Hugh & Lisa Club
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posted by HuddyBea
Hi there Hulis! This is my seconde attempt to a Huli FF. I thought it would be nice if someone told how, allegedly...according to our twisted minds:P things were gone between those two since Dec 2009 and well...hopefully how they'll end *winks winks* before this December (end > meaning: outburst of joy in the Huli world due to a sudden, not so much unexpected coming out :P) So this explains the titre I guess...also a notorious homage to one of the most wonderful Huddy dialogues ever ;) I know, I am being overly optimistic here, but a fangirl can dream right?
Let me know if toi like it...and if my English is understandable enough and not just for some 10-year-old's entertainment XD I am sorry I never partecipate in any's not like I don't like to play, it just takes me time. I did my best, though ;)


December 2009

“It’s not like toi are the most unbiased, objective observer Lizzy..."

Lisa grumbled slightly on the other side of the phone. She raised up straight, seating crossed-legged, throwing away the blanket. Her eyes kept flipping through the pictures, scattering them on the lit surface.

“John, I look awful...There’s noone of these pictures I can afford people spreading around the net. Just look at me..why did I choose that outfit for your party the other night?!” Why had she, indeed? She couldn’t recognize herself in those pics. Something was missing. She looked…off. “We should burn these photos, I am telling you...”

“Oh well, thanks a lot, Miss. Thanks for having kindly decided to “burning me out” of your life, just like that” his tone was jokingly enough to not alarm her she could have offended him.

“You know that’s not what I mean. I did have fun with you, John. Our days together were lovely” Her eyes met the one they took with that puffy chiot they have found that night, on their way to her hotel. John was holding her tightly from her shoulder and he had forgotten to take off his black, square glasses so there was a little reflection covering his eyes. She did like his glasses, though. They were...charming somehow. She had always had a thing for glasses...hasn’t she?

John’s voice stopped her thoughts “That’s all I get? Lovely aand fun? I thought toi would say something like toi had the time of my life with me…that would have made up for the “burning thing” so much better...”
She sighed and the hint of a smile touched her lips when she realized what his problem was “Oh God, why toi Brits are all so incredibly touchy...” Words chocked in her throat and she cut that off mid-sentence. But he was laughing at her on the other side, oblivious to her sudden change of mood.

“Let him who’s without sin cast the first stone....I am not the one who’s planning a bonfire based on pride” his tone sounded, once again, plus amused than critical. “Anyway Lizzy, dear...there’s no such thing like toi being awful. It’s nonsense. toi are the most gorgeous women I have ever met”

She smiled, half-flattered, regaining some cheerfulness “Mmm, you’re not buying me like that, Sir. That’s just a filth lie. I bet toi have dated some perfect, tall, shiny blondie (possibly a model) at least once in your life. No way I am currently towering over your many conquests”

“Ok, maybe one ou two great blondies. But toi are the most glamorous one...” John mobile rang providentially “Hang on Liz, bloody cell...yes?”

Now, how come a woman like her, could still feel her cœur, coeur skipping like that? How come such a stupid word as glamorous had the power to arouse so many emotion inside her? It had been just a stupid remark meant to please her. It has nothing to do with the way things were and would keep staying. Nevertheless, tears start forming into her eyes and she hated that. She did hate herself for that. What was wrong with her tonight? She fought tears back taking in a deep breath.
“Bloody holidays...”she whispered.

John was apparently back not so providentially this time “I see you’re anglicizing your vocabulary, Miss. Edelstein. I am proud of you. I don’t know what holidays have made to you, though, to deserve that...”

“Uhm, John? May I call toi back? Maybe, tomorrow? I..I still have to feed Kaplow and the others and..I...I’d like to look again at my script. toi know I didn’t really have much time to…focus. Been a little bit lazy lately” She was clearly stumbling into her own excuses.
John seemed to have guessed something. A brief pause followed before he answered her, but he didn’t ask her anything “Sure, sure...I am sorry, toi must be tired, of course. I haven’t realized how late it was there. What time is it already? 11? toi probably must be on set at some crazy heure tomorrow. Does the shooting always start so early?”

“No. I mean yes” she was making a mess here “I mean, it’s just 10 here. And NO, I don’t have to be on set before 3 pm actually. And NO, we won’t start the shooting tomorrow, just the reading. And it’s not even the whole crew, most of them are on vacation since last week already" another heart-wrenching pain moment. She hated this. "Just me and David and the writers. It’s a very special episode for my character and they want…WE ALL WANT to be sure I won’t screw this up” But she felt the urge to add something plus to that liste of lame excuses she was coming up with “It’s not your fault, John. I am just…tired, that’s all. I guess I have grown a workaholic…Holidays stress me out. Besides, I was the one who called you, remember?”

He softened his tone “You can call whenever toi want, toi know that. But, toi sure toi want to stay in tonight? Can’t toi go clubbing or...I don’t one of those fashionable parties ou yours? I don’t like the idea of toi being all alone on Friday night”.

She forced herself to deliver a plausible, coherent answer “I do not...feel like…clubbing tonight. I really...I’d rather have a bath, listen to some good music, go to bed….maybe tomorrow” he voice was breaking…so she stopped before he noticed.

“Ok, as toi fancy Madam. I’ll be back to LA suivant week, though, so be ready. First thing I’ll do is montrer toi off around. Everyone needs to see how gorgeous my girl is”

Another tiny, little smile crept on her lips “Slow down, Sir. Who’s the girl of whose, now? toi are running a little bit too fast here, don’t toi think?”.

John’s tone was apologizing but it held all the charm that had drew her to him, in first place “I am sorry, Miss. You’re right. Noone should claim any right on something such as precious and lovely as you. It would be an immense waste for the whole rest of the world"

She spilled a tear unable to restrain them any longer “You’re adorable, as usual. I’ll talk toi tomorrow, then...”

“Goodnight Lizzy”

She waited “John?”



“You’re welcome”.

She curled under the white hand-woven wool blanket, sinking deeper into her bed. It was Friday night. It was Friday night and she was staying accueil all par herself. Kaplow was crouched suivant to her; she stared at his black, little, pacific eyes wishing she might feel like him. Peaceful. There was a time she used to feel that way. It seemed like a lifetime ago. She delicately started to brush his fur. He loved when she tickled lightly behind his ears. “Here he goes again….” Kaplow has rolled on his back and was now asking for more, with the most ecstatic expression stamped on his furry muzzle “Look at you, toi do like snuggles, don’t you?” Suddenly the pain grew back stronger inside her chest and she found herself tracing absentmindedly the line of her lips, lingering onto memories she wasn’t supposed to recall “You’re right, who doesn’t after all?”
Her eyes caught a glimpse of a photo in which John was making funny faces to the camera. He was a great guy. Why wasn’t she giving a real chance to him? He was smart, educated. Great musical tastes….funny, entertaining, polite. He was so charming, so wonderful with her. And still that damn lump in her throat didn’t want to leave her alone. She grasped for some plus air to breath in “Maybe I don’t need to get out at all, what do toi say Kap? Maybe I can just lie here…till they don’t come and force me to go to work” Kaplow kept staring at her with questioning eyes “You’re right, I can’t, it’s insane. I DO NEED to do something with my life. I need to get back on track. I owe it to myself. When did toi get so smart par the way?” Kaplow tilted his head in assent. ou so it looked like, but the moment she thought it through, she frowned her eyebrows “….and when did I get so loony that I need to hear from my own dog that I have to get a life of my own?” She froze abruptly at the awful sound of those latest words and curled even plus tightly, burying herself under the blanket once again.

Early January 2010

Robert had already knocked twice, but no answer had come. He wasn’t planning on waiting any further. “May I come in?” poking his head round the door of the trailer, he cautiously closed it behind him, looking around for a familiar shape. His eyes took a while to adjust to the darkness. Hugh was lying down on the couch, his arms folded behind his head. He was just staring blankly at the ceiling and for what it mattered it looked horrible enough to confirmer his worst fears. He was way worse than when he had left for Christmas: his face looked strained and rather worn-out. He must have Lost weight. The rings under his eyes were definitely and clearly, the worst sign of all: when it came to Hugh, sleep-deprivation was one of the first symptoms one needed to look for. This was a recurrent topic: every time his life went amiss and he couldn’t figure a way to sort out the problem at its core, he used to be insanely inclined to a methodical, self-destructive behaviour.
The best, safest course was usually just avoiding the issue for while, which is why he opted for a casual, chatty, half-teasing tone first, “You think there’s any chance toi gonna get out of here in real time? toi DO have no half measures” the teasing strategy might have worked. Maybe. “I knew you’d go whole hog after your latest time-off...You’re boringly predictable sometimes.“ No mood change so far. Not a flinch ou the hint of smile. Nor even a sarcastic half-arched eyebrow. He headed to the min-bar counter, where he found some magazines scattered around and picked up one, flipping through its pages absentmindedly, while resuming his argument “I bet. Must have been a relief that toi have not been the one working crazy hours, for once last time...”

Hugh turned his head slowly, eyeing him up suspiciously “It’s dark in here Robert. No light. So don’t pretend you’re lire that, please. Just say whatever you’ve come here for”

He was puzzled “I have...I have no reason to be here for”. What was he expecting him to be there for?

Hugh snorted sceptical “You don’t?”

“Not really, no” Hugh fell into silence once again. He decided to try his ultimate weapon, mentioning the only name that has usually been able to cheer him up instantly “Lisa just came back from her trip par the way. She is on set right now. Just arrived....”Hugh had kept staring at the ceiling all along, wearing an unreadable expression, but he could swear he had seen him flinch at Lisa’s name. Maybe he had just broken the mur of silence “By the way” he added pinching his voice higher ever so slightly “I saw some bits from her episode and toi two..oh boys, toi two did the hell of a job together the other day. Have toi get a chance a have a look to that?” Still dead silence. “Well, toi should see her in her solo scenes too. She is truly amazing. She has handled that wonderfully…”he tried to lift his mood pulling his leg a little bit “You know, it’s nice for once, having toi forced to take a backseat.”

He was still lingering over that amazing but something wringed inside him when the full meaning of Rob’s latest remark hit him and a mix of a feeling of anger, jealousy and regret arouse in his chest along with a true heart-wrenching pain that made him snap off all of a sudden.
“You know, Robert, usually people actually wait for the person on the other side of the door to agree for them to come in, before barging in….or so it is still in England. But maybe habits have changed a lot here”. That hadn’t came out sarcastically enough to not be regarded as plain rudeness. That had been harsh to say the least. Why was he jumping on him now?

Robert was plus and plus concerned. Very unlike him. Another bad sign. “Must have left my manners behind me, I guess” he paused and sighed out his worries dropping the façade “Hugh…please. Talk to me...are toi ok?”

Hugh rubbed his eyes with both hands and quickly jumped up on his feet, pointing his blue empty eyes at Robert with a look that could only been described as torn. He sounded exhausted. “Yeah, I am fine, Rob. I am so sorry...I am the one who must have left his manners back in England, apparently. I am just tired, that’s all” Robert gaze lingered upon him and that was making him nervous, so he started searching the room with the only purpose of avoiding his scrutinizing stare.

He wouldn’t have wanted to push it. He knew Hugh well enough to know he needed time to open up. But, on the other hand, experience had taught him it could also have took Hugh forever to actually find the courage to do that. Maybe it was time to opt for a plus subtle approach. He leaned casually onto the marble slab, and was relieved to realize there were no open bottles on it. He knew Hugh wasn’t the type, but still, this time he did look awful “Ok. How were your holidays, then? We didn’t get the chance to….” he almost froze at Hugh’s very unfriendly sideways glance “, after you...” he must have hit a nerve. Hugh has now started pacing back and forth“...came...back from…...London”. This was getting out of control “Hugh, for God’s sake, you’re freaking me out here. What’s with this watch-it-‘cause-I-might-bite-you attitude of yours today. What the hell is going on?”

It felt like for a few secondes Robert’s voice were coming from a very distant place, somewhere else far away from him. That was a very good question, indeed. What had happened to him? Where should he start this from? Yesterday? Christmas holidays? It all had started so much earlier than that time. How was he supposed to explain the mess he had put himself into, since September? Now he was truly fooling himself around. September hadn’t been but the peak of the iceberg. It has been years already. He just had been too stubbornly blind about it.

He inhaled deeply and seated back on the couch, burying his face in his hands. He stood like that for a while, massaging his temples. “It’s over Robert. I screw it up”

Robert frowned, not sure where he was going with that “What...exactly are toi talking about?”

“Everything. My whole life. It’s over” he lifted his face and pointed at him, waiting for a response. The truth was out now. At least for Robert to hear it.

He picked up the hidden meaning of that, indeed, ou so he thought “I am sorry to hear that. I know how much effort toi put into your marriage” This wasn’t exactly coming out of the blue, after all. Since he had known him, he had lived under the impression that he hadn’t exactly been facing his conjugal problems. plus like avoiding them, putting a whole continent in between.

Hugh sighed, annoyed at himself plus than ever “Don’t be. I don’t..deserve it. I didn’t put enough, apparently”. He started playing with his hands, nervously entwining them over and over again.

Robert caught sight of his left one. “You put it off”

Hugh stared down pensive “It’s been a whole week already. It didn’t feel right anymore”

He didn’t know what to say. He wished he could have eased his pain par saying the right thing, but really, which one was? “I know it’s hard….but you’ve been miserable for months already” Actually years would have been a plus appropriate lapse of time to define it, but there was no need to say the plain truth right now “Things weren’t working out the way you’ve planned between toi and Jo. isn’t just fair with us. You’ll get over it one day. toi made your choice a few years ago, and here toi are. She made hers now. And I think she finally made the right call this time”

Hugh rolled his eyes flaring up “Ah! It’s unbelievable! I don’t even get the credit ou the blame for having been the bad guy, for once”
Getting away with it, with all the sufferance and pain he felt responsible to have spread and caused around him, was maybe worse than the fact itself. He took courage and spit it out

He had never seen him that resentful against his own person. Hugh had never acted so He stammered a confused reply “I just assumed she was the one who...”

“She didn’t”

Silence grew deeper as Robert started processing and quickly connected it all together, doing the math. Jo hasn’t be the one to take a stand on their marriage. He was. “You left her”

“I did”

“Well, toi did the right thing too” He was trying to be reassuring, but the light shock in his voice was betraying him. He knew Hugh wasn’t happy in his marriage, but still the idea he had been actually able to go for a change and run the risk was…..he just hasn’t seen this coming.

“You make it sound like it’s not that right anymore, since it has actually comes from me. But maybe you’re right. I am an ass.”

“That’s not why I was thinking Hugh. I am not...judging you. toi know that. I am just surprised. It’s actually a good thing you’ve been the one making this call. It was no use letting life deciding for toi anymore”

“I know”

He didn’t look relieved par his support, though “Is that why you’re angry at yourself? Because toi actually had the courage to go for it? Is that it? toi feel guilty because toi finally decided toi deserve a chance at happiness? Hugh…listen to me…this is just..”

But Hugh shushed him with one firm hand not standing him to go on with this sympathetic attitude any longer. This was making him feel like crap even more. “No Rob. toi don’t get it. I have no chance at happiness right now. toi haven’t listened to me. It’s over” And then he lifted his eyes, and the glow Robert had spotted so often during this six years inside them was now missing plus than ever. He had been chronically depressed once, but he couldn’t recall his eyes having been so empty, with no spark of hope at all.

It stroke him suddenly “Lisa...”

“I see toi got that, finally”

He was missing something here. Why was he so depressed if...might it just be guilt? Why wasn’t Lisa with him? Why hadn’t she tell anything earlier this morning? She had looked...ok on set this morning, but...shouldn’t she have been like glowing all over? The two of them have been dancing around each other for years...
Hugh haven’t even paid attention to him “You see?” he kept on “Surprise, surprise!!! I am not that selfless after all” he looked like being disgusted at himself “I just destroyed my marriage, turned my back at my family and I am not even grieving on them already”

Saying that Robert felt immensely sorry for him wouldn’t have even conveyed a thousandth of the pain he was feeling in watching him like this. “Hugh, you’re only human. And we both know Lisa has been so much plus than just a crush for you. What toi two had….it has always been special. This summer….that wasn’t just a fling. We all know that. You’ve been dragged to each other since jour one. I don’t even know how toi managed to wait so long before actually fell for it” But Hugh wasn’t reacting to that either “Does she know toi left Jo?”

He pursed his lips staring down at his bare left hand. “Yes, she does. I told her. Yesterday. I went straight to her accueil like an idiot”

There was a pinch of something else in his tone now, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on yet. Something must have gone very wrong anyway.“What did she say? That was..I mean, I know…she didn’t ever ask toi specifically to leave her. Lisa wouldn’t be able to be that selfish not even if she planned to...and toi two are definitely a match on this, whatever toi might argue about it” Hugh snorted, meaning he clearly disagreed on that.“...but, I was under the impression that the reason she decided to put an end to your…thing, this fall was your...”

He cut him off “My situation is no longer the issue”

“Wait a minute” This was getting messy and messy. He had no clue whatsoever what he was talking about “You Lost me. I had understood things have changed between the two of toi after Jo had showed up at the Emmys”

Hugh closed his eyes, breathing in a deep breath. The memory of the way he had behaved at that time was almost unbearable to him. What a coward. ”Yes” he sighed “she told me I was hurting them both way worse than she could possibly stand at that point”

“Well, she also told toi she didn’t want toi to live a life toi wasn’t ready for, just because she was there to support you. She wanted toi to be ready to go for it...‘cause toi actually wanted to.”

“Well, here I am now” But he made it sound as if that wasn't enough anymore.

“I am sorry, but...I don’t understand. What’s the issue now, then?” another long pause. This time Hugh’s prolonged silence was really causing him to lose his patience “Hugh, am I supposed to help toi if toi don’t speak your mind with me, Hugh….talk to me. What. Has. Lisa. Said?”

Hugh leaned vers l'avant, vers l’avant to the edge of the canapé pondering his options. And after a moment in which he was seriously considering the possibility to stand suddenly up and coup de poing the mur this his fist, as in some clichéd and dramatic B movie scene, he quickly reconsidered and just threw his head defencelessly between his legs, instead, dangling it in there back and forth for a while.

“She met someone else”
added by la_nina
I have been wondering for a while whether I should have addressed this to Santa Claus, instead. After some pondering, I started flipping through the pages of my calendar in order to check how long it would take my wishing liste to be delivered to him. toi know, it’s not as simple as it sound dealing with air mail postage delivery times when it comes to Lapland….apparently air communication lines with Italy aren’t that efficient. But, anyway back to the point, I was flipping through the pages of my calendar, right? On a side note, I know, sorry…I l’amour digressing, I have realized almost...
continue reading...
Ok, I am seriously pissed and cœur, coeur broken at the same time.
I think toi know what this spot means to me, (if not you're here for a wrong reason)

Huli spot was supposed to be a place for the crazy fans to go CRAZY!!!
And now... it's just, become something totally different.

I have been to the infamous spot once, maybe twice, but I haven't realized what's been happening there.
It's my fault I didn't see it and told toi anything about it before,
I should have seen it.
I should have *sniffs*

And now, please everyone, please get off that thread.
I don't want FP to take our spot down, it means too much to...
continue reading...
posted by Noeloe
Thx for the reviews and so sorry for the wait!
Because a few plus things have to happen at the Lake before I can write plus Girls, I decided to throw in some... Boys!

This chapter starts after Lisa has called Hugh from the bathroom at the beauty day. Robert has just arrived at Hugh's place...

Chapter 13: Boys!

Hugh smiled as he put his phone in his pocket again. He really hoped she’d like the surprise, because if she didn’t, that would be a real problem… He walked to the door as he had just seen Robert arrive with a cab. ‘Hey!’, Robert said. ‘Hey! Where’s your car?’, Hugh asked....
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posted by tabbyhearts
Here's a little story I wrote on Twitter while spreading the Huli love. It's a little cheesy but who cares?

Once upon a time, there was a man named Hugh, who was unhappily married to a woman named Jo. One day, this Hugh met a woman named Lisa and right away, he knew what he felt for her was wrong. It was an instant connection between him and her. Lisa could make him smile and laugh no matter what. Nut he was unhappy because he loved her plus than anything. One night, he told her the truth and was pleased to learn that she felt the same. Though now, they refuse to admit it, they are head over heels in l’amour with each other and are having a secret l’amour affair. Not even Jo knows how happy Lisa truly makes Hugh. One day, Hugh will divorce Jo and marry Lisa. THE END. ♥

Feel free to also follow me on Twitter! (link I protect my tweets, but if I can tell you're a Huli/Huddy/House fan then I'll add you. :D
added by karenpoland
Source: cuddelstein,
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
posted by LisaLover
It was a sunny, Monday afternoon.
Hugh has just finished his first jour at work on the set of the sixth season of House MD. His family was still living in England, Robert Sean Leonard was busy with his newborn child so he had nothing to do after leaving a studio. His first thought was Lisa, but he didn’t know if she’s already in the country because she was planing a trip to Europe. He decided to go to her accueil anyway, to check if she’s back. He wore his casque and sat on his motorbike.
He was at her place just a few minutes later, walking to the front door. He knocked twice and waited...
continue reading...
posted by huddyislove
toi are so sweet!! :DDD All those reviews!! :DDDD
Gotta l’amour my sinners :))))
oh, btw. Huli Agatha Christie? xDDDDD Ok... xDDDDD
Oh, toi gotta l’amour this chapter...
A new direction....?
Could be.... (:C
But where would it end?
Like I don't know! xDDDDDD
Enjoy! :DDDDD

Once he was finished shooting the scene with Jennifer and Omar in it, George’s shift ended. He knew Lisa would be done in a bit, as the makeup didn’t take forever to be applied.
He didn’t know if he should look for her, considering she wanted to talk. He decided to wait, pretending to do something, that way when she found him,...
continue reading...
posted by huddysmacked
So this chap is meant to be one before the last two… you’ll suffer … And toi will review so that par tomorrow toi get a new chap XDD MDR not really I just liked this chap a lot and well I hope toi like it.. It’s long… And yeah I’m écriture this at 11pm my time and should probably go to sleep but I can’t since tomorrow is my bday!!! So now reviews = a gift for me!!!

I’m trembling. I shouldn’t have done this. I feel so dirty and an awful person. I’m cheating on this guy. I still l’amour Hugh. Why don’t I understand he’s not gonna l’amour me? Rick wakes up. I quickly shut my eyes...
continue reading...
Okay guys, I promised this :DDDDDDD
So tell me what toi make off of it :DDDDDD
Love ya :DDDD

The sun rises. Its rays start to bathe the city in yellow glow. People are slowly waking up in their cozy homes enjoying the first rays of sunshine. The rays travel the whole city until they reach the final house. They hit its windows, they find a way to somehow get through the curtains and fill the bedroom with their glow gently playing on the skin of a woman in the room. Revealing her sitting on a bed, pulling a sheet over her naked body, crying.
A few minutes later the man in her lit opens his eyes...
continue reading...
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
added by estherliquid
Source: HULI
added by estherliquid
Source: estherliquid
posted by HuddyBea
Oh boy 20 days?! XD Well, toi tell me if I'm making this up to toi then *winks winks*

PS I do hope neither Hugh ou Lisa read this stuff, but if toi do guys, just remember you're just, have been, will always be so amazing together that one can't help but hoping and dreaming and wishing that someday, somewhere, somehow a l’amour like this so beautifully messy might indeed exists. It's just a dream. Forgive me for exploiting how wonderful toi look to us.

*stops babbling*

-------------------------------------------------- toi need a reminder *arches brows micheviously*

There was a moment...
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posted by HuddyBea
Finally ready ladies! Enjoy! And crossed your fingers...always ;)


Previously on December/December:

10 March 2010

“Don’t toi dare thinking you’ve gotten yourself out of what you’ve promised me…” she a dit stifling a chuckle but beaming widely with her eyes.
A brilliant smile erupted on his face but this time he bit his lower lip to hold himself back. He had promised himself.
“I would never…”
“You haven’t forgotten right?” she asked teasingly and half-menacing, lifting her gaze up to look at him over her eyelashes.
Someone would...
continue reading...
posted by HuddyBea
Let's try to fill this Huli hole I feel inside my chest. I need news peeps XD Let's try to get to this making out moment as soon as possible :P
Always many, many thanks to @rrennie and @Belle...


Previously on December/December:

5 March 2010

“So we are back to the story of your life…” Robert a dit bitterly “You won’t take the plunge till someone comes along and takes toi par your hand, assuring toi it’s gonna be ok…Two birds with one stone, otherwise it isn’t even worth it ?” he snapped even plus bitterly. He scoffed, making him feel...
continue reading...
posted by HuddyBea
I am not able to think straight at the moment. I am hiperventilating thanks to that french @rrennie said....huge Huli footprint...but anyway, moving on...enjoy ;)

LITTLE EDITING sorry I wasn't functioning earlier :P I really need to thank @rrennie for this chapter, 'cause she truly helped me figuring out a few things...making some useful adjustments :) At risk of sounding like a broken record, she is amazing.
Thanks to @Belle, always. l’amour toi woman!


Previously on December/December:

“Well, at least, I was the one who started it…”...
continue reading...
posted by HuddyBea
Ok, I made it. This editing is exhasperating though :P I am gonna complain to the people in charge about it XD
Here toi go, with the little nice help of @rrennie who provided the language tips (damn irregular verbs) and a sweet, sweet review ;) @Belle who provided a nice moral support. l’amour ya ladies ;)
Now if you'll excuse me, I am DYING TO READ @MAV'S NEW CHAPTER!!! XD


Previously on December/December:

"“I do nice things, nice things happen to me” he a dit spreading his arms open triumphantly “Karma works”
“So you’re paying it forward?”...
continue reading...