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Goddamn it, Japan. Even though I l’amour the anime, horror movies, and the instant ramen from your country, I will never forgive toi for keeping a bunch of awesome games for yourself. Now, sure, tons of great games have come from Japan, like Zelda, Mario, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Secret of Ma- …….. and Pokemon. But then there are the games that are either so weird, that Japon didn’t want to montrer it to America, ou they were so good, that Japon got greedy and wanted them for themselves. So, today, I am going to talk about the haut, retour au début Ten Games for Japon that I want in America. First, some rules. Only one game per franchise, and only games that I have heard of. Also, these games have to have been made in Japan, but never released in America. Any other country, however, is okay. So, with that said, let us start the list

#10: Captain Rainbow

Well, we’re already starting off weird. This is a Nintendo game, and, as far as Nintendo games go, nearly all of them are released in America, weather shortly after the Japanese release, ou a few years later on virtual console. However, Captain arc en ciel is a game where Nintendo decided, “Yeah, we’re just gonna keep this one to ourselves”. The story follows Nick (Not me), who can turn into the superhero Captain Rainbow, whose TV montrer is losing popularity, so he travels to Mimin Island, where dreams are a dit to come true. Here, he meets all sorts of minor Nintendo characters that gamers forgot, like Little Mac from Punch-Out, Lip from Panel de Pon, and Birdo from Super Mario Bros. 2. The game is kinda like a traverser, croix between Animal Crossing, with toi living your life with the other characters, and Super Mario 64, par going around collecting pieces to make your wish. However, this game was just weird. I mean, looking at Captain arc en ciel makes me question how Viewtiful Joe was allowed to be released in the country. Also, there is a joke where Birdo is arrested for sneaking into the girls bathroom dressed as a woman, because he is genderly confused… Yeah, I’m not even gonna talk about that. But still, this game sounds like a lot of fun, and I really hope Nintendo released this game on Wii U’s virtual console one day… Though they should probably get rid of the crossdressing lézard with a giant gaping mouth.

#9: Luigi’s Mansion Arcade

Okay, so, I have very little information on this game, so, I will try and talk about what I was able to find. Luigi’s Mansion Arcade was an arcade machine (How cute. People still go out of the house to play video games) which was developed par Capcom. The game was based off of the seconde Luigi’s Mansion game, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon. The game played in first person, where toi would pick up a vacuum like controller with two buttons. One button would turn on the light, while the other sucks up a ghost. There is also some sort of bomb button, but I have no idea what that does. Now, that is about all I got, but all I can say is, I would probably go to an arcade just to play this if it was in America. I loved the Gamecube Luigi’s Mansion and Dark Moon was pretty cool too. It sounds like a lot of fun. And, Nintendo Land at Universal Studios is still in construction, I would l’amour it if Nintendo released the machine there for their amusement park.

#8: Namco X Capcom

Hey, toi know what would make rue Fighter x Tekken even better. par having all sorts of Capcom and Namco characters. That would blow my mind. Well, that’s what Namco x Capcom is. Though, to be honest, I was expecting this game to be a fighting game, since Capcom seems to l’amour those, but this is actually a tactic RPG… How interesting. Oh well, it still looks pretty cool. The story (Yes, a crossover actually has a story), is that two original characters who work for some organization are investigating strange otherworldly disturbances, involving Namco and Capcom characters. For a crossover game, that doesn’t sound too bad. Not groundbreaking, but better than what you’d get from other crossover games. This game has over fifty levels, allowing players to be busy with this game from seventy to one hundred hours….. Well, they certainly put a lot of time into the game. There are also some recognizable characters like Chun-Li from rue Fighter, Jin from Tekken, but no Megaman (No surprise there). I just don’t get why Japon keeps all the crossover games for themselves. Sure, North America saw the release of J Stars Victory VS, but come on, we need plus than that, Japan.

#7: Live a Live

Hey, toi like Chrono Trigger? Well, this is even plus Chrono Trigger. Just take away the obvious Akira Toriyama animation and you’re set. This game has to be one of the most well thought-up role playing games I have seen since Final fantaisie VI. In this game, instead of one protagonist, toi have several. A caveman from the prehistoric era named Pogo, a ninja from feudal Japon named Oboro-maru, an unnamed fighting master from ancient China, an outlaw during the Old West named the Sundown Kid, a fighter from the present named Masaru, an orphan from the near future named Akira, and a robot from the distant future named Cube. This RPG has toi play through all they’re stories, and try to unlock the final chapter, which has a plot twist so amazing, that I refuse to spoil it. However, I never got to play this game, and only saw a walkthrough of it, which, to me, is so disappointing that I won’t be able to play such an awesome RPG. Damn it Japan!

#6: Deep Fear

Hey, toi know what makes Japanese exclusive games even plus angry that they aren’t in America? When those Japanese exclusive games get released in Europe, but not America. What the hell, Japan? Anyway, Deep Fear is about an underwater laboratory filled with dangerous mutated humans that are immune to oxygen, so they try to destroy all oxygen in the place, and kill everyone inside. It’s like Resident Evil, only instead of a zombie infested mansion, ou city, ou village-castle-island, you're in a sealab, and it’s pretty fun. The game has toi run around with a fixed camera, trying to find oxygen, but every time toi feu a gun, toi waste oxygen, which I think is actually kinda clever, as it does add to the feeling of danger that toi are in. Also, this game won’t just give toi a gun and tell toi to have fun. No! toi gotta earn it. toi gotta fight your way through dangerous mutants, find the passcode, and unlock the door to get the gun inside. That is what makes this a great survival horror game. Also, since this was on the Sega Saturn, if it has cheesy voice jouer la comédie like in Resident Evil, I’m sold.

#5: Soul Eater: Monotone Princess

toi know what I love? Soul Eater. toi know what I don’t love? The fact that they wouldn’t bring this game to America. In this game follows the main characters of the anime, Maka, Soul, Blackstar, Tsubaki, Death the Kid, Liz, and Patty, as they fight through all of the demons and keshins to save the world, ou something. Anyway, the story is where these demons are sucking the life out of people, and the characters need to kill them. Typical Soul Eater stuff. This game lets toi play as three character, Maka, Blackstar, and Death the Kid. As Maka, toi can use Soul’s scythe form. She can make Soul bigger, to hit enemies from a farther distance, as well as knock them back with a spin attack. Blackstar uses Tsubaki’s chain scythe form. Blackstar is slower, but his attacks do much plus damage. Then there’s the OCD son of a B himself, Death the Kid, who uses Liz and Patty’s pistol forms. He fights from a distance, but can get messed up in close combat. This game also gives toi power ups, which can range from healing toi with damage toi take, and unlock attacks. This is obviously a well thought out game, and all I can say is, we’d better get a game like this in America soon.

#4: Clock Tower

Now, we all know that the Super Nintendo Entertainment System had some fun, light-hearted games like Super Mario World, A Link to the Past, Kirby Super Star, and étoile, star Fox… Then there was this game. Apparently, this isn’t Japan’s fault for this not being made. Apparently, it was so violent at the time, that America was like “Yeah, we don’t think we can handle that. Come back when toi have a new Mario game for us”. Clock Tower was probably the first survival horror game ever. The game follows Jennifer, a young orphan who is adopted par someone named Mr. Barrows who lives in the mansion Clock Tower. However, after some time there, Jennifer, as well as the other girls that were adopted in the orphanage, are being hunted, and some of them even killed, par a deadly psychopath named Scissorman, a small deformed child with giant scissors. This game is real creepy, as all toi can do is run like hell, and hope that Scissorman doesn’t get you, so all toi can do is hide, and pray he doesn’t find you. Mix that with the amazing graphics at the time, as well as ten different endings, this was actually a pretty well made game for an SNES title.

#3: Cowboy Bebop: Serenade of Reminiscence

GODDAMN IT! They did it again. They took away the opportunity of me playing another animé game. And this time, it’s a game based off of my favori animé of all time. In this game, toi pretty much follow the original story of the anime, which involves the Bebop Crew getting involved with l’espace pirates, a song called Diamonds, and a mysterious organization. The plot of this game to an American is as mysterious as whatever the hell is in Eren Jaeger's basement. But, from what I have seen in gameplay, it actually looks pretty cool. toi can play as Spike, Faye, and Jet, all of them voiced par their original actors, which is pretty cool. toi do so much in the game, like having hand to hand combat, shooting sections, searching for bonus items ou plot important items, flying the ship from the anime, The Bebop, and a bateau at some point, and a Blackjack mini-game that helps toi make money. All I can say is, if Bandai doesn’t get their act together, I am going to buy a plane ticket, fly to Japan, walk into Bandai Co. and bitch-slap the guy who thought it was a good idea to annuler the U.S. release of this game.

#2: Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations 2

Boy, do I l’amour the Ace Attorney series. And Ace Attorney Investigations was pretty cool too. So, when I heard that the sequel was only released in Japan, I kinda Lost it. And for good reason. The game is pretty much what toi expect in an Ace Attorney game. toi explore crime scenes and chercher for clues as to who the culprit is, without going into the courtroom. The game follows Edgeworth, Detective Dick Gumshoe, and the thief, Kay Faraday, as they meet new characters, such as Edgeworth's rival, a female judge named Hakari Mikagami. toi then go through multiple cases, from an assassination attempt on the Zheng Fa president Teikun O, to a suspect found murdered in his cell, to having a case take place in the past and present, to Kay being a witness to a crime that she can’t remember. This game is just as intense as an Ace Attorney game goes. But, of course, this is a Japon only game. So, what could possibly be even better than this?

#1: Mother 3

OH COME ON! Seriously, Nintendo, we have been waiting patiently for ten years, and yet, we have never EVER gotten this game. For those who don’t know what Mother 3 is, (And for good reason), Remember Lucas from Super Smash Bros? Yeah, he came from Mother 3. Mother 3 is an RPG where toi play as Lucas, a boy who is in the middle of an attack par Porky, the main villain, and his Pig Mask Army. This leads to his mother being killed, and his father becoming angry and arrested. Now Lucas travels across the island he is on, to stop Porky from destroying the island. The game shows so much messed up stuff, like family death, dangerous creatures, and (SPOILERS) even having to fight your own brother, who was killed and brought back to life to be the most powerful soldier for the main villain. This has to be one of the saddest games ever made, and for good reason…. SO WHY WAS IT ONLY ALLOWED IN JAPAN! Well, it was going to be released for America on the N64, but after complications, it was moved to the Gameboy, and then they just released it in Japon only, so we never got to play it… But there is still hope. A fan of the game,, did a fan translation and made a ROM of the game, so fans could play it. So, if this game can be translated for us American audiences, we can have any game from Japan. And we can even get them from the original creators. Xenosaga and Bravely Default, once two Japanese exclusive games, were finally released in America. Maybe, just maybe, one day, we will get to see all these games here in North America.

Well, there toi have it. Did toi enjoy the list? Tell me what toi thought of it. With that said, I will see toi all suivant time
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