Margot Natalie Boleyn-Romanov

fanpopping depuis September 2015

  • Female, 25 years old
  • Favorite TV Show: The Tudors
    Favorite Movie: The Other Boleyn Girl
    Favorite Musician: Amy Lee
    Favorite Book or Author: The Other Boleyn Girl
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HeyItsMeSamLee à dit à propos de The Other Boleyn Girl
umm duh, no need to have a débats on the accuracy. The movie was based from Philippa Gregory's novel of the same name under the category general fiction /fictional biography /alternate history novel/historical fiction toi name it, nobody claimed it was anywhere near being historically accurate for Boleyn's sake! It's like a fan fiction in the best way possible. so, yeah. haha. Vivat Anne! Ainsi sera, groigne qui groigne – Let them grumble, that is how it is going to be! posté il y a plus d’un an
HeyItsMeSamLee à dit à propos de Anne & Mary Boleyn
Ok, at first I was like: I'm totally with Mary. Mary, Mary, Mary. I was never in favour with darling Anne but then I realized all along why I was on Mary's side...all along it's Scarlett Johansson's face I see whenever the name Mary Boleyn is brought up. ScarJo shadows the real Mary in my mind, it is the fictional Mary Boleyn I have created in my mind that I have grown to love. Ok, enough. I just thought I'd share a little blab. posté il y a plus d’un an