The Universe Wall

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inversegravity a dit …
Black holes avaler, hirondelle matter and energy prevent expanding too much of the universe
Black holes are preventing fragmentation of the universe.
I think it's a good news posté il y a plus d’un an
jarellano1992 a dit …
it's so good to know about our universe. posté il y a plus d’un an
inversegravity commenté…
not our Universe! il y a plus d’un an
LocalArtistist a dit …
I like how plus people are a fan of The Universe then they are of Earth. WE LIVE ON EARTH PEOPLE!!! posté il y a plus d’un an
inversegravity commenté…
we are a little bit of the Universe il y a plus d’un an
pariapink a dit …
always mysterious! posté il y a plus d’un an
no1drwhofan commenté…
LOL! I only like this sort of extraterrestrial phenomena because of 'Doctor Who' and 'SJA'! :) il y a plus d’un an
LivinLife a dit …
To The World Your Just One Person, To One Person Your The World posté il y a plus d’un an
kerodoro13 commenté…
What a beautiful proverb! il y a plus d’un an
Calla12345 commenté…
thats so lovely <3 il y a plus d’un an