The Last Airbender Club
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added by Ryanne81
added by ClassicalNadia
Filming and production en route to the July 2010 release of the Avatar: The Last Airbender movie is currently in full balançoire, swing (complete with a bunch of licensing deals with toy and publishing companies), as if there isn't any ongoing débats in regards to its controversial casting decisions. So far, no Paramount people has even remotely acknowledged the presence of any controversy, much less bothered to address it.

More than anything, this puts to question whether all the noise that this racist vs. not racist débats has that big a following, ou is it one of those cases where a few outspoken fans...
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added by ZaryaWalker18
added by ZaryaWalker18
added by dithaire-chan
added by Ryanne81
added by ClassicalNadia
added by Ryanne81
added by kataangfan
posted by ClassicalNadia
 M. Night Shyamalan - the writer and producer
M. Night Shyamalan - the writer and producer
Feature film

On January 8, 2007, Paramount Pictures' MTV Films and Nickelodeon films announced that they have signed M. Night Shyamalan to write, direct and produce a trilogy of live-action films based on the series; the first of these films will encompass the main characters' adventures in Book One. The film was in a dispute with James Cameron's film Avatar regarding titre ownership, which resulted in the film being titled The Last Airbender. It is set for release on July 2, 2010. Shyamalan was attracted to the series because of its inspiring martial arts and spiritual theme, after being introduced...
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added by KataraLover
added by khfan12
the last airbender
added by Haley-Lautner
Source: me :)