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ANIME! ^____^

An awesome source of entertainment that's basically Japanese dessins animés often inspired par manga, ou Japanese comic-like novels. AND THEY KICKED ASS! :D

Seriously, half my life is just watching anime, and I almost l’amour every one I see. And this liste is celebrating THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF.....

Uh, canned bread? :P I don't know, I just wanted to make this list.

The rules are obvious. Only entries from animé I've seen, they have to be from anime, and they have to be FREAKING AWESOME SAUCE! ^__^ (That didn't even make sense.....)

So kick out the popcorn, soda, get comfortable, and enjoy! This is my haut, retour au début 10 animé Openings/Theme Songs!

#10. Soul Eater Season 1-Resonance.

Starting off this liste is an awesome animé par the name of Soul Eater. And honestly, who DOESN'T KNOW THIS ANIME!?

I know it, my Friends know it, my relatives know it, THAT ROCK OVER THERE KNOWS IT.

And as much as I hate to say it, (Sorry ShadowACS.) I loved this anime! It was funny, had good characters, and the theme song blew me away like it was a Poltergust 3,000!

The visuals are probably this songs best part. It's very impressive and the animation is top-notch! Also, the song itself is very epic and hard NOT to get stuck in your head. And combined with the pretty good lyrics, that's plus than enough for this song to make it on the list.

Downside? Well, to be honest, I can't even think of any! This song is a perfect example of doing nothing wrong, at the same time not being, no offense guys, not the catchiest song I've heard.

But still, with it's impressive visuals, epic beat, and great lyrics, (Get ready to hear that a LOT.) Resonance makes #10 on this list.

#9. Chobits-Let Me Be With You.

Alright, I don't like being obvious with my choices, but DAMN if toi don't find this song catchy, consider yourself not a human. And really, that's this songs strongest point, the song itself.

The animation's pretty good during the song, the lyrics are alright, but the song? Well, let's just say it's SO CATCHY! Seriously, THIS SONG WILL NEVER LEAVE YOUR HEAD!

And I'm the psychopath who thought the Sergeant Frog wasn't that catchy! o-O

I remember the animé itself being pretty funny, and is global, ensemble worth your time! But still, this is an animé OPENING list, not an animé review, so I won't go into much depth to the montrer here.

But in conclusion, the song's good. Like really good! Like, really really good! Like like, really REEEEAALLLLYYYY GOOD! ^_______^


I have got to get a life, :P Who knows, maybe they're on sale today! ;D

#8. Lucky Star-Motteke! Sailor Fuku!

Give my regards to Broadway. Yes, I liked this song. And toi can't blame me either, because similar to Chobits, IT'S CATCHY AS HELL. But why this is better than Chobits, I have no idea at all.

Because that's what all professional haut, retour au début 10 makers say! :D

Seriously though, it's not even AS catchy as Chobits, but I like this song way more. For one, the animation's a lot better than the Chobits opening, and I remember dancing to this song SO MUCH when I was around 12 years old.

Enough said. I liked a Lolita anime's opening. Let's déplacer on before people laugh at me through a megaphone.

#7. Kirby-Right Back At Ya!

ALRIGHT I KNOW, THIS WASN'T EXACTLY AN ANIME, but it still counts as one! So be quiet meanie! :(

Anyways, this song is pretty self-explanatory. The animation is AWESOME, the song is catchy as hell, and although the lyrics aren't the BEST, it still gets on here just from pure nostalgia.

I remember watching this montrer EVERY SINGLE jour as a kid, and I loved everything about it. The jokes were funny, the action was freaking GOD-TIER, and the animation was lively and spot-on!

Plus, here's another song that WILL NOT LEAVE YOUR HEAD! Because once it gets inside, it spreads like a parasite. And then, it becomes all that toi can say! I remember a moment at school going like this-

My Teacher: "What's 6 times 47..... Jared! :D"
My Teacher: o-O

Yeah, that wasn't the BEST jour of my life..... Let's just say whipping hurts just as much as toi see in those old-days movies.

In conclusion, the Kirby opening is awesome. It had awesome animation, pretty decent lyrics, and an REALLY good climax. (That sounded wrong....)

suivant entry, please.

Fanpop: No way! *Slaps Jared*

Me: OW! :(


Me: *Burns fanpop To A Crisp*

#6. Black Butler-Monochrome No Kiss.

Don't make fun of me just because the song has the word Kiss in it. X____X

ANYWAYS...... I really liked this opening! Long story short, the animation was, as always on a liste like this, REALLY good, the song was catchy, and the beginning of this song was EPIC.

I remember the animé being one of the best I'd ever seen, I'll be it dark, but still pretty funny at times! And Sebastian's catchphrase was always hilarious. ^___^

"I'm merely one hell of a butler."

Also, toi just have to l’amour how this animé is pretty dark, but still has good comedy and entertainment. I mean, it could just be with me, but I SWEAR majority of dark animé are BORING. They end up focusing WAY too hard on story and end up as bland.

In conclusion, this opening is very Avant-Garde! A bit spooky, but that's what makes it cool! It's nice to listen to, has great animation to support it, and is a very good example of what to do CORRECTLY in an animé theme song/opening.

suivant entry. :)

I'm sorry, that's just a thing me and a friend of mine used to do on here. XD

#5. Ouran High School Host Club-Sakura Kiss.


R.I.P. Jared Nathaniel Potts. He died from an awesome song with the word Kiss in it..... What the hell?

Anyways..... Sakura Kiss is a very unique one on this list. And not because the song really does anything new, but because it does everything so well!

The song's VERY catchy, has AMAZING animation, and is global, ensemble a very pleasant song to listen to!

I remember the animé being one of THE FUNNIEST DAMN animé EVER SPAWNED and I loved it! The animé had great memorable characters, a silly yet cool setup, and this SWEET opening to go with it.

And that's why it's on this list. :)

That and the, say it with me OHHC fans......

MMMMMOOOOOEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^______________^

#4. Pokemon-The Johto Journeys.


Yeah, as toi can tell, any song catchier than Chobits has got to be one HELL of a song.

It also has to be so irritatingly catchy you'd rather cream yourself with an electric grille-pain than get this song stuck in your head, and that's what this song is, catchy as hell.

Gee sound familiar? Yeah, I judge openings a lot on how much toi want to listen to it.

Kind of. :P

Anyways, the song is just about being the very best and blah blah blah, (Blah!) and blah.

But it's JUST SO DAMN CATCHY! (I swear if somebody doesn't make a new word for catchy...)

With that awesome opening, cool lyrics, and Legendary beat, this makes #4 on this list. :)

(The reason I like this one plus than the original is because it's catchier. I'm not even kidding. :P)

#3 Sailor Moon-Moonlight Densetsu.


Yeah, as much as this animé sucked, (I AM SO DEAD.) I have to admit, the theme song was really cool! Seriously, it had little to no problems, and sounded amazing!

The animation was really good, (Are toi dead yet from hearing that?) The song sounded amazing, and overall, it's a great song.

I also always found it hilarious how it sounds like little kids are chant this song. In fact, for all I know, little kids DID sing this song.

The opening had everything an animé fan would orgasm over, and even plus that threw me off-guard when I criticized this animé first time watching it.

Seriously though, the montrer wasn't that good, at least in my eyes. Although I do remember Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Mars being REALLY hot, and the montrer was sort of silly, but in all honesty, I've seen a lot better.

The fan girls are going to stampede me for this. o-O


#2. Steins;Gate-Hacking To The Gate.

Alright, 3 things.

1. I didn't make an error there, the animé is actually called Steins;Gate, with a semicolon in the middle.
2. Yes, this ISN'T number one.

Seriously, this is one of the best animé openings I've ever seen in my life! It sounds *Insert compliments you've totally never heard before on this list* and was REALLY impressive!

I could honestly listen to this song 500 times and it would STILL sound just as awesome as t did the first time.

Not even joking, if toi want to learn how to make a near PERFECT animé opening, look no further.

The animation during the song was incredible, the lyrics are amazing, and the song IS SO DAMN CATCHY that once toi hear it for the first time, you'll NEVER want to listen to anything else.

Enough said.

Anyways, time for number 1! ^___^

Fanpop: But what about the recap, ou the honorable mentions Jared?

Me: "....AND THAT was the jour I hit fanpop with a ski pole. The end. :D"

#1. Variable Geo Neo-We Survive.


Yes, here it is. The very REASON I made this list, this song.

Besides, what the heck do toi THINK I'm listening to Einstein? Man, these haut, retour au début 10 makers really need to get a life...

Anyways, this is as great as openings can get, at least in my opinion. It has NO FLAWS, and sounds absolutely extravagant! The beat's catchy as hell, not to mention epic, the lyrics are great, and it's my favori animé opening ever. :)

SADLY though, the animé itself sucked hard. Turns out it was a s**tty hentai with a plot so aggravatingly terrible you'd rather watch an episode of Bonkers in double the speed!

And the saddest thing? THIS animé HAD SO MUCH DAMN POTENTIAL! The opening was SO F**KING AWESOME, and it throws crap in our face expecting us to like it!

In fact, I honestly think that all the money went into the opening, and when the montrer started, they were so bankrupt it's no wonder the montrer was worse than an old episode of The Simpsons.

The montrer wasn't funny, had a TERRIBLY confusing plot, and was unreasonably CRUEL!

Still though, it was all worth it JUST for the opening.

In conclusion, there's nothing at all that's new I can say about animé openings and lord knows I've used the word awesome in this article OVER 9,000 times so.... Yeah.

That's where I'm ending this article, on a giant middle finger.

Hope toi enjoyed, and leave a commentaire below if toi want on your favori animé openings! ^___^
Use these on your friends. They are fun and awesome. Just like me :)))))))))

F = Friend M = Me

F = Do I need to lock the door?
M = Do I need to tell toi a hundred times that were not going to have a zombie attack?

Robber = Wheres the money?
Me = In your mouth where your last girlfriend told toi to put it.

F = How do I swim?
M = Just don't drown.

M = If toi die, I call getting ALL of your awards for being a smart-alex.

The populaire girl = Your so stupid!
Me = At least I'm not wearing my chemise on backwards.

Your friend is telling a long story. If toi are getting annoyed say this.
Friend = Blah blah blah blah......
Me = I need some asprin

Some aléatoire guy/girl = Is this siège empty?
toi = Yes and this one will be too if toi sit here.

I'll write plus soon!!!
 Emmanuel rayon, ray as Ravu, the silent assassin in Dumar movie. photo courtesy fruit District Films.
Emmanuel Ray as Ravu, the silent assassin in Dumar movie. Photo courtesy Fruit District Films.
On 2nd May 2012, Emmanuel rayon, ray will attend the Pre Cannes Film Social at Jewel Covent Garden hosted par actress and producer Paola Berta at Sheepish Productions and Beverly Hills UK Film Society and Events.

The purpose of the event is to create a public relations and development platform for filmmakers and artists that are keen and ambitious about taking their projects to a consistent level of recognition and
publicity. Some of the film trailers being screened on the night have been selected for Cannes Film Festival 2012.

“I never miss an event hosted par Paola Berta. It was at the Pre Cannes...
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posted by tokidoki123
[Family Guy] S01E05 - A Hero Sits suivant Door #178
Lois: Meg, you're a sweet, beautiful girl, he'll come around.
Meg: That's such a mom answer.
Lois: Well, have toi tried montrer him the goods? How's that for a mom answer?
Meg: Creepy.
Contributed par

[Family Guy] S03E07 - Lethal Weapons #183
Peter: Excuse me, is your refrigerator running? Because if it is, it probably runs like toi - very homosexually.
Contributed par

[Family Guy] S03E10 - poisson Out Of Water #181
Auctioner: We'll open this auction with this pair of panties confiscated from a prostitute.
Quagemire: Fifty...
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Hi my name is Amanda and this is how to service 7th grade. On the first jour of 7th grade I was so excited to see my Friends after summer yay. Well the first jour of 7th grade really sucked but at least I got to see my friends. Yes it’s time to leave school. But I did not see one of my Friends Hannah that sucks because she went to Luray middle. Well I’m accueil and I just talked to Hannah on the phone. She a dit “I might come back to page suivant semester”. “Sweet school is so different without one of my best friends” I said. “If I don’t come back don’t be mad at me”. “I won’t...
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posted by Usui--takumi
^o^ ☺ ☻ ت ヅ ^.^ ツ ッ シ Ü ≧◡≦ ᵔᴥᵔ ^^ (°⌣°)
٩(^‿^)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃) ◕‿◕ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ ٩(͡๏̮͡๏)۶ =^.^=
(•‿•) ó‿ó ¢‿¢ ٩◔‿◔۶ ಠ◡ಠ ༺‿༻ (^L^)
♥‿♥ ◙‿◙ ●‿● ^( '‿' )^ ^‿^ ❀‿❀ 乂◜◬◝乂
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< (^^,) > q(❂‿❂)p <【☯】‿【☯】> |◔◡◉| ⊂◉‿◉つ
✌.ʕʘ‿ʘʔ.✌ ۹⌤_⌤۹ ⎝⎲⏝⏝⎲⎠ ⎝⓿⏝⓿⎠ ⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠
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Honhonhon! Bonjour English man! Grow a real dick and don't fuck with Peter Pan! I'm Francis Bonnefoy and everyone loves me! toi call me a wanker, cause mine is the biggest! Fuck off with your kid brother, cause USUK surely hits it!

SHUT UP! toi DAMN FROG FACE! The fact that your on the same continent is a disgrace! All toi are is a bloody wanker, my rhymes hit hard, like Captain Hook's anchor! Your just a bloody whore, I can't stand your face no more, your such a prick! Even Sealand has plus dick! I have an army of Red Coats! toi have shitty little boats! Waiting till the last minute?...
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posted by adaug
Mom:Okay kids!(4 kids)get in here!I got news!
Kennedy:What is it?
Mom:Me and your dad are going on a date
*grasshopper sound*
Mom:so toi guy will need a babysitter!

*10 minutes later the baby sitter came*
Mom:Hello!I'm Amy!
Babysitter:I'm Ashley!
Mom:DARELL!Get your butt in here!
*Mom and Dad leave*
Ashley:Hi kids!I'm your babysitter Ashley!
Kid:I'm Amber!I'm four!
Ashley:Hi Amber!*ruffles hair*cute!
Ashley:OH kay!
Kid:I'm Zack!I'm 9

*59 minutes later*
Amber:I wuv thé parties!!
Ashley*Walks in*Hey Amber what are toi doing?
Amber:Having a thé party!
Ashley:Can I...
continue reading...
NAME: Greg Bulmash

SEX: Not yet. Still waiting for the right person.

DESIRED POSITION: Company's President ou Vice President. But seriously, whatever's available. If I was in a position to be picky, I wouldn't be applying here in the first place.

DESIRED SALARY: $185,000 a an plus stock options and a Michael Ovitz style severance package. If that's not possible, make an offer and we can haggle.


LAST POSITION HELD: Target for middle management hostility.

SALARY: Less than I'm worth.

MOST NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: My incredible collection of stolen pens and post-it notes.

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(there is no order)

1.Allen walker (d grey man)
2.Gaara (naruto/shippuden
3.Hatsuharu sohma (fruits basket)
4.Deidara (naruto shippuden)
5.Senri shiki (vampire knight)
6.Tsubasa otori (beyblade/metal masters)
7.Toushiro hitsugaya (bleach the movie)
8.Neji hyuga (naruto/shippuden)
9.Mystel (beyblade g revolution)
10.zelgardis breywords (the slayers)
11.hikaru (ouran highschool host club)
12.china (hetalia) (i think?)
13.hanabusa (vampire knight)
14.takama ichijo (vampire knight)
15.zaku (naruto) (deceased aka dead)
This canard walks into a convenience store and asks the clerk, "Do toi have any grapes?" The clerk says no, and the canard leaves.

The suivant day, the canard returns and asks, "Do toi have any grapes?" The clerk again says no, and the canard leaves.

The jour after that, the canard walks in the store again and asks "Do toi have any grapes?" The clerk screams at the duck, "You've come in here the past two days and asked if we had any grapes. I told toi no every time that we don't have any grapes! I swear if toi come back in here again, and ask for grapes, I'll nail your webbed feet to the floor!!"

The duck...
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1. Every jour at school is the same
2. toi never know if your braids look digusting ou not
3. toi are so used to never talking that if somebody says something to you, never know how to react
4. toi would like to think that people notice ou even think about toi but toi are really just the big ugly quiet black girl nobody knows ou cares about
5. toi worry people will write nasty commentaires on your fanpop article that is obvioustly meant to vent your feeling out
6. On the weekend all toi do is watch tv and sleep and play with your cat
7. When toi only really have like 3 Friends at school and 2 of them...
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The montrer SpongeBob linked to attention problems and learning

The montrer SpongeBob SquarePants is pointed par a study which indicates that the viewing for only nine minutes of the montrer may cause short-term attention problems and learning in children four years.

Such problems have been observed in a study of 60 randomly selected children to watch SpongeBob ou Caillou, in which images change plus slowly, ou to draw in nine minutes.

Immediately after this activity, children were tested for mental function. And those who watched SpongeBob scored lower than others.

Previous studies had already established...
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previously on the Evil Teddy Bear: Jenni Peter and Tina were thinking of a way to find out who was trying to wreck their house then all of a sudden there was a noise and it was coming from Tina's room. Tina got mad cause she doesnt let ANYONE besides Peter and Jenni and herself in her room. she was about to stomp over to her room but Jenni stepped in front of her and tried to calm Tina down Peter helped out with trying to calm Tina down as well. Tina sighed calming down after that they all went to Tina's room when they opened the door they were all shocked Tina's cd's were all broken her paintings...
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I'm putting two funny articles together in one, hope toi enjoy it!

Some fun rules
1. I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good either.
2. I l’amour deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.
3. Am I getting smart with you? How would toi know?
4. I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode.
5. Someday we'll look back on all this and plow into a parked car.
6. There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved through a suitable application of high explosives.
7. Tell me what toi need, and I'll tell you...
continue reading...
previously on the Evil Teddy Bear: Tina Unlocked the door to their house and they all walked inside then Peter put the Teddy ours on the self after that they all got hungery so Tina went to the shops to get some nourriture while Peter and Jenni were playing Uno they heard a crash in the cuisine and ran over there they got a big shock when they saw how messy the cuisine was when Tina got accueil she saw what the cuisine was like and she got a big shock herself then while they all were thinking of a plan to see who did this to their accueil the Teddy ours was hiding in the cuisine cupboard as it chuckled...
continue reading...
15) They told me at the blood bank that this might happen.

14) This is just a 15 minute power nap like they raved about in the last
time-management course toi sent me to.

13) Whew! Guess I left the haut, retour au début off of the Liquid Paper.

12) I was meditating on the mission statement and envisioning a new paradigm.

11) This is one of the seven habits of highly effective people.

10) I was testing the keyboard for drool resistance.

9) I was doing a highly specific Yoga exercise to relieve work-related stress.
Are toi discriminating against people who practice yoga?

8) I was doing a "Stress Level Elimination Exercise...
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dear diary, today was the worst - first a car ran over my lunch so i had to rob somebody's lunch money, seconde i got a F on my history paper, third mrs perrywinkle slaped me with her ceinture serosly this is the 21 centery your not aloud to slap teenagers with belts, and forth when i got accueil my history paper fell out of my bag and my mother picked it up and started lire it so what did i do, i rushed upstairs into my room 1 seconde later i hear my mother scream off the haut, retour au début of her lungs LILLY GET toi BUT DOWN HERE...NOW!!!!!!!! god i said, so i go down. what is this she a dit uuummm my homework...
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posted by kinga10111
..... aléatoire Facts .....

If toi have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, toi have $1.19. toi also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar.
The numbers '172' can be found on the back of the U.S. $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the lincoln Memorial.

President Kennedy was the fastest aléatoire speaker in the world with upwards of 350 words per minute.

In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator.

Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.

The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties...
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1.Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.

2.Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.

3.There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.

4.The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.

5.A requin is the only poisson that can blink with both eyes.

6.There are plus chickens than people in the world.

7.Two-thirds of the world's aubergine is grown in New Jersey.

8.The longest one-syllable word in the English language is "screeched."

9.On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament building is an American flag.

10.All of the clocks in the movie "Pulp Fiction" are stuck on...
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Barbra Streisand


Barbra Streisand


Barbra Streisand


Barbra Streisand

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