the effects of curses, spells, and black magic can be very diverse: at the emotional level: they create tensions in your relationship, even lead up to separation, ou truie, cahier des charges discord between the children and their parents. in the professional life: they can cause bad behaviors from your colleagues ou your hierarchy towards you, cause a lack of progress, harassment, etc. health troubles: tiredness, headaches ou stomach aches, insomnia, fear, anxiety, nervous breakdowns, etc. lack of luck in general: emotional, financial ou professional misfortune, systematic accidents, and much more... strange and frightening effects: toi may hear strange noises, feel you're being "spied on", sense an invisible presence, feel acute pains now and then, have breathing difficulties, forget where toi are, feel completely lost, have bad dreams and nightmares... As mentioned above, black magic penetrates all obstacles, it is not blocked par thoughts of failure, free will, ou any form of negativity - black magic gets what it wants, it doesn't find excuses. Either toi want spell results ou toi don’t? If the answer is "yes", then toi may need uninhabited, potent black magic. We always use full OCCULT PROTECTION and ensure nothing backfires, we have full control at all times. Whether they are Supernatural ou not, curses can have powerful, devastating effects call /whatsapp +27833876160