Anberlin Activity!

laureng114 posted on May 14, 2009 at 01:13AM
As I am writing this the Anberlin spot has 17 fans. It may not seem like many but I think good things can come in small numbers :)
Anyway... I just hope that we can make this club more active. I love this band and plan on spending more time here!

Anberlin 3 réponses

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il y a plus d’un an jhovaj said…
<iframe frameborder="0" width="300" height="290" src="­wid­get­s/m­atc­hup­.ph­p?a­rti­sti­d=2­&qu­ot; scrolling="0" id="fuse-bof2009-widget"><­/if­ram­e&g­t;

il y a plus d’un an jhovaj said…
<iframe src="­wid­get­s/m­atc­hup­.ph­p?a­rti­sti­d=2­&qu­ot; frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="300" height="290"></iframe>
il y a plus d’un an earthangel said…
i LOVE anberlin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what r v missing????????