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5. Nightwish

I really enjoy Nightwish because the band has always had this very dreamy feel to it. It very much appeals to my jour dreamer's soul. Any band that can spark my imagination earns a spot in my haut, retour au début five. With that in mind they are also very lyrically unique in my opinion. Most every word is so enchanting, hence my l’amour for the Imaginarium album.

Each and every one of the vocalists of Nightwish has held a place in my heard for different reasons. Tarja has such a powerful and memorable voice. Her operatic vocals gave me an appreciation for opera in general. I think Tarja has a...
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posted by zanhar1
In this chapter we'll get some new characters; Cadaveria of Cadaveria. Tuomas Holopainen of Nightwish. Sonya Scarlett of Theatres Des vampires (OMG I wonder what creature she'll be!!!1!! :D :D :D). morgan Lacroix from Mandragora Scream. And Manuella Kraller from Xandria. And mentioned but not appearing is Zuberoa Aznárez from Diabulus in Musica.

Louder and louder still, the chatter grew in volume. And then Sharon saw them; she first only caught the faint glow of their lanterns peeking through the dense trees and thickets.

Sharon released a sigh of relief. Lanterns meant humans. Humans meant...
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This was actually super hard to put together for me because there are just so many good songs. There are so many smaller Symphonic Metal bands that I also love, but some of them didn't make it on the liste because, well I just l’amour so many songs. That said, I tried not to dominate this liste with Within Temptation songs.

1. Within Temptation - Our Farewell
2. Within Temptation - Jillian
3. Within Temptation - Mother Earth
4. Within Temptation - Jane Doe
5. Within Temptation - Ice Queen
6. Within Temptation - Stairway To The Sky
7. Within Temptation - What Have toi Done
8. Within Temptation - Middle Of...
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Most people know that I l’amour Within Temptation but I don't think I've really stated why, so I decided to type an article on it.

First and foremost, Sharon. I l’amour Sharon so much. She just seems like such a lovely person and she's so adorable. And her stage presence is amazing and very energetic. She seems just as excited to be on the stage as we are to be in the crowd. I also really admire the fact that she a dit she'd never go nude to break into the American market. Sharon is just the best.

In relation to energetic performances; they are awesome live. I haven't gotten a chance to see them live...
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First and formost I should probably lay down the ‘cast’ so far. In this chapter of the fic the singers involved include: Chrigel Glanzmann, Merlin Sutter, Ivo Henzi, Patrick Kistler, Rafael Salzmann, & Meri Tadić of Eluveitie. Sonya Scarlett & Alessandro Nunziati of Theatres Des Vampires. Cadaveria & Marcelo Santos of Cadaveria. morgan Lacroix of Mandragora Scream. charlotte Wessles of Delain and Loreena McKennitt.
The fic is essentially going to be fantaisie themed and will include not just Symphonic Metal bands but also Folk and Black Metal bands as well.
And before anyone asks,...
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posted by zanhar1
Normally Sharon wouldn't have minded some alone time out in the forest--especially one with such a splendid view. But the idea of being alone with a storm in the forecast and the night already closed in, well that wasn't quite as appealing to say the very least. And even less so was the thought of facing whatever beings made up the forest's nightlife.

Just as that thought crept in came a snap of a twig from somewhere in the black of the forest. Somewhere behind her.

Sharon whipped her head in that direction.

"Sorry to startle you." Rafael emerged with his hands up.

Sharon released the breath...
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This article is not par me, I found it on metal par deathbringer.

Finland's NIGHTWISH have posté the following message on the band's official website:

Dear Tarja,

It's time to choose whether the story of NIGHTWISH ends here ou whether it will still continue an undetermined period of time. We've been working with this creation for 9 years and we are not ready to give up yet. Nightwish is a way of life, something to live for, and we're certain we can't let it go.

Equally certain is the fact that we cannot go on with toi and Marcelo any longer. During the last an something sad happened,...
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First they announced their own festival and now they won a prize. Everything in the same week.

Epica wrote on their official Facebook page:

"This fall we will host our first ever festival, Epic Metal Fest.
It will take place on the 22nd November at "Klokgebouw" in the Netherlands. It will see EPICA headline and joined par some killer befriended bands: Eluveitie, Fear Factory Moonspellofficialband, Delain, Periphery and plus bands to be announced.
Tickets and early bird bundles are available from; link
plus bands to be announced soon."

Well done Epica. Well done.

Also the band wrote on their official Instagram page:

"#Honoured! Today we received the #Buma Rocks export award for the Dutch band with the most success abroad. #epica #epicalive "

If toi know anymore let me know and I can add them.

1. Within Temptation

2. Adastreia

3. Amaranthe

4. Amberian Dawn

5. Haggard

6. Eluveitie (more of a folk metal band)

7. Ancient Bards

8. Sins of thy Beloved

9. Angtoria

10. Arven

11. Aythis

12. Edenbridge

13. Cinnamun Beloved

14. Coronatus

15.Cradle of Filth

16. Crysalys

17. Delain

18 . Dharma

19. Dreamside

20. Dunwich

21. Echos of Eternity

22. Flowing Tears

23. Epica

24. Iced Earth

25. Indica

26. Instanzia

27. Katra

28. Krypteria

29. Lacuna Coil

30. Leaves Eyes

31. Liv Moon

32. Macbeth

33. Magica

34. Mandragora Scream

35. The Moon and the Nightspirit

36. Mortal l’amour (this one...
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posted by zanhar1
Sharon's whole body tensed at the exposure of the woman's sharpened canines drawing closer and closer yet.

"It's about time toi return to the Hell from which toi were spawned." Scowled a voice from somewhere within the trees.

Madame Scarlet snapped her head in the direction of the voice with a hiss. Her fangs jutting out even further. Further than Sharon thought possible.

A bolt of purple electricity sailed between the trees--it's sender leaping out right alongside it. Her long silvery hair blowing about wildly in the wind.

"Morgan Lacroix..." Madame Scarlet muttered. It was a the kind of murmur...
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Whilst typing my haut, retour au début 25 songs articles I decided I wanted to do a plus in depth interpretation of a few of the songs on the list. (One of which being Our Farewell). The lyrics well be in italics and the interpretations left in standard text. I do hope to continue these, that a dit I think some songs will have plus clear messages than others--some songs will be plus heavy on personal interpretation as opposed to being so clear cut.

Overall I think this song is about the passing of a loved one. So if toi are not comfy with discussions of death/suicide I wouldn't read on/. I also think it could...
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