Arthur et Gwen Club
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    Gwen walks into the building with a heavy heart. It’s been a week and a half since she Lost her father and since then she has Lost all interest in her work. She wants to prolong her leave but Gaius personally requested that she return back to work; he is running short of manpower. He did apologise for making such a request, but he is left with no other options. Most of his staff has been relocated to the new building and he still needs some key workers around to complete important tasks before he launches the new store. And Gwen is one such key person. Though Morgana have done the conversion of the programs between the two stores, Gwen still has to analyze the final framework before the programs are loaded into the point of sale counters. Since Gwen’s absence, there have been constant errors in the system and the POS counters have been experiencing on and off failures. Morgana did try her best to resolve the errors but that is Gwen’s area of expertise and it requires her touch to get the counters running.
    Gwen carries herself up the stairs lamely; her head hanging low and shoulder hunched. There are at least two plus rounds before she makes it to her room. She sighs and climbs up lazily. She can use the elevator and save her energy but using that would mean meeting people. And that is something she wants to avoid at the moment. So the stairs is her escape ticket for now. After another twenty minutes of heaving and puffing, Gwen finally reaches her room. She opens the door and drags herself in, closing the door behind her. She tosses her bag carelessly and walks to the window. She pulls the curtain aside and looks down. Her window overlooks the receiving port and she notices lorries and contena’s lining up, ready to load their goods down. The workers are busy working their socks off, piling up the cartons on the trolleys. Gwen bites her lip, drops the curtain and walks back to her table. There are files stacked on her table, each with some short notes stuck on the cover of those files indicating they need attention. Gwen ignores the files and sits down. The telephone on her table, tableau rings. Gwen shrugs in irritation and reaches out to pick up the receiver.
    “Gwen?” Gaius calls out. He sounds anxious.
    “Yes… Gaius. Can I help you?” Gwen says softly.
    “Are toi all right?” Gaius’s tone is concerned.
    “Yes, I am.”
    “Can toi come over to my room, now?” Gaius asks.
    “I will, in a while,” Gwen promises and puts the receiver down, ending the conversation. She leans back in her chair and stares up at the ceiling. Her father’s face pops up followed par the face of the driver. Gwen sighs and pulls away, shaking the images off from her mind.
    ‘What is happening Gwen?’ she asks herself and buries her face in her hands. Someone knocks the door. Gwen looks up.
    “Who’s there?”
    “It’s me, Morgana.”
    Gwen seems relieved. “Come in,” she invites. The door clicks and Morgana pushes herself inside, her lips immediately flashing a wide smile.
    “Welcome back, girl,” Morgana says and nears her friend. Gwen nods and straightens up. Morgana notice how sullen Gwen looks and her smile fades. “Are toi allright?” she asks.
    “Yeah… I guess so,” Gwen lies. Morgana knows Gwen is lying.
    “You look like toi could use another week off, are toi ready to work?”
    “I wish I can take that conseil of yours, but unfortunately I can’t. Gaius seems Lost without me and I don’t want to push all my duties to you. I have troubled toi enough.”
    “That’s ridiculous, Gwen, toi haven’t troubled me at all. You’re my friend and I’d do this for toi anytime at all. Besides, we work under the same roof and of course it’s my responsibility to chip in and help. I might not be as good as toi are, but I did try my best.”
    “You did good Morgana. I owe you.”
    “A lunch will do.” Morgana smiles. Gwen smiles and push the chair back to get up. She circles her table, tableau and nears Morgana.
    “Gaius wants to see me, any idea why?”
    “Hmm… must be because of the new guy.”
    “New guy?” Gwen asks in surprise. Morgana nods.
    “Well, this is what I heard from Gaius last week. There is a new programmer coming to help out at the new building soon. He’s actually Gaius’s nephew and he’s good. Very good, according to Gaius, and he wants him to help us out here. I believe it’s him Gaius wants to talk to toi about.”
    “Oh… looks like a lot was happening in my absence.”
    “You have no idea, darling. But it’s good to have toi back.”
    “I think I’ll go see Gaius,” Gwen says and heads to the door. But she stops and turns around, looking at Morgana. “Can toi help me, Morgana?”
    “What is it?”
    “Can toi please go through those files and let me know what they want. I don’t have the mood to do it… can’t bring myself to concentrate yet.”
    “Thanks, Morgana,” Gwen says and steps out.

    Merlin nudges the door to Arthur’s apartment with his shoulder and steps inside, followed par Leon. Merlin heads straight to the cuisine to place all the groceries he bought on the way while Leon drops the bags he carried inside Arthur’s bedroom. Gwaine helps Arthur into the apartment slowly, holding him par his arm. Arthur struggles to walk as his leg still feels sore.
    “It’s alright, Arthur… just take one step at a time,” Gwaine advises after realising Arthur was struggling to walk. “Just hold on to me,” he adds.
    Arthur limps his way in. With one hand over Gwaine’s shoulder and the other still wrapped in cast, Arthur has to depend on Gwaine’s eye to make his way inside his own apartment. He takes each step cautiously; afraid he might bump ou knock into something. He couldn’t even remember what his apartment looks like now. And with his eyes proving to be no use at all, he will have to depend on his other senses to adapt to his new lifestyle. And it will take some time to learn. His feet knock into something and he nearly falls, but Leon catches him first.
    “Easy there, Arthur,” Leon says as he grabs Arthur par his waist, helping him up.
    “Damn!!” Arthur curses under his breath, frustrated at his condition. Gwaine hears the curse and exchanges looks with Leon. The latter just shrugs his shoulder.
    “What happened?” Merlin asks, hurrying out from the kitchen. He looks tensed. His hands were full with broccolis and cabbages.
    “Nothing, Merlin… nothing,” Gwaine assures as they help Arthur in and lead him to the couch.
    “I thought I heard Leon’s voice?”
    “He nearly stumbled, must’ve tripped onto something, but we caught him… there’s nothing to worry about,” Leon says, sitting Arthur down. Gwaine slides a cushion underneath Arthur’s cast, pillowing the casted hand.
    “There toi go,” Gwaine says and stands with his hands on his hips, looking proud. Leon looks around the apartment and bites his lower lip. Gwaine turns to look at Leon, his smile fading.
    “Something’s wrong?”
    “It’s this place…”
    “His furniture… I think we need to déplacer it a bit. It’s congested and Arthur might find it hard to walk in between without knocking into them. They need to be spaced out,” Leon suggests.
    “I agree,” Merlin says from the kitchen.
    “I don’t,” Arthur says. Both Gwaine and Leon look down at him.
    “Why? It might help toi to walk,” Gwaine argues.
    “Maybe, but I want the place to be exactly as it was before. I need to adapt to this life, Gwaine, not the other way round. Besides, I’ve been living in this apartment my whole life and I know the way around. Changing them now will just make things worse. I will have to start all over again.”
    “Sounds reasonable to me,” Leon says with finality.
    “I’m good with the furniture and the canapé but what about the vases, tables and that exquisite glass chess set toi own? toi still want them in their places? Imagine when you’re walking around Arthur, your arms flailing around to find the way and toi accidentally knock them down… imagine those glass shards lying around unattended and you…”
    “Merlin!!” Arthur stops his friend. “I think I get the idea… fine, toi win. Get those glass pieces off but leave the rest as they are,” Arthur finally gives in. Gwaine winks at Merlin and moves with Leon to rearrange the tables, remove the vases and relocate the chess collections to another place. Merlin, feeling satisfied, heads back to the cuisine to finish stockage, empoissonnement the refrigerator. Arthur leans back and takes in a long deep breath. He is happy to be accueil and to have his Friends around him, yet his cœur, coeur fails to get lifted. It is still laced with unhappiness and somewhere deep inside him, he feels disturbed. He knows he will not go to prison because the family of the man he killed didn’t lodge any rapporter against him and his father ensured the case remains close through some huge stack of bills. So Arthur, despite being a murderer, still walks free. How lucky can one get?
    “Arthur?” Merlin calls, touching Arthur’s shoulder. Arthur shudders.
    “Do toi want anything to eat?”
    “Are toi cooking?” Arthur questions with a smile.
    “You still doubt my cooking? Well let me tell toi something, Arthur Pendragon, I happen to be a good cook and my mother agrees with me. She loves absolutely everything I cook and you’d be surprised how good my nourriture tastes.” Merlin says firmly.
    “Really? Well, prove it to me then?” Arthur teases.
    “Fine… and if I win, I want toi to admit that I’m a good cook. Will toi do that?”
    “You have a deal!” Arthur says with a laugh.

    Gaius was flipping through his documents when someone knocks on the door. Without looking up, he calls the person to enter. Gwen enters and closes the door behind her.
    “You called for me, Gaius?”
    “Ahh… Gwen,” Gaius looks up, smiles and invites her to sit down. He closes the document and waits as Gwen pulls the chair back and sits down.
    “How are toi now?”
    “Better, Gaius, thank toi for asking”
    “I am sorry to ask toi to return back to work early. toi know what I’m going through, don’t you?”
    “I am aware of that, Gaius, and I shouldn’t be selfish myself.”
    “Don’t be too hard on yourself, child.”
    “It’s best I come back ou I might go insane, sitting at accueil with my father’s accident flooding my mind. I was afraid I’d go berserk if I had to stay there much longer.”
    “Maybe toi just need to let go… it’s hard, but it’s what toi need to do.”
    “I’m trying Gaius, I’m trying.” in truth, Gwen hates lying to everyone saying she will, because she finds it hard to let go, even after constantly been asked to.
    “Don’t worry child, everything will be all right. Well, the reason you’re here is because I am going to need your full cooperation for some months, from now. My nephew Lancelot is an engineer in computer technology. He is well versed in programming and software creation. He is currently working in Mercia and I asked his help to create a new system for my new store. He agreed, and last night he called in to say the system is ready and good to go. But he wants to have a trial run here in this store before he loads it in the new store. He will be arriving tomorrow, and Gwen, I want toi to work closely with him. Guide and assist him whenever required and learn as much toi can from him. He is an experienced engineer and he isn’t shy in teaching. Will toi do that?”
    “Sure, Gaius… I didn’t know toi had a nephew with a technology background.”
    “I don’t talk about my private life much, Gwen. Lancelot doesn’t like it either. He is a very simple human being and when toi meet him, you’ll know. He is smart and very intelligent yet he isn’t proud. You’ll l’amour him at first sight.”
    “I sure you’re very proud of him.”
    “I am… I am Gwen. I’m lucky to have someone like him.”
    “I will assist him, Gaius, I give toi my word.”
    “Good, I know toi will. I want toi to bring Morgana into the frame as well. She’s been working tirelessly since toi were on leave, poor girl.”
    “I owe quite a deal to her.”
    “I will ask Gilli to pick Lancelot tomorrow and he will start immediately. Is that all right with you?’
    “Good,” Gaius says and pulls out his drawer, picks an envelope and hands it to Gwen.
    “This is for toi Gwen, from all of us.”
    Gwen looks at the envelope for a while and then back at Gaius. “What’s this, Gaius?”
    “It’s something for toi and your brother,” Gaius says and puts it onto Gwen’s palm. Gwen was unsure if she should accept it ou not, but Gaius closes her hand around the envelope and urges her to accept it. “Please… accept it,” he says.
    Gwen’s finger loosens around the envelope. She bites her lips, thinks a while before finally tearing the cover of the envelope. She tilts the envelope a bit, pulls out a cheque and stares at the amount written on the cheque. Seven thousand pounds! That is a lot of money. Gwen looks back at Gaius.
    “Gaius…” she couldn’t continue. He smiles back at her.
    “I know it’s not sufficient but it’s the contribution that counts. Everyone gave a bit of everything they had… I hope toi wouldn’t mind accepting this small amount.”
    “Gaius… this is a lot of money!” Gwen says, staring at the cheque. “I can’t… I don’t know… I…” she chokes. She didn’t even know what to say anymore. This is very unexpected from Gaius and her colleagues. They shouldn’t have… how will she ever repay them?
    “Gwen, it’s all right. Like I said, we wanted to do something for toi and this was Morgana’s idea, which I think is brilliant. Please accept the money, Gwen, and use it to cover your father’s service.”
    Gwen didn’t know what else to say. She simply looked at the cheque. Tears well in her eyes and she isn’t shy to shed them in the presence of her boss. She lifts her head and looks at him, a single tear escaping down her cheek. “Thank you, Gaius,” she says shortly.
    “You’re welcome,” Gaius says with a warm smile.
    Gwen holds the cheque tightly and stares at the numbers on the cheque. This is a lot of money and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Her father’s ceremony did cost a fortune and Elyan used almost half of his saving for the ceremony. He refused Gwen’s money because she didn’t have much; only what she had been saving to help Elyan refurbish the house they currently live in. It was supposed to be their father’s gift for his birthday this year. They knew Tom was planning to do it on his own; a promise he made to his late wife to get the house refurbished according to her taste but was unable to do it because of the cost involved. He never mentioned it to his children but Elyan found out from one of Tom’s close Friends and had secretly been saving money with his sister to get the house done before Christmas Eve, their father’s birthday. But unfortunately, Elyan had to withdraw half amount of that saving to fund his father’s funereal service instead. Gwen knew Elyan could use this money now and appreciated Gaius and the rest of the worker’s charitable effort. Only she didn’t know how to repay this deed.
    “What is it, Gwen?”
    “Nothing, Gaius… thanks,” Gwen says and gets up, putting the cheque back into the envelope.
    “So, will toi be able to work with Lancelot tomorrow?” Gaius asks. Gwen nods.
    “Good… have a good time Gwen,” he says and gets back to his documents. Gwen turns around and leaves for the door. She holds the knob of the door, lingers a while and turns around again, her eyes on Gaius.
    “Hmmm?” Gaius looks up.
    “If toi don’t mind my asking, how did toi deal with Alice’s death?”
    Gaius leans back, folds his arm across his chest and thinks back of his fiancée, Alice whom he Lost in a bank robbery. It was such an unfortunate day. Gaius was supposed to go to the bank but was unable to because he sprained his ankle and Alice went in his place instead. She went there to apply for a loan and was about to leave when three robbers held her hostage; using her as the bait to rob the bank. The bank manager gave everything he had and as the robbers were filling their bags, Alice accidentally saw one of the robber’s faces. Fearing she might tell the police, the robbers stabbed her to death before fleeing. They were caught later on when they had a car accident. Alice passed away on the spot, leaving Gaius devastated. He never got married after that.
    “Why do toi ask?” Gaius asks, recollecting his own memory from his past.
    “Because I can’t forget what happened to my father, that’s why? And I lied a while il y a saying I’ll try to forget what happened. I’ve tried, and I just can’t.”
    Gaius understands Gwen’s emotion as he went through the similar trauma when Alice was killed. “It was painful, Gwen. When she was killed, it was a blow in my life. She left a hole in my cœur, coeur and it’s still there. I can never get over her death, the way she was taken away from me, the gruesome manner she died… I will never forget that. But as time passed, I learned to let it go. I started accepting her death and slowly, she became nothing but a memory in my mind.”
    “You don’t remember her anymore?”
    “As my fiancée she fills my mind but as the victim of the unfortunate accident, I’ve released her Gwen. She needs her peace and there’s no point holding on to her memory when we know she isn’t returning. Like I said, I accepted her demise.”
    “But what of those robbers… didn’t toi want to avenge her death?”
    “In the beginning I wanted to. I was going mad trying to gain my revenge for snatching the only l’amour of my life away from me and after the police caught them, they asked if I’d be interested in meeting them. I went with just one thought in my mind; revenge! I wanted to use any means at all to kill them but the moment I got there, I changed my mind.”
    “One of the robbers Lost his leg, the other had his arms amputed while the one who stabbed my Alice was paralyzed for life. He suffered nerve damage in the accident and was lit ridden when I arrived. I felt they were punished enough and deserved what they got. I didn’t want to stain my hands further so I left. Though my Alice remains dead, at least justice was served. I held no grudge to those robbers after that.”
    “You forgave them?” Gwen seems stunned than surprised. Alice died in the similar way her father died too and yet Gaius could just let them be. Didn’t he want to see at least one robber on the slab in the morgue?
    “In a way, yes. They got what they deserved didn’t they?”
    “Yeah, but…” Gwen stops. Gaius’s words make sense but she didn’t want to admit the truth behind his rationality. He did the right thing, but why is she feeling irked par his reaction towards the robbers? “How can toi do that so easily, Gaius? They killed Alice!”
    “Yes, but no matter what ou how I feel, Alice will not return to me. I didn’t want to waste my time with them and used my pain to improve in my work instead.” Gaius informs abruptly, silencing Gwen. For a while both Gaius and Gwen remains silent.
    “Oh.” Gwen réponses after a while as she plays with the knob of the door and concentrates on her feet instead.
    Gaius notices how distraught Gwen seems and he can understand why. He knows how close she’d been with her father and to lose the one person matters most can be a pretty severe blow to her. He wasn’t himself for months and some thought he was losing his mind.
    She looks up at him.
    “What is it, child?” he asks.
    Gwen swallows and tries to take her time. She didn’t know how to tell Gaius what she feels about the driver ou the fact he is blind and how happy she is. What will Gaius think of her? What will he say? Gwen thinks it’s better for her to keep her thoughts to herself.
    “Is there something toi wish to tell me?”
    “No, Gaius, I don’t want to waste your time… good day.” Gwen pulls the door open but Gaius stops her short.
    “Gwen, wait!” he says and she stops in her step. “Look at me, please?”
    Gwen turns around and meets his eye.
    “What is it?”
    “Gaius…” she finds it extremely hard to convey her thoughts to words. “It’s…”
    “Gwen!” Gaius’s voice firms up. And Gwen realises it too.
    Gwen sighs and looks away. How to start? What to say?
    “Are toi all right Gwen?”
    “I went to see the man who ran over my father, Gaius, and he is… blind. He survived, yet he is blind. And… I feel happy about his condition. I am thrilled to see him suffer, and…” Gwen stops, unable to continue. Gaius waits patiently. Gwen licks her lips and shakes her head in disbelief. “I shouldn’t be feeling like this, right?” she asks him. She knows Gaius is definitely going to hate her after this. What sort of person is she, basking in someone else’s misery?
    “I wouldn’t say no, Gwen”
    “What?” Gwen is surprised now. This isn’t what she expected from him. Is she hearing right? ou is it coming from the figment of her crazy mind?
    “We are human, Gwen, and we all have hearts and feelings. It’s nature to hate and l’amour someone and in your case, you’ve Lost someone and finding out the man who caused toi the hurt still lives but is suffering… it’s not wrong to enjoy his pain, but it’s advisable not to do so. But, we have suffered so… what’s the big deal?”
    ‘Really Gaius?’ Gwen didn’t know if she laugh ou cry.
    “Elyan and Morgana think I’m cold.”
    “No, not cold… you’re hurt and emotionally driven. That’s what toi are.”
    ‘Now that’s a plus logical answer!’ Gwen thinks. “So, it’s not wrong?”
    “No, but I’d rather toi let it go Gwen”
    “Why, Gaius! I’m sick of everyone telling me to let it go. I mean… I should accept my father’s demise and déplacer on. I will but I can't rid the face of that man, lying in the hospital, Gaius!!! Why did this have to happen to me? I don’t understand… I try to think from every possible angle for an answer, yet I can’t find any! Why Gaius?”
    “Because it was meant to happen, Gwen.”
    “If someone had to die that night Gaius, I’d rather it was me!! Me. The bloody car was coming for me!” Gwen shouts softly, feeling the emotion clouding her mind once more.
    “God has plans for toi child, that’s why your father came in between. Like toi said, someone was meant to die that night but it wasn’t toi ou that driver. That’s why both of toi survived but not your father. It was his time, child.” Gaius tries to drill some logic into Gwen’s head.
    “It hurts, Gaius… it hurts so much.” Gwen says, shaking the tears from her eyes.
    “I know… let me tell toi something, Gwen. I know it will not go down well with toi but this is the truth. Life is an unexpected journey, Gwen. toi can never predict what it has in store for you. Sometimes we lose the person we l’amour the most because it is God’s plan. It might sound ridiculous in the beginning, but it will make sense later in our life. I Lost Alice a week before our marriage and I questioned God for his intervention in my life. I didn’t know why I had to suffer such heartbreak when everyone around me seemed to be doing fine. I was kind, honest, and went to church every Sunday, yet God still took my Alice away. I stopped praying, Gwen… for almost five years. And then one jour I met Alice’s friend, a doctor. He informed me Alice was diagnosed with blood cancer and was in the final stages of her life. She hid it from me fearing I might not want to marry her. And she also burnt all the documents relating to her illness, just to save the marriage. But it was useless as she was killed anyway. She had to die Gwen, somehow, but instead of suffering she went out in a quicker manner. I understood then; God’s decision to pry her away from me made sense. His actions deprived both of us the sufferings and the agony; me, I didn’t have to watch her suffer and die and she didn’t have to go through the cœur, coeur wrenching pain. As in your case, I am sure God has his plans for you, too. And… it might sound crazy, but I think that man might have a part to play in your life, too, which is probably why he is alive as well. But your father had to give way for that to happen, Gwen. And I know it will not make any sense now, but… it will. Trust me Gwen, it will. And when it does… you’ll understand,” Gaius explains.
    Gwen watches Gaius and doesn’t know what to say. Somehow it makes sense, but she still can’t understand why it happened the way it did.
    “Losing your father is a blow, Gwen, but it is also time to let it go and déplacer on. It’s painful, I agree, but it’s also the motivation to montrer everyone you’re not weak and can still survive in this wretched world. You’re a strong girl, Gwen, and I’ve watched toi grow. I am sure you’ll not let yourself be cocooned par this misery. Accept what has happened, let it go and déplacer on. Your father would want toi to do the same and I want toi to do that exactly. I’ve never had a child, but everyone here in this store are like my own children. It hurts me to see toi like this… please Gwen, for our sake, let it go,” Gaius says.
    Gwen wipes the tears that have unexpectedly rolled down her cheek and forced a lame smile. “Sure, Gaius… I will. Your words make sense, and… I will”
    “I know toi will, Gwen. That’s why I called toi back. Elyan was worried for toi and I felt you’d be better here than at home. We need the old Guinevere back… take your time, but do come back, yeah?”
    “Sure… thanks, Gaius”
    “No problem… have a good day, Gwen.”
    “You too, Gaius” Gwen says, steps out and closes the door behind her.

    Arthur twirls his fork and slowly lifts it up to his mouth. The pâtes, pâtes alimentaires is delicious, but he seems to be having problems eating it. He doesn’t know what he ate, what else is on his plate ou whether is he smearing the sauce on his chemise ou not. He heard the rest of the guys actually enjoying the meal, and he wishes he could at least identify his food. He knew it was pasta, but he also bit onto chilies and then something that tasted like bacon but it isn’t according to Merlin as he is a vegetarian. God, now he really wished he could see.
    “Arthur? Is there anything toi need?” Gwaine asks, sitting opposite Arthur.
    “No… I’m fine Gwaine”
    “Aren’t toi hungry, Arthur?” Merlin asks, from beside Arthur.
    “I am… why.”
    “You haven’t finished your pâtes, pâtes alimentaires yet, that’s why.”
    “Oh… I’m taking the time to enjoy it, Merlin” Arthur lies with a smile. Merlin shoots a quick look at Gwaine and Leon. “You are an excellent cook Merlin, I give toi that.” Arthur adds.
    “Thank you, Arthur. Here, let me help,” Merlin takes the fork from Arthur’s fingers and twirls the pâtes, pâtes alimentaires and lifts it up to Arthur’s mouth, feeding him. But Arthur pulls away, using his free hand to stop Merlin.
    “Merlin… I’m not a child. I can eat on my own.” Arthur says in annoyance.
    “But you’re eating very slowly, Arthur, and the pasta’s getting cold.”
    “I know…I just…”Arthur sighs. “I just don’t know what I’m eating, that’s all,” he adds bitterly. It hurts for him to admit this and in the presence of his Friends too. Merlin realises the tone and looks to the others for help.
    “You could have asked, Arthur.” Leon chips in, helping Merlin.
    “I didn’t want to interrupt your meal and the conversation.”
    “Arthur” Merlin says and sighs, throwing his hand in the air in frustration. “We are your friends, mate, and how many times do we need to make that clear? We are here for you, ready to get toi ou do anything for you, my friend, because toi mean a lot plus to us than the freaking conversation ou this pasta!! Get it?” he almost growls.
    “Merlin!” Leon stops Merlin. The latter sighs and shakes his head. Gwaine makes a signal to Merlin to be calm. Merlin speaks back to Gwaine in sign language, stating he was getting pissed par Arthur’s refusal to ask them for help. Gwaine speaks back, silently asking Merlin to forgive Arthur.
    “Merlin?” Arthur searches for his friend.
    “Hmmm?” Merlin réponses back, still reeling from the précédant conversation. But he catches Arthur’s hand.
    “Sorry, Merlin,” Arthur says softly.
Merlin softens and feels guilty for shouting at Arthur. He reaches out and touches Arthur’s shoulder.
    “Sorry, Arthur, just Lost my cool I suppose.”
    “I don’t blame you, Merlin, ou any of toi at all. All of toi suffered because of me and… I’m sorry, guys.”
    “We are glad to help toi in any way we can, Arthur. Like Merlin said, we are your friends,” Leon says, wiping his mouth.
    “We will stand with toi all the way, mate,” Gwaine adds.
    “Thank toi guys, appreciate it.”
    “So, toi want to know what you’re consuming, don’t you? Well, there’s pasta, chilies, peppers, onions… lots of onions, dried chilies, mushrooms and cheese.” Merlin explains.
    “It’s very tasty Merlin, thank toi for this meal.”
    “You are going to be eating a lot of my cooking from now on, Arthur.”
    “Because we are going to stay with toi till toi learn to take care of yourself.” Gwaine adds.
    “Guys, toi don’t have to, toi know…”
    “No plus arguments, Arthur. Everything has been decided. We are staying and that’s final,” Merlin réponses determinedly.
    Arthur opens his mouth to say something but Merlin thrusts a piece of cheese into his mouth instead, silencing him. The rest of the guys laugh. Arthur removes the cheese and joins the laughter as well. Merlin watches them all with a smile on his face. He’s happy to see Arthur is finally smiling and wish he will continue to do so from now on. It’s going to be a test for all of them now; Arthur has to adapt to his new lifestyle and the rest of them will have to adapt Arthur’s shortcomings and teach him to adapt to his life. There will be a lot of work to do and they will need to be ready for anything. They have never been in situation like this before and it will be a tough ride for all of them. Merlin already has some plans for Arthur and will have to dwell into that cautiously. Arthur became sensitive after the accident and anything involving his blindness will have to be measured with extra care. There is the head injury to be taken care of, the rest to be dealt with and of course, persuading him to have the eye operation. Merlin will have to take one step at a time. He prays everything goes well and Arthur recovers as soon as possible. It hurts to see his friend like this and there’s nothing he wants plus than to see the old Arthur back.
    “When can I remove this bandage?” Arthur asks, pointing to his head.
    “I am not sure, Arthur, why the hurry? toi look good in that,” Merlin jokes. Gwaine almost spits out his juice.
    “Did they shave my hair?
    “They must’ve… I heard the doctor mention something about stitches… I think they did.”
    “Bloody hell!! There go my gorgeous golden locks… now I have wait months to grow them back”
    “Can’t be that bad, Arthur. toi can always shave the rest of your head to save the trouble,” Gwaine says.
    “Shave my head!!” Arthur gasps in shock. “Are toi out of your mind, Gwaine?” he teases. “You know how good I look, don’t you? My hair is part and parcel of my looks. How can I make a woman swoon with half of my hair missing?”
    “Oh, here we go again,” Merlin rolls his eyes.
    “You’re jealous, Merlin.”
    “Me, jealous? Oh, give me a break, Arthur! As far as I know you’re a clot pole, a condescending cabbage head who needs to seriously consider using your brain rather than your brawn with women.”
    “Are toi suggesting I’m an idiot?”
    “Not suggesting… toi are,” Merlin teases with a wink at Gwaine. Gwaine gives thumbs up at Merlin.
    “Merlin?” Arthur calls.
    “Shut up, will you?” Arthur tells Merlin who rolls his eyes and covers his mouth. Arthur laughs and playfully punches Merlin’s arm while the rest of the guys joins the fun and laugh with them.
added by EPaws
Source: onceplusfuture
    Merlin knows they are outnumbered. The Southrons are fast approaching them and within minutes they’ll be surrounded for sure. If they are not careful, it will take them just mere secondes to round them up. Merlin knows he has to do something but the idea which keeps tapping his mind requires him to get rid of the others. Others shouldn’t be a problem. Arthur is a big concern now. Merlin bites his lip and skips a log as he leads the group through the forest. Behind him, Arthur follows, still clutching his wounded rib, the injury sustained as they fled from Camelot...
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