Temperance & Angela temperance & angela links
Brennan offers comfort to Angela during the skull in the desert... physical comfort that is.
Femslash. Written for revolos55, prompt "They started out in two sleeping bags. They didn't finish that way (set during season 1, "The Man in the Fallout Shelter")". PG.
Femslash. AU. Angela and Brennan met at a party while they were in college. Inspired par Woman in the Sand (S2E8), and Brennan's character being called Roxie. R.
Temperance struggles to reconcile her best friend becoming her lover, and to overcome her fear of relationships.
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For all femslash pairings and shippers.
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Set after the Season 4 Premiere (Yanks in the UK). Angela has a key to Temperance's apartment, and she goes there to wait for Temperance to come home.
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Angela and Temperance had an affair long ago, and they find themselves drawn back into it.
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Angela and Temperance have a routine when Temperance gets upset. They go to clubs, and pretend they're the kind of Friends who chat about boys. One night, Temperance opens up to Angela and asks her to stay.
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Angela/Temp Fanmix featuring musique par Missy Higgins, Emilie Autumn, Tori Amos, Joss Stone, Jem, Tracy Chapman, Depeche Mode, and Allison Crowe.
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Emily is interviewed par Liz Feldman on AfterEllen, a site for news, reviews & commentary on Lesbian and Bisexual women in Entertainment and the Media.
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