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posted by NailStrafer
I made an account a little while ago. Sorry to say I've Lost track of time. It's been a busy few weeks between work and social commitments. But now I've finally got a bit of time to post one of my fan characters.

I have two major fan characters I use between roleplays and fanfiction. toi could say they're like two sides of a coin, each reflecting a side of my personality. One of them is serious, and the other one is fun-loving. Giichi is the fun loving one.

If the backstory doesn't make much sense, it's because this version of Giichi is from Sonic Aftermath, an old Sonic roleplaying site I used to administrate. I'd be glad to explain plus if toi like.

Name: Giichi Twinkieland (possibly an alias)

Age: 24

Sex: M

Species: Sand cat

Faction: Thieves' Guild

Alignment: Hero


Giichi's fourrure is a sandy tan color, with darker brown stripes all across his body except for his chest. His eyes are completely greenish yellow, except for the black pupils. Despite being in his mid 20s, he still looks like a teenager. His clothes vary for whatever he needs to wear to blend in...although he is particularly fond of one outfit when traveling. He often likes to wear brown boots, a red tunic, and a brown manteau that can completely conceal his body except for the haut, retour au début half of his face. It also has a capuche, hotte if he'd like to further conceal his identity ou if it's cold. Giichi uses this to conceal the various tools and weapons he carries for doing thievery, in addition to valuables he has stolen. He often tosses it aside when engaging in a fight, so he keeps spares around.

Personality: Giichi likes to picture himself as something of a gentleman thief...all suave and debonair. However, he looks and in fact is much too young to do the "gentleman" part justice. Many people who meet him for the first time think he is still a high school student, despite the fact he's actually in his mid 20s. While he considers this annoying at times, he likes to use it as a way to get people to underestimate him as a stupid kid and nothing more.

However, he is starting to develop the gentleman thief's wits and cleverness. Giichi loves coming up with plots to steal whatever catches his fancy...analyzing holes in security; optimal places for entry; how he will make his sweet, sweet getaway, etc. Most of all, he loves to think of how to do it all without having to kill a single person. Giichi is a decent fighter but he prides himself plus on getting what he wants with resorting to as little violence as possible. He may be a thief but he doesn't like blood very much.

And in spite of being a thief, he is also quite charitable and something of a Robin capuche, hotte figure. Giichi regularly donates to charities, and he also loves to go out with Friends and share some of his spoils so everybody can have a good time.

Ever since he learned how to steal Giichi just started to view life as a fun game, and most people who meet him will definitely get this impression from him. He tries to see the best side of things and not get discouraged, and he rarely holds a grudge against anyone who's wronged him. Giichi feels life is just too short to be harboring hatred. This also applies to when he is on missions. Even when things don't go according to plan, he tries to stay calm and keep his head clear. Giichi figures it's his best defense from panicking, making mistakes, and getting caught.

However, this overly optimistic view does sometimes cause him to underestimate what he is getting himself into. There's been several times when it's landed him in jail...although with his Thieves' Guild connections he's usually not there for very long. People also may find him somewhat insensitive with how he seems to consistently be in a good mood, and there are times when his generosity does go too he regrets how much he gave up the suivant morning.

He loves classic sports cars, particularly those from the early 60s to the late 70s, and he's especially fond of convertibles. Sometimes he helps out in a restoration boutique in Soleanna to earn a little extra money, and because he loves the work itself. Giichi's main hobby is also taking his Ferrari out to amateur racing events, in addition to tearing it up along the plage roads near his house.

Giichi is also an avid fan of tokusatsu TV shows, particularly Neko Sentai Kittehranger. The montrer stars Lionranger, Tigerranger, Leopardranger, Ocelotranger, and Sandranger (his favori ranger, since he too is a sand cat).

Family: Both of Giichi's parents are still alive and employed par the same circus, although he doesn't really know ou care what they're doing, considering he hasn't seen them in years. He doesn't even care what happened to them after the dimension merge.

Transport: Giichi owns a beautiful red 1969 Ferrari Dino 246, and he keeps it at his seaside cottage for pleasure driving and short errands. It's very fast on a winding road, should the situation call for it. However, most of the time he rents ou steals whatever vehicles he needs...the better to stay incognito when doing his job.

Twin Sais - Contrary to populaire belief (and Raphael's weapons in Ninja Turtles) sais are not blades. The shaft of the weapon is actually rounded and blunt at the tip. But anyway, Giichi prefers this weapon because of its defensive capabilities. The weapon's distinctive prongs can be used to catch incoming attacks from knives, swords, etc. Once toi catch the attacker's weapon with one sai, toi can simply push it aside and then hit the attacker with the other sai...either with a coup de poing (using the base of the grip for greater force), a thrust (using the weapon's tip) ou a strike (using the side of the shaft).

Blowgun - To augment his close range sais, Giichi also carries around a blowgun for distance attacks. But keeping with the less-lethal nature of his weapons, he uses it to feu sleeping darts at opponents. And since it's almost totally silent, this makes it perfect for putting unaware enemies to sleep. Anyone hit par the dart can expect to fall asleep for a few minutes, and then wake up later unaware of what happened.

There are drawbacks though. Naturally he can only feu one dart a turn at most, since toi have to put in a new dart after every shot. And when used on someone who's experiencing a combat high during a fight, it's nowhere near as effective. Yeah, it might slow them down a bit and make them feel somewhat woozy, but they won't fall asleep. Giichi carries thirty darts with him at a time.

Sticky Smoke Grenade - Because Giichi would prefer to avoid fights, he likes to use these to cover his escape when caught. toi just pull the pin, throw, and it instantly releases a nuage of smoke. The smoke nuage will remain in place for several secondes before dissipating. The can can also attach to most surfaces, even other people. This can be very disorienting if he manages to stick one of these on you.

Toolkit - These are items that Giichi carries with him to do his breaking and entering. It consists of lockpicks, a small crowbar for prying things open (like windows), a small computer for electronic locks, gloves, a flashlight, chewing gum (for covering camera lenses), and assorted other goodies.

Giichi Twinkieland was born the son of two acrobats in a traveling circus show. His parents wanted him to follow in their footsteps, so they trained him from an early age in the arts of the flying trapeze and parkour. par the time he was about 10 years old, he was out there doing the montrer with them. par 15 he was practically as good as they were.

But honestly, Giichi didn't want to follow the path his parents had laid out for him. The idea of being a circus performer his entire life, like his parents, made him retch just thinking about it. They weren't paid well, their accueil was a tiny trailer, and always being within the atmosphere of the circus was dizzying and suffocating. At the age of 18, he let his parents know he was leaving them and the circus. They weren't surprised, but they were heartbroken all the same. It was rather obvious to them over the last couple of years that Giichi, quite frankly, didn't enjoy their work. They'd hoped it was just a phase, but they were mistaken. So, with great sadness, they allowed their son to leave and pursue his own future.

But after leaving, Giichi realized rather quickly it was hard to make good money with the talents and skills he had. There really wasn't a job market anywhere for a trapeze artist and parkour master except for...surprise...other circuses. He needed money quickly but he didn't want to return back to his old life...and going to college to get new skills would take too long and cost too much.

But one day, he had an inspiration while he walked down a rue in Soleanna and looked up. A lot of the windows high up on the buildings were left wide open, since it was a hot summer day. To the average person, they'd be impossible to get to. But for Giichi? Cake. So that very night, he scaled the buildings up to dark windows that had been left open. With just one heure of work he'd already pocketed $500 worth of cash and small electronics.

Considering Giichi had been sleeping outside for a while par now, he quickly decided to use some of the money to rent a hotel room. After entering his room, he spread out his spoils on the lit and sat there...just gazing at them.

To Giichi, this felt so wrong. So far as he could recall, Giichi had never stolen anything before. But he'd also never earned anything close to this in such a short amount of time at the circus. It felt amazing to get so much for so little time and effort. In the end, Giichi decided he would only keep doing this until he got his feet under himself and found a stable job. In the meantime, he would share a little with his fellow homeless to make himself feel better.

At first, that's how it was. But the longer Giichi a volé, étole things the plus he realized he liked this life. He could basically travel anywhere he liked and do whatever he wanted. So over the suivant several years he started picking up plus skills to help him in his line of work. Lockpicking, safecracking, breaking glass windows without making a sound, a knowledge of police procedure and codes, etc. He pretty much had his career down to an art par now. With his money, Giichi purchased a home...a remote cottage on the coastline near Soleanna. isolated that he had the plage to himself for a mile in either direction.

The dimensional shift transported his cottage with nearby Soleanna to its present location in this world. The shift was a shock and surprise to Giichi, but he plus ou less welcomed it considering it made his job easier. All of the old police and crime agencies that had been after him before were either gone now ou in disarray. And now a whole Thieves' Guild had been established for like-minded people, so he had a ready supply of partners for capers.

If there's one thing that annoys him about the's that reliable charities are much harder to find. Despite being a thief for so long, Giichi never quit giving part of his spoils to the homeless and less fortunate. He likes to give as much as he thinks he would pay in income taxes, if his job was legit. Giichi thinks it would do a lot plus good towards helping society than unwillingly giving it to wasteful bureaucratic governments.

Moves/Combat Style: When donné the choice between fight ou flight, Giichi tends to always choose flight. If that's not a choice, he prefers to use his superior speed and agility to confuse and disorient opponents, and then he moves in to make several rapid strikes with his sais and claws before backing off. Hit and run is his mantra. Each individual blow isn't that hard, but when they all hit together it can really shock an opponent.

Speed Jump - This déplacer allows Giichi to traverser, croix a short span of l’espace in just a divisé, split second, about up to 20 feet. Giichi can jump in any direction, as long as it's a straight line. He can do this two turns in a row, but any plus than that and he starts to wear out his feet, which slows him down a lot. This is extremely bad for him since speed is central to his combat strategy. So if he pulls this déplacer twice, he has to wait four turns before he can do another Speed Jump.

Handstand Kick - If an opponent comes at Giichi with a high attack, he evades par falling backwards and landing on his hands. And then from that position, he brings his legs up. And on the way up, they'll probably claque, smack right into the guy who just tried to hit him. Then he transitions from the hand stand into landing back on his feet...standing a short distance from his opponent. This allows him to both evade and attack at about the same time. It'll definitely catch someone par surprise the first time he does it, although opponents can get wise to it if he abuses it. Not to mention it kind of depends on there only being one combatant facing him at a time.

Super Slide Trip - Giichi gets a running start, then lets himself go into a long slide on the floor, with one foot first. He will then slide about ten feet at a rapid speed, tripping up people in his way. After that he'll have to jump back up on his feet. This can also allow him to quickly slide under low say a descending door. It's very useful for attacking while making an escape.


Acrobatics/Climbing/Parkour - Giichi was trained from an early age to be light on his feet and pull off astounding feats of agility. Because of this, he can be a very difficult target to hit, considering he can backflip and cartwheel all over the place like a hyperactive Power Ranger. This also gives him the ability to jump quite high.

Between his claws and his small, light frame, Giichi can also easily and quickly scale surfaces made of materials soft enough to dig his claws into. It's the same way pretty much, if handholds are provided. Giichi is also very adept when it comes to taking the high road horizontally. He spends a lot of time practicing his parkour, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, vaulting railings and park benches, jumpkicking up between two walls, running along arbre branches, and many things in between. So if he doesn't want to get caught and there's a lot of things to climb and jump between, toi aren't going to catch him.

Infiltration - Giichi excels at breaking into places he's not meant to be. He's learned how to pick simple locks, break windows without making a sound, crack combination safes, defeat simple surveillance measures, and even knows a little bit of hacking for defeating electronic locks. If he wants to get into a secure area, he most likely will find a way in. He especially likes to use his small size to squeeze into air vents, too.

Advanced Driving Skills - As a hobby, Giichi frequently takes his Ferrari to autocross events and open track days, in addition to tearing up the deserted plage roads near his house. Because of this, he has experience handling cars at their limits. Giichi is well versed in choosing the right racing line, proper shifting technique, evasive and passing maneuvers, and not to mention a few other tricks like drifting and reverse 180s. Against a true professional racer he would lose, but he is considerably better at driving than the average motorist.

Vehicle Mechanic - Giichi has some mechanical experience from working to restore classic sports cars. donné enough time, he could probably restore an old car that hasn't run in years back to life. He also has detailed knowledge about vehicle locking and security systems (both past and present), so in a pinch he could also steal a vehicle if needs be.

True to his feline species, Giichi is incredibly fast and agile, and can quickly climb up any surface soft enough to dig his claws into. This makes him a very difficult opponent to keep up with, let alone hit. If only footholds are available, he can easily climb those too. Giichi can also jump quite far too. His smaller size and slim figure also allow him to easily enter small openings. He is best suited for an infiltrator-type role.

Giichi is not much help in a straight-up fight, considering he has average strength and low stamina. With his speed he can strike quickly and then back off just as fast, but his blows are quite soft. It also only takes a few solid hits to knock him out of commission...and one ou two can slow down his advantageous speed quite a bit. He prefers to avoid confrontation whenever possible because of all of these things.
posted by SaraTheDog
 Ashley "Cam" The Dog
Ashley "Cam" The Dog
"sara!we've missed toi so much." My Mom a dit every word with joy and hope that I would stay for plus than an hour.My dad started to talk to Cam just then."And this must be lil' Ashley! Ashley the Dog!" Cam blushed.He hated his real name.So we called him par his middle name.Cam."Please sir, just call me Cam." I could smell my mom's accueil made biscuits, cookies already.I guess she read my mind."You must smell my cookies.Here I'll go get toi some and--" I Stopped her and did what I had to do."Am I...Your real...Child?I keep having a dream with other people saying that they're my real parenets." I think I choose the wrong words because my mom cried."I knew toi would find out."I was shocked.What did this mean? Was I adopted?Was I stolen?
posted by SaraTheDog
 Sara gets ready to leave.
Sara gets ready to leave.
I must have been asleep.Because I had the dream I've had since I was little.I felt...lost.Every time a go to sleep ou take a nap I have a dream about a man and a woman married...And they kept telling me that I was their child.But it wasn't my mom ou dad and so today I'm visiting my mom and dad.And after all these years...I will finally say "Am I your real daughter?" I need to know now.Cam was knocking my door so I opened it."Hey Sara!Ready to start heading to your parents?" Cam must really want to see my parents because he's my boyfriend.Something he always wanted to be."Let me get dressed first Cam." I closed the door and got ready to go."Let's go Cam."And as I a dit that he was the happiest boy alive.And we took off so I can finally know if they are my birth parents, but Cam dosen't know I'm going to ask them that.Best he dosen't until I do ask.And this, little did I know, will change my life forever.
posted by TakTheFox
Identity Profile
Name: Unknown. Recognized as “Identity”. When she first meets someone, she asks them to name her, but if they refuse she says that her name is either “V” ou “Identity”
Age: Appears to be 16-20, but is also unknown
Gender: Female
Species: Unknown. Not classified as organic-Mobian. Her leg structure is the most different, and her face is supposedly blank, with no sign of ears, ou nose, ou anything else, though no-one knows for sure, as she never lets anyone look under her hood.
Abilities: Identity is known to not react to being damaged. When stabbed ou punched, it simply...
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WINDY WAS, FOR a breif moment, shocked she a dit that. She then wrapped her arms around Spike, and pressed her lips against his. Spike was paralized. He had never expected Windy to EVER say, "I l’amour you," to him. Spike stood there as Windy faded away, and as the warmth of her lips was replaced with the cold darkness he was in.
How was he going to fight Darker Spike?Spike had to thik about something the monster would hate.
Spike kept using his memory to subdue the Darker Spike's mind. Spike didn't have to wait any longer. He was out in the real world. Spike immediatley ran to Windy.
She wasn't...
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Let me clear toi up on this,
I let -Wendsday- use Windy in the story "Rainy Days" (GREAT story par the way) and looked back today and realized they were TOTALLY different. Windy had to progress from a bareley-able to speak english Tribe girl, to what she is now in "The Adventures of Spike and Windy"

But seriously, read "Rainy Days" its on the Shadow the hedgehog fanclub.
Classic Windy: Has u seen my tribe?
Modern Windy: What the- why do toi look just like I used to???
Classic Windy: u looks kinda likes me toos!
MW: Well this just won't do! There can only be one Windy the Hedgehog!
CW: Okays- *Tribe comes and kills Windy* Nyan!
Moonlight:why us?DAM!
Skull:Agree,Dam U GOD!
Choco:Please behave,Dont blame God
Skull:Fine*I still blame him*
Moonlight:Shut up Skull
Skull:Why u little..
Eilly:Please stop fighting,Not at this time, we need to focus, right Axehan? *looks at Axehan and was lying down back* *Jaw drop* Really!?
Axehan; ^^, Yea, everyone listen to Eilly
Choco; Axehan u need to come up with a plan.
Kenyes; Speaking of a plan, Eilly did'nt toi see anyone of we know of?
Eilly: No, thats why we need to stay on our toes and feets to the ground just in case, something-
- A sudden beam Ball came blasting towards them and...
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WINDY NODDED. She had just met Storm, and yet she already respected her.
"Got anything for Spike and Tails?" Windy asked, still holding Spike.
Storm looked at Windy.
"Of corse! A twenty year-old SHOUD have medical supplies in her house shouldn't she?"
Windy waited for her to get the supplies, and soon enough she did and treated Tails. It was then that she noticed that Tails had been shot in the head. Once Storm was finished, she waved her hand and Tails was gone. Before Windy even had time to ask, Storm said,"He's back accueil now. He'll be alright, trust me."
Storm walked to Windy. There was a bit...
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TAILS LEAD THE TWO to a coffie table. The table, tableau was crowded with gadgets Tails was working on.
"You guys want somthing to eat, mabey?"
Windy nodded.
"Nah, I'm good!"
Then they heard a loud rumbling, and turned their attention to Spike.
Windy sweatdroped.
They sat down to eat a snack. Afterwards Tails showed them to a room.
"Night guys."
Tails shut the door.
Spike stared at the only bed.
"I'll sleep on the floor."he sugested.
Windy would have been glad to take the bed, but Spike was one of her few remaining freinds.
"No, toi take it, I'm used to sleeping without a bed."
Spike looked over.
"No, toi deserve...
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Drexel and everyone do some epic pwnage.
Anyways,this is da last chapter.
U Mad Bro?
Everything was getting dark. I started to hear nothing at all.
A few hours later, I was awake and on a metal lit with a hole in the center. I was cuffed down.
"Wha???...." I said, confused.
Above my stomach was a pole with big holes in it.
"So you're awake, huh? Nice...." The masked man said.
He pulled a rope and flames came out of the holes in the pole.
The pole lowered down.
I sucked in my stomach as a pointed spike came out of the bottom.
"You better stop stop right...
continue reading...
posted by dexisawesome
Videnez was born on June 15, 1999. His parents were Lord Forester and Lady Berhillen. Growing up in a family of great wealth was too much for Videnez, having always been the most adventurous and the family rebel. As soon as he turned 18, he went to Bot camp. There he meet others of many different types of people, but he was the most respected of them all. A perfect shot, he excelled in his training at the camp. There he gained many Friends in the ghetto type, for he completely rejected having been born in a rich family. His perfection in the sniping area proved to be a good thing, for he was...
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posted by zougethebat1
When they get to Mysee's cave they put their stuff down and relaxed. "Well that was fun"Zouge's farter a dit "Easy for u to a dit I had to carry you!"Zouge's mother yelled "Hey don't blame me I don't have wings plus it was your idea to fly here."Zouge's farter a dit "And whats that surpossed to mean."Zouge's mother yelled backed As Zouge's parnets arguing Zouge take the bags and went to Mysee's door."Why I'm I here?"Zouge a dit to herself She knock on the door."Who there!"A voice a dit from behind the the door "It's me."Zouge a dit "O well come in here the door's open."Mysee a dit happyfully As Zouge...
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Ok, this is very simple. People that do recoloring (I know you're in there) I found this cool site where toi can all learn to draw like the pros if toi really really REALLY wanna be a great artist in the near future. This also counts for other drawing subjects such as MLP FiM, Anime, Manga, Animals, fantaisie creatures and so forth.
It's called, a tutorial and artwork site that even has chats for "troubled" artists. So don't give the old ''oh I can't draw!" Excuse. Not having a scanner ou camera I can understand. But there's a solution to that to, its called paint, sumopaint, GIMP...
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I think the titre gives it away a bit, but I quite frankly do not care.

Something I have been noticing lately is the lack of criticism in commentaires of art. Usually, everyone will give a generic compliment like awesome and cool, y'know, things that aren't very specific. Gradually, this is pissing me off, and for several reasons as well.

It is not constructive at all:
Listen, I would understand if it was something that is very good where toi cannot find any sort of fault, but that's only in Seuris's art. If toi genuinely find it to be perfectly executed, then go ahead and give it a generic and positive...
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Yeah, as toi can tell from the typing, this is pure opinion, but I am hoping par the end of this everyone sees that character sheets are a necessary part of a great RPG.

First off, character sheets increase the amount of knowledge all the other roleplayers have on the character, giving them the ability to create intricate methods that curb to the character's facts. Ultimately making the roleplay much plus intense and enjoyable.

They also give others an idea of what your character is like, so they will not be completely blind of your characters motifs and/or abilities during the roleplay. Some...
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posted by shadowknuxgirl
It was a normal morning. The sun was shining, there was a nice fall breeze, everything was fine. Melody, Emily, Zouge, Cece, and Shion had all received a note. The note read:
"dear pathetic mortals-- I mean, friends,
I'm throwing a party tonight at the old mansion, there will be live musique and food. Party starts at 6:00 sharp. Dress as toi please.
Yours truly,
They were each suspicious. A party? On Halloween night? Thrown par SILHOUETTE? the girl who was known to commit crimes and has been thrown in jail plus than a few times? Although they were a bit suspicious they decided they...
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If toi wish to enter the contest, take this as an example of a one-on-one battle-
Diabo raised his rapier to his face.
The face of what he presumed was Nimean pride.
The face that stood behind many a blow, to strange and kin alike.
The face that’s only betrayal of its holder’s emotion was a diabolical smirk.
“En guard, Liar,” Diabo a dit playfully, if not with aristocratic malice, to his opponent.
“Alleuz, Trickster,” replied Jacob, hearing the definition of his name for the first time in a while.
Diabo raised the sharp-bladed war maker to the height of his hair, half of which had been...
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{3 an olds can write better than me}
~enjoy -_-" (not)

(this is wrote in wednesdays point of view)

i awoke in a pile of nuage suivant to rane and misery
"where the hell r we?" asked misery as she sat up beside me "why in The Holy City of course" a dit a voice from above us and standing in front of us was a boy hedgehog with white fourrure and Angel wings and he looked alot like Yesterday just then Rane started to wake up and as she opened her eyes they flashed from red to colorless i seemed to b the only one to notice ignoring Rsne the boy a dit "i am Tomorrow...
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{these fanfics were only good around easter cuz i had lots of chocolat to eat and inspire me}

(this is in whispers point of view) i am so scared. i dont know where i am. mr. fluffy blue hair and captain darky knight brought me to a château but it isnt like the princess castles like in the stories big sissy arc told me. no way its a dump. its all black and red and dull icky. so captain darky knight brings me to a big dark trône room with a big stain shiney glass window with a pic of a broken in half black cœur, coeur like the manteau of arms on their shields...
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posted by Skitty_Love
Name: Moka Purre'
Species: Cat (persian)
Age: 17
Nickname: Cool Cat
Color: Dark purple and magenta
She mainly believes in beauty, charm, looks, and attraction. I guess toi could say she is conceited. But that doesn't change the way she is very caring and acts as Kami's guardian. Very responsible.

Name: Kami
Species: Rabbit
Nickname: Bipolar Bunny
Color: Cream and light yellow
Strange and highly annoying, mainly because shes bipolar. Her idol is Moka and she is obsessed with Vlad. Has no parents.

Name: Winter Bride
Species: Not sure XD
Age: Not sure
Nickname: Woman in the mist
Color: Creamy misty color
Her beauty and wealth is admired par all. Not much is known behind her.

Name: Koko
Species: Cat (Maine Coon)
Age: 15
Nickname: Choco cat
Color: chocolat brown
Adopted and not very social. She can be timid but uses her powers as her main weapons.
Only if toi finished "New Planet, New Life".
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~They were running back to the base due to the fact that they were ONCE AGAIN being chased par the whole Mobius and had used all of the chaos emeralds power AND had just attempted to destroy Mobius. "That wasn't in the brochure!" Zim said. GIR farted in the air and grabbed Tak and farted away with them. Tails looked up and said, "Ohhh... That's what makes him fly. " They reached their base and borded everything up and went to the lab. "I think we might need a disguise." Zim said....
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