L from Death Note, who ranks #1 on the list

We are The World~

this is the cover of the book

Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi
Misaki's mother. She appears to be somewhat sickly, but does her best to support Misaki and Suzuna par working as a nurse at the hospital. Although she is grateful that Misaki is helping her with their financial problems, she also wants nothing plus than for Misaki to have plus fun and go out plus often as a high school teenager. She becomes acquainted with Usui at the train station in chapter 35 and sees him as a very gentle person and the exact opposite of her husband. Usui has stated that she is open minded.

Son Goku

Bleach Live Action Movie.

Watching and hiding
Behind a tree.
Hoping he doesn't
Notice me.
I see he's determined
To change his fate
I want to change it
Before it's too late.
They a dit I'm a failure.
My sister, cousin, and Dad.
But the thing I was lacking
Was something he had
At my first Chuunin exams,
Something I'll never forget.
He helped me change.
At least a little bit.
Sitting in my room
Thinking of that day.
Wondering 'When I see him next,
What am I going to say?'
Then I go to my bed,
Thinking 'When won't I flee?'
And wishing for the day
When he'll acknowledge me.
- Hyuuga Hinata.

But instead I went down the path of light.
Her auburn hair, her dimpled cheeks
Her smile never gave me creeps.
It brought me comfort as it made her shine.
Her eyes were ones that were very wide.
Her glowing gray orbs showed the way
Down that path that I will betray.
Once it ended, I looked up to her.
Her crying tears made her vision blur.
I asked if she was scared, it seemed rather odd.
She reached out to me and a dit "I'm not."
It all made sense, then and there.
I had a heart, which was never spared.
I left her that day, bewildered one as it is.
I'll never forget her, the one who was not afraid.
The one who wanted me to stay.
'Orihime Inoue'

Persona 3
()=L <>=Misa \/=Light -=no one ~=Everyone
(Doing some research on his PC)
<Hey L>
(Hi Misa)
<Where's Light???>
(Yanks on chain)
(Right here)
\Hi Misa/
<Hi Light>
-A wet trumpet like sound is heard-
\Who um broke wind um no way to make that sound right/
<Stand in utter shock>
(Gets back to work)
<Still in utter shock>
\That wasn't me/
<I AM A LADY!!!!!>
(Hmm..What is it)
<Did you...>
(Did I what?)
\Did toi fart?/
<He couldn't have>
-Another low pitched tuba like sound is heard-
\Alright who had spoiled beans for breakfast?/
<In utter shock again>
-Heard multiple times again-
(Excuse me.....)
-Screen goes black and toi hear punching lots and lots of punching.,.and kicking...-
(Doing some research on his PC)
<Hey L>
(Hi Misa)
<Where's Light???>
(Yanks on chain)
(Right here)
\Hi Misa/
<Hi Light>
-A wet trumpet like sound is heard-
\Who um broke wind um no way to make that sound right/
<Stand in utter shock>
(Gets back to work)
<Still in utter shock>
\That wasn't me/
<I AM A LADY!!!!!>
(Hmm..What is it)
<Did you...>
(Did I what?)
\Did toi fart?/
<He couldn't have>
-Another low pitched tuba like sound is heard-
\Alright who had spoiled beans for breakfast?/
<In utter shock again>
-Heard multiple times again-
(Excuse me.....)
-Screen goes black and toi hear punching lots and lots of punching.,.and kicking...-