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TDI's Gwen Question

Why do toi like Gwen?

 CourtneyKatara posted il y a plus d’un an
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TDI's Gwen Réponses

sumerjoy11 said:
Gwen reminds me of me!!! She's smart, she's moody, and both of us had the same kind of moment. U know when Heather kissed Trent and then it turned out to be a misunderstanding? Well, I had a moment like that too. At a dance at my school, I requested the song I Knew I Loved toi par Savage Garden. I heard it playing and I was really happy. Then I saw a bunch of kids staring at something. I went to look at what they were staring at. They were staring at my crush slow dancing with my enemy. I was cœur, coeur broken. As soon as I saw him looking at me, I managed to smile a little and gave him a thumbs up. Then I ran off crying. The suivant day, my enemy was montrer off saying that my crush loves her and stuff. I told this to him on aim and he a dit that he was forced to dance with her par two of her friends. He never liked her and he never will. My enemy reminds me of Heather and my crush almost looks like Trent. I still have high hopes that he likes me. Anyway, Gwen and I had similar moments so I felt what she felt. That's why I like Gwen. If Gwen were able to read this, I bet she would be touched. Also, to Gwen, I know how u felt girl!!!
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 Gwen reminds me of me!!! She's smart, she's moody, and both of us had the same kind of moment. U know when Heather kissed Trent and then it turned out to be a misunderstanding? Well, I had a moment like that too. At a dance at my school, I requested the song I Knew I Loved toi par Savage Garden. I heard it playing and I was really happy. Then I saw a bunch of kids staring at something. I went to look at what they were staring at. They were staring at my crush slow dancing with my enemy. I was cœur, coeur broken. As soon as I saw him looking at me, I managed to smile a little and gave him a thumbs up. Then I ran off crying. The suivant day, my enemy was montrer off saying that my crush loves her and stuff. I told this to him on aim and he a dit that he was forced to dance with her par two of her friends. He never liked her and he never will. My enemy reminds me of Heather and my crush almost looks like Trent. I still have high hopes that he likes me. Anyway, Gwen and I had similar moments so I felt what she felt. That's why I like Gwen. If Gwen were able to read this, I bet she would be touched. Also, to Gwen, I know how u felt girl!!!
posted il y a plus d’un an 
dustfinger said:
She's cool and i like the way she dresses. She draws too and stuff
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
dragonrider said:
I like the way she dresses.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Is that all thats kinda sad yall
gwendiamond posted il y a plus d’un an
Blood_Muffins_ said:
Her hair. LOL.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
aiai2503 said:
she diffrent from everyone in tdi
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
duncanxgwen4evr said:
shes cool she draws like me i like the way she dresses umm duh who wouldn't like someone with sarcelle, teal hair!
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
taytrain97 said:
1. Her hair
2. Her bad attitude
3. Her clothes
4. Her totally epic comebacks to Heather (lol)
5. Her creative-ness

And I can't really think of anything else. She's just awesome. xD
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
sahdow802 said:
cuz shes goth hair clothes attitude
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
GwenTrentDude said:
shes a kool character, shes not a fake, shes a goth, how she dresses, how she is, nd her personalitly lol
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 shes a kool character, shes not a fake, shes a goth, how she dresses, how she is, nd her personalitly MDR
posted il y a plus d’un an 
HeartForNoah said:
She reminds me of myself in the following ways:

She has a temper

She's kinda cynical

She's creative and artistic

She's different

She gets creeped out when guys go CRAZY for her

She's awesome lol
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Seastar4374 said:
She is a cool goth girl that is interested in a lot of diffrent things. Alos she likes a calm relaxed kind of boy which I think is a good thing.

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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Karoliuxas said:
Gwen is a cool goth girl and i like her clothes =3
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
gwen_and_duncan said:
she's goth, she's nice, she likes drawing and duncan
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 she's goth, she's nice, she likes drawing and duncan
posted il y a plus d’un an 
huugh said:
I like Gwen because I think she is really outspoken. She is really creative and draws, just like me xD. I think she is really pretty (for a cartoon anyways) and if I was a TDI contestant I would totally be her friend.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
TDM_Duncan_Luvr said:
Everything!!! Exept that she likes trent.
GO D+G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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 Everything!!! Exept that she likes trent. GO D+G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted il y a plus d’un an 
IZlover48 posted il y a plus d’un an
RavenRox2 posted il y a plus d’un an
I like DxG 50%
gwendiamond posted il y a plus d’un an
16Gwen said:
I like Gwen because she inspire me. I l’amour everything in her, she's wholehearted, cool, pretty, strong, athletic, in fashion, cares about others, a very good artist, a fighter, hates Heather (LOL!), make good choices, likes Trent (but he's an IDIOT), have a really beautiful hair and clothes. I l’amour her so much. I make one internet program called "iGwen" just because I l’amour her. Gothics have feelings too!
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 I like Gwen because she inspire me. I l’amour everything in her, she's wholehearted, cool, pretty, strong, athletic, in fashion, cares about others, a very good artist, a fighter, hates Heather (LOL!), make good choices, likes Trent (but he's an IDIOT), have a really beautiful hair and clothes. I l’amour her so much. I make one internet program called "iGwen" just because I l’amour her. Gothics have feelings too!
posted il y a plus d’un an 
I think toi mean Goths have feeelings cuz gothique is Greman for Barbaric
RavenRox2 posted il y a plus d’un an
Cool pic where did u get it?
gwendiamond posted il y a plus d’un an
gwendiamond posted il y a plus d’un an
TDI100 said:
I like gwen because shes alot like me and she has real guts. Im gussing that when Gwen is faced with a problem she shrugs her shouldres and takels it head on .Everybody has a fatel flaw Im gussing Gwens is l’amour she got hurt so bad the time when trent and heather kissed .So all in all Gwen is one cool cuecumber
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Channy101 said:
everhing she does is like who i want 2 be and is meaning she is me and i am her!
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
gwenXtrent4eva said:
When the TDI first started, me and my sister chose people to be. She chose Lindsay (Later changed to Izzy) and I chose Gwen. I'm goth so I can relate to her. Well, I'm goth at times when I wanna be. (Most of the time) I look up to her and I admire her!Don't laugh at me! I know she's a cartoon character but IDC!!!
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
i look up to her too! shes awesome if she was real shed totally be my role model
RavenRox2 posted il y a plus d’un an
she is my role model!!
gwenXtrent4eva posted il y a plus d’un an
mikejoe123 said:
she's hott!
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
kierame2 said:
gwen is smart but not geeky, creative, kind, cool, awesome, calm, hot, pretty and drawing is a fantastic thing to be talented at and she does it but is not tedious she is very socialable and charismatic. she could have won the first season.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
Sonamycutiepie1 said:
She's cool and nice and moody just like me and the way she dresses is cool
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
candy5223 said:
i like her because she iz jus like mii goth cute chic and she goes out wif a hot guy and she has a nice style and she has additude
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 i like her because she iz jus like mii goth cute chic and she goes out wif a hot guy and she has a nice style and she has additude
posted il y a plus d’un an 
soxfan89 said:
BecauseSe's A nice Young Lady And a Great Artist.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
smartone123 said:
Sbes,smart,creatuve,and doesn't take shit from no one.i like her hair 83
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
ilovetdi3598 said:
Gwen is so cute!!
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
i_love_music said:
Because she's smart, sweet, cute and I l’amour EVERYTHING at her:the way she smiles, sneezes, cries, her voice and is honest.
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
noahnstar1616 said:
She's so epic! She actually reminds me of one of my best Friends I had last year. Infact, I called my best friend Gwen for a mois ou so. LOL! XD
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posted il y a plus d’un an 
gwendiamond said:
Gwen reminds me of Me!! Gwen is a cool goth girl,well guess what When i do Roleplay i am a Goth, Gwen in other words.You know how she feels about Trent (in Tdi after that she didn't like him),well that is the same way i feel about someone, in a friendly kind of way.She has a attitude.She is smart.She dresses a cool way.She looks cool.I dress like that (not exactly but sort of like her).I l’amour the way that she can. She just throws things away if she doesn't need them anymore (that sentence was a figure of speech).I l’amour her attitude,looks,coolness.

Do toi know what i am about to say.

Have toi got it now.

what about now.

it is

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posted il y a plus d’un an 
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