A Cendrillon Story is a Warner Bros production and it tells the story of a young girl named Sam who Lost her father in the earthquake attack 8 years ago. She now has to live with her plastic surgery obsessed stepmother named Fiona and her two diwitted daughter's Brianna & Gabrilla. Now a teenager Sam played par Hilary Duff is not really populaire yet she has an online relationship with a guy who is IN FACT Austin Ames(Chad Micheal Murray)who goes to the same school as her. Of course he asks her on the internet about the Halloween dance and she decides to go along with the help of Rhonda & her best friend Carter. She goes as Cendrillon . Im not going into any plus details but its a cute romantic comedy about not fitting in and falling for a hunky quarterbacker.
9/10 for me
9/10 for me