Moon OfYomi

fanpopping depuis December 2009

  • Female, 46 years old
  • Chicago, il
  • Favorite TV Show: Ghost Adventures, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Mushishi (and alike shows, anime, fantaisie etc.) I don't really watch much Television.
    Favorite Movie: Don't have one
    Favorite Musician: Cradel of Filth, Nile, Akercocke, Mortemia, Arkona, Falkenbach, Moonsorrow, Finntroll, Therion, Type O Negative, Loreena Mckennett, SarahB.
    Favorite Book or Author: Academic studies on Angels, Demonology and comparative religion, Inyuasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, manga, Anne Rice, Dan Brown and my own works :)
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Mes Clubs

Dedicated Fan in 10 clubs Dedicated (10) Die-Hard Fan in 17 clubs Die-Hard (17) Fanatic in 1 club Fanatic (1)

mon mur

sesshyswind à dit à propos de Sesshomaru
I've begun to clean up a LOT of my old posts and stuff, mainly pics that I posté back in the jour that were never mine... yeah, somehow I feel it's the right thing to do. :/ So if toi happen to notice less happenin material, this is probably why. posté il y a plus d’un an
sesshyswind commenté…
It's all coming down little par little. il y a plus d’un an
AkiraTaifu faîtes-moi des propositions pour my images
(^u^)/ If toi could ride your bike to Mars why would you? posté il y a plus d’un an
sesshyswind commenté…
Nope, I'd prefer the Rocky Mountains ^-^ il y a plus d’un an
BLW faîtes-moi des propositions pour my comments
I am fairly new to fanpop and find toi everywhere regarding Inuyasha. I don't think I've yet to disagree with one of your opinions and just wanted to take a seconde to thank toi for, in some cases having the nerve, to voice them. posté il y a plus d’un an