Les Jonas Brothers Club
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added by Triscia95
added by Triscia95
added by vera_love
added by vera_love
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added by Sazza
Source: http://www.shineon-media.com
added by Sazza
Source: http://www.shineon-media.com
added by Sazza
Source: http://www.shineon-media.com
added by Sazza
Source: http://www.shineon-media.com
added by Sazza
Source: http://www.shineon-media.com
added by Sazza
Source: http://www.shineon-media.com
added by Sazza
Source: http://www.shineon-media.com
added by Sazza
Source: http://www.shineon-media.com
added by Sazza
Source: http://www.shineon-media.com
added by Sazza
Source: http://www.shineon-media.com
posted by jamette006
Chapter One; I. Need. To. Straighten. My. HAIR!!!

A/N: Frankie is 6, Nick is 14, Meredith is 15, Joe is 17, and Kevin is 19.

My name is Meredith Jonas, and my brothers and I are famous. Yay us. Yeah right.

With fame comes consequences, so some would say. Others just gape blankly in envy and vain, wishing desperately for the red carpet. I am ashamed to say that I was a part of the latter group. Only my story wasn't in vain, because it just so happened to be I was on the red carpet.

My brothers and I are in a band. Probably the most famous band in the country at the moment, ou popular, whatever you...
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added by ayseblack