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Episode One
"Space... a magnificent void full of many wonders and life... Time... The force that pushes us all to explore the many journeys and downfalls of our lives... Darkness...The crushing thumb of challenges that await your journey... Light... The ultimate weapon against the darkness..." These words fill this young hero's journey of this tale of wonder, legend, and fate.

Our story begins in a rather tragic time, sometime in a dark and murky future, rests a floating chunk of disembodied land.Sitting on haut, retour au début of this land is a dome like structure build par a genius. Inside stood was a group of descendants of survivors, struggling to survive. The dome had it's own greenhouse, where fruit and vegetables are grown, however the plants have rotted and no longer produced food, causing the everybody to slowly starve.

There was once a fontaine with glorious clean water, however it was polluted, poisoning the poor souls who didn't know. Understanding they where almost the last of there kind, the people of the dome advised a plan in hopes of preventing the madness from happening all over again. A canon was constructed, but this was no ordinary canon. On the barrel of the canon were special inhibitors using the power of the remain power rings within this world to create enough energy to launch something far into the depths of space... but what good would that do?

Well the oldest and wisest of the survivors was an old gentlemen who goes par the name of Gearsmo, that's his last name. He never reveals his actual name for some reason. he is an scientist, creating four wondrous machines in hopes of saving themselves, the four machines each where gifted with there own abilities, there was Matt,The most powerful of the four, however his great powers are a risk to himself and others around him. Then there was Spikey, He was once capable of generating a lynx like form just like his sibling, however he had an untimely accident with a engine and was forced to be reformed in order to save his life, thus converting him into a large flying machine.Jazon who is a lynx also a capable of generating a lynx form, he is the fastest of the four yet the most hot headed. And finally there was Pomu, she was once a prototype of Matt, however she was able to handle the powers, so she was gifted with a different ability, while being also being capable of generating a lynx form, she has the lowest nanite count, meaning she can't use nanite for combat. however she has a different power,the power of magnetic force.

Each had there own powers and faults, however Matt is strongest of them all. Each had a fond time growing up like normal mobians in the dome, however seeing that they are Nanite beings, they can't do things like most organic mobian can do. They can't eat, they can't drink, smell, ou feel. Though they are capable of developing personalities. The jour came when a feared l’espace pirate attacked the dome, the l’espace pirate went par the name of Geno, who is a heir to the demon throne. Getting word there was some power mightier this his on the base, he decided to either destroy it in fear that is could one jour rebel against him ou steal it's power to make himself mightier.Knowing he was going to attack one day, Gearsmo planned and that's wear the l’espace canon, cannon comes into play, aside from being powered par one hundred power rings, it also has three chaos emeralds powered inhibitors in order to use chaos control to rip a hole between the rifts of time and send Matt, Spikey, Jazon, and Pomu back in time in order to stop threat.

Then the jour came when Geno made his attack, Just as planned,Matt, Jazon, and Pomu reverted to there machine forms and where loaded into the canon. Spikey, unfortunately being merged with a engine and being reconfigured into a robotic dragon could not go through the canon. however seeing the engines on his wings have enough force and power to propel Spikey at the same rate as the other three, he was able to fly himself out.The canon was fired and Spikey was deployed,everything went accordingly, All four entered the time portal and escaped while the dome was wiped away par a giant l’espace laser from Geno's armada.

So each pod and Spikey were in hyper sleep mode as they drifted through the time rift a blinding paces.They arrived to a small planet known as "Mobuis", however something went wrong and both Jazon's and Pomu's pods were stranded on a comet,Spikey after awakening from hyper sleep noticed this and flew back to retrieve them. however Matt's pod made into Mobuis' atmosphere safely, he landed in a small,mining town known as Crystal city. He landed in a cave,the cave hand plentiful gems and jewels hanging from the walls and growing out of the ground. As for Spikey and the others, he managed to retrieve both Jazon's and Pomu's pods, However he got hit par a MASSIVE meteor causing the resulting force to shatter his wings, causing he and the pods to land in other aléatoire locations across Mobuis.

Several weeks past since they landed.Meanwhile,in a governing board of Crystal city, a elderly gentlemen par the name of Flint is the mayor of Crystal city, he is in charge of the crystal mining board and shipping board, however an issue has been brought to his attention."Sir,The cave passages have been blocked par boulders after the earthquake so time ago,we tried getting the mines to remove the rocks, however the rocks are too solid to move.the workers are one strike...what do we do?" a dit a villager."Hmmm...We got to do something fast, before Bubba comes collecting his pay." a dit Flint. If toi haven't guessed it yet,the resident of Crystal city are in a bind, A con who goes par the name of "Bubba" has tricked a group of rather ignorant muscular gentlemen to do his bidding, Bubba has a lust for greed and nothing else,so he markets off Crystal city's gems for a large profit. However the city need to pay the other cities to bring in nourriture and other useful resources to keep the village thriving.So they are in a rock in a hard place,either give there gems to Bubba and live another jour yet starve to death slowly ou pay the other cities for there resource yet get killed par Bubba's cronies. and seeing the caves are blocked from when Matt landed,there is only the hope that Matt snap out of hyper sleep to clear the tunnels."This is obscured!" a dit another villager."What about the children!?" a dit another villager. Flint in attempts of calming the enraged mob of his own villagers a dit "People!people!We will find a answer to our problem,Please calm down!" A young adventurer who was ironically enough the mayor's son walked up, he a dit "Dad,I found a way into the tunnel!" this would be musique to the Flint's ears, however seeing that his son has the "The boy who cried loup syndrome" he doesn't believe him and scalds him. Giving up on trying to montrer his dad the entrance,the boy decided to clear out the tunnel himself.

Leaving the governor board,the young boy who goes par the name of "Loch" went to get his pick axe that he personally carved for years out of one of the town's gems. He entered through the west side of the tunnel,mining his way through many hazards.Loch lit a torch so he didn't get lost. He then came across a huge hole through the haut, retour au début of the tunnels,the hole showed sky light as it shine through revealing a pod that landed in a giant crater.thinking it was a moon rock,Loch ran up to the pod in hopes of selling it a saving his village.When he approached it, He stared at a futuristic pod,the pod expelled some steam,making Loch jump back. and what emerge was a bazaar machine... It looked like a watch.the device turned on, after regain his sight,Matt awoke.Loch jump back in fear of Matt seeing he never seen anything like him before and quickly dug out the rest of the tunnel.Matt finally reacquired his ability to déplacer as well,to he hoped out of the pod and traveled out the exit route.the reason why Matt takes a bit to reacquire his abilities is because hyper sleep temporary turns all his powers off.Meaning his has to slowly recollect everything one par one.Meanwhile, back to Loch, as he frantically ran out the cave,this alerted some of the miner,they ran back to the board in joy that the caves are now cleared out again.Matt eventually made his way out of the cave,seeing that his watch form stick's him with a very short stature, he can't get too far. He eventually made his way into the town,suddenly his batteries discharged and he blacked out. another side effect of hyper sleep. However he was found par another villager,she is a daughter of one of the miner, her name is Sarah.She has a very tomboy-like personality,she was intrigued par the strange device.Pocketing it and returning to her house.She has a fascination with machines, After dîner she attempted to see what Matt does,noticing the only issue is a faulty battery,it was replace with a charge diamond, a really rare jewel in Crystal city.Once reactivated, Matt got up and was shocked to see the giant standing among him, he attempt to attack, but none of his powers are online to have any effect.Sarah presumed it was an worker robot,she studied that in a far away town there where giant worker robots who do construction, however this one seems to small.Matt,seeing Sarah as harmless greeted her,"Uh... hi?My name is Matt, but please call me Matt." Sarah, being surprised to see such advanced A.I. a dit "Um, hi my name is Sarah." So after the meet and great was over,Matt and Sarah became friends,Matt was still suffering several side effect of hyper sleep like still no access to any of his powers. Aside from Matt's whereabouts,the villagers quickly mined out most of the gems... and the jour of Bubba's bill has come,the villager have mined a mind boggling two thousand gems, however Bubba's bill was five thousand gems. he threatened to come and bring his army to take over the city and imprison the villagers. Bubba gave the town five plus days before he took over...

Continue to episode two.

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Episode Two
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So the small village of Crystal city was in a bind,with the greedy tyrant Bubba closing in to take all the folks prisoner,the people of Crystal city worked like clockwork to retrieve the gems from the caverns in order to pay off the bill. However all the gems were incinerated due to the heat surrounding the smoldering remains of Matt's pod,The villagers quickly gathered everything and brought it to Bubba, however it didn't meet the proper amount, Angered par this, Bubba shouted "Cheapskates!I was generous enough to give toi vermin the titre of this land and toi try to trick me out of it!?You fools only have one plus jour before I take over, Do it right ou it's a lifetime in the dungeon where rats will eat eye out of your bloody eye sockets!" Sometime later,Matt was observing the villagers,they seemed like they all Lost hope. Everybody blamed the mayor.Matt,Not knowing much of his past but knows he is responsible for this decided to go out and confront bubba,So the suivant night during the short time Sarah and her family was asleep,Matt sneaked out the window and shimmied down some overgrown weeds on the mur of the house, he ran across the yard...of course seeing his small stature it took a bit to get across.Matt need a way to go faster... but he couldn't go far on foot. He then thought to himself how he would even fight Bubba, he has no weapons on him and was basically he was helpless, but he really want to help the people of Crystal city... But as fate would had it, a giant foot step passed him... it was Loch of all people!Loch was apparently on the same mission:to Stop Bubba. However Loch was a bit of a cowardly type.

Matt snagged onto Loch's boot without alerting him, He stayed quiet.Loch didn't appear to notice Matt and continued to walk to Bubba's castle, grasping his crafted pickaxe with sharpened tips on each side. As the two strolled across the wonderful night like homely atmosphere of Crystal city,the two came across Bubba's fort. It was a large dark château with towers surrounding it,each with a gargoyle placed neatly on top.There were also plenty of flags,each with a odd symbol on it.The symbol was a cercle with a diamond shape inside that appear to have an angry eye... as if it represented something.So Loch sneaked into the fortress dodging Bubba's various armed guards and eventually making it to the haut, retour au début of the fortress,where he has a neatly lined up thrown, carpet, and curtains.Sitting behind his thrown where chests of the cities' gems.Sitting upon the thrown was Bubba himself, he appears to be asleep... He is a giant muscular panda bear, he was wearing a suit and had a haut, retour au début hat to match.Loch was a bit terrified par Bubba,suddenly he looked down and saw Matt clinging to his boot... He freaked out and kicked Matt off though he woke up Bubba. Alerting the intruder Bubba pounced out of his chair and grabbed Loch par his scarf,Loch began screaming and panicking followed par dropping his pickaxe.Matt quickly ran to it and grabbed it... however it was kinda heavy for him,Especially in his watch form seeing the motors that serve as the "Arm muscle" inside his robotic limbs could only support so much weight. He quickly slammed the pickaxe down on Bubba's gentlemen loathers!Loch manage to slip out of Bubba's hold, He grabbed the pickaxe from Matt and swung it at Bubba. Enraged, Bubba punted Matt down a staircase.Rapidly swinging his pickaxe while keeping he's eyes shut in fear,Loch eventually got Bubba bleeding. Bubba picked up Loch and punched him square in the face,Knocking him out cold and causing him to drop his pickaxe.Matt got up and sparked a bit,suddenly he felt an odd energy emerge upon him. He began to release energy,the energy built a silhouette of a feline-like figure, He levitated up and wrapped around the area of the silhouette where the wrist would be,revealing his true form. Feeling taller he got up and ran up the stairs, Bubba shouted "Hey! where did toi come from!It doesn't matter,I can always salvage toi and your friend's body parts at the black market." Matt ran up and attempted coup de poing Bubba in the stomach,Knocking Bubba back to a wall.

Matt was unaware of what just happened, he feels strangely plus powerful, but doesn't know how to use this power...relying on his newly found strength and stature, he picked up Loch's pickaxe and charge at the money grubbing thief.Loch quickly came to and saw the strange lynx fight Bubba,Loch tried to get up... however he broke his leg. He then noticed the strange machine he found in the caverns was wrapped around the lynx's wrist.Matt and Bubba duke it out til sunrise,Pulling a cheap shot, Bubba tripped Matt and snatched the pickaxe,throwing it out the window and Matt all of a sudden powered down,reverting back to his watch form. Bubba smirked and grabbed Matt, crushing him between his hands. However Bubba felt something hard and solid hit him in the back of the head... it was brick. It appear Loch tossed the brick at Bubba.the force of the brick shattered Bubba's once thick skull, His brain also took damage from it causing him to die before even hitting the ground.When Bubba hit the ground, he shook the floor a bit knocking a candle over causing a fire.Loch was about to flee, but then he remember how Matt kindly defended him, He quickly ran in and pried Matt from bubba meaty claw then fled.

Shortly after escaping Bubba's fort,it slowly burned to the ground.Matt and Loch watch as everything slowly burns to ash.They both saved the Crystal city however they took somebodies' life in the progress.Loch a dit "Oh,I h-haven't got a chance to catch your name." Matt a dit "My name is Matt." Loch cheerfully replied "Pleasure to meet you,My name is Loch." So Matt befriend the cowardly son of the mayor,Loch.what could possibly happen next?

Continue to episode three

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Episode Three
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Treading up the colline was a wagon, A ground of villagers where pulling it up the hill,thinking bubba was still alive.The wagon had many gems,jewels, and crystals on it.Knowing that this could possibly be an issue,Matt quickly pushed Loch into a bush, hiding from the wagon.The villagers made it to the smoldering remains of Bubba's fort,They stop and paused for a a dit "It's gone?" another a dit "Bubba is gone!?" both villagers cheered for joy and rushed back to tell the mayor the good news.Matt and Loch climb out of the bush,Matt a dit "We are off the hook.your welcome." Loch a dit "You know,I just thought of this... but with Bubba gone,our accueil is no longer in fear of plus starving...we are free.Thanks to you." Matt a dit "But toi helped,too." Loch a dit "So we are both heroes...Woo!" So Matt and Loch returned to Crystal city,everybody got the word as soon as they returned and everybody was dancing in the streets.They cheered, balloons filled the air, confetti covered the ground,Many bands came to play fantastic orchestrated musique the describe the mood.Suddenly somebody grabbed Matt par the ear and yelled "GIVE ME BACK MY WATCH,YOU THIEF!!!" He turned around and it was Sarah,she ripped watch right off his wrist,suddenly his form flashed white and dispelled into nanites and retreated back into the watch...Sarah was confused and asked "Hey Loch,What just happened?Where did that thief go?" Matt a dit "You two know each other?" Loch a dit "Yeah,we are neighbors." Matt quickly leaped out Sarah's hands and switched back to lynx form.Sarah a dit "WHO ARE YOU!?WHAT ARE YOU!?" Matt a dit "I'm Matt?" After some comedic banter,the mayor request the three of them to rapporter to his office...this could possibly be trouble?

They arrived to the mayor's office,It was a rather small dank room with many pictures of Loch and his deceased mother,the mur was was a teal-like blue that appear to be fading,the carpet was a bit old,the mayor stood in his chair... He a dit "Loch, Did toi have anything to Mr. Bubba's fort burning down?"
Loch a dit "Uh...why toi ask?" Flint a dit "Well toi and this cat like fellow where seen par a couple of folks in town going up the path to Mr. Bubba's fort with your sharpened diamond pickaxe." Loch a dit "Uh...uh...yes, d-dad." Flint paused for a seconde and a dit " did good." Loch,shocked par his father's response to murder a dit "I took a life." Flint a dit "Bubba was corrupted fool who tried to imprison us,you did good and your pointy eared,Sarah... could toi and uh... cat face step out for a second?I just want to talk to my son alone." Matt and Sarah excused themselves from the room."So Matt, have toi seen the Tryke memorial?" asked Sarah?Matt responded "No...who's Tryke?" Sarah a dit "You should see the statue, Common. I'll montrer you."

So hiking there way past the smoldering remains of Bubba's palace and up a mountain trail,eventually reaching the haut, retour au début after a long hike.the mountain's haut, retour au début was extremely cold, But at the haut, retour au début stood a shrine,standing amongst was a statue of a tall heroic canine like being forged in solid gold.Sarah a dit "This is Tryke,The first hero of Crystal city.way back when Crystal city was known as the "Gem grounds"You see, a long time il y a a group of settlers found the Gem grounds,they decided to mine there for wealth and wealth is what that got.the gems that grew there where extremely valuable... Eventually they settled on making a small village using there wealth. but one day, a powerful golem who went par the name of "Tho".Tho was annoyed par the people seeing he thought the grounds belonged to him... and he threatened to attack. However a hero rose to face him and pummeled him into a active volcano.that hero was Tryke, however he had to sacrifice himself in order to save the settlers. Eventually time passed and the volcano's haut, retour au début closed,People who knew about the hero Tryke built this statue with the rest of there wealth a hundred years ago...This is the legend of Tryke and Tho...why is this important?Well Loch and Flint are descendants of Tryke...that is why he it mayor...just a interesting story to pass the time." a disembodied voice a dit "Hm,yes. an age old tell." Suddenly a tiger walked up to them, he seemed groomed and pretty gentlemen like which is pretty odd for a tiger, he a dit "Why hello,My name Ryan. I am here to investigate the legend of Tryke. Hm?You,with the watch.You seem interesting...I must duel you." Matt asked "Duel me?" Ryan a dit "Why yes,You see...I must fight all who appear to be strong simply to acquire things of legends...So I must duel you."

To be continued.
added by zutaradragon
added by sonic143amy
Source: Me
added by SierraDawnV2
émeraude stoore out the window and sighed. "What I wouldn't do to be free, away from all of this..." she whispered to herself. She was looking at the ocean, forest and plains that were nearby. "Milady..." émeraude turned around swiftly. "Keith, whats wrong? toi look like toi haven't slept for days."Keith was human, he was also one of the messengers from a nearby palace called Millicion. "Y-yes.., its true... but toi do not need to freet over me milady." Keith reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled paper. He read aloud,
"Dearest Emerald,
We invite toi to our royal ball at Millicon palace at 8pm. Lords will be awating for you.
Yours truly,
King Dixion
King of Millicon"
The words ringed in her ears. "Hehe, tell the king I'll be there... but I already know whats happening." Keith raised his brow. "He wants me to marry... we all know thats not going to happen." Keith bowed, and left.
posted by Rachel_Savaya
 This is Ferron on a typical, everyday basis. He doesn't even really have any formal wear...
This is Ferron on a typical, everyday basis. He doesn't even really have any formal wear...
Here's number two! Ferron's character bio! Enjoy!


Name: Ferron Sycor

Age: 22

Birthday: August 22nd

Species: Ferret

Height: 3'3.5"

Weight: 145lbs

Powers: earthbender. Has a fruit bat that can enlarge for him to ride on and wield nunchucks. (Secret power to be determined)

Key Song: "Glad toi Came" par the Wanted.

Song(s) to Lover: several par Lonestar and rascal flatts.

Important Personality Traits: A stereotypical womanizer and player. Though he is very Flirty, deep down, he is longing for a feeling of love. He always was protective of Scarmine, his younger step-brother, and even though he...
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posted by NoctusLynx
“Thanks for carring me,” Tenemae a dit to Gatage, who held Tenemae in about as best a bridal position he could, trying not to aggravate her injuries.

Tenemae was offered help par Cooro, but she rejected, saying that she would only trust someone like Gatage. Cooro had stepped down, allowing Gatage to carry her. Menae had regain consciousness par now, managing to fend off the Mentaphage, followed par an ominous promise of its return. Because of such a large claim made par Tenemae, Menae had begun to make certain assumptions, some being plus ‘down to Earth’, ou whatever planet they were on now,...
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posted by TakTheFox
She was definitely nervous about this plan. She was not afraid of being killed, ou hurt; no she could handle herself in that regard, she was not even afraid of having to run ou hide. She was afraid, ou nervous, about getting caught. When she though it over, the plan could actually succeed without her part going through flawlessly, ou even at all, but it was still an immense increase of pressure.

This pressure was added on to par stress, and self-control that would be needed. Inside those doors were police officers that would shoot her sister-species for living, and she had to control herself,...
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So… because I was not able to finish the following roleplays in time…

.::The Paw of the Monkey::. (Rachel_Savaya)
The Innocence Proven Wrong? /AND/ .::Placement Of Time::. (RP)
Drowned... RP (UnknownElegy)
<><>The Lord of Terror<><> (ShadowWolf337)

… and from what I can tell, no one else had gotten far enough into them to the point where they could still be judged, as most need an ending to be fully judged, only THREE roleplays were finished.

I don’t think that it’s fair to judge now while these other roleplays are left unfinished, but I did say I...
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When someone makes a roleplay that involves a plot, they want things to go according to plan. This is understandable. But one the main points of a hosted roleplay is to focus on the guest, the person who is answering the roleplay.

Now in no way is having a plot to a roleplay bad, I always use plots in mine, but it should never be linear, ou at least too linear. If ever toi make a roleplay, and notice that the plot of it gets to the point where there really are no decisions for the other person to make, then one should probably make it into a story, not a roleplay.

I recently took part in a roleplay...
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“And you, Halloween, jour of death, jour of horror, jour of the devil, your jour is so insignificant that people call upon your NIGHT to have their lives twisted, their lives deformed, to relish in their own torment. toi can give me no spite, no hate, no judgment, for I simply feed toi your soaked, red, bread, which replenishes your fantasies of a crooked reality, and while I art simply one of many, to strike down, to put down, a donor of life, ou plus appropriately death, would leave your hunger unquenched, for only my unique thick red wine soaked pain can keep your drying tongue tasting.”...
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posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Davis Jackson King
Reason ou meaning of name: Well, none for his first name. But his middle name came from his great grabdfather, Jackson
Character's nickname: Davey (but he doesn't like it)
Reason for nickname: It's cute
Birth date: September 10th 2030
Theme: Calling All The Monsters par China Ann McClain

Physical appearance
Age: 13
How old does he/she appear: same age
Weight: 40 pounds
Height: 2ft
Body build: Slim bot not TOO skinny
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye color: Green
Glasses ou contacts: None
Skin tone: Tan (his hands, feet and mouth)
Predominant features:
Type of hair:...
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posted by TakTheFox
Part Three

Vault’s plan against End-Ga was to strike each building, take all the software they found, take the money if found, and destroy all hardware. The money would be deposited into five different bank accounts, spread thin enough that it would not be suspected, and each account belonging to a different member.

The idea for the first hit was the one in Semretches. voûte wanted it to be a stealthy and silent job. This was to build up fear amongst the employees, and have a sort of symbolism about the team. The less they saw of Heavy Metal, the better. The mysterious attackers are always...
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I’m making this liste for a number of reasons.

1.    The user Sarathedog (or DaylightBeauty) has been my friend for quite some time now.
2.    Her characters have variety and energy.
3.    There’s a LOT of them.

Back in the jour Sara would pull new characters out of thin air in the middle of nothing, and many of them were hard to remember, but there were five that I can recall off the haut, retour au début of my head, so here we are.

Now if you’re upset I didn’t liste your characters, don’t be. It’s not your fault, and it’s not that I dislike...
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Hi there, this is your friendly neighborhood Matt here.(Yes, I'm just a surprised as toi are.) Today I'm giving away some characters of mine, why? Mainly for two reasons:

#1. I never use them anymore and it would be ashamed to just let them rot to death.

#2. There is nothing plus I can do for these characters, I am WAY too busy to write there stories.(For those of toi who know me, I run a Youtube channel and a DA page which consumes my "creativity time".)

So yeah, I want to give away my characters. I already gave "Baffle Bobinski" to friz, so that just leaves the rest of them for the picking,...
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posted by unknown99
All I know is that I was born in a place called City of Lightning. I know my planet from my parents which my planet was called Nibiru. There was a neighbouring planet which was called Nerabu. I was schooled in a place called Andeomedian Purokinetic Academy. Along with children from 14 other countries along with their own element. I was called special since a big incident happened in our planet. I don't know what it is but I'll soon find out. The thing is my new Friends here don't ignore me like in the city. That is why I don't want to lose them. About 2 years later after a load of training...
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posted by unknown99
Born in the City of Fire, he is raised as a tough child. He suffer from domestic violence and managed to escape his own city. He then joined the Andromedian pyrokinetic academy. Which he met a lot of other people enhancing their abilities. He went to his dormitory with 3 other people sleeping in the same room. They are Grey, Joey and Amethyst (male). He was mostly quiet and do not talk to others. the same like grey who was spending most of his time working on his homework. When the time of the exam comes, their abilities were tested in the arena which they have to fight their way through with...
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posted by NoctusLynx
“Hey, Noctus?” asked a familiar voice to me.

“Uh.. what?” I asked back, snapping out of my daydreaming.

“It’s Gatage. He’s holding a meeting, and he’ll know if we’re missing.” It was Cooro, a lifelong friend of mine. Ever since just recently joining this group, we had been having some sort of friction for some reason. I don’t know why, but it’s almost as if our friendship was beginning to falter.

“Fine, I’ll get up,” I complied reluctantly.

Standing up, I saw that there was no meeting. I searched outside of my den, and still, there was no sign whatsoever of a meeting...
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Selena was about to shoot the chao when something jumped in front of her," LEAVE THEM ALONE!" It shouted and tripped her. She fell and saw a white cat standing over her," get out of my way freak! toi have no business here!" Selena shouted and shot a couple fireballs at Tiny. She dodged quickly, but only for them to hit plus trees. " you're destroying my home, I have every right to be here!" She yelled and went to coup de poing Selena. Tiny was surprised when Selena caught it. Selena laughed," toi just made a big mistake, cat girl. I not only shot fire, I can control it." Selena caught Tiny's entire...
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Cliff ran to an old arbre trunk. He looked around and then waved his hand towards some trees. Nook and Scar ran from behind the arbre and ran to Cliff. Cliff opened a secret hatch on the arbre stump and climbed in with Scar and Nook after him. When they got to the bottom, they ran down a couple of hallways and got to a big room. Bard was waiting for them," Well? Is half the forest gone?" He asked. "No, sir. We had some trouble with that stupid wild cat. We only got a quarter of the forest cut down." Bard slammed his hand against the wall," That's not good enough! We need to cause huge amounts...
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This is basically just a liste of all of the Acid-Monsters in existence as of this very moment. I have this here just in case my computer crashes. (I'm super paranoid about that.) And before toi say something like "This isn't part of this fanbase!" Yes it is, and if toi do say that, toi weren't around when Yxari Sadaris first came out as a character. Acid-Monsters originated as a Mobian species.

So, as of today:

Paris Blake
Almodea Blake
Albus Anguis (Owned par TheTacoMan)
Jakob Enu
Milo Smalls
Melik (owned par TakTheFox)
Ryker (owned par MephilesTheDark)
Yxari Sadaris
Yukari Nale
Ana-Luisa Oliviera
(Ana-Lysa and Sayofrick-- deceased.)
[You can only make a full-blood if I like toi and toi get my approval.]

renard (soon to be a full-blood)
Nazareth Runner
Rynk (Owned par TakTheFox)
[Room for discussion as to making a half-blood...]