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 Celebrating four seasons of MLPFIM!
Celebrating four seasons of MLPFIM!
MLPFIM is one of my favori shows right now and to honor that and celebrate its four seasons I decided to write this article. I hope toi guys like it!

haut, retour au début Fifteen Best Episodes
 MLP Artwork
MLP Artwork

15. Boast Busters
This episode introduces Trixie who has so far been in two episodes. Most fans like Magic Duel more, but this one is a little better to me. I just really like Twilight in this episode and how she fights off the Ursa Minor. The first episode written par Chris Savino.
 Shooting Stars
Shooting Stars

14. Owl's Well That Ends Well
I guess a lot of people don't like this episode, but I think this is the best Spike episode. I l’amour the opening with the shooting stars and "the coup de poing is spiked" joke. I like Owlicious and how Twilight tells Spike that no one can replace him. This one is written par Cindy Morrow.
 MLP Artwork
MLP Artwork

13. Feeling Pinkie Keane
This episode is one of the randomest and funniest episodes in the montrer and that's probably because its about Pinkie Pie. Some people criticize the episode saying its talking about Faith vs. Science, but I still like the episode. It is the first episode written par Dave Polsky.

12. Pinkie pomme Pie
I didn't know what to expect from this episode. I was shocked par the great écriture and delivery from a new writer for season four named Natasha Levinger. The song "Apples to the Core" is so good and I l’amour the animation sequence. Pinkie Pie is the best at taking selfies I really need her to teach me. Although, in the episode it is never proven that Pinkie is indeed an pomme there are some evidence suggesting she is which is how she takes from the bottom of a pile like Goldie Delicious.
 What team should I be in?
What team should I be in?

11. Winter Wrap
First of all, I have to mention the song! It used to be my favorite, but other songs have come out since then which I think are better, but Winter emballage, wrap Up is still one of the best! I really like the idea of wrapping up winter and this episode is just really cute! This one is also written par Cindy Morrow.
 Sweetie's Gift
Sweetie's Gift

10. Sisterhooves Social
This episode focuses on my favori CMC, Sweetie Belle. Being an older and younger sister I completely understand both Rarity and Sweetie Belle and being a sister this episode really hits home. This episode is written par Cindy Morrow.
 How to study?
How to study?

9. Testing Testing 1, 2, 3
I didn't know what I expect from this episode, but it thoroughly surprised me with how good it was. I l’amour how arc en ciel Dash learns and what everyone did to help her. This episode is written par Amy Keating Rogers.
 Its okay to be scared.
Its okay to be scared.

8. Sleepless in Ponyville
This episode was written par a new writer in season three named Corey Powell. I think this is a wonderful episode and a great way to start his écriture for the show. I didn't know what to expect from this episode, but I ended up liking it so much and it helped me to like arc en ciel Dash and Scootaloo more. This is Scootaloo's first episode as well.
 That's when I learned 'never try to shine with my big sister around'.
That's when I learned 'never try to shine with my big sister around'.

7. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
I l’amour the dream episodes they do now, but this one beats Sleepless in Ponyville. I relate plus to this episode and Sweetie Belle is my favori CMC. This episode is par Dave Polsky.
 Make a Wish!
Make a Wish!

6. Pinkie Pride
This episode is actually pretty special to me because it aired on my birthday and is actually about a birthday (Rainbow Dash's). I enjoyed the songs (it is the seconde musical episode) and this episode is fairly important because it further shows Pinkie's element and connects to the Harmony Box. This is also the first episode to be written par Jayson Thiessen who normally just directs episodes and it has teleplay done par Amy Keatings Rogers. I am shipping Pinkie and Cheese so hard!
 The Royal Wedding
The Royal Wedding

5. A Canterlot Wedding (Part 1 & 2)
I really enjoyed this episode and it used to be my number three. It is written par Meghan McCarthy and I think in this episode her écriture and story ideas really shine. She's also known for écriture Party of One and Lesson Zero. This episode again has great songs and villain. It introduces two new characters Shining Armor (Twilight's brother) and Princess Cadence (Princess Celestia's niece and Twilight's foal-sitter). I like both of them and think they are great additions to the show.
 The new princess
The new princess

4. Magical Mystery Cure
I know this episode caused a lot of controversy, but I loved it. First of all its a musical and I l’amour comédies musicales and the musique is just fantastic as toi will see from my favori song list. This episode also aired on my mom's birthday. Twilight becoming a princess bothered a lot of fans, but I actually saw it coming and even wrote a whole article about it. toi can read it here: link.
This episode is amazing and I don't think it deserved so much hate especially from fans of the show. It upsets me as well because M.A. Larson did not write for season 4 and I hope its not because of the negative criticism this episode got. I'm so happy he's coming back for season 5.
 How to get a cutie mark?
How to get a cutie mark?

3. The Cutie Mark Chronicles
Another Larson episode and such a cute story. I l’amour how it begins with the CMC trying to find their cutie marks, but this time they actually have good idea which was listening to the Mane Six (specifically arc en ciel Dash) about how they got their cutie marks. I think each story is unique and the mane six are so cute as fillies. Also, I like how they learned that they were all connected.
 Twilight's château
Twilight's Castle

2. Twilight's Kingdom (Part 1 & 2)
This episode blew my mind. The fight scene was so beyond epic that words just can't describe. I loved the pacing and how it had so much feels. I almost cried and definitely got teary during some parts. Plus, the callback to the very first movie was awesome even though I saw it coming. It was extremely well executed and I had a hard time placing it, but I settled at number 2. However, I feel like it's plus of a tie. This episode is written par Meghan McCarthy.
 "Twists and turns are my master plan."
"Twists and turns are my master plan."

1. The Return of Harmony (Part 1 & 2)
I l’amour this episode because it has such amazing dialogue, animation, and the best villain Discord. M.A. Larson is also my favori writer and he did such an amazing job doing his first two part episode. I think this episode is great to get non fans to like the show.

haut, retour au début Twelve Worst Episodes
 King Sombra AKA King Disappointment
King Sombra AKA King Disappointment

12. The Crystal Empire (Part 1 and 2)
Its not really that this episode is bad its just that it really disappointed me as well as other fans. This episode is written par Meghan McCarthy and well she has a pretty good lists of episode including the episodes that came before which is A Canterlot Wedding which was awesome so I was expecting something just as awesome from this episode. And don't get me wrong there were some great parts the whole 7 minute teaser that was released was great, the songs were good, and the door scenes with Twilight and Spike were specially good. There was also Shining Armor throwing Cadence and I like the Crystal poney forms of the ponies. The big let down was of course King Sombra because in the teaser they showed him to be really evil and I had so much time to think of what I wanted to happen that when I watched the episode I got really disappointed that he didn't really interact with the characters. I know he's supposed to be like a Sauron presence, but then King Sombra should have had an army ou henchmen to make him seem scarier. I really think if they didn't release the teaser I probably would have liked the episode more.
 ou not?
Or not?

11. The Best Night Ever
This episode is also not bad it's just that I feel like this wasn't the best episode to end the season. I know they had everything leading up to the gala, but they could have easily made this one the seconde to last episode of the season and then have Cutie Mark Chronicles as the finale. Cutie Mark Chronicles is noted as one of the best episodes par critics and one even mentions that it would have made a great finale. This episode is written par Amy Keating Rogers.
 What games?
What games?

10. Equestria Games
This episode was a bit of a disappointment for me I liked the conflict with Spike, but I really wanted to see plus of the Equestria Games and we didn't get to see much like we didn't see the CMC perform ou the much of the races. They wasted a couple of minutes with Spike chant which I felt was not good management because with an episode that to me had plus to offer they kind of blew it when they decided to include this scene.
 The bullying episode
The bullying episode

9. One Bad Apple
This episode just didn't really interest me. The best part is really the song and Babs Seed is a good character, but I don't think they should have justified her actions. Bullying is always wrong! I see why they did it, but I kinda wish they didn't. It is written par Cindy Morrow. Its not a bad episode though I just didn't really like it.
 Is this what dragons are like?
Is this what dragons are like?

8. Dragon Quest
I just didn't like how this episode puts dragon in such a bad light. I don't think all dragons are like that. I do like Peewee though.
 One of the parts I actually like
One of the parts I actually like

7. Flight to the Finish
This episode was kind of disappointing. I like the cheer of the CMC and I like how its building up to the Equestria Games, but other than that this episode didn't do much for me. This episode had the first song of season four and I didn't really like it. It is also written par a first time writer Ed Valentine though he redeems himself with Three's a Crowd.
 Fluttershy - The Assertive Monster
Fluttershy - The Assertive Monster

6. Putting Your Hoof Down
I really don't like how this episode portrays Fluttershy. It was like she was holding in all these emotions and was finally letting out her true colors. I really feel like they could take out this episode and replace it with something else. Something plus like Hurricane Fluttershy. Putting Your Hoof Down was written par charlotte Fullerton and had teleplay done par Merriwether Williams.
 Just no...
Just no...

5. Hearts and Hooves Day
I didn't like this episode because it was so cliched and very similar to other dessins animés I've seen and well I just expected plus from the writers especially Meghan McCarthy who was in charge of écriture this one. I do like that Cheerilee and Big Mac played a big role though.
 What saved this episode!
What saved this episode!

4. The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
I honestly do not like this episode, but it hurts me to liste it because it is written par Larson who is my favori writer. I don't understand the point of the episode it has no moral which is stated par cidre fort, applejack and ironically cidre fort, applejack saying this saves this episode from being put higher.
 Seriously! Gonna waste pomme pie.
Seriously! Gonna waste pomme pie.

3. Over A Barrel
I just didn't like this episode written par Dave Polsky. The beginning with riding the train is great, but the rest is just not that good. The fight between the ponies and buffalo is just really stupid and I'm just glad I didn't watch this episode first because I probably would not have become a fan of the show.
 What were they thinking?
What were they thinking?

2. The montrer Stoppers
This episode is I'm sorry to say pretty awful which is too bad because its written par a good writer Cindy Morrow. This episode is about the CMC and it just annoys me that the episode shows us there supposed talents and then suggests that the CMC are too stupid to figure out what they are good at. And the song is just bad. A funny story when they were écriture the episode Daniel Ingram had to redo the song because Lauren Faust a dit it wasn't bad enough.
 At least this picture is cute...
At least this picture is cute...

1. Ranbow Falls
This episode annoys me so much! Okay this episode is important because it deals with arc en ciel Dash's element and the Harmony Box, but it just wasn't that good because it highlights a big criticism of season 4 during the first ten episodes (tenth being arc en ciel Falls). It was only in Princess Twilight Sparkle (Part 1 and 2), that we really see Twilight using her wings and addresses her princess capuche, hotte during those ten episodes. I mean they were like I wonder who can replace arc en ciel and I'm like I have an idea how about the new princess and one of your best Friends Twilight. I feel like the conflict of the episode could have been easily resolved as well par arc en ciel just talking to her teammates about joining the other team. In addition, why does the "Yeah" poney (Bulk Biceps) suddenly suck at flying in Wonderbolt Academy he held his own fairly well as pointed out par other fans. Probably the only thing that saved this episode was Soarin and seeing Derpy. This episode is written par Corey Powell.

haut, retour au début Fifteen Characters
1. (Princess) Twilight Sparkle
From the start of the montrer I have always liked Twilight. However, she and Fluttershy used to be tied for number, but after watching the series further Twilight became number one for me. I l’amour her character design and how she is based on the G1 Twilight who is my favori poney from the précédant generations.
2. Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie has always been fairly high on my liste and used to be my third favorite. However, after watching season four I find myself liking Pinkie more. If toi look at my haut, retour au début fifteen liste Pinkie has three episodes on it and I feel that she has plus development in the series so far.
3. Fluttershy
Fluttershy is so cute! I l’amour her voice and how sweet she is, but i feel that her character hasn't developed as much and I think the episodes dedicated to her aren't as good.
4. Discord
Discord premieres in my favori episode so naturally he makes my list. He is so funny and great as a villain and reformed. I loved the Glass of Water song it was just hilarious and it's so cute that he writes to Fluttershy. I also like the pendant of him and Twilight. I l’amour how in the season finale we see Discord as plus than a trickster. He becomes a true friend.
5. Spike
I really like Spike and other than cidre fort, applejack he's the only character that has been in most series of MLP. I l’amour his relationship with Twilight and I used to want him to be with Twilight, but now that Twilight has a crush on Flash Sentry I've changed my mind. I also don't think he's going to get with Rarity i don't know if toi guys have noticed this, but since the end of season 2 it seems that Spike isn't that infatuated with Rarity anymore. Sure he likes her and will always like as a friend, but I think his crush on her is not as strong as it once was.
6. Rarity
I know some people don't really like Rarity, but I personally think she is a great character. She's generous and while she is a drama Queen she genuinely cares for others and is quite funny as well.
7. Sweetie Belle
My I l’amour her! She's my favori CMC and I think she is so cute. I personally think she is prettier than Rarity and I would like to see her get plus episodes and develop plus as character (hopefully getting her cutie mark).
8. Princess Cadence
I think she is the prettiest poney so far. I liked her in A Canterlot Wedding and in the other episodes of season 3 that she was in, but I felt that we really didn't get to see much of her character. That's why Three's A Crowd made me really happy because it expand Cadence's character and relationship to Twilight. She was great in the finale I think she may believe in Twilight plus than Celestia does.
9. Cheese Sandwich
He is an amazing character and the episode he premieres in makes my haut, retour au début fifteen list. I am shipping him and Pinkie so hard.
10. Tirek
He is an awesome villain. I am happy that they choose him to redo from the original MLP. I totally saw it coming, but I don't care because he was great and they gave their own twist on his character. Aside from Discord, I think he is the best MLP villain.
11. Flash Sentry
I know a lot of people complain that he's the generic nice guy, but to me there's nothing wrong with that and I think his character will become plus developed. I like his relationship with Twilight. He's sweet and likes her for who she is. He didn't even freak out when her true form was shown. She's part animal (actually plus than part) and he still liked her.
12. Big Macintosh
I like his relationship with his family and I l’amour that he sings! He has a great voice and the comic about him was pretty enjoyable. I was never that crazy about his character in the beginning, but now I really like him.
13. Coco Pommel
I really like her character design and how she was introduced.
14. Shining Armor
Twilight's brother is a fairly attractive stallion. I think he is so cool. I've always wanted a big brother so I am jealous of his relationship to Twilight. And can I just say something Shining and Twilight's parents are like the luckiest parents in the world their son is Captain of the Royal Guard and married to a princess making him co-ruler of The Crysta Empire and then there daughter is Celestia's prodigy and now a princess. However, I feel like they need to have him do more. I know this montrer has girls as leads, but that doesn't mean they have to make the men seem weaker.
15. Maud Pie
I think she is so funny! I l’amour how different she is from Pinkie and yet they get along so well.

How I became a fan of the montrer toi ask. Well I'll tell you. I became a fan of the montrer in 2012. So before I actually watched the montrer I went to Target and saw a poster for MLP:FIM I thought the character designs were really cute, but I didn't really look into the show. Also, I used to watch MLP a child and it brought a lot of nostalgia seeing it being revamped (I was born in the 90's though not 80's). So months later my family and I go to a concert for a band called Nightwish and there was a board there where toi can text things and it displays them. So people were écriture things about the band and then some one wrote "Who's your favori pony?" I thought maybe that was code for something, but then people started giving responses like Twilight and Pinkie Pie and then I was like wait they are really talking about MLP. I was thinking how weird it was because the concert is filled with mostly adults. So a week ou so later I had some free time since it was my senior an in high school and I decided why not give it a try. So I asked my youngest sister to watch the first two episodes with me and we have been fans ever since. What's your becoming a fan story? If toi want write your story in the commentaires section and maybe I'll give a few hommages out to the stories I like most.

My thoughts on the writers? Well as toi know my favori writer is M. A. Larson and the seconde would have to be Cindy Morrow since she has three episodes on my favori list. suivant would probably be Meghan McCarthy who is the current montrer runner since Lauren Faust left. I'm very impressed with Natasha Levinger because she is a new writer and both of her episodes are amazing! Dave Polsky has also written quite a few good ones. Jayson Thiessen should write plus episodes he normally directs, but he is a talented writer.

My thoughts on seasons 1-4? Season 1 was pretty solid I have to say my highlights would be The Cutie Mark Chronicles episode, Winter emballage, wrap Up song, Pinkie sense, Owl's Well that Ends Well, and the Ursa major scene. Other highlights are the pilot, the slumber party, zecora, the making of the gala dresses, and Pinkie's mental breakdown. Season 2 I think is the seconde best season with highlights such as the pilot and finale and Sisterhooves Social. There's also Twilight's mental breakdown, the return of Princess Luna, Spike becoming a full grown dragon for a brief time, Heart's Warming Eve play. Daring Do, and future Twilight. Season 3 even though its the shortest season I still like it plus than season 1 highlights include Magical Mystery Cure and Sleepless in Ponyville. As well as the songs from the Crystal Empire, the fear door scenes, Princess Celestia and Luna's talk about Twilight, Shining Armor throwing Cadence, Babs Seed, return of Trixie, Applejack's first song, the return and reformation of Discord, and the cheer from Games Ponies Play. Season 4, I believe is the best season because its the first season where they actually have a main story arc plus it had so much highlights such as the premiere and finale, Luna, Discord, Equestrian History, new powers, and just so much more. This season also expressed continuity par bringing back characters and connecting present events to the past. global, ensemble if I had to rate the seasons it would be 1). Season 4, 2). Season 2, 3). Season 3, and 4). Season 1.

My thoughts on Equestria Girls? Truthfully I was really looking vers l'avant, vers l’avant to this as a TV series, but I guess they changed it to being a movie. I thought the movie wasn't bad, but it wasn't what I was expecting either. I really wish they would stop reforming their villains I think Sunset Shimmer could have played a better and bigger role. However, we did get our wish of getting a movie and it was fairly good. It just could have been better. They are having a sequel to and I'm not overly excited, but I will watch it. Hopefully we see Flash Sentry and Sunset Shimmer again! Loved the song and scene Helping Twilight Win the Crown. The seconde movie arc en ciel Rock I think will be about as good as the first one. I'm not really sure why they choose musique as their theme for the movie, but if they have amazing songs like Helping Twilight Win the Crown then I think it will be enjoyable. I'm not sure why everyone is freaking out about this movie. I don't think it will be terrible. Sure Equestria Girls wasn't as good as the series, but it was fairly enjoyable. I think people are having such high expectations. Remember that they aren't used to making films so give the first one a break. I think the writers are smart enough to learn from what fans didn't like in the first movie and will improve this upcoming film.

My Thoughts on arc en ciel Rocks: I actually just recently wrote an article about this so I will just provide the link here - link

My thoughts on the comic? I actually really enjoy them. Each comic is very well done, but I think I enjoy the Return of Chrysalis (Issues #1-4) and Nightmare Moon the most (Issues #5-8). The suivant comics are two part arcs one about Big Mac (Issues #9-10) and Shining Armor and Cadence (Issues #11-12). Then there's the pirates on (Issues #13-14) and the bookworm arc where it makes the book become alive (Issues 15-16). The newest arc will have four parts and it features étoile, star Swirl the Bearded and also King Sombra (I think). There's the micro- series featuring arcs dedicated to each of the Mane Six, Spike, Princess Celestia and Luna, and the CMC. After the micro-series there's the Friends Forever livres which focuses on pairs of Friends the first being Pinkie and Applejack, then the CMC and Discord, Princess Celestia and Spike, and Twilight and Shining Armor. The last is My Little Pony: Annual which features stories from the Equestria Girls story line. I haven't read all the comic I've only gone up to issue 15 and have read one of the micro series the one about Twilight. The comics include lots of things I wanted to see in the montrer like the return of villains, a plage episode, and merponies/sea ponies. There are two YouTube channel with videos.
link (Longer)
link (Shorter)
Both are complete its just one filmed faster than the other.
*Note: There are plus comics then what was mentioned I just didn't feel like editing it more. Plus I feel like I already gave too many spoilers.

My thoughts on shipping? Well to be honest I'm not really big on shipping, but there are some that I really like (list not really in any order). And sorry, but I don't really like same-sex pairings so toi won't see very many ou possibly any on my list.
1). Twilight and Flash Sentry
I know Flash's character is a little common, but he didn't really have a lot of scenes so I feel like his character can be made quite interesting donné the proper screen time. I just really liked how nice he was and how him and Twilight seemed to have l’amour at first sight ou maybe just chiot love. I am a big fan of this pairing.
2). Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich
Honestly these two are perfect for each other. I can see them getting married and opening their own party planning business ou possibly taking over the Cake's boutique if and when the Cakes decide to retire. I l’amour how it was Pinkie who helped him get his cutie mark. I am shipping these two so hard!
3). Fluttershy and Big Mac
I have seen lots of pictures and fan fiction about these two and while I did think they look cute together I didn't see much evidence in the montrer that would support them being together. I used to think that maybe Big Mac liked Twilight because of Lesson Zero and him keeping Smarty Pants (which they still haven't explained). However, when I watched Filli Vanilli I loved the idea of them getting together.
4). Princess Celestia and Discord
I don't really know why, but its always been my head canon that Celestia and Discord were dating ou maybe liked each other. The way they talk to each other kind of reminds me of how people who have broken up talk to each other.
5). Rarity and Fancy Pants
Now this shipping only works if Fleur de Lis is not Fancy Pant's wife. I just think they look good together. He played a big role in Sweet and Elite and he was the one Rarity was with at the wedding of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor.
6). Princess Luna and King Sombra
I never really thought about them together until I saw some fan vidéos and I have to admit that they do look fairly good together.
7). cidre fort, applejack and Trenderhoof
I actually quite enjoyed Simple Ways and I think that par the end of the episode cidre fort, applejack is starting to like Trenderhoof. I could see them getting together.
8). arc en ciel Dash and Soarin
I think a lot of people ship them and it makes a lot of sense. Soarin is actually my favori Wonderbolt since the other two are kind of jerks. After watching arc en ciel Falls my opinion of the Wonderbolts expect for Soarin has really dropped down.
9). Spike and __________
Spike is honestly a really hard one because I can basically see him getting with almost any of the mane six ou CMC. However the pairings I like the most are Twilight and Spike, Rarity and Spike, and Sweetie Belle and Spike. I know a lot of people don't like Twilight and Spike as a couple, but I like them together plus than I like Spike with Rarity. In seasons 3-4 it is shown that Spike still likes Rarity, but there hasn't been much development in their relationship. It is also noteworthy to mention that Spike almost always chooses Twilight over Rarity such as in The Crystal Empire he was already with Rarity, but left to be with Twilight. It is also shown that his biggest fear is Twilight no longer loving him. It is unknown to us if Spike is older ou younger than the mane six. Many of us assume he is younger, but we have no knowledge of how dragons age. If he is in fact younger then I feel he should be with Sweetie Belle(and even if he isn't they are still cute). The first reason is she is Rarity's sister and therefore looks a bit like her. I also find Sweetie Belle to be prettier than Rarity. The seconde reason is they were dancing at the royal wedding.
10. Discord and Fluttershy
I never really thought of them as a couple until I watched Twilight's Kingdom. These two really brought the feels in this episode and they have such a cute relationship.

Honorable Mention: Lyra and Bon Bon
As I a dit I'm not really big on same sex pairings, but these two are almost always together so its either they really close friends, family, ou are dating.

Ideas for the club? Well before season 3 came out I had asked people to give at least ten things they want to happen in the season. I wrote an article about the haut, retour au début choices and then wrote another article talking about what we got right. I had pretty good participation with this idea. However, before season 4 came out I had asked if people wanted to play a bingo game and I didn't really get any one to participate. I think it would be really fun and would like to do it for season 5 if toi guys are interested. There are two options I think would be fun to play. The first is people giving their liste about what they want to happen in season 5 and then getting the haut, retour au début results to make a bingo board. For this one I will probably make different versions of the bingo card (same items just shuffled) ou I will give toi guys the items and toi can make your own. I will let everyone who is playing know when they can mark their board and we can have discussions if people think something should count. I will most likely make a forum (for both ideas) so I can post the cards and so people can montrer when they get a bingo. I will provide a bingo template for both (you are welcome to make your own though). For the seconde idea I will just leave it to whoever is playing to decide what they want to be on their card. The only bingo square that will be the same for everyone is the middle one which will say free hugs (free space). I will give hommages each time a person gets bingo (not every time they mark a square). However, I may give out hommages for the most unique ideas ou the boards that I think are made nicely. For both options I would like a few people to help me out in giving out the hommages and I will let toi guys know as well when to give it. For me to make the game I would like at least ten to fifteen people to let me know in the commentaires section of my article that toi want to play. If toi would like to help out giving hommages also let me know in the commentaires section. I will need four helpers for every ten people that say they want to play. I will also be making a vote at the end of season four, but I wanted to get the idea out there par two ways. Please also specify which option toi would like to play and if toi have any ideas let me know.

Thank toi so much for lire my article and if toi would like to give me your lists and any of your opinion feel free to do so. I always read the commentaires on my articles and if toi have any questions for me I will answer them quite promptly. Please don't forget to mention if toi are interested in the bingo game.
posted by Aelitarules444
It was a nice jour in ponyville just like any other day.Scootaloo was hanging out with arc en ciel dash,Pinkie was doing who knows what I mean what do toi expect from her she broke the fourth mur in like two episodes.Ah, anyways Twilight was studying on how to be a princess,Rarity was making outfits for Celestia and Luna.(Don't ask why.)And AppleJack was working on the pomme farm.

3:00-The girls were at sugurcube corner.
Rainbow:Hey where's Fluttershy, I haven't seen her all week.
AppleJack:Yeah, me either, she a dit she would help me with the pomme picking today and never showed up.
Rarity:I'm pretty...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
After Con was tortured, he was left in a prison cell. The Chinese drowned him, whipped him, and they nearly set him on fire.

Con: *Resting in cell*
Chinese Mare: *Opens cell door*
Con: What do toi want now?
Chinese Mare: Come with me. *Walks down hallway*
Con: *Follows Chinese Mare*
Chinese Ponies: *Pointing pistolets at Con*
Con: *Staring at Chinese Ponies*
Chinese Mare: *Opens door* Step inside please.
Con: *Goes past door*
Chinese Mare: *Follows Con while closing door*
Gustav: Mr. Mane, please sit.
Con: *Sits down*
Gustav: As toi can probably tell, the Japanese are a very good ally to your so called, country....
continue reading...
soon after that day,i became even plus close to them with our daily jokes and wins,if was fun! and now with our new member: Peppermint (who was also my old classmate) school time became even plus awesome and par this time clubs were now available for us,may it be clubs for subjects ou Performing arts,almost all of us joined,i didnt really have my decision yet but as if she sensed,my teacher called me and persuaded me to rejoindre Journalism

"i can see that toi have great potential in writing,Aurora" Ms.Cherry stated in a serious tone "if would be great if toi join"

"um...i dont know what to say...but...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Gordon arrived at Portland, and thought the town looked good.

Gordon: I wish I could work on the Union Pacific here instead of having to be in Cheyenne. Maybe I could get Pete to transfer me to here from Cheyenne after my suspension.

He went to where the station was, but he wished he hadn't.

Passengers: Hurry up with our bags!
Porter: I'm doing the best I can-
Passengers: You're not doing good enough, hurry up!
Porter: Just stop! You're too close to me *Punches passenger*
Gordon: Wow. Even I don't do that to the passengers. *Walks to station*
Passengers: *Sees Gordon* Oh great. First the porter...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Warning: Since Wilson became a new character in this series, I forgot to put in his name for the opening credits, but don't worry, I have fixed that.

Theme song >>>> link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, Wilson, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 25

The "Not so" Great Escape

May 22, 1953

Five days after Gordon got suspended, Orion felt...
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I got out of my disguise, and continued riding my motorcycle towards Switzerland.

Sean: *Stops near checkpoint, then looks behind him*
Nazi Bikers: *Getting close*
Sean: *Looks at checkpoint*
Nazis: *Walking towards Sean*
Sean: *Rides away from checkpoint*
Nazi Bikers: *Follow Sean*
Sean: *Turns right*
Nazi Bikers: *Follow Sean*
Sean: *Turns left on grass*

Shredder, and Bartholomew were having an easier time getting to Switzerland.

Shredder: *sees alps* The Alps.
Brewster: Splendid.
Shredder: *Flying past castle* Another twenty four miles, and we'll make it.

Or so it seemed. They were getting closer,...
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While I was stealing the motorcycle, other ponies were doing other things, such as....

Volk & Pablo: *running through field of fleurs to a stream*
Pablo: *sees boat*
Volk: *goes to boat*
Pablo: *Follows boat*
Gordon: *Walking down road*
Truck Driver: *Driving truck*
Gordon: *Waves hooves*
Truck Driver: *Stops truck*
Gordon: *Gets in*
Truck Driver: *Drives*
Volk & Pablo: *Go down stream in boat*
Sean: *Wearing Nazi uniform, and riding bike out of ditch onto road*

There was no damage on the bike, and I knew just where to go.

Meanwhile, on the train.

Shredder: *Sitting with Brewster*
Sacred Symphony:...
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After looking through the hole in the ground, I noticed we didn't dig far enough.

Jade: So Pablo just left?
Bartholomew: Yes.
Sean: *Comes down* Hold onto yourself Perfect, you're twenty feet short.
Bartholomew: What do toi mean?
Sean: You're twenty feet short from the woods. The guard is between us, and the compound.
Jade: How could this happen? We had very accurate measurements.
Bartholomew: What difference does it make? It's happened! There's nothing we can do about it now.
Sean: *goes back up*
Jade: Bartholomew-
Bartholomew: Shit Jade, I'm trying to think!
Sean: *Comes back down* One chance....
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One night, in one of the huts, me, Shredder, and arc en ciel Dash were in a room with all the potatoes. We were trying to make moonshine.

After a few attempts, they decided to try out their drink.

Sean: *Drinks small amount of moonshine* Wow.
Shredder: *drinks moonshine* Wow!
Rainbow Dash: *Drinks moonshine, then coughs* Wow!

Next morning.

Shredder: *Sets up table*
Sean: *Sets up Equestrian Flag*
Rainbow Dash: *Carrying drums*
Sean: *Carrying flute*
Shredder: *Has garbage can set as cannon, then shoots the lid off*
Ponies: *Coming out of huts*
Sean: *Blows in flute*
Shredder: Ten hut! March!
Sean: *Playing...
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In one of the tunnels.

Volk: *Digging*
Pablo: *Waiting par entrance of tunnel*
Volk: *Puts dirt on cart, then knocks twice*
Pablo: *Pulls chariot, panier towards him*
Bartholomew: *Arrives* How is everything?
Pablo: Not good.
Bartholomew: Not good? Why?
Pablo: Three times today, the dirt keeps falling down on us.
Volk: *Gets trapped in huge pile of dirt* Help!
Pablo: Wait here *Gets on cart, and goes towards Volk*
Volk: *trapped in dirt*
Pablo: *Pulls Volk out*
Volk: Ah, *Coughs* Thanks.
Pablo: No problem *Puts Volk on cart* MOVE!!
Bartholomew: *Pulls Volk towards him*
Pablo: *Shows up* Give him some water.
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Once again, it was time for me to leave the glacière with Applejack. As soon as we returned, I was told to go talk with Bartholomew, and Jade.

Sean: Good to see toi two again.
Bartholomew: Right. We just wanted to talk to you.
Sean: About what?
Jade: We here that you're planning another escape with cidre fort, applejack during the Summer Sun Celebration.
Sean: Yeah, if she want's to come along, she can.
Bartholomew: toi know, cidre fort, applejack is close to cracking.
Sean: toi still think it would be a good idea to go through the tunnel, don't you?
Jade: It would be safer.
Bartholomew: Now, we need someone as good as...
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posted by karinabrony
I walked with the mane 6 to the Canterlot Castle. When we entered, I saw Chrysalis and Shining Armor. We gasped. "She put the same spell on him as last time!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. Chrysalis saw us and said, "Well, if it isn't the mane 6. Oh, and a new pony, I see." Chrysalis glared at me. "We will not let toi get away with this!" I said. Chrysalis laughed. "How can toi stop me? My team of chan-" Twilight Sparkle glared at her. "We already stopped your team of changelings." Queen Chrysalis looked surprised and then said, "Well, even if toi stopped them, toi CAN NOT stop ME." We left the castle,...
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posted by karinabrony
Hello! Today I will be talking about OC's. This is a guide, I hope toi like it.

1: Figure out a name

I have seen a lot of people having trouble with finding a name for their character. I have had that trouble, too. One way to help yourself is to know what the talent is. For example, let's say your talent is fire. toi could come up with something like Blazing Breeze ou something like that. And if your talent is water, water drop.

2: Talent

It's easy to figure out the talent for your OC. It can be something you are good at, ou something you'd like to have as a talent. It goes with the cutie mark,...
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 A Masked pie-grièche, pieu coupé, migratrice
A Masked Shrike
After getting Jordyn's wallet, Shredder went to where Brewster was.

Brewster: *Whistling like a bird* And that I'm sure toi all know is the good old robin. *Shows chalkboard* Now, let's take a look at our suivant bird, the Masked Shrike, the butcher bird.
Shredder: *Arrives*
Brewster: Ah, Shredder. Sit down, you'll find your papers, and drawing utensils under the table.
Shredder: *Sits down*
Luke: I didn't know toi had an interest for birds.
Shredder: Yeah, toi should stick around, and learn a few things.
Luke: I've got better things to do then learn about birds. *Leaves*
Brewster: Well, that's a...
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Eighteen days later, I was counting down how long I've been in the cooler.

Sean: *Looking at écriture on walls* I've been here for... *Counting*
Griffon 44: *Opens door*
Sean: *Pointing at himself* I can go?
Griffon 44: Yes.
Sean: Great *Grabs baseball, and mit*
Applejack: *Comes out of room*
Sean: Let's get going Applejack.

After a quick meal, me and cidre fort, applejack went to see Bartholomew.

Sean: *Goes into Bartholomew's room*
Applejack: *Following Sean*
Sean: Bartholomew?
Bartholomew: Sean. We're glad toi two are back with us again.
Sean: That's right *sees Celestia, and Jade*
Bartholomew: But, we also hear...
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posted by _Laugh_
It was late, very late. In fact, it was actually three in the morning. Silver Tune was accueil alone, still watching Tv on the couch, which was in the living room. Although she was tired, she had promised her sister, Roxy Tune, that she´d wait for her to come accueil from her job. Silver Tune yawned, then heard a knock at the door. She heard keys jiggling. Her ears perked up. She rapidly turned off the Tv. She covered herself with a blanket, and snored, pretending to sleep.

Her sister, Roxy Tune entered the room. She was carrying a bag, and smelled like liquor. She rolled her eyes, knowing Silver...
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Theme song: link

Seanthehedgehog Presents

The Great Escape


The good guys

Sean the hedgehog
Shredder Dash
Bartholomew Perfect the 55th
Jade Greene
Brewster Amzel
Princess Celestia
Rainbow Dash
Shining Armor

Chibi-emmy's OC

Sacred Symphony

Dragonaura15's OC


The bad guys


Major Skyler


Major Jones
Captain Muntz
Seargent Schultz


Queen Chrysalis
Corporal Hothead

This is based off of a true story. Although the characters are completely different from those of the actual escape, every detail is exactly the way it went.

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posted by Seanthehedgehog
 This is the engine that Wilson was driving.
This is the engine that Wilson was driving.
After Coffee Creme made Hawkeye leave the station, he decided to talk to Stylo.

Stylo: What she did doesn't sound fair.
Hawkeye: Yeah. Alright, so we have to wait here for a passenger train to arrive, and then we're going to Portland.
Stylo: I've never been there before.
Hawkeye: I have. One time, the Spokane Portland & Seattle Railroad needed to borrow a few engines from us, and guess who drove those engines to them.
Stylo: You?
Hawkeye: Yeah.

Meanwhile in the trainyards.

Captain Wilson: *Stops engine*
Red Rose: What's the matter?
Captain Wilson: Something doesn't seem right, I want to check...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
After escaping the sinkhole, Con, and Lola walked towards another town. It was a very long walk, and when they got there, they just took a car, and drove all the way back to the airport.

Con: *Driving car*
Lola: *Looks at bag suivant to her* salut Con?
Con: Yeah?
Lola: Look at what we have here. *Opens bag*
Con: What is it?
Lola: .... I don't believe it. We're rich! Con, we have over fifty grand in here, ou at least I think it's fifty grand. What currency do they use in Australia?
Con: The australian dollar. Each dollar is worth eighty seven cents.
Lola: Oh.
Con: But we've got $43,500.
Lola: That's good....
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the suivant few weeks were filled with lessons and activities of what toi would guess from a school,but no,its not really 'the usual' those activities were like games as the teachers made them so,it was fun and our group mostly got in 1st place,i know my image...but as time with my group and this school passes,my facade seems to weaken each minute...i...i cant stop my smile

"okay class that's how sets and graphs work,now go to your groups cause were going on an activity!" a dit our cheerful Math Teacher,Mrs. Square Quantity

"Yay!!!" the whole class cheered,racing on each of their groups,each leader...
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