Janyce Bobbitt

fanpopping depuis July 2011

  • Female, 30 years old
  • Orlando, Florida
  • Favorite TV Show: Anything that has to do with Michael Jackson. I Also Like The Simpsons,Famly Guy,Robot Chicken,Anime,And A Dozen Other Shows シ
    Favorite Movie: This is it, The Wiz, Ghosts,Moonwalker,Captain EO,E.T.,Disney Movies,The BreakfastClub,The Goonies And Alot Others
    Favorite Musician: KOP♛Michael Jackson❤ Janet Jackson❤, Jackson5/Jacksons❤,70's,80's,90's♫Music♪ N*SYNC BackStreetBoys,The BeeGees,Old School Rock&Roll☠✯
    Favorite Book or Author: Here Are The livres That I Have Read ou Currently Reading: Moonwalk, toi Are Not Alone Through A Brothers Eye, My Friend Michael TFIOS❤
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DaniellelovesBB faîtes-moi des propositions pour my images
thanks for adding me.:} posté il y a 11 mois
MJisLove4life commenté…
Your Welcome!!!! :) il y a 10 mois
yorkshire_rose faîtes-moi des propositions pour my answers
Hi, thanks for the add :) posté il y a plus d’un an
MJisLove4life commenté…
Your Welcome!!! :) il y a plus d’un an
PopPixie---- faîtes-moi des propositions pour my images
💖-Have A Beautiful Tuesday Day💎
💖🌸💎💖🌸💎💖🌸💎💖🌸💎 posté il y a plus d’un an