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Familiar Faces (cont'd)

    “So,” Sam began as he and Dean sat at the table, tableau in their motel room, “James and Melinda Mason are originally from Andover, Massachusetts. They moved to New York State exactly ten years ago, and guess where they moved to.”

    “Not Buffalo?” Dean guessed.

    “Not at first, no. They actually moved to Highland. Which we’ve been before. We were there —”

    “Ten years ago,” Dean finished.

    “Yep. And get this — they had a son when they moved there. He was six. Just like Annabeth was when we left her there. James was a circuit court lawyer, and Melinda was a secretary in the same office. They didn’t leave a forwarding address, no two-weeks notice, nothing. They just picked up and left.”

    “So what happened to their son?” Dean asked.

    Sam shook his head. “Don’t know. They never enrolled him in school. They never took him to a doctor. It was like he vanished.”

    “I’m guessing he didn’t run away from accueil ou get into the wrong car at the supermarché one day,” Dean offered.

    “Well, I found a birth certificate. No death certificate.”

    “And where does this connect with Annabeth? What happened to her parents?”

    “That’s where it starts to get interesting. I found obituaries for both of them. They died in a single car accident just outside of Highland. About three months after we were there. I found a police report. Only one set of tire tracks on the scene. But Annabeth was in the car with them when it happened. She was in the hospital for a little while before Children and Family Services stepped in. The, uh, Masons, if that’s really their name, were already foster parents when they moved into town, and they graciously offered to take her in while CPS looked for other family members.”

    “But none were found,” Dean guessed appropriately.

    Sam shook his head. “Nope. But it’s a lengthy process to become a foster parent. There are classes toi have to take, forms to fill out, inspections toi have to pass. And the Masons never took in another foster child in the four years they had Annabeth in their home.”

    Dean leaned in closer. “Say that again?”

    Sam sighed softly. “Oh, yeah, the Masons were Annabeth’s foster parents for four years before they adopted her. I guess Mrs. Mason forgot to mention that.”

    Dean cursed. “Son of a bitch,” he hissed.

    “It gets better,” Sam said. “They lived in Buffalo for two years before they enrolled Annabeth in school. They never took her to a doctor ou the emergency room. Kind of makes toi wonder exactly what they were doing for two years.”

    “So they’d had her with them this whole time?” Dean asked confusingly. “From her accident to a week ago?”

    “Looks like it. What I don’t understand is why they lied in the first place. I mean, other than the strange timeline, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with them.”

    Dean had heard enough, rising from his chair and shouting. “Cas! Get your angelic cul, ass down here right now! It’s confession time!”

    “Dean, seriously,” Sam scoffed. “Does he ever come when we —”

    “I was in the middle of something, Dean,” Cas stated monotonously as he appeared less than two feet from where Sam was sitting.

    Sam jumped out of his chair, obviously not expecting the Angel to come, but Dean was un-phased, moving closer to Cas whom he hadn’t seen in almost two weeks.

    “Yeah, well, this is important,” Dean griped. “This is about Mary.”

    Cas a dit nothing, but Sam shook his head. “Dean, we don’t know that for sure,” he argued.

    “Yeah, but Cas is going to tell us everything he knows about Annabeth Miller’s disappearance. toi remember her, right? She was kidnaped about ten years il y a to be used in a ritual that we stopped.”

    “I’m aware of who she is,” Cas informed Dean. “I’m also aware of the fact that she went missing six days ago. But I’m not aware of any foul play involved in her disappearance.”

    “Well, do toi know who took her?” Sam asked, glancing at Dean.

    “Not at this time. But we’re looking into it.”

    “Who’s we?” Dean demanded. “And why didn’t toi tell us about this?”

    “It wasn’t known who her attacker was, and I didn’t see a reason to alarm toi without réponses since toi have a tendency to demand them without due cause.”

    “This is about Mary, Cas!” Dean shouted. He exhaled, working to calm himself before he stepped away from Cas to pace the floor. “Is Annabeth the first one to disappear?”

    Cas hesitated, and Sam stepped closer to the Angel. “Is she the first one this time?”

    “No,” Cas stated unsympathetically. “There have been two others. But as I said, we’re looking into it. It’s unlikely this is a coincidence, but we don’t know anything for certain. They’ve just disappeared.”

    “We killed Lilith,” Sam stated despite the fear in his voice. “For good. And Mary’s nineteen. She’s an adult. They can’t hurt her anymore.”

    “She might be of the age where she can participate in the voting process in your society,” Cas assured Sam, “but she’s not considered matured until her body physically stops growing. That won’t happen until she’s 22.”

    “Why didn’t toi tell us this?” Dean demanded again. “If she’s not safe, then —”

    “She’s safe,” Cas a dit certainly.

    “And toi know this how?” Sam asked, steadily growing angrier par the second.

    “Because we’ve been watching her for some time.”

    “You and who?” Dean yelled.

    “Me,” they heard and turned to see the one person they didn’t think they would ever see again.

    “Michael,” Sam nearly choked out.

    “Good to see toi too, boys,” he smirked, not looking a jour older than he had the last time Dean had seen him. “It’s been a while.”

    “Apparently not for you,” Dean glared. “What are toi doing watching Mary? If she’s safe. And why didn’t toi tell us this was happening?”

    Michael moved closer to where they were all standing. “I’m watching Mary to keep her safe,” he informed Dean. “And there was no need to involve toi unless it was absolutely necessary — which it still isn’t despite what you’ve already discovered.”

    “She’s our family,” Sam argued. “We had a right to know. Does she know you’re watching her?”

    “Of course she knows,” Michael soothed.

    Dean fought the calm sensation attempting to déplacer its way through his chest. “Oh, don’t try to work your mojo camelote, indésirable on us,” Dean warned. “What do toi know?” he demanded, looking at Cas again.

    Cas looked at Michael, and when the former Archangel bowed his head, Dean bellowed. “Tell us what toi know,” he commanded.

    “Watch your tone, Dean,” Michael pressed calmly. “You don’t want me to lose my patience, and it waning enough as it is.”

    “What’s going on?” Sam pleaded. “Is she in danger?”

    “No,” Cas insisted. “She and Adam are safe. But toi need to talk to James and Melinda Mason. Now.”

    “Why?” Dean shouted.

    “Because they’re a part of this,” Cas revealed somewhat ominously. “And they aren’t exactly what they seem.”

    “What are they?” Sam asked, but Cas and Michael disappeared before an answer could be squeezed out of them.

    Dean cursed again, taking out his cell phone and dialing quickly. He brought the phone to his ear, listening to it ring once and then twice. “Oh, come on, Adam, answer your phone,” he grumbled.

    No answer came, and Dean shut off his phone. “Shit.”

    This was not good. First this girl disappears, and now they knew two others had gone missing. Dean wondered if it was two of the other five girls they’d saved ten years earlier. Was this even possible? And now they learned that Michael had been hanging around for a lot longer than they’d even realized. What was he doing watching Mary? Wasn’t there enough already going on it the world to warrant his attention?

    “We should get back to the hotel,” Sam a dit a little frantically. “If the Masons are involved in this, they could skip town before we get another chance.”

    Dean didn’t argue, moving around to where he’d set their bags for the night. He didn’t say anything as he and Sam left their motel to get back to the hotel the Masons were checked into, but he swore on his own life that he was gonna get to the bottom of this even if it was the last thing he did.

    This time, when they went to the Masons’ hotel, they went in through the back entrance, doing everything they possibly could to avoid being seen since it was very likely they were either going to find a ransacked room ou a crime scene. While they weren’t new to those par any means, they’d had their fair share of dealing the real cops in town, and Dean could honestly say he’d had his fill until he either died a horrible death ou retired when he couldn’t keep his own drool from dribbling down his chin.

    It was almost five o’clock when they made it, and Dean led the way to the service elevator so they could make their way to the floor the Masons were supposed to be staying on. In his veste pocket, he had his most trusted automatic, and just in case, he had the key card he’d swiped from earlier. In the last ten years, technology really had made their job a lot harder, but Dean figured they’d always adapt. It was the way of the job.

    The floor was void of any other person when they stepped off the elevator, and with a turn to the right, they eased down the corridor toward the Masons’ room. The door was locked, just as Dean had expected, and he pulled out the card to open it without resorting to anything excessive. Sam followed him into the room, and upon entering the hotel room, the first thing they both noticed was the lights off.

    “Watch where toi step,” Dean told Sam, pulling out his gun and moving toward the bedroom.

    The room smelled strange, like rotten eggs and burnt toast. It made Dean gag the closer he got to the bedroom, and he used his elbow to open the door as he glanced back to see Sam easing around the living room area. Dean sighed heavily, looking into the bedroom and seeing something he hadn’t seen in years as the bodies of James and Melinda Mason laid over the floor of the bedroom covered in blood. It didn’t look like they’d been dead long, and he didn’t understand what was smelling so bad, but the closer he got, the plus he understood.

    Mrs. Mason had something in her hand, and Dean knelt to her side, careful not to touch her ou the blood as he pulled the object out of her hand. It was a cell phone, and he quickly scrolled through the calls on it before he noticed a voice mail saved. He moved through the menu, getting to the message and playing it as he lifted the phone to his ear.

    “You were warned.”

    The message ended then, and Dean looked at Mrs. Mason, wondering exactly what she’d been involved in.

    “Hey, Dean, I think I found something,” Sam called from the living room.

    He stood up slowly, moving around the Mr. Mason’s side and looking over his body but not seeing anything before he left quickly to find Sam. “Yeah,” he called back. “I found something too,” he told Sam, looking up and seeing Sam in front of the cabinet against the wall. “James and Melinda Mason are dead,” Dean reported, stepping up in front of the cabinet and instantly knowing what Sam had found.

    There inside the cabinet was one of the largest altars for summoning and communicating with Demons that Dean had ever seen in his life. There were herbs, blood, candles, amulets, and even a few demonic symbols carved into the back of the cabinet. But that wasn’t all he saw. He took out his flashlight, shining it inside the cabinet and knowing his suspicions had been correct as he discovered a small cassette tape buried among the demonic paraphernalia.

    “What’s that?” Sam asked softly, and outside the room, several loud clicks sounded off signaling they were no longer on the floor alone.

    “Later,” Dean whispered, closing the cabinet and moving Sam off to a corner of the room less than five secondes before the door to the room opened and allowed in a tall, dark-haired man par himself.

    They watched him déplacer toward the bedroom, and as quickly as they could, Dean pushed Sam out of the room and then back down the hall toward the service elevator. Aside from the two of them, the hall was empty, and the doors were opening just as the man came into the hall and looked in their direction. Dean got a pretty decent look at him, and he shoved Sam onto the elevator thinking they were going to be followed. But whoever this man was, he didn’t seem to care that Dean and Sam looked very suspicious getting onto the service elevator even though he didn’t say anything ou even do anything. He didn’t even follow them.

    Dean got onto the elevator, replacing his gun and his flashlight before he pulled his phone out again.


    “Bobby, we need toi to call Mary and Adam. Something’s happened, and we have to meet.”

    “Well, what’s goin’ on, Dean? Last thing toi told me was never to call him.”

    “This is serious, Bobby. It’s — This is about her safety, okay? Just call him. I can’t get him to answer the phone, and I can’t call her. Sam and me, we’re on our way.”

    “All right. See ya later.”

One an il y a . . .

    I found her, was the only message that was needed for them to know it was time. And instantly, they met each other at the designated place that had been chosen years before any of them had been born. It was pure instinct that brought them to this place, along with a deep-rooted ability that had been afforded to them upon birth — the ability to find the one thing that would unite them forever.

    Though they all had been born with brown hair and green eyes as a mark of their birthright, they all had distinctive appearances meant to bring about a certain reaction. While their female counterparts usually dealt with small children and infants, their purpose was aimed toward a plus mature target, and it was for this reason they had to take certain oaths that would ensure they appeared as they should to their prey. It wasn’t meant to entice ou seduce, at least not until the time was right. For a short time, they were only meant to make contact, to bond and protect until the signs told them it was time.

    That time was now.

    “Are toi sure it’s her?” the oldest asked, and he looked at his brother who’d found her in the sea of humans polluting the land they walked.

    “Of course,” the brother stated incredulously, his green eyes flaring indignantly. Despite his younger appearance, his stature was nothing short of demanding. “I know her smell. I know it better than my own.”

    “Then we have work to do,” the seconde oldest insisted. “And we can’t let this opportunity pass. After what happened last time — ”

    “That isn’t happening again,” the oldest assured him, looking at the brother who’d found her. “Have toi made contact?”

    “No, but she’s seen me. I have to be careful. She has a guy with her.”

    “We’ll take care of him,” the youngest brother stated, a sly grin easing over his face.

    “No,” the oldest pressed. “We can’t let anyone know about us. Our existence is perilous enough without anges and Hunters knowing we’re still around. They’ve already killed several of us who aren’t smart enough to have a plan. I’m sick of dealing with a house of cards.”

    “And exactly what is the plan?” the brother who’d found her, who was suivant to youngest, asked.

    The oldest held his gaze for several seconds. “First, we make contact with her. We must be certain of her identity and her heritage. Once that’s finished, we’ll have to begin the ritual again. I’ll come with toi in case she has company.”

    “I don’t need a babysitter,” he grumbled.

    “But you’re young and impetuous,” the oldest reminded him. “She’s not to be meddled with. It’s why we Lost Eleanor. toi have to be careful with her. So I’ll go with you.”

    He exhaled annoyingly, and the seconde eldest spoke despite this.

    “The process will take longer this time,” he a dit of the ritual. “He’ll have to work harder to earn her trust if she’s been with one of them this long. She’ll know to look for signs of possession and death. But at least we do have one advantage Eleanor didn’t.”

    He glanced at the youngest, who was smiling, and then they both looked at the youngest. “Of course,” the oldest nodded. “For now, we’ll be careful. Once we have confirmation, we’ll get the liste and start the process of elimination again.” He nodded to the brother who’d found her. “We’ll go now. The less time we wait, the sooner we can begin.”

    He stepped closer to his brother, taking his shoulder and disappearing from the meeting place instantly. The seconde oldest looked at the youngest, and together, they disappeared to their respective waiting places until they had approval to begin. It had been nine years since this had been possible, and even if the circumstances were different, one thing was certain.

    The wait was over.
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