Vikings Vladimir Kulich as Erik in VIKINGS! Awesome!

Ashley4VK posted on Feb 05, 2013 at 03:29AM
Look for Vladimir to be an awesome presence in Vikings! In fact, he's likely to command the screen whenever he appears on camera. Those who saw his outstanding performance as the Viking leader Buliwyf in the movie The 13th Warrior will know what I mean. Also as Tiberious in the recent movie Ironclad.
 Look for Vladimir to be an awesome presence in Vikings! In fact, he's likely to command the screen wh

Vikings 2 réponses

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il y a plus d’un an aholic said…
I haven't seen him on screen before but he sure does look grim and hard :) Can't wait to see him in action.
il y a plus d’un an Sinna_Hime_chan said…
Look how striking and BLUE those eyes are!! I never realised.

I wondered about him- some of the actors.

He does indeed command attention and steal some limelight but I did NOT know THAT was HIM~ THAT is Buliwyf? Really? I am so thrilled to know that! I also really liked the 13th Warrior [own it] and really was drawn to many of the viking characters in that movie, they also had some great/epic lines. I am glad someone else has seen that. The Norse men, for the first time, to me, seemed more real and realistic. I see elements transmuted in The Vikings series, but I had nooooooo idea.

Well -now I love BOTH characters from BOTH shows - blown away.
 Look how striking and BLUE those eyes are!! I never realised. I wondered about him- some of the ac
Ashley4VK commented…
Then I also recommend that toi rent/buy "Ironclad" where he plays a major role as Tiberious, leader of a group if Danish mercenaries hired par King John of England to help him defeat a small group of English lords (Brian Cox) and others (James Purefoy) who rightly oppose him. It's available for streaming online at Netflix. Re. I think his blue eyes have been enhanced in that photo to be a bit plus vivid than they actually are, as they have also done with two of the other actors featured in similar promotional photos and other publicity materials. They are blue though, but plus like Blue rather than BLUE. : ) il y a plus d’un an