I do. There is a sprig of mistletoe hanging from my ceiling. I flip the parchment over just out of habit and see the number 1 on the back.

Mistletoe. In here? I stare at it, frowning, frustrated.


A voice. His voice. No. It can’t be. I’m imagining this. Still, a gasp escapes my lips. I close my eyes and hear soft footfalls approaching behind me.

“Open your eyes,” he says. His voice is like silk and velvet and everything soft and luxurious.

“No,” I whisper, keeping them closed.


“If I open them, toi won’t be here, and then I’ll know that I’ve gone mad.” Still whispering.

“Is that so?” he asks, and I sense him stepping closer. I feel the warmth from his body and I long to step into his arms, into his warmth.

This can’t be.

But then I feel his fingertips, rough and warm at my chin as he tilts my face, angling it gently upward.

“Open your eyes,” he repeats, his voice low. Almost seductive.

“I can’t.” His finger traces down my cheek now, and my knees nearly give way.

A moment later his lips are on mine, surprisingly soft and delicious. And warm, like the rest of him.

My eyes fly open for a moment, then they drift closed again as I become butter, melting as he kisses me.

I must start to actually melt because I feel his arm at my waist, supporting me. Vaguely I realize that my palms are resting on his chest.

It feels good. His arm feels secure. His lips feel amazing. Time stretches, slows, stops, then snaps back into the present when he withdraws his lips. I finally open my eyes.

“Why?” The question falls from my lips and I wish I could snatch it back and eat it.

He smiles down at me, his eyes soft and dark. His expression is one I cannot let myself acknowledge.

“Because I am completely smitten with you, Guinevere,” he says plainly, leaning down to run his nose lightly along mine.

“Oh,” I say, feeling ridiculous. My mind is gone. I am all heartbeat and breathing and I’m warm, so warm.

“May I Kiss toi again, ou have I offended you?” he asks quietly, and I realize that he is unsure, worried that I don’t return his feelings. Scared.

I take a deep breath, and, steeling my resolve, I reach up with my right hand and cup his cheek lightly, guiding his lips back down to mine.

I feel him smiling just before he kisses me again, and I allow that hidden part of myself a tiny dance of joy.

Fic 4: link

    A week has passed since Gwen attempted to run away from the castle. After striking her bargain with Gwen, Katrina urged her to keep their agreement from Uther, for his sake. Gwen agrees, thinking it will further ensure her freedom. Katrina assured Gwen that par helping them improve Arthur’s tarnished image with the public, she will use all her power to release Gwen from this marriage. Gwen has no idea how Katrina will achieve this, but she decided not to ask, thinking she might look ungrateful. For her, there is only one thing that matters: to get away from Arthur...
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    Uther sits on his trône with his face buried in his hands. He stamps his feet restlessly. ‘Where are they?’ he keeps thinking to himself. His mind drifts off, thinking the unthinkable and then he shakes them off, focusing back on the ground. ‘No, Arthur will bring her home’ he thinks again and stamps loudly. The noise keeps him focused. The door of the great hall opens, the guards step inside and allow Arthur and Merlin to walk past them. Uther lifts his head. His eyes widen in anticipation. His cœur, coeur soars. But when his eyes rest upon both men, his heart...
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Part 3- link


    After calming down my anger in her embrace I just held on, breathing in her sweet scent to keep from bursting at my father again.
    I was just feeling totally relaxed Lost in my own thoughts when I felt her start to shake again, stiffening up. “what. . .?” I pulled back, keeping my arms still around her to look at her face. And that's when I herd it, his voice
    “Dear, that's not how it works. Princes are meant to marry princesses of nobility and royal blood. Not serving girls who come from a background...
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salut fanpop here is part 2 two my new fiction. I really hope toi read and review. And I hope toi enjoy this one. PS toi should read part 1 before lire onto this one ou it will not make any sense. Arthurlover7 (Cassidy)

Part-1 link

here is part 2

Later in the King and Queen's Chambers

"Uther?" I stepped in to see my husband sitting at the desk, head in his hands. "Uther honey." I tried again.
"Igraine toi should have seen it. Arthur was bestotic, defending a mai-"
"Her name is Guinevere hon. And I know I just finished talking to Arthur. And I don't think he is enchanted, I honestly think he has...
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salut Fanpop,

So so sorry I have not updated my "Another Ending for the Dark Tower" story. I have been very very busy with upcomming finals for my school and have not been able to write for a while.

So I will try and update as soon as my finals are over. I have this week and then I will be done. so I will have the suivant part up par the 2nd weekend in March to give me time to start writting again.

And again sorry about not updating sooner but I promse to anyone who has been lire from the beggining that I will update soon, Thanks for understanding.

Arthurlover7 (Cassidy)

    Merlin tries to put on the hauberk all par himself but the plus he tries, the worse he gets Raiponce in it. He heaves, puffs and curses to himself for the failure. Having done no good at all, he yanks it back upwards. The weight is terrifyingly heavy as he finally pulls it over his head and lets it fall on the floor, collected in a heap. Not bothering to pick it up, he takes in a huge gulp of air and walks towards his lit and sits down. A sheath with a sword in it lay on the bed, staring back at him. Merlin reaches out and runs his finger along the sheath. It was...
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    “Uther, please reconsider the options again … Arthur is still young and naïve. There are lessons and knowledge that the prince has yet to learn, and he needs guidance not burdens at this stage of his life,” Beatrand, one of the council members, says. The rest of the council nods in agreement. Gaius and Balinor keep quiet and watch the king and the council without saying a single word. They are all here, gathered at the instruction of the king, who announces abruptly that he will be handing the reins of the kingdom down to his son, under the...
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Now, this is an opinion I share roughly 95% of it, except the very last bit. I firmly believe that he can bring it, when he cares. When he wants to and I have seen it enough to know that he can. Circumstances, annoyances being what they are explains much re telephoning it in. I saw what they saw very much and so do many others, many who are perceptive. I do not hold him to this. Lots of things are factors. Give him something to work with and he brings it. So that is my aside...otherwise she is totally on point and the ratings showed the results. I knew they would be less than stellar. I knew...
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Merlin’s series finale went out with 7 million viewers that would mean Series 5 couldn’t hold a ratings candle to the back half of the very Gwen-centric Series 4 and that the Series 4 finale held over a million plus viewers and 4x09 was the most watched episode ever. I believe 5.2-5 million was it’s average, if it broke 6 that was amazing. 7 million + were mostly for premiers and finales. 8+ for multiple episodes is what happened in Series 4.

I’m too lazy to get a source, but I do believe that 4x09 and most of the last 4 episodes of Series 4 actually had plus viewers than the pilot....
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Guinevere narrows her eyes at the man who is sprawled all over her booth.

"Who does he think he is?" She seethes.

Her lips press into a thin line as she stalks over to the table, tableau she calls her "spot." It is at the far end of the coffee shop, away from the distractions made par people who come in and out of the store. It's in a nook that is quiet—which is how she prefers to spend her afternoons.

This guy didn't seem like he was into any pursuit that fells into the category of "quiet."

She stalks over to the table, making sure to lock eyes with the blonde-haired man who actually beams when he sees...
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First I warn toi as intelligent people toi will spend a great deal of time going WTF is this, are these morons for real but toi should grab a wine and read and soon, within two ou three paragraphs toi will begin to laugh as they perpetually screw themselves into corners with their collective, juvenile BS, the precious self-inserters. What is plus this is a losers game and what becomes readily self evident is that they are not majority at all but what we all know to be life's losers who have, at best, a tenuous grip on reality.

There is one aspect not covered par the intellectually well-heeled...
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Gwen forks her scrambled egg lazily and pops it into her mouth, chewing it without interest. She is tired; after working late throughout last week, she accompanied Morgana to visit her sister Morgause last night and been accueil only this morning. Elyan was still asleep when she arrived and only Percival realised her arrival, because she bumped into him when he was preparing to have his early morning jog, a routine he follows without fail. She asked him to keep her arrival a secret from Elyan and he gave her his word, but not before some sound advice. She thanked him for the favour and the...
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“Be careful!” Gwaine says as he steps in, holding the door back so Merlin and Arthur could step inside. Leon was parking their car in the parking lot and will be heading up shortly. Arthur was discharged from the hospital after scans on his head revealed he didn’t do as much damage as they had feared. Though the scans came out clean, the doctor still warned them should Arthur feel any kind of pain at all, they shouldn’t hesitate to get him back to the hospital. After an heure long discussion with the doctor followed par some procedural check out documentation signing, Merlin brought...
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     Gwen jogs lightly as she hurries towards Gaius’s room. He paged for her because she was out on her routine rounds on the selling floor and could not be contacted par telephone. She heard the page and immediately proceeded to his room, knowing Gaius wouldn’t page for her if it wasn’t important. As she nears Gaius’s room, she hears voices. One she recognises to be Gaius’s but the other seems new, one she has never heard before. Who could it be, she wonders and knocks the door.
    “Come in,” Gaius instructs from inside.
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Hi ladies,

Here is the letter for the write-in campaign (please thank Stacey for all the time and effort that she put into this). Please have a read through it and let us know if there is anything that we should add ou change before we send it in. Also please pay attention to the spelling and grammer and let us know if there are any spelling ou grammatical errors that we shoud fix. Thank toi all for submitting your wishes, this is truely a community effort. Cheers!

PS: The images that I have included will be going at the haut, retour au début and the bottom of the letter when we soumettre it; the journey image will...
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posted by kbrand5333
My Christmas gift to toi all! Hope toi like it! I just want to thank all of toi so much for all your kind words and encouragement about my writing. I honestly never had done any écriture since school (150 years ago), and that certainly was not écriture of this sort. toi have all been so wonderful to me, and your praise only encourages me! Kisses and hugs to everyone, and have a fantastic holiday season, however toi celebrate.

    It is the winter solstice in Camelot, a time for feasting and gift-giving. houx branches and mistletoe are everywhere, and the chill in the air makes...
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I just felt the need to share my heart. And I didn't know where else ou how to do it. We're here to have fun and boy do we. I l’amour this place to pieces. I l’amour all the joking around about our couple and about the actors who play them. I l’amour all toi guys. This is just a TV montrer and the whole deal is all make believe, but most of us do tend to recognize that and try to keep our emotions over something that's not real in check.

But I have a heavy cœur, coeur right now, because I am a bit invested in this couple. I hope I'm wrong about what I'm feeling. toi don't know how much I'm hoping I am wrong....
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To all my arwen/brangel merlin loving peeps out there....

I am like the seasoned wind, bristling par and taking every detail with me to heart.

I anxiously wait for the photos, vidz, articles and commentaires on a jour to jour basis...they mostly almost always bring a smile on my tired face.

The other night, my flatmates (2 horrid college guys) addressed my "obsession with those two was becoming concerning".

Perhaps it is becoming concerning to them, because they too find themselves watching the episodes with me.

But the issue was that after dissing the montrer and yet at the same time admitting that they...
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Check out Digital Spy's ten teasers for this week's Merlin below:

1. "I've been playing a dangerous game since the first time I set foot in Camelot."

2. The prince is not too happy with the "entertainment" at his birthday feast.

3. "I think that a lot of sorcerers are in the charcoal business."

4. The elderly Merlin returns and confronts Arthur once more!

5. "You've got *******, ******** and ******** to entertain you!"

6. At one point, Arthur forgets to put on his trousers.

7. "I take it toi didn't come all this way just to smash my favourite pot!"

8. Arthur begins to suspect that there is something wrong with Merlin's bladder.

9. "Finally toi will get all that toi deserve, old friend."

10. Arthur gives Merlin a piggyback ride.
Bradley Jame’s Arthur is one of the reasons I got so drawn to the montrer Merlin. I was curious to see his journey to become king.
I think the creators of Merlin did good when they chose Bradley James for their Arthur. Sure he has the perfect look. With great bone structure and a beautiful appearance. He really looks regal. He looks like a prince and the king to be. An actor should have skill in physical movement. To make the expressions and movements typical for the character. Bradley has the skills and physical appearance to play a legendary damager.

However playing a character like Arthur Pendragon...
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