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posted by night-vamphog
suivant day.
    Aldinach wakes up laying on the floor using his arm as a pillow. He sits up and rubs his eyes. ''Wonder how S.W.A.T. handles things,'' he lays back down on his stomach and sighs. He notices two female guards walking by.
    ''What do toi think we should do with the two that we're arrested yesterday?'' asks the purple cat in the black chemise and blue capries with short purple hair who is also carrying a scythe.
    ''I'm not sure. I think I heard something about execution though. Fun sight to see! Wouldn't it Shaylyn,'' the cinnamon pelted renard with the long tan hair in the green sleeveless chemise and jeans says.
    ''Icelet would l’amour to kill at least one of them. She hates what the two have done to this city,'' Shaylyn says.
    ''Mya! Shaylyn! Come over here!'' Icelet yells. Shaylyn and Mya walk over to Icelet.
    Aldinach sits up quickly. ''Execution?! Damn. They can't do that,'' he hits the wall. ''Night! Wake up! We have a problem!''
    She lifts up her head and uncurls from a ball. Yawn. ''Whats wrong Aldinach?'' rubs her eyes sitting up.
    ''I hear two of the guards saying that they may execute us,'' Night's eyes widen waking up. ''We have to get out of here.''
    ''Typhon and Ravage are probably trying to find a way to get us out. I just hope that they don't come their selves.''

    Ripper makes the kids go the school, then leaves to go the S.W.A.T.. ''This is going to end up failing ou they'll just be to stupid to notice anything,'' he goes tot he outside of the building and waits for someone to come out.
    Once someone comes out her breaks their neck and takes their uniform to put it on. He goes inside and walks around. ''Now where are they,'' he sees Denice the black hedgehog, who is in a black and green veste and blue jeans, and walks over to him. ''Do toi know where Aldinach ad Night are being held?''
    ''Last I have heard, they are in the prison area,'' he says and points towards it looking slightly confused.
    ''Thanks,'' Ripper walks off to the prison area. He sees them then the three girls on the other side of the room. Thinks. Damn their going to see me get them out, I'll have to think of something. He opens the door to Aldinach's cell. Aldinach looks over at Ripper thinking that he really is one of the guards.
    ''Damn not now, not already,'' Aldinach says to himself. Night looks over at Ripper thinking the same thing. Ripper goes into Aldinach's cell and grabs his arms. ''Let go of me!'' Aldinach tries to get out of his grip. He just holds onto him harder.
    Icelet comes over wearing a long sleeve navy blue chemise and blue pants. ''What's going on over here!''
    Someone from the army has come to see him. I don't know what they want with him I'm just doing what the general told me to do,'' he explains.
    ''Fine then, take him, it may do him some good to take him back there,'' Aldinach growls at her bearing his teeth. ''People are out there risking their lives to keep this country sûr, sans danger and your out there killing like its nothing. I will be happy when I hear that people like toi are going into the army ou navy,'' Ripper takes Aldinach out of the room.
    ''Get the hell off me! I'm not going back to that stupid place again!'' he says then kicks Ripper in the balls.
    ''Ah! Damn it Ald! Its Ripper! I just needed something to get toi out of there,'' he takes the casque off and throws it at him.
    Aldinach is silent for a bit just holding his helmet. ''Oh. Um, sorry bro. I thought toi were really a guard,'' he says feeling stupid. ''Two of the guards were talking about executing me and Night earlier. toi okay?''
    ''I'm fine. Now I need to get Night out of there. I may just go with that they want her as well. toi sty here while I get her,'' he takes his casque back puts it on and goes back into the room.
    Icelet looks at him as he walks in. ''Whats your name guard,'' she says walking towards him. He acts like he doesn't hear her and goes over to Night's cell. ''Guard! State your name and what toi are doing!''
    Ripper turns to her. ''My name is Rottie. I came to get Night so that they can decide weather they care going to send her to the army as well ou just kill her.''
    ''Well I was told that we were to execute her and that I am the one that will do so,'' she says believe that he is lying. ''I don't think toi are a guard here,'' glares at him. ''Take off your helmet.''
    ''I'd rather not do that. I'm hideous looking, and very shy,'' he says taking a few steps back away from her.
    ''Then here, I'll do it,'' she reaches out to take it off.
    ''Icelet! We have a problem! Mya yells from the other side of the room. Icelet turns to Mya. ''Come quick!''
    Icelet looks back at him. ''I'm not done with you. toi better still be here when I get back,'' she leaves with Shaylyn and Mya .
    Once they are out of the room Ripper opens the door to Night's cell. ''If toi think your taking me to the army ou killing me then toi have another thing coming,'' she hisses. Ripper grabs her saying nothing. Still not know who he is she tries biting him. ''Get off me bastard!''
    ''Try biting me again and I'll rip those pretty little fangs right out of your bloody mouth!'' she growls at him and he makes her leave. He takes her to the same place he took Aldinach. Takes off his casque again. ''Damn its hot in this thing,'' Night is surprised to see that it is him under the helmet. ''Sorry about that Night. I just thought it would have been better if toi didn't know it was me.''
    ''Oh its fine Ripper, I understand. I just probably wouldn't have tried to bite toi that's all.''
    Aldinach hugs Night when he sees her. ''Thanks Rip. For helping us.''
    ''Its what Friends do. But we still have to get out of here completely and that is going to be harder.''

    The three eventually get out of there after fighting for almost two hours. Now they are standing about a mile ou two away. ''Finally! We're out of there!'' Ripper says panting.
    ''Took long enough,'' Aldinach snarls.
    ''Just like old times,'' Night says smiling.
    ''We should probably get out of here now, before they find us again,'' Ripper says. Night starts smirking.
    ''What toi smirking about Night?'' Aldinach asks.
    The S.W.A.T. building blows up. ''That,'' she starts laughing hard.
    ''Damn! Good thing we go out of there in time!'' Ripper exclaims.
    ''Come on. We should get going. We all know that they all we're in the explosion,'' Aldinach says about to take off.
    ''Where are we going to stay now though? They know where we live. Its just like before,'' Night points out. He settles himself back down.
    ''You guys can stay at my house until toi find a new place to stay,'' Ripper says.
    ''Really? toi wouldn't mind the four of us staying over? toi really don't have to do that,'' Night says.
    ''I insist. toi two are like family to me,'' Ripper says.
    ''Thanks bro. Sometimes I really don't know what we would do without you,'' Aldinach says smiling. The three of then go to Rippers house.
    They are sitting in the living room talking. ''Yesterday Typhon and Ravage came over telling me what happened and they kept insisting that they come and help. I figured that toi both would kill me if I had,'' Ripper informs them.
    ''Probably would have. They are only fourteen, they don't need to be fighting like that. They could get really hurt. ou worse,'' Night says fading off towards the end.
    ''I am guessing toi sent them to school then?'' Aldinach asks.
    ''Yeah. Before they left I told them to come straight back here after school. I don't know if G.U.N. ou S.W.A.T. would know if they are your kids.''
    Aldinach and Night looks at each other. Night shakes her head looking back at Ripper. ''No, not that we are aware of,'' she says.
    ''And they better not find out,'' Aldinach includes. Typhon and Ravage both walk though the door. They see their parents and shout mom, dad and go over and hug them both. They hug their kids back.
    ''You both are okay!'' Typhon says all happily.
    ''Yes. Yes we are. Nothing happened to us. Well major damage anyway,'' Night says. They looks a bit confused but yet worried about what could have happened.
    ''As we were leaving we started fighting but besides that we are all fine,'' Aldinach explains.
    ''Most of us,'' Ripper glares at Aldinach then goes to get a drink.
    ''I a dit I was sorry!,'' Aldinach yells at him then starts to laugh.
    ''What happened?'' Night asks with a puzzled look on her face.
    ''Ha-ha! Its nothing. Its just something that happened when I thought he was a S.W.A.T. officers.''
    ''Mom,'' Ravage says shyly. ''I got suspended from school for three days from fighting with some other student.''
    ''Are toi serious Ravage,'' he nods. ''What did they do to make toi fight 'em?'' Night asks.
    ''He just started talking trash about me to his Friends and I just got so pissed that I just got up and punched him in the face, and well then we started fighting.''
    ''Damn it Ravage,'' Aldinach sighs. ''There better not have been any blood spilled ou major injures.''
    ''From what I could tell no bad injures had happened,'' Ravage says. ''But I'm not hundred percent sure. The school didn't have our number so they sent me to in-school for the rest of the day.''
    Typhon looks around. ''I'm guessing we are going to be staying here for a while since the government knows where we live?''
    ''Just for a while. Once we find somewhere to stay we'll be on our way. But it was really nice of Ripper to let us stay here while we look,'' Night says.
    Ripper comes back into the room. ''I really don't mind. I have the room in here and it can get a bit lonely around here anyway.''
    ''Sorry bro,'' Aldinach smiles at him. ''We've been busy the past few years, but we'll never forget about you. We should just call toi part of the family,'' Ripper smiles back.
Cora has always had one hell of a set of ears.

Though it was rather obvious she'd have a good sense of hearing, being a chincilla. She always preferred using them for rather undesirable uses. Eavesdropping, her common hobby involving her large ears. They were always alert for something to drop in on, no matter what the topic was, as long as it caught her interest. Even when already in conversation with another, her brain seemed to able to multi-task. One half of her brain listening to the current conversation, the other half listening in on another. Only people who knew her well and were extremely...
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Ok ppl I'm going to Chang the whole story and put it on a another club called "Emily the hegcat and other fan charaters" ok. And also I need help on it so help me please! So just go to "Emily the hegcat and other fan charaters".
link so please be nice and do not quisons Please! Thax for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I'm going to put/say aléatoire shit!$&()-$;&£,!+,! n njshejnsjn!-!!boanN!in njkJ$€&&:&:!!.! -! Nnnzn!!nn!!nNnjj&jNn£&&€$$$$€$$$$€$!€$€!$€$$$€$$$$€$€$$€$€$$€$&&&&$€€$€$!!€$€_€€$£&£&£&&££&&jajjjJ$n j nN!£&&££&$$$:;$'-hbwjjdjjJ£~€£.£€~€~€<€£€{*|€€€~!><!~>€€~€€|€€€~€€€\€~£€|€|€|€€|++[£+==[+€^<*<€£¥|££|£~££~€£~¥]•[=[¥€*|•[=[¥££~'fheniiwkkajjfhdjjfhrjjfjjq. Thax for waching!=D
Alright, this is just a gift to four people I like on fanpop. But I'm not telling who they are. toi gotta geuss. LET DA GAMES BEGIN!

1. toi were the first person who supported me on fanpop. We wee good friends, and your character was in a lot of my stories. Unfortunately, toi left fanpop. MAH FIRST FRIEND. I hope toi come back. *Starts singing* BABEH, COME BACK!!

2. toi were also one of the first people to support Invader ZIM the Hedgehog. However, i learned plus about your characters and found that your characters might just be a little bit too overpowered sometimes. Eventually I got over that...
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{u r now lire the worst fanfic in the history of terrible fanfic overjoy!}

the sea of despair was a dreadful place. it had black sand and the water was black too. and it had huts where the sand ended with long uncut grass. we walk down from our place where we were looking at the plage and looked out over the sea. "a storm is coming" a dit arc. "well we all know wat that means" i said. u could see the dark nuage miles away at sea, those clouds were most likey filled with lightning. the thought of all that wonderful electricity made sparks come...
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posted by TakTheFox
So we’ve gotten about five ou so new users on the club recently, and that’s great. Ever since the big explosion months back things were rather quiet, but it looks like they’re picking up. I’m hoping to keep the new guys around, and that everyone gets to know each other well enough, as well as their characters and such, so this roleplay is mainly for the people new to our club.

Basically toi can choose which character to meet of mine and a story will occur depending on the character toi choose. Again this is mainly for people new to our club, but if toi have not met these characters you...
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added by FGthehedg3
Source: none
The madness...The madness.Ⓧ

Journeying through the woods in chercher of notes on the fixed time limit,MTL came across a corpse hanging in the tree...the corpse was holding a note...but it would be disrespect to the dead to remove the note.MTL took the note(1/8Ⓧ)...Then suddenly the owl a dit "Who-who,to survive in these woods,you must make the right choices,one little slip up spells your,take this." the owl gave MTL a shed key.the owl a dit "That is all the help I can give you,good luck...and watch out for "him".Ⓧ"...the owl flew away.

MTL went to the shed,it was...
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added by breezethecat
Source: breezethecat
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Me.
added by PhoenixRoyale
Source: PhoenixRoyale
added by DiamondShadow
Source: With a roxythehedgehog001's base (DA)
added by PercyJacksonluv
Source: to Julissa
added by Seanthehedgehog
added by devilthecat56
posted by Mapware3640
Ok,So this is a constant argument between fans,who is better?The face of gaming,mario ou the blast-processing rodent,sonic?well today I got a little theory in honor of 2013,I'm hopefully going to end this argument between both fan bases once and for all.So first thing first,lets start with both sides abilities and powers.

(Please note,To reserve time seeing my computer is about to crash,I copied and pasted all this information from the mario wiki and sonic wiki while making a few edits,all information is correct.)

Mario's abilities

-Mario's main (trademark) ability is his Jump, which allows...
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added by TakTheFox
added by zutaradragon
added by Monsterosity101
Source: Jazz-B-Real13