Yugioh 5ds Club
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added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
added by newworldXD
added by Lulu_Kururugi
added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
posted by Courtneyfan6
(Cut to the hopsital; the duel runners and Carly's car race to the front enterance.The gang arrive at the reception desk.)
Nurse: Oh, Akiza! toi weren't due till two weeks, now, dear. Well, I guess we could try and squeeze toi in somewhere, huh?
Jack: What if is another false alarm again.. (Yusei turns at him sternly).. Oh, right, Akiza's water breaks.
Akiza: Ahhhhhhhh!!!
Yusei: toi okay, Akiza?
Akiza: Get this thing outta me!!!!
Yusei: Okay, Akiza, just relax and breathe.
(Akiza breathing deeply)
Crow: I think she's okay. She's crazy!
Jack: I think toi mean "crazyier".
Akiza: Aaahh!!!!
Carly: Speaking...
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added by Ryuuto013
added by Lulu_Kururugi
added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
(6 weeks later atfer the birth of Yusei and Akiza's daughter, Aurora Destiny Fudo, Team 5D's invites the small gathering at Yusei, Jack and Crow's place. Akiza had started Lost her baby weight, got a job at the fleur boutique and Team 5D's are working on the brand new engine for the seconde WRGP.)
(Now, Akiza is feeding Aurora with some baby formula, Akiza wears the same outfit in episode 152, smiling at her. Aurora has her black hair, steaked with red, has Yusei's blue eyes and has Akiza's skin color.)
Akiza: You're so cute when I feeding you, huh?
Aurora: (cooing)
(Leo and Luna showed up)
Leo: Hey,...
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added by newworldXD
added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
yugioh 5ds episode 80 english subbed
corbeau, corneille
added by irinaguzun