Zim vs. Dib
Zim vs. Dib Wall
afficher les notes du mur de 1-10 à 17

a dit …
since i don't have the internet on my laptop, i can only go on the internet ou wherever saturday and sunday. BAI C bois d'if, if, yew suivant WEEKEND!!!!! XP
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a dit …
WHO IS HOTTER: ZIM ou DIB?! i just felt like saying that cuz i wanted 2 know people's opinion. i think zim is WAYY hotter than dib. but... dib is cute. i mean who couldn't l’amour his big head full of paranormal stuff. (btw: i want to be a paranormal investigator when i grow up to XP)soooo.... WHO?! TELL ME!!! TELL MEEEE!!!!!
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a dit …
Zim is WAYY funnier than Dib will ever be. Srry to all the Dib fans. No hard feelings kay?
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a dit …
I don't know who I like better. I like both, I suppose! :)
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a dit …
Me, zajr, irkenzim123, will DESTROY YOU, DIB!!! mwahahaha
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a dit …
I will destroy Dib. No one can stop me from doing so!
I AM ZIM! DO NOT INVOKE MY WRATH!!!! posté il y a plus d’un an
I AM ZIM! DO NOT INVOKE MY WRATH!!!! posté il y a plus d’un an

a dit …
i honestly adore them both. i mean, look at Dib. how can toi not l’amour that big cute ball of big headedness! and Zim...brilliant,amazing,hawt,irken. its impossible to not l’amour someone like that. their both the best. but im mad at Dib. toi should no better than to attempt to foil the irkens!!
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a dit …
i cant chhose!.....ok i know who im gonna pick......GIR!!!!!! XD
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a dit …
hey- we may get new episodes of invader zim on nick! that means plus zim and dib- i like zim- so go to Google and chercher "Operation Head Pidgeons" to learn plus
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a dit …
i hate u Dib u destroyed the Irkan race and 4 that u will b destroyed and suffer the ultimate price...
All the ZIM fans will crush ur giant,disturbing,paranormal head that will rip off from ur torso. posté il y a plus d’un an
All the ZIM fans will crush ur giant,disturbing,paranormal head that will rip off from ur torso. posté il y a plus d’un an