Alice Cullen Club
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1. Whenever toi get a papercut, and it's bleeding, wave your hand around in Carlisle's face saying, "you know toi waaaaaaant some."

2. Sneak into Edward's room and redecorate it, including rearranging his CDs

3. Provoke the Volturi and blame it on Jasper

4. Randomly yell "GODDAMMIT!" and whenever one of them asks what happened, say "nooothhinngg' >> with shifty eyes.

5. Give Emmett a teddy ours for his birthday

6. Invite Jacob Black over....

7....including Quil and Embry

8. Put some fake fangs in your mouth and put ketchup on them (for the blood) and run around going "Rawr Ima vampire! Rawr! Rawr!" and jump out from corners, dark hallways, etc at them.

9. Find out where the boundery line is and stand in the werewolf part and throw aléatoire insults, making faces, and ou throw things at them....

10... Don't forget to say "Nya nya! I'm in werewolf territory! OHHH!

11. Have Emmett and the Volturi have a "Yo' Mama" battle.

12. Follow Edward for an entire day. Don't speak ou say anything. At the end of the day, when he asks toi why toi followed him all day, cling to his arm and say "because I LOOOOOOOOVEEEE you" .......

13. Do the same thing, but infront of Bella.

Source: link
added by RoseLovesJack
added by milkie
added by milkie
added by SAdryana
added by SAdryana
added by milkie
added by milkie
added by AliceHaleCullen
Carlisle: (snoring)

Esme: Wake up!

Carlisle: I was making fake snore.

Esme: Oh....

Carlisle: thought I was asleep?

Esme:Kinda of.

Carlisle: Mmm....

Esme: I'm bored.

Carlisle: Not me. It was kinda fun to make fake snore.

Esme: No, it bothers me.

Carlisle: Oh just try it.

Esme: Okay...(snoring)

Carlisle: Like it?

Esme: YES! (snoring) It was fun!

Carlisle: Shh...Bella's sleeping.

Bella: Haha nope.

Carlisle: WHAT?!

Bella: Edward wanted to watch toi both so we came here to watch.

Esme: Oh that's sweet.


Edward: Sorry.

Bella: (snoring) (giggle)

Carlisle: Bella asleep?...
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added by RoseLovesJack
added by SAdryana
added by funnyshawna
added by RoseLovesJack
added by Irja
added by keely6
“Another was taller, leaner, but still muscular, and honey blond…The short girl was pixielike, thin in the extreme, with small features. Her hair was a deep black, cropped short and pointing in every direction.” – pg 18

Edward: “Alice and Jasper are two very rare creatures. They both developed a conscience, as we refer to it, with no outside guidance. Jasper belonged to another… family, a very different kind of family. He became depressed, and he wandered on his own. Alice found him. Like me, she has certain gifts above and beyond the norm for our kind.” – pg 289

Edward: “She...
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added by milkie