the jackson 3 Wall

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The1listener a dit …
Prince, Paris and Blanket are so wonderful children!!! I feel so sorry for them, that they Lost their father, just because Michael was a brilliant one. I pray every jour that they won´t make such a bad experience again. posté il y a plus d’un an
big smile
nicoleharrison1 a dit …
yea, please add me!!!! :) posté il y a plus d’un an
Sonal_Jackson a dit …
Who all are Michael Jackson fans in here? Please add me :) I'm eager to talk with toi posté il y a plus d’un an
powerpuff123456 a dit …
Paris looks like her mother and Blanket and Prince look like their father! posté il y a plus d’un an
mjjxnlove a dit …
Oh..... the beautiful kids of the world most beautiful man. He always a dit that he wanted at least 11-13 children of his own..... plus than Joe posté il y a plus d’un an
Ameerah_Ham a dit …
They are beautiful kids, just like their daddy:D posté il y a plus d’un an
MJluv4ever commenté…
I agree <3 il y a plus d’un an
lilshie commenté…
i agree .. il y a plus d’un an
Ameerah_Ham commenté…
IKR? :D il y a plus d’un an
mjholic a dit …
PARIS looks like her mother. posté il y a plus d’un an
lilshie commenté…
yea but prince looks like his dad and blanket looks like his dad when hi was kid specially when he smiles il y a plus d’un an
big smile
bglovie a dit …
paris im agirl and im not ga but toi r beautiful posté il y a plus d’un an
lizzy14 a dit …
prince,paris,and blanket look like michael posté il y a plus d’un an
cupcake98 a dit …
posté il y a plus d’un an
dreamingofpeace commenté…
hi il y a plus d’un an
cupcake98 commenté…
what up il y a plus d’un an
MJinmylife commenté…
prince go there?? il y a plus d’un an
lanahatesthis14 a dit …
Guys vote on this too please we want michael winning so vote on here



and here ^ thanks posté il y a plus d’un an
lanahatesthis14 a dit …
vote for mj
link posté il y a plus d’un an
amlijoseph a dit …
all r soooooooooo cuuuuuuuute posté il y a plus d’un an
zombiestars a dit …
one plus jour till the 2nd anniversary. Poor children Prince, Paris, & blanket . Michael is always in their hearts. Their Father, our Idol. It's All about L.O.V.E posté il y a plus d’un an
paaaris a dit …
HI can u visit my new club : link posté il y a plus d’un an
ItsBiebersWorld a dit …
Awww theyre all gawj! Look just like theyre amazing father! posté il y a plus d’un an
stellar4love commenté…
hello dear my name is stellar, i am beautiful loving caring, young girl, i saw your profil today here in ( and became interested to say hi to you. i believe we can click together and make something good out of it, i will like toi to contact me through my private mail address ( this will enable me to montrer toi my picture and tell toi plus about me, i wait to read from toi in my mail box soonest, thanks for your understanding, stellar. il y a plus d’un an
puppycute commenté…
@@ toi know Stellar4love, this place isn't private enough for your email address!!! il y a plus d’un an
GwenHeather commenté…
wow. il y a plus d’un an
MJgirl a dit …
MJ3 I l’amour toi GUYS SO MUCH posté il y a plus d’un an
jorida87 a dit …
I l’amour MPPB posté il y a plus d’un an
Oriada a dit …
I l’amour MPPB forever posté il y a plus d’un an
StephMJJFan a dit …
OMG,Did u see that interveiw they're like us NORMAL
they wanna do big things and Prince was sooo funny.
l’amour toi Jacksons <3 posté il y a plus d’un an
chaimaMJ a dit …
princ ,paris, blanket are verry nice and frandlly juste like there dady and i l’amour theme posté il y a plus d’un an
music4life13 a dit …
Happy 9th birthday blacket :) posté il y a plus d’un an
loveisalways a dit …
i l’amour toi guys and i expecally l’amour prince but i am sorry for the loss of your dad just know that he is in a better place and know he still loves toi and never give up hope and still keep him in your heart! posté il y a plus d’un an
ladyoscar a dit …
rejoindre this club
link posté il y a plus d’un an
ladyoscar a dit …
if u have Facebook account please rejoindre my site that i made 4 prince paris and blanket im sure u 'll l’amour it her is the link
link posté il y a plus d’un an
MileyBandGeek14 a dit …
This club makes me depressed. These poor kids have had a horrible father, the mother doesn't give a damn about them, and they're havin' 2 live w/ the grandparents! Imma pray 4 these kids, cause they need it! Stay strong toi 3! Never give up on hope!!!! posté il y a plus d’un an
lauren_95 commenté…
hater stfu!! michael was an amazing father, prince and paris even said! and they wanted to live with their grandma so stfu! SHAMONE!! il y a plus d’un an
loveisalways commenté…
michael was a good father and he tried to protect and im sure that if he was your dad toi would l’amour him to death like those kids did@@! il y a plus d’un an
The1listener commenté…
I think, toi have never visualized Michael as a father. In my opinion, he was the best one, Prince, Paris and Blanket could have. He raised his children in a wonderful way. Michael should have wrote a book about how toi raise your kids the best way. Please, don´t judge anybody in a bad way, when toi can´t prove it!! il y a plus d’un an
trini_chick a dit …
is this club fun
posté il y a plus d’un an
ripkopmjj commenté…
not really il y a plus d’un an
loveisalways commenté…
nothin to do il y a plus d’un an
StephMJJFan commenté…
i know il y a plus d’un an
big smile
cookiehead101 a dit …
wuv da jackson kids posté il y a plus d’un an
ghabyMJJ a dit …
so cute n_n posté il y a plus d’un an
xPeacegirl commenté…
I l’amour this smile! :)) il y a plus d’un an
StephMJJFan commenté…
i know theyre amazing kids il y a plus d’un an
DonyMPPB a dit …
this club kinda boring posté il y a plus d’un an
barbarag4 a dit …
Iwrote a poem about M.J. Anyone who wants to read it, is welcome. It is on my wall. barbara posté il y a plus d’un an
Maddy64 a dit …
wat up?

posté il y a plus d’un an
lilliana8 commenté…
cute cute nothing much about you? il y a plus d’un an
Maddy64 commenté…
i dont know il y a plus d’un an
awsomegtax commenté…
MDR hi il y a plus d’un an
xPeacegirl a dit …
Heey! posté il y a plus d’un an
ILPJ commenté…
hello il y a plus d’un an
xPeacegirl commenté…
how are uu? il y a plus d’un an
awsomegtax commenté…
hi il y a plus d’un an
xPeacegirl commenté…
heey il y a plus d’un an