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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5 fan Theories On Skye’s Identity

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I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Agents Of Shield: 5 fan Theories On Skye's Identity
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
10 Deaths That Would Ruin Game Of Thrones
Doctor Who: 10 Irritating Nu-Who Trends That Need To Die
Agents Of SHIELD: 8 Theories On Skye\'s Parents\' Identity
Agents Of SHIELD is padding out its roster with other superheroes, and core member Skye still has a secret to be told.
One of the ongoing mysteries of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the “real” identity of Skye, especially since being revealed as an 084 (object of unknown origin) in the twelfth episode – the first time the team have heard about an actual person being given that designation. What we do know about her is that she grew up in an orphanage, and doesn’t know who her parents were. This has led to the fans of the show speculating as to her origin and linking her to a variety of superheroes.
Given the reveal of Mike Peterson as Deathlok in the episode T.R.A.C.K.S., it seems that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has decided to up the ante on their superhero quota, having previously avoided including such characters. The difference with Deathlok is that there are several different characters who have previously been known as the character, so adding an additional one in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. isn’t that unusual – but some of the fan expectations for who Skye could be would drastically change the origin stories for each of the characters.
Skye was seriously injured in the same episode as the Deathlok reveal, leading to the team’s investigation of the location where Agent Coulson was revived – and one of the major sources of his resurrection… a bright blue alien corpse which was being milked for a medicinal enzyme. However, it seems that Coulson and Skye’s reaction to the enzyme were subtly different, which has added more fuel to the fire of the fans expectations.
So who is the internet suggesting that Skye could be? Is this some rather clever foreshadowing of Guardians of the Galaxy, or are we seeing the birth of the first original superhero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Read on to find out.
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In this post: Agents of SHIELD • featured • Features • Lists
This article was first posted on March 17, 2014
I\'m a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I\'ve done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.
I doubt its going be be anyone like Spider Woman, Ms Marvel or She Hulk. The fans won’t accept such a massive overhaul of popular characters. Mantis maybe. Another option is Ultra Girl, her origin is vague but she’s some kind of Kree mutant or Kree human hybrid. She obscure, so people wouldn’t care too much about her origin being changed. Plus she kinda looks like Skye.
Honestly though I don’t think she’s going be be any established character, but an original one with links to something (alien race, organisation, dimension etc) that will make fans excited
I agree – I have doubts that she would be any character that has already had a comic book. But I do suspect some sort of Guardians tie in though.
I’ve been saying Ultra Girl for a while, if she was going to be an existing character it made most sense. UG’s origin is vague other than Kree hidden to guide/mentor her and she doesnt start off with powers, she develops them as she needs them. don’t be surprised if Skye gets hurt in an upcoming episode and exhibits superhuman healing now. Some of her abilities are easy to pull off on TV like her vision ability to see if some one is a human, machine, mutant…
Also with Shield down and Hydra out there I would think this would be an opportunity to bring in the SHRA and register supers (maybe incorporated into A:AoU) and Initiative to begin which included UG
Literally none of these make sense, This article is retarded
Hey, none of these are my ideas – as the title says it’s the fan theories on who Skye is. I’m simply presenting the arguments for each in one neat bundle.
Wouldn’t a Skrull make more sense though?
Who cares if it makes sense. Still interesting read. But I think it’ll be less spectacular. And I doubt the Guardians tie-in, although I hope for it.
Marvel Studios only partly owns the rights to use the Skrulls so they are in a gray area.
I really want her as Mantis! I actually thought she might be Spider-Woman too for awhile, but I don’t think fans would like such a big change because she’s really popular in the comics. But ooohh I hope she’s Mantis.
Mantis is certainly the one out of the list that fits best. You’d think that She-Hulk and Jessica Drew would get introduced in the Defenders TV shows.
GH stands for guest house dammit, thats what the secret bunker was called, Guest House
Why do you keep calling it a “corpse”? I don’t think that has been revealed. Marvel does have various immortals in their back catalog, some of whom can be injured but not killed, and, at least, one of whom has the initials GH.
Well that is some presumption on my part – but I take your point, it was in one of those suspension chambers that had been seen in previous episodes.
more importantly why do most people keep ASSUMING – the blue half-body – is an alien … there is another possibility – … the story is going to lead to the introduction of the High Evolutionary .. which also leads to the origins of Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver and then ALSO can tie into either the Inhumans and/ or … THEN get to aliens ….
Garrett mentioned – underground … Raina mentioned monsters .. there is something before aliens
She won’t be anyone that’s going to make it into one of the films she’s such an unlikable character and one of the main reasons I stopped watching.
That’s a shame, she’s easily become one of the most quick and clever characters on the show, especially in these last few episodes with Ward.
I’m gonna have to send this to Steve Englehart, the creator of Mantis, and see what he thinks.
Personally, I wouldnt mind having mantis on the show but she’d NEED to be vietnamese like she is in the comics, and as for her being pyrokinetic etc… thats ignorant writers not knowing who the character is… mantis is NOT telepathic nor pyrokinetic in the least.. she is empathic and her telepathy is LIMITED to communicating with plant life and the cotati ONLY. and she is NOT kree at all! Her father is German and her mother is vietnamese.. she was trained in the martial arts by a pacifistic sect of the kree called the priests of pama and they wiped her memories after she completed her training, but thats as close to kree as she will EVER be!
the only problem with skye being mantis is that mantis has full control of her bodily functions, meaning that she would be able to heal herself a lot quicker than a normal human could, simply by force of will… skye was damned near DEAD in that episode, that would NEVER have happened to mantis at all.
if anything, i woulda rather had the actress playing Melinda May portraty mantis… she’s got the “act” down pat. THAT’S the way mantis should act, plus there’s the “kicker” of mantis’ distinctive speech pattern… always referring to herself as “she” “her” or “this one”… thats what sets her apart from the other females, and 99% of the other marvel characters.
See when you explain it like that, it probably wouldn’t be a particularly effective choice on Agents of Shield. Although you have a point – perhaps this might be a big old distraction to stop us from realising that May is Mantis.
This is not really a stretch, when you look at the actress Chloe Bennet, just based on her physical features she could be of asian decent. In point of fact after doing a little research we find out she was born Chloe Wang to a Chinese father and American mother.
I’d like to see her be some Skrull/Kree hybrid or something like that. Although, I did have a passing thought that they might try to make her some sort of Asgardian offspring. Now, we’ll just have to wait and see what comes.
It was certainly interesting to see Lady Sif make an appearance – and interesting that she shared no scenes with Skye at all. Perhaps that would be because she would recognise Skye as soon as she saw her.
Like my Okami/Kasha prediction…. This could make sense if she turned out to be Wolfsbane and Hrimhari’s daughter. . . . .
Crazy thought what if she’s from another pantheon of “gods” like the Asgardians? What if she’s an Olympian? That would be a curveball.
That certainly would be an interesting way to introduce those characters – and something that the films haven’t touched on at all so far. Very good suggestion.
I’m not sure any of these suggestions fit well enough to be true. I think May knows something more, because she is portrayed as a traitor in the last preview for the next episode. However, Coulsan and Skye seem to have a father-daughter relationship budding. He might know something more, too.
But I’m leaning more toward Skye maybe being Captain America’s daughter (or someone giving her a serum alike the super soldier one, to save her from dying as a baby), having super-soldier DNA, explaining the 084, and why she’d been with SHIELD agents for her whole life. And the timing seems fit, with the movie coming out. It also makes sense with the Captain America/MAoS cross over they have planned.
Really, when would Cap have had time to have a daughter while he was on ice for 60+ years
I honestly think skye is ultra girl. Their background stories are so similar and the fact that Chloe Bennet confirmed the blue body was kree only makes make more sense.
Could she be related to the Deviants from the Eternals frame, they did say her parents were monsters.
Yes, the monsters thing from this week’s episode has opened up an entirely new line of possibilities.
But it could be that Flowers thinks that they were monsters – and the question is, who or what is flowers? Because I’m suspecting that she ain’t human either.
They are really pushing these theories. None of them plausible.
I’m calling it now…… Skye is an Inhuman……… the Kree connections in the story……. parents precevied as “monsters” …… all this talk of evolution and releasing the power with……. the one chick asking Garrett “what will I become”……. maybe they alter the terrigen mist part of the mythos to a slightly different ‘release mechanisim’ more dirrectly connected to the Kree blood…..
oh and this would tie-in to Guardians, since Ronan the Accuser is a Kree Judge in the comics………
The more I see the more I think that the inhuman connection, is the one I think is the better choice. Kree connection explains why she reacted differently, by choosing an inhuman they don’t have to retcon a major hero and have the latitude to create an all new one. It will also allow them to work in the inhumans in the universe to see how they test with folks, Stan Lee has said that an inhumans movie is planned, also it would let them set the stage for Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver without using the word “mutant” to which fox holds the rights.
Well we saw her father from behind – and there appeared to be blood dripping off his hand. We can sure that this mini-reveal will drastically change the theories.
Garrett claims to “feel the unvierse” – and what is Libra’s power? Mmmmm, hint-hint maybe…
While Mantis may have the most common with Skye. I believe her to be the least likely of the 5.
I’ve read up Mantis before, atleast, most of what’s known. I’ve forgotten quite a bit of it, but one of the only things that I remembered about her is that she is a Cosmic Level Marvel character that was, for most of her history, neutral. Mantis wasn’t just a mutant/semi-kree, she was also called a goddess, for a reason. She’s also atleast as powerful as someone like Thor and definitely more powerful than any one of the Avengers @ the height of her power.
Maybe at the peak of her power, but Mantis makes sense. Her summary on the Marvel wiki makes her very underpowered, and would make sense as far as her current “abilities” on the show. If you rewatch certain episodes, there are some coincidences that could be taken as clues. I can’t remember them off the top of my head but a couple are in episode 16 where Coulson needed Skye’s help to find the Clairvoyant, where he commented on her perceptiveness, and in the same episode there was a red herring by Agent May about how it’s just a coincidence that she was paired up by Agent Blake, who was asking her why they were paired together, and if it was because Skye thought they were compatible. There are also other hints through out the show about her being perceptive or empathic, as well as multiple red herrings on “SHIELD’s stance” on “psychics” which includes telepaths, telekinetics, and by relation – empaths. Plus Mantis isn’t in the Guardians film when she’s clearly part of the GotG universe. Maybe Marvel’s waiting to see how the public reacts and accepts Guardians, and if it is a money making success like the other Marvel movies, they’ll extend that into SHIELD’s universe?
Given some of the descriptions of the beings searching for Skye, and given her natural talents and origin stories, I have two guesses that may even intersect if they are creative enough:
1. She is the daughter of Okami and Kasha, and she is their child instead of Wolfsbane’s, since Wolfsbane is primarily an X-Men character and thus may not be available to Marvel Studios.
2. She is Aki. Though, I admit, the idea of them introducing the Zodiac/AIM on top of Hydra seems unlikely; despite the references to AIM in the last two episodes. I think that ship sails with Garrett’s death.
GH clearly stands for Guest House, where They found GH-325. Sorry.
Could it be possible that the died alien where they got the GH blood is in fact that green lantern that died in the movie green lantern??
There is an updated theory article here:
Game Of Thrones: 7 Clues To The True Parentage of Jon Snow
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