Harry Potter vs Twilight Club
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Okay. I know what toi are all thinking. Oh no not another Harry Potter vs. Twilight article but yes I am making one because I can. I just want my opinion to be heard. So first off let me liste the reasons why children, teens and adults can l’amour Harry Potter and the good messages that Harry Potter gets across. Harry Potter first of all teaches people about the very special bond between people called friendship. Harry, Hermione and Ron are a perfect example of friendship. They are all with Harry until the very end like they promised. They risk their lives for each other and even though they fight, like true Friends they always make up in the end. They are always there for each other and that demonstrates a good strong friendship. Harry Potter also demonstrates that toi should be Rebelle and that if toi are determined and have the will power toi can do anything toi set your mind to. Harry Potter shows this bravery through defeating Voldemort. He didn't know if he could do it through out the whole series but he knew he had to and he knew he had to find the strength to do it and in the end he succeeded. Fred and George were determined to start their own joke boutique and they succeeded. Ron was determined to get on the quidditch team and help the team win the game and he succeeded in that too. I also think the relationships the teens have with children is important. All of the adults seem to give all of the children good conseil and offer words of wisdom to them when they need it the most. In Harry Potter the teens respect the adults the way teens should be doing in real life. Harry Potter also shows the battle between good and evil and goes as far as to montrer how the characters became evil, that some strayed from their evil ways to protect their loved ones and that in the end good will always triumph over evil. The Malfoys are evil and everyone will agree to that to some extent. In the end Narcissa Malfoy, worried about her son that she loves so dearly, risks her life par helping Harry Potter fake death just to know that her son is alright. Even Lucius was plus worried about his son than helping Voldemort. They turned good in a way to save their son. Harry Potter has many other themes in which toi can research if toi wish but it teaches people a lot of valuable lessons. The most important lesson of all is l’amour is a powerful emotion and nothing can beat l’amour and that l’amour in a sense is the most powerful weapon toi can have.

Twilight. Yes we do l’amour our vampires and loups garous but the setting and the relationships for this story are to me outrageous. I'm not dissing Twilight at all. I find the livres quite enjoyable but I would not recommend them to young kids as they do not promote a positive message in my opinion. The first would be the whole vampires and loups garous feud. I know that in the end they all sort of get along but for the longest time they just hold a grudge against each other and want to kill each other when they should be getting along. This teaches poor social habits in ways of making Friends and handling your enemies. Kids could get the impression from the book to go threaten people they don't particularly care for and could even end up hurting them from the message the book sends to them. Another is teen pregnancy and teen marriage. Bella cygne gets married before she turns 19 and she's just fresh out of high school when she does get married. This teaches people that it is okay to get married at a young age just because toi think toi l’amour someone. If toi l’amour someone toi will be able to wait a few years to see if your relationship will last instead of being reckless and getting married straight out of high school ou even younger than that. Bella cygne also gets pregnant when she's still a teenager. Sure she's in l’amour and married but what kind of message is Meyer's sending to teens? Go get married and toi can have bébés and it will make everything okay? That isn't the case. In the book it's all a fantasy. It doesn't montrer the difficulties young couples face with teen marriages and pregnancies. The book also shows us unhealthy relationships. Look at how Bella reacted when Edward left her the first time. She vélomoteur, cyclomoteur around forever. She explains that it hurts to be away from him and that is unhealthy. toi need time apart in a good relationship. To not want to live and to feel as if toi are a robot of some sort is unhealthy. She even ditches all of her Friends for Edward and a lot of them don't really care for her anymore par the time she graduates. She spends all of her time with him and cries like a baby when he's gone and he does the same with her. He even wants to be killed because he doesn't want to put her in danger anymore how crazy is that! Then there's the whole l’amour triangle with the main characters. Bella loves both and it kills her to choose just one for the longest time. She plays both of them to her advantage. She even makes out with Jacob when she's with Edward and he doesn't get angry. He should be furious with her for cheating on him! This l’amour triangle goes on for far too long and if she's that sad that she couldn't have them both why is Edward still willing to be with her. Could it be because he's so desperate for a companion that he will accept her loving Jacob too and she loves him almost the same way she loves Edward. Twilight is not a very happy book series. It's very dark and I think that young kids should not be allowed to read it because some of the messages it sends out to them which are not very positive messages at all. Lovesick, obsessed with each other teens that are caught in l’amour triangles and getting married and pregnant when you're still a teen. That's a big red flag in my book.

Sure Twilight has it's delights. Who doesn't l’amour Edward Cullen and Jacob Black and the ever so pessimistic Bella cygne but Harry Potter just sends a clear, positive message to its fans and fans can relate to the relationships and characters in Harry Potter better than the ones in Twilight. toi can agree ou disagree all toi want. As I a dit this is just my opinion.
I don't want to hear about Harry Potter ou any other book right now. I'm not setting this up for a débats about which is better. I just want to know seriously and honestly why toi Twilight fans enjoy lire Twilight. I want to see an actual reason that Twilight is a good book.
If toi don't like Twilight, I don't want to hear toi saying anything bad about it. I just want to know why people like it. Because all the debate's I've seen have no actual reasons. They have HP fans and Twihards going on about which book is better, but not why they like it.
I do actually want respectful débats though. I want to discuss the reasons toi give, but nicely.
If toi can't be respectful of each other's opinions then just don't comment.
And I'm not trying to hate on Twilight, but if I disagree with toi I will débats with you.
I don't know if there are other debate's about this, so I'm sorry if there are, but I didn't look.
I'm just rambling now so let's get onto it!
posted by SuperSnuffles13
I thought of a very wonderful quote. I'm not sure where it came from. I might have read it somewhere before. Maybe it is many citations brought together. Maybe it is entirely of my own creation. I don't know. Anyways, I find it to be very beautiful and thought-provoking...

"Twilight is a children's book poorly disguised as great literature. Harry Potter is great literature poorly disguised as a children's book."

I doubt I wrote it. I'm not capable of coming up with something so witty and beautiful as that.

Allow me to explain what it means. It means that Twilight makes people think it is great literature...
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Because My Taste In livres Is Just That Awesome

It's easy to point out the negatives in the things we don't like. Likewise, it's also easy to point out the positives in those things which we love. Difficult, it is, to accept the positives in that which we hate, and the negatives in that which we enjoy. Today, I would like to point out to toi solely the positives. And it's a good thing I like both things that I intend to praise because otherwise I might find this a difficult endevour to pursue.

In short, I'm gonna tell toi what's good about both HP and Twi. These might seem a bit repetitive to...
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(I didn't include plot, good characters, etc. because those are automatically included)

2. pirates
3. ninjas
4. An awesome pirate/ninja fight
5. Swords (preferably celestial bronze)
6. Closets (for Edward to hide deep inside)
7. giraffes
11. Butterflies
12. Chuck Norris
13. Jet-packs
14. kittens
15. strip poker :D
16. hand lotion
17. Sue Sylvester
18. sherbet
19. 20 basson players :D
21. Jedis
22. Druids :D
24. A monkey called Jeeves who occasionally slaps Bella
25. YOU.
posted by ilovereading
A lot of debates is going on about who would win, if Harry and Edward got in a fight ou duel.
This is understandable since it summerize the whole wizards vs. vampires thing.
I will try to be objective and analize their chances fair.

1.Physical abilitys
Harry is, besides his magic, a human. He trains Quidditch and he is not exactly out of form, but he just doesn`t have what it takes to break trees in half and stop rushing cars. He can die because of wounds.
Edward on the other hand, is incredebly strong and fast (and cold and never eats and we all know what he is - a vampire). He CAN break trees...
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 WTF?! Sparkly vampires?!
WTF?! Sparkly vampires?!
1. A decent plot.
2. A plot.
3. Character death.
4. Quidditch.
5. Voldemort.
6. Bellatrix Lestrange.
7. Severus Snape (The best of all)
8. Hogwarts.
9. Magic.
10. A wand.
11. An all-ages audience.
12. A writer who doesn't make her characters bitches.
13. vampires that don't sparkle.
14. Harry Potter.
15. Hermione Granger.
16. Ron Weasley.
17. The *very awesome* Weasleys.
18. Giants.
19. Broomsticks.
20. Triwizard Tournaments.
21. A lightning-shaped scar on the forehead of the main protagonist.
22. Draco Malfoy.
23. Real werewolves.
24. The Marauders.
25. The Order of the Phoenix.
26. Dumbledore's Army.
27. Death Eaters....
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posted by Renesmee_XD
The article is not mine I only used it cause everyone has always wrote articles aganist Twilight how about Harry Potter now
I finished lire Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows a couple of days back. In my view, the book is much plus tightly written than the last two books. And that itself is a relief. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are much better etched out in Deathly Hallows, and there are quite a bit of surprises, disappointments, revelations.

But when someone asked me today what I thought about it, I replied,...
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Okay so I've been hearing a whole load coming from a whole bunch of people, the majority being females, that Robert Pattison is hot. They say this like it is fact and when someone comes along and says he isn't it's like they don't get it.

They asked, "How is he not hot?" This is a plus formal format of putting it, but I got a whole bunch of responses which were very retarded. Well it has to do with personal preference.

So someone's opinion might clash with another person's opinion. Like how Twilight amoureux think in Twilight all the vampires really are hot. But someone else might come along...
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posted by LilysLittleTwin
Essay Three in my ‘What’s Wrong with Twilight’ ou WWT series, is entitled “Bella is Messed Up”. We will be exploring what is wrong with Bella par examining her choices and actions. I may later test her on a psychoanalysis test.

One, she is pathetically whiny. toi could open any page of a book and find one where she’s whining. TwiFans try to cover this up par pre-bookmark-ing a book at a page with a description of the setting (One of the so very few there are). She always begs Edward to turn her into a vampire, even when he blatantly refuses her pleadings every time.

Two, she is too...
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I don't mean any hate towards non of the series.
I just found it seriously immature how both fans of the series blame eachother.
I went through many sites that are Anti-Twilight
and then I started searching for Anti-HP.
Ofcourse what I have saw was mostly twilight hate.
I find it very,very useless too have this 'debate' about Twilight vs Harry Potter.

As i also read most articles from this spot I have seen that MANY people here truly HATE twilight.
There's nothing wrong with it.
The only problem is that it is invading all the sites.

Most people from...
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seconde part of my review on both of the livres this fanspot is about.

Despite most arguments on how different both series are, they do have many shocking resemblances, specially in the bad message part. I hope that after lire both of this, suivant time a fanpick question of "Which is best" pops up, toi take a minute to consider your answer.

1. If toi have Friends ou people that care about you, there's no need for toi to have skills. Just let them sacrifice themselves.
Explanation: Harry Potter prevails against all perils not because he is a skillful wizard ou because he is smart. He prevails because...
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I know a lot of people think the Cullen family could beat Harry, Ron and Hermione in a battle. I have read both series, and I realize that the Cullens have super speed and super strength. However, I do not think that the Cullens would stand a chance against the Trio.

Let's look back at the battle history of each...

The Cullens:
- They defeated James in the first book. However, there was only one of him and there were five of them, I believe? So that really isn't saying much.

- They defeated a band of immature vampires with no fighting skills in Eclipse. They went in knowing they would win because...
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posted by nati30
 Sorcerer's Stone
Sorcerer's Stone
Ok, a lot of ppl here think Harry Potter is lame and boring and for dorks and is like dungeons and dragons and its for nerds who like to pretend to be wizards after school. Well, those people have not read the books. Of course, I respect everyone's opinion, even if they think twilight is better. But, dont choose before toi read both complete books. I mean Twilight is about two tenagers in love, but there's a catch, one of them is a hot and sexy vampire who sometimes has the urge to drink his lover's blood. That sounds cool right? Now, Harry Potter is about a young boy's battle against the evil...
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added by emilyroxx
posted by HopeEve
ok so I found this stupid person listing all the reasons why twilight is better than twilight. so I replied to every single one. and this is her picture:

1. Robert Pattinson, can toi say HOT? And he's totally sexy when he sparkles!

So? Hotness has absolutely no correlation to jouer la comédie ability. He was also in Harry Potter first.

2. Taylor Lautner, I mean, have toi SEEN those muscles?

NOT HOT. Strange nose, closed up eyes and no jouer la comédie ability. That is just my personal opinion. As I said, hotness has no correlation to jouer la comédie ability.

3. Kristen Stewart. An extremely talented and beautiful actress,...
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added by youknowit101
added by bddh
Source: tumblr
added by bddh
Source: tumblr
added by twilightlover73
Source: Google images
added by KateKicksAss
Source: polyvore.com