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Things toi May Not Know About Frozen.

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Movie Love: 20 Awesome Things toi Didn't Know About 'Frozen'! | YourTango
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
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our favorite movies ever! Breaking the box office record of the sixth highest-grossing movie of all time is just one of this Disney giant's many accolades.
"Let It Go" remains on repeat during our morning commute and we're still pretty upset that talking snowmen don't actually exist. After breaking all kinds of movie and song records,
Before Anna and Elsa hit Broadway, here are 20 things you don't know about this Academy Award-winning movie:
1. They modeled the reindeer, Sven, after Executive Producer John Lasseter\'s dog, Frankie! They actually brought in a real reindeer, but he just stood there and didn\'t move.
2. The crew got to tour Norway as "research" when they were designing the kingdom of Arrendelle. Coolest job ever.
Tangled make a surprise appearance in Frozen! When they open the city gates for Elsa\'s coronation, you can see the couple\'s backs toward the camera.
4. However, there are more Disney theories within the movie. Fans believe that when Elsa and Anna\'s parents left the kingdom, they were en route to Germany for Rapunzel\'s homecoming when their ship sank near Denmark. The second part of the theory is that the boat the parents were on is actually the sunken ship in
The Little Mermaid. Where does The Little Mermaid take place? Denmark, of course. Disney can be so clever with their inter-weaving storylines.
5. Queen Elsa was originally supposed to be a villain. Thankfully they changed the story to make her misunderstood. The movie just wouldn\'t have been the same.
6. They approached Idina Menzel to play Elsa after hearing her audition tape for Rapunzel in
7. Director Chris Buck has worked on animation for other Disney classics including
The Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, Oliver & Company, and The Rescuers Down Under.
8. The animators of the film will watch the voice actors perform their lines in the booth and study the faces they make while they act it out.
Frozen, Jennifer Lee, also wrote the screenplay for Wreck-It Ralph.
10. Did you notice there is a Mickey Mouse stuffed animal on one of the shelves at Wandering Oaken\'s Trading Post?
11. Elsa is the only Disney princess who isn\'t a teenager. Jennifer Lee said that she\'s 21. Anna is 18.
12. Josh Gad improvised most of Olaf\'s lines to make the producers laugh.
13.During the end credits there is a disclaimer about boogers! "The views and opinions expressed by Kristoff in he film that all men eat their own boogers are solely his own and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Walt Disney Company or the filmmakers. Neither The Walt Disney Company nor the filmmakers make any representation of the accuracy any such views and opinions."
Frozen was the first full-length Disney (non-Pixar) movie to win the Golden Globe for Best Animated Feature.
Frozen is the highest-grossing animated film in history beating out Toy Story 3. It has made over $1.07 billion and is still raking in the cash!
16. Jennifer Lee is the first female to direct a full-length Disney animated feature film. She is also the second woman ever to solely write the screenplay for a Disney film since Linda Woolverton wrote
17. The movie is based off of a Hans Christian Anderson story titled
The Snow Queen, which was also the original title of the hit film before they changed it to Frozen.
18. Kristen Bell admitted that it had been a dream of hers to voice a Disney princess. She grew up watching
The Little Mermaid and used to record herself singing all the songs. Like Menzel, Bell also auditioned to play Rapunzel in Tangled.
19. Anna is the only Disney princess to share a duet with the villain character.
20. The composer of the film, Christophe Beck, composed a bunch of movies you love including
Bring it On, Just Married, Hot Tub Time Machine, Date Night, The Hangover Part 2, Crazy, Stupid, Love and lots more.
What's Happening With 'Fifty Shades Of Grey'?
"I look for an interesting supporting part about once a year. That's the most I can manage. Some women can do it and that's fantastic, but I can't. You make choices as a wife and mother, don't you? You can't have it all. I don't care what it looks like," she said in an interview with U.K.’s
, she said, "I'll probably get kicked out of our school for admitting this, but I let Apple stay home yesterday. I just needed to be with her. We went out to lunch, we went to the beauty salon, we were together."
3. Workouts come first because, duh. What\'s your excuse?
"Every woman can make time — every woman — and you can do it with your baby in the room. … There have been countless times where I've worked out with my kids crawling around all over the place. You just make it work, and if it's important to you, it'll be important to them," she said in 2010.
4. Being a working mom is, like, crazy hard. Boo hoo hoo.
"I do feel so guilty and, like, What am I doing? but I also want them to know work is really fun for me — 'Hey, look what I get to do!' As opposed to feeling like, 'Oh, I'm a terrible mother.' Because that really just doesn't get you anywhere. It doesn't get them anywhere," Paltrow said to
5. She\'s not THAT rich and famous—when compared to Bey and Jay.
"The great perk of being their friend is that I have a relationship with people who have similar … I mean, obviously I'm not as famous or as successful as they are, but I do have a life in the public eye and I do sort of have people to walk through life with in that capacity," she said. "They're very kind and loving people and it also means I get to be around their daughter, who I love so freaking much!"
We all laughed when she referred to her split from Chris Martin as "consciously uncoupling." Now, she’s realizing how cuckoo she can be. "It's working, but it is kind of a goofy term," she recently said.
"I had built my life on trying to be all things to all people, and I just couldn't do it anymore," she complained to
"I really had the sense that I wasn't allowed to have needs, and I had to prove my specialness or self-worth by doing all this stuff and taking care of everybody else," she also revealed to
9. Stop complaining and we’ll stop judging. Deal?
"I think we are all genuinely doing our best, it's hard to have children and a career, and all some women seem to do is judge other women's choices," Paltrow said to
, which really got an earful during this interview. "I find that demoralizing and unhelpful."
10. Oh please. This is like comparing apples and oranges.
"I think it's different when you have an office job, because it's routine and, you know, you can do all the stuff in the morning and then you come home in the evening," she said. "When you're shooting a movie, they're like, 'We need you to go to Wisconsin for two weeks,' and then you work 14 hours a day and that part of it is very difficult. I think to have a regular job and be a mom is not as, of course there are challenges, but it's not like being on set."
"As the mommy wars rage on, I am constantly perplexed and amazed by how little slack we cut each other as women," she wrote in a Goop newsletter. "Is it not hard enough to attempt to raise children thoughtfully, while contributing something, or bringing home some (or more) of the bacon? Why do we feel so entitled to opine, often so negatively, on the choices of other women?"
"She's French, so she's teaching them French, and their previous nanny was Spanish, so they're fluent in Spanish."
“I love the English way, which is not as capitalistic as it is in America. People don't talk about work and money; they talk about interesting things at dinner parties. I like living here because I don't tap into the bad side of American psychology, which is 'I'm not achieving enough, I'm not making enough, I'm not at the top of the pile.' It's just kind of like, I am."
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